Encyclopedia of Lubricants and Lubrication
Edited by Theo Mang
Lubrication is certainly an essential, if not the essential, area of tribology. Virtually all moving parts are lubricated and suitable lubricants are employed to maximize the lifetime of machine elements and to minimize energy consumption and overall costs. Making lubrication successful requires combined efforts: selecting the right lubricant, using the right lubricating system, keeping the lubricant in good conditions, incorporating properly the lubricant into the engineering process as a machine element, finding the suitable test procedure to check the efficiency of the lubricant, selecting the right criteria to protect the environment and to improve the energy efficiency and, last but not least, finding the overall economically best solution.
The Encyclopedia of Lubricants and Lubrication will be a leading and comprehensive reference work covering all major aspects of the science, technology and application of lubricants and lubrication, friction, wear and related fields.
It took more than 3 years of hard work of outstanding experts in awide range of disciplines to compile this encyclopedia. I would give my sincere thanks to all the invited authors and colleagues of Springer, especially Dr.MartinM€uller.
Theo Mang
Weinheim, Germany
Theo Mang gained his doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Clausthal, Germany, in 1967. He began working in the field of lubricants at Fuchs in Mannheim in 1967, becoming head of the technical department in 1980 and a member of the Executive Board of the global Fuchs Group from 1983 until 2001, responsible for technology including engineering, research and development, technical application and product management, and later additionally responsible for group purchasing and human resources. Since 1998 he has been Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen). Professor Mang is recipient of the Georg Vogelpohl Medal, highest award of the German Society of Tribology, and has 80 publications to his name including books and monographs with the focus on lubricants and lubrication. He was a board member of various German and European professional societies. In 2013, he was honored with the Federal Cross of Merit by the German Federal President Joachim Gauck for his successful work in research and development, his cultural activities and generally for his lifework.
Robert Acuner Forschungsstelle f€ur Zahnr€ader und Getriebebau,
Technische Universit€at M€unchen, Garching, Bayern, Germany
Paul E. Adams The Lubrizol Corporation, Wickliffe, OH, USA
Jo Ameye Fluitec International, Antwerpen, Belgium
Bagcivan Surface Engineering Institute, RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
Thorsten Bartels Evonik Industries AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Shubhamita Basu The Lubrizol Corporation, Wickliffe, OH, USA
Douglas Bea Chevron Global Base Oils, Richmond, CA, USA
Bernd-Arno Behrens Institut f€ur Umformtechnik, Universit€at Hannover,
Garbsen, Germany
Edward G. Bell Fuchs-Lubritech GmbH -Moly-Paul Division, Hilden,
Roland Bennewitz INM Leibniz-Institut f€ur Neue Materialien,
Saarbr€ucken, Germany
Lutz-Michael Berger Fraunhofer Institute IWS, Dresden, Germany
Bernhard Biehl Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Kirsten Bobzin Surface Engineering Institute, RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
Eberhard Bock Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG,
Weinheim, Germany
Wolfgang Bock Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Bo¨lter IAVF Antriebstechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany
Bo¨rner ZF Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Steffen Bots OELCHECK GmbH, Brannenburg, Germany
J€urgen Braun Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Richard Brocker RWTH Aachen University, Laboratory for Machine
Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
Detlev Bruhnke AVISTA OIL AG, Uetze-Dollbergen, Germany
Mathias Burkert Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnic, Schwalmstadt,
Rowena Crockett Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and
Technology (Empa), Duebendorf, Switzerland
Horst Czichos BHT Berlin, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin,
Klaus Daniel APL Automobil-Pr€uftechnik Landau GmbH, Landau,
Ludger Deters Institute of Machine Design, Otto-von-Guericke-University
Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Jesus Dı´az Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Albert Dick ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Wilfried Dresel Ludwigshafen, Germany
Duscha RWTH Aachen University, Laboratory for Machine Tools and
Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
Claus Enekes RWTH Aachen, IFAS, Aachen, Germany
Marco Enger Hochschule Mannheim, Kompetenzzentrum Tribologie,
Mannheim, Germany
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science
and Technology
Renee Eveland The Lubrizol Corporation, Wickliffe, OH, USA
Robert Feher AMG Mining AG, Passau, Bavaria, Germany
Horst Fehrenbach IFEU (Institute for Energy and Environmental
Research), Heidelberg, Germany
Paul Feinle Competence Centre for Tribology, Mannheim University of
Applied Sciences, Mannheim, Germany
Alexandra Fluri Bellach, Switzerland
Christian Forster Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Jung Frank HYDAC Filter Systems GmbH, Sulzbach/Saar, Germany
Edgar Freitag Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, LC Fluidpower Industry
Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnic GmbH, Schwalmstadt, Germany
Dietmar Frey ZF Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, AG, Germany
Christopher Friend Lubrizol Limited, Hazelwood, Derbyshire, UK
