Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies


Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies
Edited by W. K. Wong and Z. X. Guo

Fashion supply chain


Contributor contact details ix
Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles xiii
1 The role of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in the textiles and fashion supply chain: an overview 1
W. K. W ONG , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong and Z. X. G UO , Sichuan University, China
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 From barcode to RFID technology 2
1.3 Comparing barcode and RFID technologies 4
1.4 RFID technology 4
1.5 RFID applications in the fashion supply chain 9
1.6 References 11
2 The role of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in improving distribution and retail operations in the fashion supply chain 13
University of Parma, Italy
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Assessing the feasibility of using RFID technology:
process reengineering 15
2.3 Assessing the feasibility of using RFID technology: profitability analysis 28
2.4 Using RFID technology in practice: the RFID Fashion Pilot (RFP) project 33
2.5 Sources of further information and advice 39
2.6 Acknowledgements 39
2.7 References 40
3 The role of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in improving process management and product tracking in the textiles and fashion supply chain 42
S. G. A ZEVEDO , University of Beira Interior, Portugal and
P. P RATA and P. F AZENDEIRO , Instituto de Telecomunicaҫões, Portugal
3.1 Introduction 42
3.2 Using RFID technology in supply chains: an overview 44
3.3 The use of RFID technology in fashion and textile supply chains (FTSC) 46
3.4 Using RFID technology in practice: the use of case studies 51
3.5 Case studies in the use of RFID technology: background and results 52
3.6 Conclusion 64
3.7 Acknowledgement 65
3.8 References 65
4 The role of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in improving garment manufacturing operations 70
E. W. T. N GAI , D. C. K. C HAU , J. K. L. P OON , A. Y. M. C HAN ,
B. C. M. C HAN and W. W. S. W U , The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong
4.1 Introduction 70
4.2 The business value of RFID technology in garment manufacturing operations 71
4.3 Using RFID technology in garment manufacture: a case study 74
4.4 Implementing an RFID-based manufacturing process management system 76
4.5 Assessing the effectiveness of RFID technology: data collection and analysis 81
4.6 The business value of the RFID-based manufacturing process management system 82
4.7 Factors in successful implementation of an
RFID-based manufacturing process management system 86
4.8 Lessons learned from the case study 90
4.9 Conclusion 95
4.10 Acknowledgements 96
4.11 References 96
5 The role of radio frequency identifi cation (RFID) technologies in improving garment assembly line operations 99
Z. X. G UO , Sichuan University, China and W. K. W ONG ,
S. Y. S. L EUNG , J. T. F AN and S. F. C HAN , The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
5.1 Introduction 99
5.2 Key issues in developing fl exible assembly lines (FALs) 100
5.3 Modelling fl exible assembly lines (FALs) 103
5.4 Intelligent decision support system for production control on fl exible assembly lines (FALs) 106
5.5 Testing the effectiveness of the intelligent production control decision support (PCDS) system 111
5.6 Conclusion 121
5.7 Acknowledgement 123
5.8 References 123
6 Improving order allocation in fashion supply chains using radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies 126
M. T EUCKE and B. S CHOLZ-REITER , University of Bremen, Germany
6.1 Introduction 126
6.2 Production and distribution in the European apparel industry 127
6.3 Order and delivery models of apparel products 130
6.4 Warehouse- based versus fl exible garment distribution forms 134
6.5 Use of RFID technology for garment allocation to fulfil customer orders 139
6.6 Software support for garment allocation 147
6.7 The benefits of using RFID technology 149
6.8 Conclusion and future trends 153
6.9 Sources of further information and advice 154
6.10 Acknowledgement 154
6.11 References 155
7 Intelligent apparel product cross- selling using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for fashion retailing 159
W. K. W ONG and S. Y. S. L EUNG , The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong, Z. X. G UO , Sichuan University, China and
Z. H. ZENG and P. Y. MOK, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong
7.1 Introduction 159
7.2 RFID-enabled Smart Dressing System (SDS) 163
7.3 Intelligent Product Cross- selling System (IPCS) 166
7.4 Implementation of the RFID-enabled SDS and IPCS 174
7.5 Evaluation of the RFID-enabled SDS 178
7.6 Assessing the role of RFID technology in fashion retailing 181
7.7 Conclusion 182
7.8 Acknowledgement 184
7.9 Notes 184
7.10 References 184
8 Measuring the impact of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in improving
the efficiency of the textile supply chain 187
A. L UI and C. K. Y. L O , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong
8.1 Introduction 187
8.2 Methodology 189
8.3 Industry distribution of RFID adoption in
North America 190
8.4 Comparison of clothing and textiles RFID adopters with other RFID adopters 194
8.5 Supply chain performance differences between apparel and textiles RFID adopters and general manufacturing RFID adopters 197
8.6 Conclusion 197
8.7 References 202
9 Modeling the effectiveness of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in improving
sales performance in fashion retail outlets 203
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
9.1 Introduction 203
9.2 Assessing the value of RFID technology 205
9.3 Modeling retail store operations 206
9.4 Case study: Miroglio Fast Fashion 207
9.5 Modeling of store operations at Miroglio 210
9.6 Model testing 216
9.7 Assessing the impact of RFID technology 218
9.8 Assessing return on investment from RFID technology 221
9.9 Conclusion and future trends 222
9.10 Acknowledgements 224
9.11 Appendix: full list of the equations of the system dynamics model 224
9.12 References 226
Index 231

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