ORGB – Organisational Behaviour, 6th Edition PDF by Debra Nelson and James Campbell Quick


ORGB- Organisational Behaviour, 6th Edition
By Debra Nelson and James Campbell Quick

ORGB- Organisational Behaviour, 6th Edition PDF by Debra Nelson and James Campbell Quick


1 Organizational Behavior and Opportunity 2
1-1 Human Behavior in Organizations 2
1-2 Behavior in Times of Change 5
1-3 The Organizational Context 6
1-4 The Formal and Informal Organization 7
1-5 Diversity of Organizations 9
1-6 Change Creates Opportunities 9
1-7 Learning about Organizational Behavior 13
2 Challenges for Managers 16
2-1 Competing in the Global Economy 16
2-2 Cultural Differences and Work-Related Attitudes 21
2-3 The Diverse Workforce 22
2-4 Ethics, Character, and Personal Integrity 28
2-5 Ethical Dilemmas Facing the Modern
Organization 29
Part 1
Part 2
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3 Personality, Perception,
and Attribution 34
3-1 Individual Differences and Organizational
Behavior 34
3-2 Personality and Organizations 36
3-3 Application of Personality Theory in
Organizations 40
3-4 Social Perception 45
3-5 Barriers to Social Perception 47
3-6 Attribution in Organizations 50
4 Attitudes, Emotions,
and Ethics 52
4-1 Attitudes 52
4-2 Attitude Formation 54
4-3 Job Satisfaction 56
4-4 Organizational Citizenship versus Counterproductive
Work Behavior 57
4-5 Persuasion and Attitude Change 59
4-6 Emotions and Moods at Work 61
4-7 Ethical Behavior 63
4-8 Factors That Affect Ethical Behavior 65
5 Motivation at Work 70
5-1 Motivation and Work Behavior 70
5-2 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy 73
5-3 McClelland’s Need Theory 75
5-4 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory 77
5-5 Two New Ideas in Motivation 78
5-6 Social Exchange and Equity Theory 79
5-7 Expectancy Theory of Motivation 82
5-8 Cultural Differences in Motivation 84
6 Learning and Performance
Management 86
6-1 Behavioral Models of Learning in Organizations 86
6-2 Social and Cognitive Theories of Learning 91
6-3 Goal Setting at Work 92
6-4 Performance: A Key Construct 94
6-5 Performance Feedback 96
6-6 Rewarding Performance 98
6-7 Correcting Poor Performance 99
7 Stress and Well-Being
at Work 104
7-1 What Is Stress? 104
7-2 Four Approaches to Stress 105
7-3 The Stress Response 107
7-4 Sources of Work Stress 107
7-5 The Consequences of Stress 111
7-6 Individual Differences in the Stress–Strain
Relationship 114
7-7 Preventive Stress Management 116
8 Communication 124
8-1 Interpersonal Communication 124
8-2 Communication Skills for Effective Managers 129
8-3 Barriers and Gateways to Communication 130
8-4 Civility and Incivility 132
8-5 Nonverbal Communication 134
8-6 Positive, Healthy Communication 137
8-7 Communicating through New Technologies
and Social Media 138
9 Work Teams and Groups 142
9-1 Groups and Work Teams 142
9-2 Why Work Teams? 143
9-3 Group Behavior 145
9-4 Group Formation and Development 146
9-5 Task and Maintenance Functions 150
9-6 Factors That Influence Group Effectiveness 151
9-7 Empowerment and Self-Managed Teams 154
9-8 Upper Echelons: Teams at the Top 156
10 Decision Making by
Individuals and Groups 160
10-1 The Decision-Making Process 160
10-2 Models and Limits of Decision Making 162
10-3 Individual Influences on Decision Making 165
10-4 The Group Decision-Making Process 170
10-5 Diversity and Culture in Decision Making 175
10-6 Participation in Decision Making 176
11 Power and Political
Behavior 180
11-1 The Concept of Power 180
11-2 Forms and Sources of Power in Organizations 181
11-3 Using Power Ethically 184
11-4 Symbols of Power 186
11-5 Political Behavior in Organizations 188
11-6 Managing Political Behavior in Organizations 192
12 Leadership and
Followership 198
12-1 Leadership
versus Management 199
12-2 Early Trait Theories 200
12-3 Behavioral Theories 201
12-4 Contingency Theories 204
12-5 Recent Leadership Theories 210
12-6 Emerging Issues in Leadership 212
12-7 Followership 214
12-8 Guidelines for Leadership 215
13 Conflict and Negotiation 218
13-1 The Nature of Conflicts in Organizations 218
13-2 Causes of Conflict in Organizations 221
13-3 Forms of Group Conflict in Organizations 224
13-4 Individual Conflict in Organizations 225
13-5 Conflict Management Strategies and
Techniques 229
13-6 Conflict Management Styles 232
14 Jobs and the Design
of Work 236
14-1 Work in Organizations 236
14-2 Traditional Approaches to Job Design 239
14-3 Alternative Approaches to Job Design 244
14-4 Contemporary Issues in the Design of Work 248
15 Organizational Design and Structure 252
15-1 Key Organizational Design Processes 253
15-2 Basic Design Dimensions 258
15-3 Five Structural Configurations 259
15-4 Contextual Variables 261
15-5 Forces Reshaping Organizations 267
15-6 Emerging Organizational Structures 269
15-7 Factors That Can Adversely Affect Structure 270
16 Organizational Culture 272
16-1 Levels of Organizational Culture 272
16-2 Functions of Organizational Culture 277
16-3 The Relationship of Culture to Performance 278
16-4 The Leader’s Role in Shaping and Reinforcing
Culture 279
16-5 Organizational Socialization 281
16-6 Assessing Organizational Culture 283
16-7 Changing Organizational Culture 284
16-8 Challenges to Developing a Positive, Cohesive
Culture 286
17 Career Management 290
17-1 Occupational and Organizational Choice
Decisions 291
17-2 Foundations for a Successful Career 296
17-3 The Career Stage Model 297
17-4 The Establishment Stage 298
17-5 The Advancement Stage 299
17-6 The Maintenance Stage 305
17-7 The Withdrawal Stage 306
17-8 Career Anchors 308
18 Managing Change 310
18-1 Forces for Change in Organizations 310
18-2 The Scope of Change 315
18-3 Resistance to Change 316
18-4 Lewin’s Model for Managing Change 318
18-5 Determining the Need for Organization Development
Interventions 320
18.6 Group-Focused Techniques for OD Intervention 321
18-7 Individual-Focused Techniques for OD
Intervention 323
Endnotes 329
Index 363
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