Milk Proteins: From Expression to Food, Third Edition
Edited by Mike Boland and Harjinder Singh
Edited by Mike Boland and Harjinder Singh

Contributors xi
Preface to the Third Edition xiii
1. World supply of food and the role
of dairy protein
Mike Boland, Jeremy Hill
Introduction and outline of chapter 1
Hunger and need for food 2
The importance of protein in world nutrition 5
The dietary essential amino acids in proteins 10
Demographic changes, aging populations, and the
need for quality protein and dietary essential amino acids 11
Global trade in proteins and the long term prospects,
with a focus on dairy foods 14
Conclusions 17
References 17
Further reading 19
2. Milk proteins: An overview
D.A. Goulding, P.F. Fox, J.A. O’Mahony
Introduction 21
Bovine milk composition 22
Milk protein system 27
Casein 33
Whey proteins 39
Differences between casein and whey proteins 43
Minor milk proteins 47
Analytical considerations for milk proteins 51
Milk protein ingredients 69
References 81
3. The comparative genomics of
monotremes, marsupials, and pinnipeds:
Models to examine functions of milk
Julie Sharp, Christophe Lefe`vre, Kevin R. Nicholas
Introduction 99
The monotremes 101
The tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) 107
A role for milk in the control of mammary
function 121
The fur seal 122
A new player in milk bioactives: miRNA 130
Conclusions 131
References 132
4. Defining the origin and function of
bovine milk proteins through genomics:
The biological implications of manipulation
and modification
Sarah Berry, Paul Sheehy, Peter Williamson, Julie Sharp, Karensa
Menzies, Christophe Lefe`vre, Matthew Digby, Chad Harland,
Stephen Davis, Russell Snell
Introduction 143
Milk genomics: A contemporary approach to milk
composition 144
Comparative milk genomics 149
Origins of milk proteins 150
Constraints and opportunities for evolution or
manipulation of bovine milk proteins 152
Conclusions 163
References 164
5. Posttranslational modifications of caseins
Etske Bijl, John W. Holland, Mike Boland
Introduction 173
The caseins 175
Sources and significance of casein heterogeneity 183
Caseins from other species 195
Conclusions 202
Acknowledgments 202
References 202
6. Casein micelle structure and stability
David S. Horne
Introduction 213
Primary structure and interactions of caseins 215
Casein micelle properties 221
Models of casein micelle structure 225
Dual-binding model for micelle assembly and
structure 225
Calcium phosphate nanoclusters 227
Application of the dual-binding model 231
Concluding remarks 243
References 244
7. Structure and stability of whey
Patrick J.B. Edwards, Geoffrey B. Jameson
Introduction 251
Bovine β-lactoglobulin 252
α-Lactalbumin 269
Serum albumin 272
Immunoglobulins 276
Lactoferrin 278
Concluding remarks 280
Acknowledgments 280
References 280
Further reading 291
8. Effect of nonthermal processing on milk
protein interactions and functionality
Pranav K. Singh, Thom Huppertz
Introduction 293
High-pressure processing 295
US processing 302
PEF processing 306
UV irradiation processing 312
Concluding remarks 316
References 316
Further reading 324
9. The whey proteins in milk: Thermal
denaturation, physical interactions,
and effects on the functional properties
of milk
Skelte G. Anema
Introduction 325
The casein micelle 326
The heat treatment of milk 330
Relationships between denaturation/interactions of
the whey proteins in heated milk and the functional
properties of milk products 353
Conclusions 376
References 376
10. The effect of UHT processing and
storage on milk proteins
Hilton C. Deeth
Introduction 385
The UHT process 386
Protein changes during processing and storage 388
Conclusions 414
References 414
11. Effects of drying and storage on milk
Alan Baldwin, Kerianne Higgs, Mike Boland, Pierre Schuck
Introduction 423
World dairy powder situation 425
Properties of spray-dried milk products 428
Principles of spray drying 428
