Edited by Carolina Machado and J. Paulo Davim

Editors …………………………………………………………………………………………………..xi
Contributors ………………………………………………………………………………………. xiii
Chapter 1 Emerging technologies and supply chain management: Maneuvering in current areas of tensions ………………………….. 1
Erik Hofmann, Stefan Selensky, and Nicolai Kirstätter
Chapter 2 Industry 4.0 creating a buzz in the western hemisphere: But watch out for China pulling into the fast lane ………………………………………………………………43
Stefan Heng
Chapter 3 Smart manufacturing based on Digital Twin technologies …………..77
Shohin Aheleroff, Jan Polzer, Huiyue Huang, Zexuan Zhu, David Tomzik, Yuqian Lu, Yuan Lin, and Xun Xu
Chapter 4 Industry 4.0 in small- and medium-sized enterprises: A literature review on research clusters .123
Julian M. Müller
Chapter 5 The role of Industry 4.0 on the association between customers’ and suppliers’ involvement and performance improvement …………………………………….133
Guilherme Luz Tortorella, Alejandro Mac Cawley Vergara, Rogério Miorando, and Rapinder Sawhney
Chapter 6 Fundamental changes in the organisational processes: Industry 4.0 case study ….. 161
Vasja Roblek, Ivan Erenda, and Maja Mesko
Chapter 7 Maturity level assessment for industry
4.0 integration into Lean Manufacturing …………………….. 191
Marcos Malinverni Pagliosa, Guilherme Luz Tortorella, and João Carlos Espíndola Ferreira
Chapter 8 Human resource management in Industry 4.0: A brief trip through literature ………….. 241
Rui Pedro Freitas and Carolina Feliciana Machado Index …………………. 273
Understood as an industry concept recently proposed that encompasses the main technological innovations of the felds of automation, control and information technology applied to the manufacturing processes, Industry 4.0 is a real challenge for today’s businesses. Indeed, from cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things and Internet Services, the production processes tend to become increasingly effcient, autonomous and customizable. The relationship with costumers is also more effective. In other words, the availability of real-time data enables organizations to offer more personalized products and customized solutions, which usually originates signifcantly higher margins than mass-manufacturing offers. Taking in mind these changes and implications in organizations, the present book, entitled Industry 4.0 – Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Management and Engineering, looks to provide a support to academics, researchers and practitioners, as well as all to those who operate in the Management and Engineering felds and need to deal with the rapid pace of digitization in industry today. Becoming more active in Industry 4.0, these organizations see their benefts go far beyond extending the digital reach or selling new types of products and services. Industry 4.0 will establish these organizations, their employees as well as their total ecosystem of stakeholders, namely, suppliers, partners, distributors and customers as a complete interconnected and integrated digital network, linked to other networks around the world.
Taking into account this reality, interdisciplinary perspectives to further our knowledge and understanding of the developments in Industry 4.0 area are needed. Drawing on the recent developments and best practice, this book intends to examine the new advances in the subject of Industry 4.0, resulting from the last changes that have taken place and how they affect the management and engineering processes as well as the commitment and motivation of these organizations’ workers.
Looking to provide discussion and the communication of the latest developments and thinking in what concerns the most recent research activity relating to this scientifc feld worldwide, with this book we look to highlight contributions that are exceptional in terms of theory, evidence and/or methodology and that signifcantly advance social scientifc research on Industry 4.0 in management and engineering. It is designed to increase the knowledge and effectiveness of all those managers and engineers involved with Industry 4.0 in all kind of organizations and activity sectors.
The mission of this book is to provide channel of communication to disseminate the knowledge of new advances in Industry 4.0 – Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Management and Engineering, and consequently the way how to manage competitive organizations between academics/ researchers, managers and engineers.
Looking to promote research related to these new trends and developments in the feld of management and engineering, the present book is divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 covers “Emerging technologies and supply chain management – Maneuvering in current areas of tensions”, while Chapter 2 discusses “Industry 4.0 creating a buzz in the western hemisphere: But watch out for China pulling into the fast lane”. Chapter 3 focuses “Smart manufacturing based on Digital Twin technologies” at the same time Chapter 4 deals with “Industry 4.0 in small- and medium-sized enterprises – A literature review on research clusters”. Chapter 5 contains information about “The role of industry 4.0 on the association between customers’ and suppliers’ involvement and performance improvement”, while Chapter 6 highlights “Fundamental changes in the organizational processes: Industry 4.0 case study”. Chapter 7 speaks about “Maturity level assessment for industry 4.0 integration into Lean Manufacturing”, and fnally Chapter 8 develops a refection about “Human resource management in Industry 4.0 – A brief trip through literature”.
Possible to be used by academics, researchers, human resources managers, managers, engineers and other professionals in related matters with Industry 4.0, the present book, entitled Industry 4.0 – Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Management and Engineering, looks to:
• share knowledge and insights about Industry 4.0 on an international and transnational scale.
• keep at the forefront of innovative theories, models, processes and strategies, as well as the most recent research activities relating to industry 4.0.
Whether we are in the manager and engineer feld, we need to know what is happening, on both national and international environments, to be able to understand and develop effective responses to meet all these new demands and challenges. This is why, today, the interest in Industry 4.0 Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Management and Engineering is evident for many types of organizations, namely, important institutes and universities all over the world.
The Editors acknowledge their gratitude to CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group for this opportunity and for their professional support. Finally, we would like to thank to all chapter authors for their interest and availability to work on this project.