Sustainable Design Basics PDF by By Sharon B. Jaffe, Rob Fleming, Mark Karlen and Saglinda H. Roberts


Sustainable Design Basics

By Sharon B. Jaffe, Rob Fleming, Mark Karlen and Saglinda H. Roberts

Sustainable Design Basics


Acknowledgments. xiii

About the Authors. xv

About the Companion Website. xvii


Why, How, Who, and What. 1

Why Use This Book 1

How to Use This Book 2

Who Should Use This Book 2

What Are the Parameters of This Book 2

Organization 3

Exercises 3

Companion Website 3


Mindset  5

The Holocene and the Age of Agriculture 6

The Industrial Revolution and the Environment 6

Environmentalism and the Age of Information 7

Realizations of the Historic Sustainability Events Timeline 11

Thinking and Seeing from Multiple Perspectives 13

Integral Sustainable Design 13

The Four Perspectives of Integral Sustainable Design 14

Learning from the Past: General Rules 16

Space and Scale 17

The Integrative Design Process 18


Step 1: Context  21

The Sustainable Design Basics Methodology: An Overview 21

Step 1: Context 23

Step 1A: Project Information 24

Step 1B: Guiding Principles 26

Step 1C: Macro Context and Micro Context 28

Step 1D: Site Inventory and Analysis 35


Step 2 Pre-Planning. 55

Research and Organization 55

Step 2A: Case Study 56

Step 2B: Project Goals 63

Step 2C: Criteria Matrix 67

Step 2D: Relationship Diagrams 73


Step 3: Design. 77

Whole Building Thinking, Systems Thinking 77

3A Preliminary Design 80


Step 3B: Passive Design. 117

What Is Passive Design? 117

Key Elements of Passive Design 118

Passive Design Strategies 122

Passive Solar Heating 126

Passive Cooling and Natural Ventilation 134

Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting 152

Passive Design Validation 157


Step 3B: Passive Design, Daylighting. 159

Daylighting 159


Step 3C: Building Envelope. 187

What is the Building Envelope? 187

Functions 188

The Building Envelope in the SDB Methodology 189

Building Envelope and Macroclimate 190

Building Structure and the Building Envelope 192

Building Foundations 198

Exterior Wall Assembly 202

Windows 210

Roof Systems 217

Validation, Synergies, and Synthesis of Design 226


Step 3D: Green Materials . 229

Basics 229

Evaluation 236

Overarching Objectives 245

Material and Product Resources 248

A Warning about Greenwashing 248


Step 4: Design Resolution. 251

Step 4A: Final Design Synthesis 252

Step 4B: Final Design Validation 253

Step 4C: Presenting the Project 261


Demonstration Project . 265

Step 1: Context 266

Step 2: Pre-Planning 278

Step 3: Design 286


Beyond the Basics. 323

Active Systems 324

PV Array Sizing and Net-Zero Energy 326


Design Resolution. 335

Final Design Synthesis 335

Final Validation 341

Conclusion 349


Demonstration Project: Final Presentation. 351

Step 1: Project Introduction and Context 352

Step 2: Pre-Planning 354

Conclusion 361


Exercises. 363

Sustainable Building Design Exercises 363

Choice 1: Client Details 365

Choice 2: Site Selection and Macro Climate 370

Choice 3: Macro Context Details 371

Choice 4: New Building or Existing Building 372

Exercises 373

Appendix A: Demonstration Project Program, Climate, and

Context Resources 375

Step 1A: Project Introduction 375

Step 1C Macro and Micro Context 378

Step 1D Site Inventory and Analysis 382

Appendix B: Forms and Matrices 387

Appendix C: Energy Modeling Software 419

Notes about Energy and Daylighting Simulation 419


Rhino Architectural Software 421

Open Studio 422


Equest 424

Revit Green Building Studio by AutoDesk 425

Appendix D: Abbreviations and Acronyms 427

Appendix E: Green Building Standards, Codes and Rating

Systems 431

The Role of Codes and Standards 431

The Role of Rating Systems 431

Green Building Standards, Codes and Rating Systems 431

Bibliography. 441

Index . 449


Much like the sustainable design process, this textbook, Sustainable Design Basics, and the new methodology it presents is the result of collaborative efforts. We are grateful for the knowledge, insight, talent, and time of all of those who contributed to this process. Special thanks and acknowledgment are due to the following:

Thomas Jefferson University. The methodology presented is in large part a response to, and developed for, the use in master’s in sustainable design studio courses at the university.

Our students in the master’s in sustainable design program at Thomas Jefferson University whose honest and detailed feedback on the SDB methodology, even when less than favorable, helped us evaluate, revise, and refine the methodology presented in this text. Particular thanks to Abhiri Khisty, Jaspreet (JP) Bullar, Surabhi Khanderia, Rupali Gadagkar, and Shane Clark for their consistent work and positive spirit, Arpita Ganti for her enthusiasm and early SketchUp work and Keaghan Caldwell for his amazing design, SketchUp and Sefaira work. An extra thank you to master’s in sustainable design staff members Savannah Nierintz, and especially Laura Parisi, who was an absolute rock star during her time at the university and in her work to support this book!

Teaching colleagues at Thomas Jefferson University have provided insight and support.

Rebecca Parish, who produced SDB Revit and AutoCAD drawings. Jeff Zarnoch, who has been consistently supportive. James Query, who helped us with topography contours.

Frank Sherman, who, with his class, employed the SDB methodology and provided insightful feedback.

We have received great support from our professional colleagues including:

Lois Brink of The Big SandBox, who provided invaluable site design advice.

Re:Vision Architecture, who provided insightful examples of project guiding principles.

Alkesh Taylor and Stephen Miller from Kitchen Associates, who provided an understanding of the demonstration project building active HVAC requirements.

Early readers of this textbook deserve special thanks. Hannah Rose Mamary, Celia Mamary, Rita Jaffe, and Carolyn Card Sutton each waded through various versions of this textbook providing insightful observations, suggestions, and edits that improved the overall readability, continuity, and structure.

Kim Conway Wilson, whose clear-eyed graphic appraisal and illustration skills helped focus and simplify the presentation of complex concepts and images. The team at Wiley publishing saw the value in expanding the successful Basics franchise, from Space Planning Basics, and Lighting Design Basics, into the area of Sustainable Design. Amanda Shettleton, Margaret Cummins, Kalli Schultea, Amy Odum, and the vast support a project of this scale requires, we offer our gratitude and thanks for supporting us through the process.

Deficiencies, errors, or ambiguities found in this text, (as surely, we have missed one or two) are the responsibilities of the authors.

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