Cotton Fabrics: Preparation, Synthesis and Applications PDF by Fabien Salaün


Cotton Fabrics: Preparation, Synthesis and Applications

by Fabien Salaün

Cotton Fabrics: Preparation, Synthesis and Applications


Preface vii

Chapter 1 Recent Advances in Preparation, Modification

and Functionalization of Cotton Fabric 1

Aziz Bentis, Aicha Boukhriss,

Mehdi El Bouchti and Said Gmouh

Chapter 2 A New Method for Measuring Water Vapour

Transfers through Fabrics 37

Adeline Marolleau, Fabien Salaün,

Daniel Dupont, Hayriye Gidik and Sylvie Ducept

Chapter 3 Advances in Phosphorus-Based Flame Retardant

Cotton Fabrics 107

Giulio Malucelli and Giuseppe Rosace

Chapter 4 Functionalization of Cotton Fabrics by Cathechol

Bound PCM-Microcapsules 167

Wajdi Abdel-Haq, Rolf-Dieter Hund,

Chokri Cherif and Fabien Salaün

Editor Contact Information 207

Index 209

In recent years, improvements in production technology for cotton yarn have led to great increases in production rates. Cotton fiber is the most important natural fiber in the world and the essential cellulosic source.

Cotton fibers represent one of the most widely used textile resources on the world market, with a market share of around 50%, mainly for clothing and textile products. The quality and therefore the origin of the fibers significantly influence its market value and the quality grade of the products obtained. In this context, where competition with other fibers is affected by innovations and the marketing of other fibers, in particular, synthetic fibers (polyesters and nylons), elastomers (spandex) and artificial fibers (lyocell), the research conducted in this field have significantly increased the functional potential of these supports. Fundamental understanding of fibers (structural formation during development, chemistry, physics), significant improvement in fiber quality as well as process innovation and product differentiation are essential to maintaining the inter-fiber competitiveness of cotton fibers and the share of cotton fibers in world clothing and other textile markets.

In order to develop effective strategies for improving fiber quality and textile finishing treatments for the development of higher value-added products in this competitive sector, research is focused on identifying the chemical and physical properties and particular qualities of fibers. The relationship between the development of fiber chemistry and fiber structure and properties has only recently attracted attention.

The objective of « Cotton Fabrics: Preparation, Synthesis and Applications” book is to present readers with updated information on existing cotton fabric uses and functionalization treatments, highlighting detailed inventory, description, characterization and utilization as well as challenges and perspectives. In the present book, renowned experts and researchers from academia provide a concise and ut-to-date overview of different issues regarding the application of cotton and its derivatives for the development and optimization of textile products. This book is divided in four different chapters. The first chapter discusses general aspects of cotton and traditonnal finishing treatments, with particular emphasis on issues related to the development of new products, comprising an useful background for the following chapters. Chapter two deals with the wear erenvironment interactions interms of thermal comfort, with a focuss on new thermal models and more specialy for the mass transfer. Further, chapter three continues and icomplements the previous ones by discussing in detail specific applications of cotton fabrics in flame retardant field. The last chapter is devoted to a new explorating way to fnctionnalize cotton susbtarte by chemical grafting.

This book should be a comprehensive reading source for textile research community and students to gather important information on worldwide cotton functionalization processes.

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