High-Performance Fibres by J W S Hearle


High-Performance Fibres
by J W S Hearle

High-Performance Fibres


List of contributors ix
1 Introduction 1
j w s hearle
1.1 A new generation of fibres 1
1.2 Molecular dimensionality 4
1.3 Contrasting mechanical properties 9
1.4 Economics 16
References 21
2 Aramids 23
s rebouillat
2.1 Introduction 23
2.2 Polymer preparation 24
2.3 Spinning 29
2.4 Structure and properties 36
2.5 Applications 48
2.6 Acknowledgements 58
References 58
3 Gel-spun high-performance polyethylene fibres 62
j l j van dingenen
3.1 Introduction 62
3.2 Manufacture 62
3.3 Fibre characteristics 68
3.4 Properties 69
3.5 Yarn and fabric processing 80
3.6 Applications 85
References 92
4 Other high modulus-high tenacity (HM-HT)
fibres from linear polymers 93
d beers, r j young, c l so, d j sikkema,
k e perepelkin and g weedon
4.1 Melt-spun wholly aromatic polyester 93
4.2 PBO and related polymers 101
4.3 PIPD or ‘M5’ rigid-rod polymer 108
4.4 Russian aromatic fibres 115
4.5 Solid-state extrusion high-molecular weight polyethylene
fibres 132
References 144
5 Carbon fibres 156
j g lavin
5.1 Introduction 156
5.2 Physical properties 157
5.3 PAN-based carbon fibres 162
5.4 Pitch-based carbon fibres 165
5.5 Vapour-grown carbon fibres 183
5.6 Carbon nanotubes 185
5.7 Applications 187
References 188
6 Glass fibres 191
f r jones
6.1 Introduction 191
6.2 Glass for fibres 196
6.3 Fibre manufacture 201
6.4 Fibre finish 204
6.5 Glass fibre properties 213
6.6 Fibre assemblies 219
6.7 Composites 224
6.8 Design of fibre glass composites 233
6.9 Conclusions 234
6.10 Acknowledgements 235
References 235
7 Ceramic fibres 239
a r bunsell and m-h berger
7.1 Introduction 239
7.2 Silicon carbide-based fibres 240
7.3 Other non-oxide fibres 247
7.4 Alumina-based fibres 248
7.5 Other polycrystalline oxide fibres 255
7.6 Single-crystal oxide fibres 255
7.7 Conclusions 255
References 256
8 Chemically resistant fibres 259
a r horrocks and b mcintosh
8.1 Introduction 259
8.2 Chlorinated fibres: PVDC 260
8.3 Fluorinated fibres: PTFE, PVF, PVDF and FEP 261
8.4 Poly(etheretherketones): PEEK 267
8.5 Poly(phenylene sulphide), PPS 274
8.6 Poly(ether imide), PEI 277
8.7 Others 278
References 279
9 Thermally resistant fibres 281
a r horrocks, h eichhorn, h schwaenke,
n saville and c thomas
9.1 Introduction 281
9.2 Thermosets 282
9.3 Aromatic polyamides and polyarimids 292
9.4 Semi-carbon fibres: oxidised acrylics 301
9.5 Polybenzimidazole, PBI 310
9.6 Polybenzoxazoles, PBO 318
9.7 Final comments 319
References 322
Appendix: Quantities and units 325
Index 327

Chapter 1: Introduction
Professor John Hearle, The Old Vicarage, Church Road,
Mellor, Stockport SK6 5LX, UK
Chapter 2: Aramids
Dr Serge Rebouillat, DuPont de Nemours Int. SA, 2,
Chemin du Pavillon, PO Box 50, CH-1218 Le Grand-
Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland
Chapter 3: Gel-spun high-performance polyethylene fibres
Dr Jan L J van Dingenen, DSM High Performance Fibres,
Eisterweg 3, 6422, PN Heerlen, The Netherlands
Chapter 4: Other high modulus-high tenacity (HM-HT) polymer fibres
Dr David Beers, 8115 Prince George Road, Charlotte,
NC 28210, USA
Professor Robert Young and C L So, Materials Science
Centre, UMIST, Manchester M60 1QD, UK
Professor Dr Doetze Sikkema, Magellan Systems International
PO Box 9300, 6800 SB Arnhem, The Netherlands
Professor Kirill Perepelkin, Materials Science Department,
St Petersburg State University of Technology and Design,
Bkl’shaya Morskaya Str., 18, Saint-Petersburg 191186, Russia
Mr Gene Weedon, 4919 Waycrest Terrace, Richmond,
Virginia 23234, USA
Tel. and Fax: 804 271 0259
Chapter 5: Carbon fibres
Dr J G Lavin, Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc,
16200 Park Row, Houston, TX 77084, USA
Chapter 6: Glass fibres
Professor F R Jones, Department of Engineering
Materials, University of Sheffield, Sir Robert Hadfield
Building, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK
Chapter 7: Ceramic fibres
Professor Anthony Bunsell and Dr M-H Berger, Ecole des
Mines de Paris, Centre des Materiaux, BP 87, Evry, Cedex
91003, France
Chapter 8: Chemically resistant fibres
Professor A R Horrocks, Director of Research, Bolton
Institute, Deane Road, Bolton BL3 5AB, UK
Mr Bruce McIntosh, Zyex Ltd., Stonedale Road, Oldend
Lane Industrial Estate, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire
GL10 3RQ, UK

Chapter 9: Thermally resistant fibres
Professor A R Horrocks, Director of Research, Bolton
Institute, Deane Road, Bolton BL3 5AB, UK
Dr H Eichhorn, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, KF – E100,
67056 Ludswighafen, Germany
Mr Hasso Schwaenke, Kynol Europa GmbH, Hochallee 11,
20149 Hamburg, Germany
Mr Neil Saville, N and M A Saville Associates, 40, Penn
Drive, Liversedge,West Yorks WF15 8DB, UK
Mr Charles Thomas, Celanese Acetate, PO Box 32414,
Charlotte, NC 28232-4500, USA

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