Hans Gaca Offenbach, Germany
Markus Garb Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Stefan Gels Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS), RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Klaus Gerschwiler RWTH Aachen University, Laboratory for Machine
Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
Torsten Goerz Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Apu Gosalia Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim, Germany
Ge´rard Goujon Nyco, Paris, France
Markus Grebe Competence Centre for Tribology, Mannheim University of
Applied Sciences, Mannheim, Germany
Andreas Gropp Freudenberg Forschungsdienste KG, Computer Aided
Engineering, Weinheim, Germany
Hermann-J. Gummert Viersen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Rainer Haja Almig Kompressoren GmbH, Koengen, Germany
Uwe Hanschke Enviolet GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Manfred Harperscheid Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim, Germany
Manfred Hartelt Fachbereich 6.3 Makrotribologie und Verschleißschutz,
BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Jutta Heckenkamp Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim, Germany
Rolf-Peter Heckler Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim, Germany
Oliver Heipl Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS), RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Wolfgang Hemmer Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Harry Hofmann Carl Bechem GMBH, Hagen, Germany
Klaus Holz Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Dietrich Ho¨rner Hassloch, Germany
Maureen E. Hunter King Industries, Inc, Norwalk, CT, USA
Phillip A. Hutchinson Evonik Industries AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Martin Inderelst Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS),
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Georg Jacobs Institute for Machine Elements and Machine Design, RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Gerd Jacobs Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Andreas Japing System Technologies and Design Methodology, Hamburg
University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
J. Joachim ZF Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Manfred Jungk Development Lubricant Product Line, Dow Corning
GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany
Friedhelm Junker HOLIFA Fro¨hling GmbH & Co. KG, Hagen, Germany
Czeslaw Kajdas Institute of Chemistry in Płock, Warsaw University of
Technology, Płock, Poland
Automotive Industry Institute PIMOT, Warszawa, Poland
Bernhard Kammermeier Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich,
Kai F. Karhausen Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, Bonn,
Bernhard Kehrwald IAVF Antriebstechnik GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Po¨hlmann Klaus IAVF Antriebstechnik GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Thomas Klenk Innovation Center, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies,
Weinheim, Germany
Fritz Klocke RWTH Aachen University, Laboratory for Machine Tools and
Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
Thomas Koch Stiftung Institut f€ur Werkstofftechnik IWT, Bremen,
Mercedes Kowallik Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim,
Alexander Kr€amer RWTH Aachen University, Laboratory for Machine
Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
R€udiger Krethe OELCHECK GmbH, Brannenburg, Germany
Kamala R. Krishna Chevron Lummus Global, Richmond, CA, USA
Marius Kuhn Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Peter Kunz APL Automobil-Pr€uftechnik Landau GmbH, Landau, Germany
Norbert Kurz ZF Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Clive Lacey Fuchs-Lubritech GmbH -Moly-Paul Division, Hilden,
David Laing Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Holger Lang Freudenberg O-Ring GmbH u. Co KG, Go¨rwihl-Oberwihl,
Michael Laval Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Guan-Dao Lei Chevron Lummus Global, Richmond, CA, USA
Marcel Liauw RWTH Aachen University, ITMC, Aachen, Germany
Rudolf Lienhard Kl€uber Lubrication AG (Schweiz), Zurich, Switzerland
Lutz Lindemann Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim, Germany
Greg Livingstone Fluitec International, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Siegfried Lochschmidt Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich,
Achim Losch Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Dominique Lutaud Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG,
Weinheim, Germany
Rolf Luther Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Wolfgang Mach IAVF Antriebstechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany
Theo Maesen Chevron Lummus Global, Richmond, CA, USA
Theo Mang Weinheim, Germany
Jean-Louis Mansoux Nyco, Paris, France
Giuseppe Marcantoni Properzi International, Inc., Sparks, Maryland, USA
Go¨ tz Mehr SKF Lubrication Systems (formerly Willy Vogel AG), Berlin,
Thomas Meindorf Parker Hanifin GmbH, Kaarst, Germany
Herbert Metzger Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Klaus Michaelis Gear Research Centre FZG, Technische Universit€at
M€unchen, Lehrstuhl f€ur Maschinenlemente/FZG, Garching, Germany
David J. Moreton Lubrizol Limited, Hazelwood, Derbyshire, UK
Jochen M€uhlemeier Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Rolf M€uller Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Roman M€uller Fuchs Petrolub SE, Mannheim, Germany
Hubertus Murrenhoff Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls
(IFAS), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Gurumurthi Natesh Chem-Trend L.P, Howell, MI, USA
Frank Oberli HYDAC Filtertechnik GmbH, Sulzbach/Saar, Germany
