Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition PDF by David A. Buchanan and Andrzej A. Huczynski


Organizational Behaviour, Tenth Edition

By David A. Buchanan and Andrzej A. Huczynski

Organizational Behaviour Tenth Edition

Full contents:

Acknowledgements xxi

Introductory briefing xxxi

PART 1 The organizational context 1

Chapter 1 Explaining organizational behaviour 2

Key terms and learning outcomes 2

What is organizational behaviour? 3

If we destroy this planet 7

The organizational behaviour field map 11

The problem with social science 14

Explaining organizational behaviour 19

Research and practice: evidence-based management 22

Human resource management: OB in action 25

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 31

Springboard, OB cinema 33

Chapter exercises, References 34

Chapter 2 Environment 37

Key terms and learning outcomes 37

Why study an organization’s environment? 38

The search for environmental ‘fit’ 39

Environment analysis tools 43

The wider business context 46

Demographic trends 48

Ethical behaviour 57

Corporate social responsibility 61

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 65

Springboard, OB cinema 67

Chapter exercises, References 68

Chapter 3 Technology 72

Key terms and learning outcomes 72

Why study technology? 73

Determinism or choice 74

The second machine age 76

Will new technology steal our jobs? 85

The social matrix 92

In future 96

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 97

Springboard, OB cinema 100

Chapter exercises, References 100

Chapter 4 Culture 105

Key terms and learning outcomes 105

Why study organizational culture? 106

Organizational cultures 107

Culture: surface manifestations, values and basic

assumptions 108

Organizational socialization 114

Perspectives on culture contrasted 117

Types and traits of organizational cultures 123

Strong, weak and appropriate cultures 127

National cultures 129

Cultural disintegration 133

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 136

Springboard, OB cinema 138

Chapter exercises, References 139

PART 2 Individuals in the organization 145

Chapter 5 Learning 146

Key terms and learning outcomes 146

Why study learning? 147

The learning process 148

The behaviourist approach to learning 152

Behaviourism in practice 157

The cognitive approach to learning 159

Cognitive perspectives in practice 162

Neuroscience and learning 166

Behaviour modification versus socialization 168

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 170

Springboard, OB cinema 172

Chapter exercises, References 173

Chapter 6 Personality 176

Key terms and learning outcomes 176

Why study personality? 177

Defining personality 177

Types and traits 179

Personality types A and B 183

Stress and stress management 184

The Big Five (or six) 187

The development of the self 192

Selection methods 197

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 204

Springboard, OB cinema 205

Chapter exercises, References 206

Chapter 7 Communication 211

Key terms and learning outcomes 211

Why study communication? 212

Interpersonal communication 214

Verbal communication 219

Non-verbal behaviour 223

Cultural differences in communication style 228

Impression management 230

Emotional intelligence 233

Organizational communication 235

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 239

Springboard, OB cinema 241

Chapter exercises, References 242

Chapter 8 Perception 247

Key terms and learning outcomes 247

Why study perception? 248

Selectivity and organization 250

Perceptual sets and perceptual worlds 256

Do we see to know or know to see? 258

Perceptual sets and assumptions 260

Appearance, age and attributions 262

Perceptual errors and how to avoid them 266

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 268

Springboard, OB cinema 270

Chapter exercises, References 271

Chapter 9 Motivation 275

Key terms and learning outcomes 275

Why study motivation? 276

Presenteeism and the gig economy 278

Drives, motives and motivation 281

Content theories 283

Process theories 288

The social process of motivating others 294

Engagement and high performance 300

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 304

Springboard, OB cinema 306

Chapter exercises, References 307

PART 3 Groups and teams in the organization 313

Chapter 10 Group formation 314

Key terms and learning outcomes 314

Why study groups? 315

Team players in organizations 316

Definitions of groups 320

Types of group tasks 324

The Hawthorne studies 326

Group-oriented view of organizations 329

Formal and informal groups 332

Group formation 334

Group development 337

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 339

Springboard, OB cinema 341

Chapter exercises, References 341

Chapter 11 Group structure 345

Key terms and learning outcomes 345

Why study group structure? 346

Group structure and process 346

Power structure 348

Status structure 348

Liking structure 351

Communication structure 353

Role structure 362

Leadership structure 368

Networked individualism 371

