History of Interior Design PDF by John Pile and Judith Gura


History of Interior Design
By John Pile and Judith Gura

History of Interior Design


Preface 10
1 Prehistory to Early Civilizations 13
Prehistoric Interiors 13
Archeological Evidence 13
The First Shelters 13 Dolmens and Barrows 14
Evidence from Tribal Cultures 15
Pattern and Design 17
The First Permanent Settlements 18
Mesopotamia: Sumeria 19
Pre-Columbian America 20
North America 20 Central America
21 South America 24
Ancient Egypt 26
Geometry and Proportion 26 Egyptian Temples and
Houses 27 Egyptian Furniture and Other Interior
Furnishings 28
2 Classical Civilizations: Greece and
Rome 31
Minoan and Mycenaean Cultures 31
Knossos 31
Mycenae and Tiryns 32
Greece 32
The Temple 33
Secular Interiors 36
INSIGHTS: The Growth of Athens 38
Rome 38
Arches, Vaults, and Domes 38
Amphitheaters and Baths 41
Temples 41
INSIGHTS: The Cost of Living in Ancient Rome 42
Secular Buildings 43
Furniture and Other Interior Furnishings 44
The Legacy of Rome: Technology 46
3 Early Christian, Byzantine, and Romanesque 49
Early Christian Design 49
Byzantine Design 51
Ravenna 51
INSIGHTS: The Ravenna Mosaics 52
Constantinople 52
Hagia Sophia 53
Secular Buildings 55
Early Medieval: The “Dark Ages” 55
The Romanesque Style 56
Churches 57
Germany 57 Italy 58 France 59 England 60 Scandinavia 60
Fortresses and Castles 61
Monasteries and Abbeys 62
INSIGHTS: The Abbey at Cluny 63
Houses 64
Furniture and Other Interior Furnishings 65
Spanish Romanesque 67
4 Islamic and Asian Traditions 69
Islamic Infl uence 69
Mosques and Palaces 70
Islamic Infl uence in Spain 73
The Mosque in Spain 73
Islamic Furnishings 74
India and Pakistan 77
Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain Architecture 77
Hindu Religious and Secular Buildings 79 Jain Architecture
80 Northern and Southern Styles of Temple 81
Islamic Infl uence in India 81
INSIGHTS: Bernier’s Account of the Taj Mahal 82
Indian Furnishings 85
Western Infl uence 86
Cambodia 86
Thailand 88
Indonesia 88
China 89
Chinese Architecture 89
Chinese Furnishings 92
Korea 94
Japan 95
Japanese Furnishings 99
5 The Later Middle Ages 101
Elements of Gothic Style 101
New Construction Techniques 102
Gothic Cathedrals and Churches 105
France 106
England 109
Elsewhere in Europe 111
Secular Gothic Buildings 113
INSIGHTS: Construction Work in a Medieval
Building 113
Castles and Palaces 115
Medieval Houses 118
Innovations in Domestic Comfort 119
6 The Renaissance in Italy 123
The Rise of Humanism 123
Renaissance Interest in History 124
Elements of Renaissance Style 124
The Early Renaissance 125
Brunelleschi 126
Michelozzo 128
Alberti 130
The High Renaissance 130
Bramante 130
Palaces 133
INSIGHTS: Vasari’s Account of the Farnese|
Palace 135
The Late Renaissance and Mannerism
Michelangelo 136
Romano 138
Palladio 138
Vignola 142
Interior Furnishings 142
Furniture 143
Coverings 145
7 Baroque and Rococo in Italy and Northern
Europe 147
Elements of Baroque Style 147
The Baroque in Italy 148
Rome 148
Bernini 148 Borromini 150
Venice 152
Longhena 152
Turin 153
Guarini 153 Juvarra 154
Baroque in Northern Europe 155
Austria 155
Switzerland 157
Germany 158
Furniture and Other Interior Features 161
8 Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo in
France and Spain 165
France 165
Early Renaissance 167
High Renaissance 168
Baroque 172
Versailles 172
INSIGHTS: Louis XIV and Versailles 174
Louvre 174 Baroque Churches 175 Furniture
and Furnishings 176
Regency to Rococo 178
Paris Hôtels 179 The Petit Trianon 179 Regency
and Rococo Furniture 181
Rococo to Neoclassicism 181
The Empire Style 183
INSIGHTS: Charles Percier and Pierre François-|
Léonard Fontaine: The Empire Style 184
Provincial Style 185
Spain 188
Plateresco 188
Desornamentado 188
Churrigueresco 188
Furniture and Other Interior Features 191
9 Renaissance to Georgian in The Low
Countries and England 193
Low Countries 193
Civic Buildings 193
Private Dwellings 194
England 195
Tudor 195
Elizabethan 196
Elizabethan Furniture 197
Jacobean 197
Jones 199 Jacobean Interior Furnishings 200
From Carolean to William and Mary 200
Wren 200 Carolean and William and Mary Interior
Furnishings 203
Queen Anne 204
Queen Anne Furniture 205
Georgian 205
Robert and James Adam 206
INSIGHTS: Robert Adam and Syon House 206
Georgian Town Houses 208 Other Building Types
209 Georgian Furniture and Interior Furnishings 209
10 Colonial and Federal America 213
Colonial Styles in Latin America 213
Colonial Styles in North America 214
Early Colonial Houses 215
Early Colonial Furniture and Interior Furnishings
Churches and Meeting Houses 217
American Georgian 218
American Georgian Houses 218
American Georgian and Queen Anne Furniture
Late Colonial Public Buildings 222
Federal Styles 224
Jeff erson 224
Bulfi nch 225
Thornton and Latrobe 225
Furniture of the Federal Period 228
Other Furnishings of the Federal Period 230
11 The Regency, Revivals, and Industrial
Revolution 233
Regency 233
Nash 233
Soane 234
Regency Furniture 234
Revivals 235
Greek Revival 236
Germany 236 England 236 United States 236
Gothic Revival 238
United States 238 England 240
The Industrial Revolution 243
Early Industrialization and Inventions 244
Industry and Interiors 244
Iron and Glass 245
England: Paxton 246
INSIGHTS: The Public’s Perception of the Crystal|
Palace 247
France: Labrouste, Baltard, and Eiff el 248
12 The Victorian Era 251
The Roots of Victorian Style 251
Britain 252
Mansions 253
Middle-class Houses and Public Buildings 253
Shaw and the Queen Anne Revival 254
United States: Victorian Variations 255
Mansions 256
Vernacular House Styles 257
Shingle Style 259 Adirondack Style 259
Shaker Design 260
INSIGHTS: The Shaker Philosophy 261
Early Skyscrapers 261
Public Buildings 265
Furness 265
Furniture and Other Interior Furnishings
13 The Aesthetic Movements 271
Britain: Arts and Crafts 271
Ruskin and the Roots of Arts and Crafts 271
Morris 271
Webb 274
Other British Designers 275
INSIGHTS: Rossetti and the Aesthetic|
House 275
Links to Modernism 278
Voysey 278 Mackmurdo 278 Mackintosh 279
United States: The Craftsman Movement
Stickley and the Roycrofters 279
Bradley 282
Richardson 282
Greene & Greene and Maybeck 283
Developments in Continental Europe 284
Germany: Muthesius 285
The Netherlands: Berlage 285
14 Art Nouveau and the Vienna Secession
Roots and Characteristics of Art Nouveau
Belgium 288
Horta 288
Van de Velde 290
France 290
The School of Nancy 290
Guimard 291
Other French Designers 292
Spain 293
Gaudí 293
Germany: Jugendstil 293
Endell 294
Riemerschmid and Behrens 294
Scandinavia 294
Austria: The Vienna Secession 295
Olbrich 295
Wagner 296
INSIGHTS: Otto Wagner and “Modern|
Architecture” 296
Hoff mann 297
Loos 298
United States 299
Tiff any 300
Sullivan 301
15 Eclecticism 305
The Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris 305
United States 307
Key Architects and Designers 307
Hunt 307 McKim, Mead, & White 310
Public Buildings 311
Early Skyscrapers 312
The Rise of the Interior Decorator 314
De Wolfe 314 Wood 316 McMillen 316 Other
American Decorators 316
Eclecticism in Professional Practice 317
Saarinen and Cranbrook Academy 317
Stripped Classicism 319
Eclecticism for the Masses 319
Houses and Apartments 320 Furniture and Accessories
321 Movie Theaters 321
Europe 323
Scandinavia 324
Britain 325
Lutyens 325
INSIGHTS: Sir Edwin Lutyens and the Viceroy’s|
