by A. Arunraj and V. Ramesh Babu

1.1 Fashion business 1
1.2 Fashion cycle 2
1.3 Dynamics of fashion 6
1.4 Factors influencing fashion movement 10
1.5 Classification of textile and apparel industry 13
References 19
2. Apparel marketing 21
2.1 Introduction to marketing 21
2.2 Fashion marketing 24
2.3 Fashion markets 37
2.4 Consumer behaviour in fashion 47
2.5 International marketing 54
References 59
3. Fashion merchandising 61
3.1 Types of merchandising 61
3.2 Fashion merchandising 65
3.3 Product planning and development 78
3.4 Fashion forecasting 89
3.5 Merchandise planning 93
References 98
4. Apparel merchandising 99
4.1 Introduction to apparel merchandising 99
4.2 Sampling 105
4.3 Apparel merchandising procedures 112
4.4 Time and action (T&A) plan 124
4.5 Merchandising plan 132
References 148
5. Retail and visual merchandising 149
5.1 Introduction to retailing 149
5.2 Process of retail merchandising 152
5.3 Retail merchandise planning 158
5.4 Retailing formats 167
5.5 Visual merchandising 173
References 185
6. Sourcing 187
6.1 Introduction to sourcing 187
6.2 Sourcing decision 193
6.3 Sourcing in apparel industry 197
6.4 Factors affecting sourcing of fabric and trims 200
References 207
7. Garment costing 209
7.1 Introduction to garment costing 209
7.2 Steps involved in costing of garments 213
7.3 CMT (cost of making) cost 215
7.4 Trims and accessories cost 221
7.5 Shipment cost 238
7.6 Cost sheets for ladies, men and children’s wear 240
References 248
8. Export documentation 249
8.1 Export documentation 249
8.2 Classifi cation of export documents 253
8.3 Terms of delivery and pricing 266
8.4 Export fi nancing 271
References 274
Index 275
Introduction to fashion business
Abstract: The chapter 1 discuss the Fashion Business as big business sector and how the fashion life cycle infl uence the fashion business. Further this chapter explains the acceptance of fashion, Dynamics of fashion, season change and fashion change. Additionally, the chapter describes the Factors infl uencing fashion movement and Classifi cation of textile and apparel industry.
Key Words: fashion, business, seasons, life cycle, ready-made garments.
1.1 Fashion business
Fashion is a big business. The fashion industry employs more number of people. The term ‘fashion business’ is generally with reference to all companies and individuals concerned with the design, production and distribution of textile and apparel goods.1 Unlike any other industries such as automotive products manufacturing industry and tobacco industry, the fashion industry is not a clearly defi ned entity. During recent years, the general interest in fashion has increased enormously. Fashion determines what people will buy. Change in fashion is the motivating factor for replacing clothes, cosmetics, furniture, housewares and automobiles. Fashion causes changes in customer goods, and at the same time, makes people want for the new product. Fashion business includes all the industries and services connected with fashion: design, manufacturing, distributing, retailing, advertising, publishing and consulting or any business concerned with fashion goods and services.
1.1.1 Fashion: Big business sector
Fashion essentially involves change defi ned as a succession of short-term trends or fads. The competitive ethos of the fashion industry revolves around seasonality. The industry has interest in developing new products for the customer at the expense of existing items and the customers appreciate the continual change in the fashion products and services. Most important is the need for fashion and the need for change in fashion (Fig. 1.1). Therefore, identifying customer needs is essential to the industry. The continual change in fashion involves the exercise of creative design skill which results in products that range from the basic to the rare and elaborate. The creative design brings in the need for change.
Hence, the ability to identify products that the customer needs and will buy is important and essential to the industry. Marketing can provide this knowledge and the skills of knowing the creative designs and customer needs, allowing for the success and growth of the industry. The application of marketing plays an important role to make fashion a big business.