Hartmut Pawelski SMS Siemag AG, D€usseldorf, Germany
Franz Pelg Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Bo N. T. Persson Peter Gr€unberg Institut, Institut f€ur Festko¨rperforschung,
Forschungszentrum J€ulich, J€ulich, Germany
Karin Persson SP, Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
Volker Peterseim Freudenberg O-Ring GmbH u. Co KG, Go¨rwihl-Oberwihl, Germany
Hermann Pflaum Forschungsstelle f€ur Zahnr€ader und Getriebebau,
Technische Universit€at M€unchen, Garching, Bayern, Germany
Frank Plenert Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Michael Plogmann Institute for Machine Elements and Machine Design,
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Klaus Po¨hlmann IAVF Antriebstechnik GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Hubertus Prinzler Freudenberg Simmerringe GmbH & Co. KG, Weinheim, Germany
Jens Pusch Elaskon Sachsen GmbH & Co KG, Dresden, Germany
Ludger Quick Fossil Power Generation Division, Siemens AG Energy
Sector, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Isabelle Raclot Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Weinheim, Germany
Martin Raulf ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Forschung und
Entwicklung, Dortmund, Germany
Martin Reik HYDAC Filtertechnik GmbH, Sulzbach/Saar, Germany
J€urgen Rigo Competence Centre for Tribology, Steinbeis Transferzentrum
an der Hochschule Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
Meike Rinnbauer Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, Weinheim, Germany
Jay Rogers Chevron Lummus Global, Richmond, CA, USA
John M. Rosenbaum Chevron Global Base Oils, Richmond, CA, USA
Jan Ruiter SKF Lubrication Systems Germany AG, Formerly Willy Vogel
AG, Hockenheim, Germany
Hubertus Sangemann RWTH Aachen University, Laboratory for Machine
Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
Matthias Scherge Fraunhofer-Institut f€ur Werkstoffmechanik,
MikroTribologie Centrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
Thomas Schimmel Evonik Industries AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Josef Schlattmann System Technologies and Design Methodology,
Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
Johannes Schmitz Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS),
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Reinhardt Schneider Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Christian Scholz Macrotribology and Wear Protection, BAM Federal
Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Peter Schreiner Freudenberg Simmerringe, Weinheim, Germany
Joachim Schulz Wisura GmbH, Bremen, Germany
Jan Schumacher Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS),
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Martin Schweigkofler Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Oliver Seiferth Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Helmut Seubert Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Christian Seyfert Fuchs Europe chmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Wolfgang Siegert Sch€ulke und Mayr GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany
Dirk Spaltmann Macrotribology and Wear Protection, BAM Federal
Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Nicholas D. Spencer Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Karsten Stahl Forschungsstelle f€ur Zahnr€ader und Getriebebau, Technische
Universit€at M€unchen, Garching, Bayern, Germany
Katharina Stalf Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Frank Steep Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnic, Hamburg, Germany
Werner Stehr Dr. Tillwich GmbH Werner Stehr, Horb-Ahldorf, Germany
Raimund Stockhammer SKF Lubrication Systems Germany AG, Berlin, Germany
Thate Institut f€ur Kolbenmaschinen IfKM, KIT Karlsruher Institut f€ur
Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany
Theiß Surface Engineering Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Heinz Gerhard Theis Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Heinrich Theissen Institut f€ur fluidtechnische Antriebe und Steuerungen
(IFAS) der RWTH, Aachen, Germany
Helga Thomas Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Dennis Thong Evonik Industries AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Christian van Husen Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
Rolf Vogt Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, Weinheim, Germany
RolfW€asche Fachbereich 6.3 Makrotribologie und Verschleißschutz, BAM
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Weiß RWTH Aachen University, Laboratory for Machine Tools and
Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
Rainer Weiß Freudenberg New Technologies SE & Co. KG, Weinheim, Germany
Arno Wentz Global Product Management Automotive, Fuchs Europe
Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim, Germany
Harald Willrich Fuchs Lubritech GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Christoph Wincierz Evonik Industries AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Ralf Wnuk HYDAC Prozess Technology, Sulzbach/Saar, Germany
Mathias Woydt Macrotribology and Wear Protection, BAM Federal
Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Martin W€unsch LUBRICANT CONSULT GMBH, Maintal, Germany
Guido J. W€ustenhagen Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnic, Hamburg, Germany
Yilmaz Surface Engineering Institute, RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
Nael Zaki Lubricating Grease R&D Manager, Fuchs Lubricants Company,
Kansas City, KS, USA
Rudolf Zechel Kl€uber Lubrication M€unchen KG, Munich, Germany
James N. Ziemer Chevron Lummus Global, Richmond, CA, USA
Carlos Arenzana Zorrilla Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim,