Schaum’s® Outlines of Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 7th Edition PDF by Merle C Potter, E W Nelson, Charles L Best, and W G Mclean


Schaum’s® Outlines of Engineering Mechanics: Statics, Seventh Edition

By Merle C Potter, E W Nelson, Charles L Best, and W G Mclean

Schaum’s® Outlines of Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 7th Edition


Chapter 1 Vectors

1.1 Definitions

1.2 Addition of Two Vectors

1.3 Subtraction of a Vector

1.4 Zero Vector

1.5 Composition of Vectors

1.6 Multiplication of Vectors by Scalars

1.7 Orthogonal Triad of Unit Vectors

1.8 Position Vector

1.9 Dot or Scalar Product

1.10 The Cross or Vector Product

1.11 Vector Calculus

1.12 Dimensions and Units

The International System (SI)

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 2 Operations with Forces

2.1 The Moment of a Force

2.2 A Couple

2.3 Replacing a Single Force

2.4 Coplanar Force Systems

2.5 Notes

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 3 Resultants of Coplanar Force Systems

3.1 Coplanar Forces

3.2 Concurrent System

3.3 Parallel System

3.4 Nonconcurrent, Nonparallel System

3.5 Resultants of Distributed Force Systems

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 4 Resultants of Noncoplanar Force Systems

4.1 Noncoplanar Force Systems

4.2 Concurrent System

4.3 Parallel System

4.4 Nonconcurrent, Nonparallel System

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 5 Equilibrium of Coplanar Force Systems

5.1 Equilibrium of a Coplanar Force System

5.2 Two-Force Members

5.3 Concurrent Systems

5.4 Parallel Systems

5.5 Nonconcurrent, Nonparallel Systems

5.6 Remarks—Free-Body Diagrams

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 6 Equilibrium of Noncoplanar Force Systems

6.1 Equilibrium of a Noncoplanar Force System

6.2 Concurrent Systems

6.3 Parallel Systems

6.4 Nonconcurrent, Nonparallel Systems

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 7 Trusses and Cables

7.1 Trusses and Cables

7.2 Trusses

7.2.1 Method of Joints

7.2.2 Method of Sections

7.3 Cables

7.3.1 Parabolic

7.3.2 Catenary

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 8 Forces in Beams

8.1 Beams

8.2 Shear and Moment

8.3 The Shear Diagram

8.4 The Moment Diagram

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 9 Friction

9.1 General Concepts

9.2 Laws of Friction

9.3 Belt Friction and Brake Bands

9.4 Rolling Resistance

9.5 Jackscrew

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 10 Virtual Work

10.1 Virtual Displacement and Virtual Work

10.2 Equilibrium

10.3 Stable Equilibrium

10.4 Unstable Equilibrium

10.5 Neutral Equilibrium

10.6 Summary of Equilibrium

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 11 First Moments and Centroids

11.1 Centroid of an Assemblage

11.2 Centroid of a Continuous Quantity

11.3 Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus

11.4 Center of Pressure

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Chapter 12 Moments of Inertia

12.1 Moment of Inertia of an Area

12.2 Polar Moment of Inertia of an Area

12.3 Product of Inertia of an Area

12.4 Parallel Axis Theorem

12.5 Composite Area

12.6 Rotated Set of Axes

12.7 Mohr’s Circle

12.8 Moment of Inertia of a Mass

12.9 Product of Inertia of a Mass

12.10 Parallel Axis Theorem for a Mass

12.11 Composite Mass

Solved Problems

Supplementary Problems

Practice Final Exam

Appendix A SI Units

Appendix B First Moments and Centroids

Appendix C Moments of Inertia of Areas and Masses



This book is designed to supplement standard texts, primarily to assist students of engineering and science in acquiring a more thorough knowledge and proficiency in Statics. It is based on the authors’ convictions that numerous solved problems constitute one of the best means for clarifying the basic principles. While this book will not mesh precisely with any one text, the authors feel that it can be a very valuable adjunct to all. The previous editions of this book have been very favorably received.

This edition incorporates SI units only. The authors attempt to use the appropriate mathematics available to students at the sophomore level. Thus the vector approach is applied in those chapters where its techniques provide a simplicity in theory and problems. On the other hand, we have not hesitated to use scalar methods elsewhere, since they provide entirely adequate solutions to most of the problems. Chapter 1 is a complete review of the minimum number of vector definitions and operations necessary for the entire book, and applications of this introductory chapter are made throughout the book.

Chapter topics correspond to material usually covered in a standard Statics course. Most chapters contain the appropriate derivations along with examples that illustrate the basic principles. The text material is followed by sets of solved and supplementary problems. The solved problems present methods of analysis, provide practical examples, and bring into sharp focus those fine points that, along with examples, enable the student to apply the basic principles correctly and confidently. The many supplementary problems serve as a review of the material covered in each chapter.

This book was originally the first part of Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics, a Schaum’s Outline. The decision was made to separate “Statics” and “Dynamics” into two books since it is most common to have separate courses in engineering curricula. The material on first and second moments in the last two chapters is most often included in “Statics” but also is used when studying “Strength of Materials” and “Dynamics.” It saves time in those two courses if included in “Statics.” It may or may not be included in the Statics course at a particular college.

In the first edition, the authors gratefully acknowledged their indebtedness to Paul B. Eaton and J. Warren Gillon. In the second edition, the authors received helpful suggestions and criticism from Charles L. Best and John W. McNabb. Also in that edition, Larry Freed and Paul Gary checked the solutions to the problems. For this seventh edition, the authors thank William Best for checking the solutions to the new problems and reviewing the added new material. For typing the manuscripts of the third and fourth editions, we are indebted to Elizabeth Bullock.

  1. E W Nelson
  2. C L Best
  3. W G Mclean
  4. M C Potter
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