Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Sixth Edition PDF by Mackenzie L Davis and David A Cornwell


Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Sixth Edition

By Mackenzie L. Davis and David A. Cornwell

Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Sixth Edition PDF by Mackenzie L Davis and David A Cornwell


Preface viii

1 Introduction 1

1-1 What Is Environmental Engineering? 2

1-2 Professional Code of Ethics 3

1-3 Environmental Ethics 4

1-4 Engineering Dimensions and Units 6

1-5 Environmental Systems Overview 7

1-6 Environmental Legislation and Regulation 16

1-7 Chapter Review 19

1-8 Problems 20

1-9 Discussion Questions 21

1-10 FE Exam Formatted Problems 23

1-11 References 24

2 Materials and Energy Balances 25

2-1 Introduction 26

2-2 Unifying Theories 26

2-3 Materials Balances 27

2-4 Energy Balances 57

2-5 Chapter Review 70

2-6 Problems 71

2-7 Discussion Questions 82

2-8 FE Exam Formatted Problems 82

2-9 References 83

3 Risk Assessment 85

3-1 Introduction 86

3-2 Probability and Risk 86

3-3 Risk Assessment 89

3-4 Risk Management 105

3-5 Chapter Review 105

3-6 Problems 106

3-7 Discussion Questions 107

3-8 FE Exam Formatted Problems 108

3-9 References 108

4 Water Resources Engineering 110

4-1 Introduction 111

4-2 Fundamentals 111

4-3 Rainfall Analysis 124

4-4 Runoff from Snowmelt 129

4-5 Runoff Analysis 131

4-6 Storage of Reservoirs 155

4-7 Groundwater and Wells 159

4-8 Chapter Review 184

4-9 Problems 185

4-10 Discussion Questions 211

4-11 FE Exam Formatted Problems 213

4-12 References 213

5 Water Chemistry 216

5-1 Introduction 217

5-2 Basic Water Properties and Units 218

5-3 Chemical Reactions 226

5-4 Buffer Solutions 232

5-5 Reaction Kinetics 237

5-6 Gas Transfer 238

5-7 Chemical Feed Rates 243

5-8 Chapter Review 246

5-9 Problems 247

5-10 Discussion Questions 253

5-11 FE Exam Formatted Problems 253

5-12 References 253

6 Water Treatment 254

6-1 Introduction 255

6-2 Coagulation 280

6-3 Softening 288

6-4 Mixing and Flocculation 309

6-5 Sedimentation 319

6-6 Filtration 334

6-7 Disinfection 348

6-8 Adsorption 361

6-9 Membranes 362

6-10 Water Plant Residuals Management 364

6-11 Chapter Review 378

6-12 Problems 380

6-13 Discussion Questions 396

6-14 FE Exam Formatted Problems 397

6-15 References 398

7 Water Pollution 401

7-1 Introduction 402

7-2 Water Pollutants and Their Sources 403

7-3 Water Pollution in Rivers 409

7-4 Water Pollution in Lakes 438

7-5 Water Pollution in Estuaries 447

7-6 Groundwater Pollution 447

7-7 Chapter Review 452

7-8 Problems 454

7-9 Discussion Questions 462

7-10 FE Exam Formatted Problems 463

7-11 References 464

8 Wastewater Treatment 467

8-1 Introduction 468

8-2 Characteristics of Wastewater 469

8-3 Wastewater Treatment Standards 471

8-4 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems 476

8-5 Unit Operations of Pretreatment 478

8-6 Primary Treatment 485

8-7 Unit Processes of Secondary Treatment 488

8-8 Disinfection 533

8-9 Tertiary Wastewater Treatment 533

8-10 Land Treatment for Sustainability 538

8-11 Sludge Treatment 541

8-12 Alternative Sludge Disposal Techniques 562

8-13 Chapter Review 567

8-14 Problems 569

8-15 Discussion Questions 583

8-16 FE Exam Formatted Problems 584

8-17 References 584

9 Air Pollution 588

9-1 Air Pollution Perspective 589

9-2 Physical and Chemical Fundamentals 590

9-3 Air Pollution Standards 593

9-4 Effects of Air Pollutants 599

9-5 Origin and Fate of Air Pollutants 607

9-6 Micro and Macro Air Pollution 615

9-7 Air Pollution Meteorology 633

9-8 Atmospheric Dispersion 641

9-9 Indoor Air Quality Model 653

9-10 Air Pollution Control of Stationary Sources 657

9-11 Air Pollution Control of Mobile Sources 684

9-12 Chapter Review 691

9-13 Problems 693

9-14 Discussion Questions 704

9-15 FE Exam Formatted Problems 705

9-16 References 705

10 Noise Pollution 711

10-1 Introduction 712

10-2 Effects of Noise on People 724

10-3 Rating Systems 738

10-4 Community Noise Sources and Criteria 741

10-5 Transmission of Sound Outdoors 748

10-6 Traffic Noise Prediction 757

10-7 Noise Control 767

10-8 Chapter Review 781

10-9 Problems 782

10-10 Discussion Questions 791

10-11 FE Exam Formatted Problems 792

10-12 References 792

11 Solid Waste Management 795

11-1 Perspective 796

11-2 Collection 803

11-3 Interroute Transfer 817

11-4 Disposal by Municipal Solid Waste Landfill 821

11-5 Waste to Energy 843

11-6 Resource Conservation and Recovery for Sustainability 847

11-7 Chapter Review 855

11-8 Problems 857

11-9 Discussion Questions 870

11-10 FE Exam Formatted Problems 871

11-11 References 871

12 Hazardous Waste Management 874

12-1 Introduction 875

12-2 Definition and Classification of Hazardous Waste 878

12-3 RCRA and HSWA 885

12-4 CERCLA and SARA 892

12-5 Hazardous Waste Management 896

12-6 Treatment Technologies 901

12-7 Land Disposal 927

12-8 Groundwater Contamination and Remediation 933

12-9 Chapter Review 942

12-10 Problems 945

12-11 Discussion Questions 957

12-12 FE Exam Formatted Problems 958

12-13 References 959

13 Sustainability and Green Engineering 961

13-1 Introduction 962

13-2 Water Resources 966

13-3 Direct and Indirect Potable Reuse 992

13-4 Energy Resources 998

13-5 Chapter Review 1015

13-6 Problems 1016

13-7 FE Exam Formatted Problems 1017

13-8 References 1017

14 Ionizing Radiation Available at the text website

14-1 Introduction

14-2 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation

14-3 Radiation Standards

14-4 Radiation Exposure

14-5 Radiation Protection

14-6 Radioactive Waste

14-7 Chapter Review

14-8 Problems

14-9 Discussion Questions

14-10 FE Exam Formatted Problems

14-11 References

Appendix A 1025


Appendix B 1033


Appendix C 1036


Index 1041

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