Mental Health Nursing: Applying Theory to Practice, 1st Edition PDF by Gylo (Julie) Hercelinskyj and Louise Alexander


Mental Health Nursing: Applying Theory to Practice, 1st Edition

By Gylo (Julie) Hercelinskyj and Louise Alexander

Mental Health Nursing: Applying Theory to Practice, 1st Edition


Guide to the text x

Guide to the online resources xiii

Preface xiv

About the authors xv

Acknowledgements xvii


Underpinnings Of Mental Health Nursing 1


Mental health nursing – then and now 2

Introduction 3

Belief in supernatural origins of illness and disease 3

Asylums of the world 5

History of Australia’s asylums and mental health nursing 6

Treatments throughout history 8

The role and identity of the mental health nurse in

contemporary service delivery 10

Chapter resources 13


Theoretical frameworks underpinning practice 16

Introduction 17

Health, mental health and human behaviour 17

Biomedical theories of personality 17

Psychodynamic theories of personality 18

The behavioural/social cognitive orientation 23

The humanistic orientation 26

The use of psychological and sociological theories of

personality in mental health nursing practice 27

Relevance of psychological and/or nursing theories to

nursing practice 29

Chapter resources 30


Ethics, law and mental health nursing practice 33

Introduction 34

Context of mental health legislation in Australia 34

Legislation facilitating care and treatment of people

with a mental health condition 36

Mental health conditions, offending and the law 40

Legal and ethical dimensions of practice for nurses 41

Compulsory care and treatment from a consumer

perspective 43

Chapter resources 44


Treatment modalities utilised in contemporary

mental health service delivery 48

Introduction 49

Pharmacological interventions 49

Psychosocial interventions 52

Motivational interviewing 52

Mindfulness-based interventions 57

Cognitive behavioural therapy 58

Rational emotive behaviour therapy 60

Dialectical behaviour therapy 61

Structured problem solving 62

Psychoeducation 63

Chapter resources 65


Mental health nursing as a therapeutic process 68

Introduction 69

Interpersonal communication within the

nurse–consumer relationship 69

Core elements of the communication process 70

Effective communication skills 70

The therapeutic relationship 74

Therapeutic use of self 75

Developing, maintaining and terminating

therapeutic relationships 77

The application of therapeutic communication

qualities and skills in the clinical context 80

Chapter resources 86


Using evidence to guide mental health

nursing practice 91

Introduction 92

What is evidence-based practice? 92

Implementing evidence-based nursing practice 93

Critical appraisal of research evidence 99

Translating evidence into clinical practice 100

Mental health outcome measures 101

Chapter resources 102


The Clinical Context Of Practice 106


Assessment and diagnosis 107

Introduction 108

The context of practice 108

Assessment in mental health 108

Comprehensive mental health assessment 111

Modern diagnostic classification systems in mental

health assessment 122

Chapter resources 124


Schizophrenia spectrum and other

psychotic disorders 127

Introduction 128

Aetiology 128

Diagnostic criteria schizophrenia 133

Clinical presentation and the mental state examination 136

Treatment 141

Recovery and relapse prevention 146

Other psychotic disorders 147

Chapter resources 149


Bipolar and related disorders 152

Introduction 153

Aetiology 153

Diagnostic criteria bipolar I and II disorder 155

Clinical presentation and the mental state examination 158

Treatment 163

Recovery and relapse prevention 166

Chapter resources 169


Depressive disorders 171

Introduction 172

Aetiology and epidemiology 172

Clinical presentation of depressive disorder in the

context of the mental state examination 176

Treatment 177

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) 184

Depression in the perinatal period 185

Depression and older people 186

Recovery and relapse prevention 189

The family’s experience of depression 189

Chapter resources 191


Anxiety disorders 195

Introduction 196

What is anxiety? 196

Aetiology 197

Diagnostic criteria 198

Treatment of anxiety disorders 203

How do mental health nurses assist a person

experiencing anxiety? 207

Chapter resources 208


Personality disorders 211

Introduction 212

Defining personality and understanding general

personality disorder 212

Introducing cluster A, B and C personality disorders 213

Antisocial personality disorder (APD) 220

Borderline personality disorder 224

Chapter resources 232


Eating disorders 235

Introduction 236

Anorexia nervosa 236

Bulimia nervosa 246

Binge-eating disorder 252

Males and eating disorders 253

Chapter resources 254


Substance-related and addictive disorders 258

Introduction 259

The historical context of substance use and misuse 259

Understanding substance misuse, and defining

illicit and psychoactive substances 259

Addiction and dependence 260

Substance use, misuse problems and substance

use disorders 264

Diagnostic criteria 274

Biopsychosocial assessment framework 282

Clinical presentation and the mental state examination 285

Chapter resources 294


Neurodevelopmental disorders 299

Introduction 300

Neurodevelopmental disorders 300

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 300

Intellectual disability (intellectual disability disorder) 303

Autism spectrum disorder 307

Risk assessment for people diagnosed

with a neurodevelopmental disorder 312

The impact of caring for a person with a diagnosis of a

neurodevelopmental disorder: who cares for the carers? 312

Chapter resources 313


Neurocognitive disorders 317

Introduction 318

Ageing in Australia today: contemporary

trends and issues 318

Healthy ageing 319

Elder abuse 319

Mental health issues and older people 320

Delirium 321

Major neurocognitive disorders: dementia 323

The impact of neurocognitive disorders on families 333

Chapter resources 335


Obsessive compulsive and related disorders 339

Introduction 340

Obsessive-compulsive disorder 340

Hoarding disorder 344

Trichotillomania 347

Excoriation 348

Chapter resources 349


Trauma and stress-related disorders 351

Introduction 352

Understanding trauma and stress-related disorders 352

Trauma and stress-related disorders 353

Assessment and treatment of trauma and

stress-related disorders 357

Developing an individualised plan of care for a person

experiencing a disorder as a result of trauma/stress 359

Supporting family and other caregivers 362

Supporting clients on the recovery journey 363

Chapter resources 363


Other disorders of clinical interest 367

Introduction 368

Conduct disorder 368

Oppositional defiant disorder 373

Dissociative identity disorder 375

Gender dysphoria 378

Conversion disorder 382

Factitious disorder 384

Chapter resources 387


Contemporary Issues In Mental Health Nursing 391


Suicide and non-suicidal self-injury 392

Introduction 393

Suicide 393

Theories of suicide 397

Cultural considerations and vulnerable groups 397

The role of the media 399

Assessing risk of suicide 400

Self-harm/injury (non-suicidal self-injury) 404

Assessment and collaborative care for consumers

who experience self-injuring behaviours 406

Chapter resources 409


Recovery and resilience in mental health 413

Introduction 414

Recovery and recovery-oriented practice 414

Trauma-informed practice 416

Working with people 420

Be an ‘agent of change’ for recovery-oriented and

trauma-informed practices 427

The peer workforce and recovery 427

Recovery ethics and reflection 429

Chapter resources 431


The family’s role in contemporary mental

health service delivery 435

Introduction 436

What is a family? 436

Theories regarding family structure and functioning 436

The family’s experience of caring for a loved

one with a mental health challenge 438

Families and resilience 440

Mental health nurses work with families 441

Assessing family structure, function and dynamics 441

Strategies for promoting family resilience 443

Consumers’ views of the family in supporting them through their journey 444

Chapter resources 446


The multidisciplinary team 450

Introduction 451

The multidisciplinary team 451

Characteristics of effective teamwork 453

Becoming a member of the multidisciplinary

team: integrating into the team as a student nurse 457

Research on consumers’ views on the role of the

mental health nurse as a member of the multidisciplinary team 459

Chapter resources 461


Community mental health context 464

Introduction 465

Historical factors of community mental health care 465

Social determinants of mental health 465

Primary mental health care 466

The roles of the mental health nurse 468

Specialised community services 471

Chapter resources 477


Cultural context in practice in Australia 482

Introduction 483

Historical and cultural determinants 483

Social determinants 486

Indigenous Australians’ social and emotional well-being 488

Culturally safe practice: racial issues 491

Chapter resources 493


Mental health first aid 497

Introduction 498

Introduction to the MHFA acronym 498

How to apply MHFA to various mental health problems 500

Cultural considerations of MHFA within vulnerable groups 509

Mental health first aid for carers 511

Chapter resources 511

Appendix 514

Glossary 517

Index 525

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