Drying of proteins 433
Characterization of insolubility 440
Changes in milk proteins during storage of dry
powders 444
Rehydration of protein powders 456
Conclusions 461
References 461
Further reading 466
12. Interactions and functionality of milk
proteins in food emulsions
Harjinder Singh, Aiqian Ye
Introduction 467
Adsorption of milk proteins during the formation
of emulsions 469
Stability of milk protein–based
emulsions 476
Process-induced changes in milk protein–based
emulsions 481
Behavior of milk protein–stabilized emulsions under
physiological conditions 486
Conclusions 491
References 491
13. Milk protein-polysaccharide
Kelvin K.T. Goh, Anges Teo, Anwesha Sarkar,
Harjinder Singh
Introduction 499
Mixing behavior of biopolymers 500
Phase diagram 502
Nature of interactions in protein-polysaccharide
systems 504
Milk protein-polysaccharide interactions in the
aqueous phase and at the interface 506
Rheological properties and microstructures of
protein-polysaccharide systems 516
Concluding remarks 525
References 527
Further reading 535
14. Interaction between milk proteins
and micronutrients
Th_ere`se Considine, John Flanagan, Simon M. Loveday,
Ashling Ellis
Introduction 537
Interaction between milk proteins and
micronutrients 538
Effect of processing on milk protein
structure 555
Conclusions 560
References 561
15. Model food systems and protein
W. James Harper, Sheelagh A. Hewitt, Lee M. Huffman
Introduction 573
Protein functionality in foods 574
Role of interactions in determining food
characteristics 575
Processing effects 580
Uses of model food systems 581
Applications of model food systems 584
Use of model food systems for other food
components 590
Limitations 591
Conclusions 591
References 592
16. Milk protein gels
John A. Lucey
Introduction 599
Rennet-induced gels 600
Acid-induced milk gels 609
Mixed gels made with rennet and acid 616
Whey protein gels 617
Conclusions 624
References 625
Further reading 632
17. Milk proteins: A rich source
of bioactives for developing
functional foods
Paul J. Moughan
Introduction 633
Functional foods 634
Milk proteins as a source of amino acids: Specialized
nutritionals 636
Milk proteins as a source of amino acids: Specific
physiological roles 639
Milk proteins as a source of amino acids: Role in
providing calories and in promoting satiety 642
Milk protein as a source of bioactive peptides 643
Holistic properties of foods 646
Conclusions 646
References 646
Further reading 649
18. Milk proteins and human health
Sally D. Poppitt
Introduction 651
Milk proteins, metabolic health, and type 2
diabetes 652
Milk proteins, obesity, and weight control 653
Milk proteins, muscle wasting, and sarcopenia 656
Milk proteins and heart health 658
Milk proteins and bone health 660
Milk proteins and infant health 661
Conclusions 663
References 663
19. Structural changes to milk protein
products during gastrointestinal digestion
Aiqian Ye, Debashree Roy, Harjinder Singh
Introduction 671
Stress conditions of the GI tract 672
Coagulation of milk protein under gastric
conditions 674
Coagulation of milk during gastric digestion 675
Effect of processing treatments 678
Impact of milk coagulation on the release of fat
globules during digestion 681
Behavior of milk fat globule membrane proteins
during digestion 682
Milk protein ingredients 685
Digestion of nonbovine milks 688
Concluding remarks 693
References 694
20. Milk proteins: Digestion and absorption
in the gastrointestinal tract
Didier Dupont, Daniel Tom_e
Introduction 701
Digestion of milk proteins 702
Milk protein hydrolysis in the intestinal lumen 703
Peptides released during digestion 705
Impact of processing on milk protein digestion and
absorption 707
Conclusions 711
References 712
Further reading 714
21. Milk proteins: The future
Mike Boland
Introduction 715
Global issues for food 715
Consumer demands and trends for food and
ingredients 720
New technologies and their possible effect on milk