House in New Delhi 326
Ocean Liners 327
The Spread of Eclecticism 327
16 The Emergence of Modernism 329
Frank Lloyd Wright 329
The Early Commissions 330
INSIGHTS: The Philosophy of Frank Lloyd|
Wright 331
De Stijl 332
Mondrian and van Doesburg 333
Rietveld 333
Pioneers of the International Style 335
Gropius and the Bauhaus 335
Mies van der Rohe 337
Work of the 1920s and 1930s 337
INSIGHTS: Mies van der Rohe: The Tugendhat|
House 338
Emigration to the United States 340 Later Commissions
Le Corbusier 341
Paris: Developing the Machine Aesthetic 341 Early
Houses, Villas, and Apartments 342
INSIGHTS: The Philosophy of Le Corbusier 345
Town Planning 346 Post-War Years 347 Later
Commissions 348
Aalto 349
INSIGHTS: The Vision of Alvar Aalto 352
17 Art Deco and Industrial Design 355
Art Deco 355
France 355
Furniture Designers 355 Textile Design
357 Ocean Liners 357
United States 358
Designers from Europe 358 Deco Architecture 358
Britain 361
Scandinavia 361
Expressionism 363
Industrial Design 363
Loewy and Other Designers 364
Design Training 366
Residential Design 367
Kitchens and Bathrooms 367
Lighting 368
Textiles, Carpets, and Furniture 369
18 The Spread of Early Modernism in Europe
The Netherlands 372
Germany and Austria 373
Italy 373
Switzerland 374
France 374
Scandinavia 376
England 377
19 Modernism in America 381
Architects and Designers 381
Gill 381
Wright: 1920s and 1930s 381
Schindler and Neutra 385
Lescaze 386
Goodwin and Stone 386
Gropius and Breuer 387
Mies van der Rohe 387
Johnson 388
Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill 388
Eero Saarinen 388
Interior Decoration: The Reaction to
Modernism 390
Furniture and other Interior Furnishings
Knoll 391
Herman Miller Furniture Company 392
20 The Ascendancy of Modernism 395
Italy 396
INSIGHTS: Gio Ponti: Pirelli Tower 397
Scandinavia 398
France 400
Germany 400
The Netherlands 402
Britain 402
United States 402
Urban Offi ce Buildings 407
Offi ce Planning 410
Offi ce Furniture 411
Interior Designers 411
Furniture and Other Interior Furnishings
Textiles 414
21 After the International Style: The Late
Twentieth Century 417
Prophets of Design 418
Kahn 418
Pelli 419
High-tech 420
Fuller 420
Rogers and Piano 421
Foster 421
Stirling 422
Post-modernism 423
Venturi and Scott Brown 423
Graves 425
Other Post-modernist Work in the US 426
Post-modernism in Europe 426
The Revival of Tradition 427
Greenberg 427
Stern 427
Deconstructivism and Minimalism 428
Eisenman 429
Gehry 430
Hadid 431
Koolhaas 431
Libeskind 431
Late Modernism 431
Pei 431
Gwathmey 432
Meier 433
Individualists 434
Starck 434
Putman 434
Other Trends 435
East–West Crossovers 435
New Furniture 437
New Museums 437
Preservation 439
Socially Conscious Design 439
Green Design 439
Looking Forward 440
22 Design on a New Playing Field 443
The Key Elements 443
Sustainability 443
INSIGHTS: Green Design 443
Technology 444
Social Welfare 445
Branding 445
Collaboration 446
Globalism 446
Adaptive Reuse 446
Historic Preservation 447
Style Directions 448
Mainstream Modernism 448
Biomorphism 449
Functional Deconstructivism 449
Color Craftmanship 450
High-tech Revisited 451
Building and Interior Types 451
Museums 452
Performing Arts 454
Hotels 456
Restaurants 457
Healthcare Facilities 457
Offi ces 458
Residential Interiors 460
Retail 462
Schools 463
Libraries 464
Houses of Worship 465
Transportation 466
Mixed-use Developments 467
Furniture and Furnishings 468
Interior Design 470
Looking Forward 471
Glossary 472
Bibliography 477
Picture Credits 482
Index 485

At a glance:
History of Interior Design 
by John Pile and Judith Gura 
Publication: 2014
Size: 98.4 MB 

Pages: 498

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