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 372

Springboard, OB cinema 373

Chapter exercises, References 375

Chapter 12 Individuals in groups 380

Key terms and learning outcomes 380

Why study individuals in groups? 381

The individual and the group 381

Group influences on individuals’ perceptions 384

Group influences on individuals’ performance 385

Group influences on individuals’ behaviour 391

Deindividuation 402

Individual influences on group attitudes and behaviour 404

Team building 406

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 407

Springboard, OB cinema 409

Chapter exercises, References 410

Chapter 13 Teamworking 416

Key terms and learning outcomes 416

Why study teamworking? 417

The T-word and team work design 418

Types of team tasks 420

Advice teams 421

Action teams 422

Project teams 424

Production teams 428

Team activities 429

Team autonomy and self-managing teams 431

Ecological framework for analysing work team

effectiveness 435

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 443

Springboard, OB cinema 444

Chapter exercises, References 445

PART 4 Management and organization 451

Chapter 14 Work design 452

Key terms and learning outcomes 452

Why study work design? 453

Influences on work design 453

Scientific management 456

Fordism 461

Lean working 465

McDonaldization 466

Jobs, tasks, skills and technology 470

Back to the future? 480

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 483

Springboard, OB cinema 484

Chapter exercises, References 485

Chapter 15 Elements of structure 490

Key terms and learning outcomes 490

Why study elements of structure? 491

Organization structuring 492

Types of jobs 495

Line, staff and functional relationships 503

Sexuality and the informal organization 511

Roles in organizations 516

Formalization 520

Centralization versus decentralization 521

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 522

Springboard, OB cinema 523

Chapter exercises, References 524

Chapter 16 Organization design 528

Key terms and learning outcomes 528

Why study organization design? 529

Max Weber and bureaucracy 530

Henri Fayol and managerial activities 535

Henry Mintzberg’s management roles 538

Contingency approach 541

Contingency and technological determinism 543

Contingency and environmental determinism 549

Strategic choice 552

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 556

Springboard, OB cinema 557

Chapter exercises, References 558

Chapter 17 Organizational architecture 563

Key terms and learning outcomes 563

Why study organizational architecture? 564

Era of self-contained organization structures 566

Era of horizontal organization structures 570

Era of boundaryless organization structures 575

Collaborative organization structures 581

Experiments with agility and holacracy 585

Distributed innovation systems 596

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 598

Springboard, OB cinema 600

Chapter exercises, References 601

PART 5 Leadership processes 607

Chapter 18 Leadership 608

Key terms and learning outcomes 608

Why study leadership? 609

Leadership versus management 612

Trait-spotting 614

Do women have the wrong traits? 616

Style-counselling 624

Context-fitting 627

New leadership 631

Distributed leadership 633

Who needs leaders? 636

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 637

Springboard, OB cinema 639

Chapter exercises, References 640

Chapter 19 Change 644

Key terms and learning outcomes 644

Why study change? 645

Making change happen 646

Change and the individual 651

Readiness and resistance 654

Participation and dictatorship 660

Why change, when you can innovate? 663

To be an innovator and lead change 669

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 673

Springboard, OB cinema 675

Chapter exercises, References 676

Chapter 20 Decision making 680

Key terms and learning outcomes 680

Why study decision making? 681

Models of decision making 682

Decision conditions: risk and programmability 692

Individual and group decision making 694

Problems with group decision making 697

Organizational decision making 704

Decision making and evidence 708

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 709

Springboard, OB cinema 711

Chapter exercises, References 712

Chapter 21 Conflict 718

Key terms and learning outcomes 718

Why study conflict? 719

Contrasting conflict frames of reference 719

Conflict levels and causes 723

Conflict management 735

Organizational justice 743

Organizational work behaviours 746

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 749

Springboard, OB cinema 751

Chapter exercises, References 752

Chapter 22 Power and politics 756

Key terms and learning outcomes 756

Why study power and politics? 757

Power in organizations 760

Power and influence 769

Organization politics and political skill 772

Is it different for women? 779

Recap, Revision, Research assignment 783

Springboard, OB cinema 784

Chapter exercises, References 785

Glossary 790

Name index 804

Subject index 816

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