protein ingredients and products 724
Conclusions 727
References 728
Index 731
Preface to the Third Edition xiii
1. World supply of food and the role
of dairy protein
Mike Boland, Jeremy Hill
Introduction and outline of chapter 1
Hunger and need for food 2
The importance of protein in world nutrition 5
The dietary essential amino acids in proteins 10
Demographic changes, aging populations, and the
need for quality protein and dietary essential amino acids 11
Global trade in proteins and the long term prospects,
with a focus on dairy foods 14
Conclusions 17
References 17
Further reading 19
2. Milk proteins: An overview
D.A. Goulding, P.F. Fox, J.A. O’Mahony
Introduction 21
Bovine milk composition 22
Milk protein system 27
Casein 33
Whey proteins 39
Differences between casein and whey proteins 43
Minor milk proteins 47
Analytical considerations for milk proteins 51
Milk protein ingredients 69
References 81
3. The comparative genomics of
monotremes, marsupials, and pinnipeds:
Models to examine functions of milk
Julie Sharp, Christophe Lefe`vre, Kevin R. Nicholas
Introduction 99
The monotremes 101
The tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) 107
A role for milk in the control of mammary
function 121
The fur seal 122
A new player in milk bioactives: miRNA 130
Conclusions 131
References 132
4. Defining the origin and function of
bovine milk proteins through genomics:
The biological implications of manipulation
and modification
Sarah Berry, Paul Sheehy, Peter Williamson, Julie Sharp, Karensa
Menzies, Christophe Lefe`vre, Matthew Digby, Chad Harland,
Stephen Davis, Russell Snell
Introduction 143
Milk genomics: A contemporary approach to milk
composition 144
Comparative milk genomics 149
Origins of milk proteins 150
Constraints and opportunities for evolution or
manipulation of bovine milk proteins 152
Conclusions 163
References 164
5. Posttranslational modifications of caseins
Etske Bijl, John W. Holland, Mike Boland
Introduction 173
The caseins 175
Sources and significance of casein heterogeneity 183
Caseins from other species 195
Conclusions 202
Acknowledgments 202
References 202
6. Casein micelle structure and stability
David S. Horne
Introduction 213
Primary structure and interactions of caseins 215
Casein micelle properties 221
Models of casein micelle structure 225
Dual-binding model for micelle assembly and
structure 225
Calcium phosphate nanoclusters 227
Application of the dual-binding model 231
Concluding remarks 243
References 244
7. Structure and stability of whey
Patrick J.B. Edwards, Geoffrey B. Jameson
Introduction 251
Bovine β-lactoglobulin 252
α-Lactalbumin 269
Serum albumin 272
Immunoglobulins 276
Lactoferrin 278
Concluding remarks 280
Acknowledgments 280
References 280
Further reading 291
8. Effect of nonthermal processing on milk
protein interactions and functionality
Pranav K. Singh, Thom Huppertz
Introduction 293
High-pressure processing 295
US processing 302
PEF processing 306
UV irradiation processing 312
Concluding remarks 316
References 316
Further reading 324
9. The whey proteins in milk: Thermal
denaturation, physical interactions,
and effects on the functional properties
of milk
Skelte G. Anema
Introduction 325
The casein micelle 326
The heat treatment of milk 330
Relationships between denaturation/interactions of
the whey proteins in heated milk and the functional
properties of milk products 353
Conclusions 376
References 376
10. The effect of UHT processing and
storage on milk proteins
Hilton C. Deeth
Introduction 385
The UHT process 386
Protein changes during processing and storage 388
Conclusions 414
References 414
11. Effects of drying and storage on milk
Alan Baldwin, Kerianne Higgs, Mike Boland, Pierre Schuck
Introduction 423
World dairy powder situation 425
Properties of spray-dried milk products 428
Principles of spray drying 428
Drying of proteins 433
Characterization of insolubility 440
Changes in milk proteins during storage of dry
powders 444
Rehydration of protein powders 456
Conclusions 461
References 461
Further reading 466
12. Interactions and functionality of milk
proteins in food emulsions
Harjinder Singh, Aiqian Ye
Introduction 467
Adsorption of milk proteins during the formation
of emulsions 469
Stability of milk protein–based
emulsions 476
Process-induced changes in milk protein–based
emulsions 481
Behavior of milk protein–stabilized emulsions under
physiological conditions 486
Conclusions 491
References 491
13. Milk protein-polysaccharide
Kelvin K.T. Goh, Anges Teo, Anwesha Sarkar,
Harjinder Singh
Introduction 499
Mixing behavior of biopolymers 500
Phase diagram 502
Nature of interactions in protein-polysaccharide
systems 504
Milk protein-polysaccharide interactions in the
aqueous phase and at the interface 506
Rheological properties and microstructures of
protein-polysaccharide systems 516
Concluding remarks 525
References 527
Further reading 535
14. Interaction between milk proteins
and micronutrients
Th_ere`se Considine, John Flanagan, Simon M. Loveday,
Ashling Ellis
Introduction 537
Interaction between milk proteins and
micronutrients 538
Effect of processing on milk protein
structure 555
Conclusions 560
References 561
15. Model food systems and protein
W. James Harper, Sheelagh A. Hewitt, Lee M. Huffman
Introduction 573
Protein functionality in foods 574
Role of interactions in determining food
characteristics 575
Processing effects 580
Uses of model food systems 581
Applications of model food systems 584
Use of model food systems for other food
components 590
Limitations 591
Conclusions 591
References 592
16. Milk protein gels
John A. Lucey
Introduction 599
Rennet-induced gels 600
Acid-induced milk gels 609
Mixed gels made with rennet and acid 616
Whey protein gels 617
Conclusions 624
References 625
Further reading 632
17. Milk proteins: A rich source
of bioactives for developing
functional foods
Paul J. Moughan
Introduction 633
Functional foods 634
Milk proteins as a source of amino acids: Specialized
nutritionals 636
Milk proteins as a source of amino acids: Specific
physiological roles 639
Milk proteins as a source of amino acids: Role in
providing calories and in promoting satiety 642
Milk protein as a source of bioactive peptides 643
Holistic properties of foods 646
Conclusions 646
References 646
Further reading 649
18. Milk proteins and human health
Sally D. Poppitt
Introduction 651
Milk proteins, metabolic health, and type 2
diabetes 652
Milk proteins, obesity, and weight control 653
Milk proteins, muscle wasting, and sarcopenia 656
Milk proteins and heart health 658
Milk proteins and bone health 660
Milk proteins and infant health 661
Conclusions 663
References 663
19. Structural changes to milk protein
products during gastrointestinal digestion
Aiqian Ye, Debashree Roy, Harjinder Singh
Introduction 671
Stress conditions of the GI tract 672
Coagulation of milk protein under gastric
conditions 674
Coagulation of milk during gastric digestion 675
Effect of processing treatments 678
Impact of milk coagulation on the release of fat
globules during digestion 681
Behavior of milk fat globule membrane proteins
during digestion 682
Milk protein ingredients 685
Digestion of nonbovine milks 688
Concluding remarks 693
References 694
20. Milk proteins: Digestion and absorption
in the gastrointestinal tract
Didier Dupont, Daniel Tom_e
Introduction 701
Digestion of milk proteins 702
Milk protein hydrolysis in the intestinal lumen 703
Peptides released during digestion 705
Impact of processing on milk protein digestion and
absorption 707
Conclusions 711
References 712
Further reading 714
21. Milk proteins: The future
Mike Boland
Introduction 715
Global issues for food 715
Consumer demands and trends for food and
ingredients 720
New technologies and their possible effect on milk
protein ingredients and products 724
Conclusions 727
References 728
Index 731