Human Resource Management, 11th Edition PDF by Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, Stephen Taylor and Carol Atkinson


Human Resource Management, Eleventh Edition

By Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, Stephen Taylor and Carol Atkinson

Human Resource Management 11th Edition


Guided tour xiv

Preface xvii

Publisher’s acknowledgements xix

Part 1 Human resource management in the modern world 2

1 The nature of human resource management 4

Defining human resource management 7

The evolution of modern HRM 12

HRM and the achievement of organizational effectiveness 17

Summary propositions 20

General discussion topics 20

Theory into practice 21

Further reading 22

References 22

2 The global context for human resource management 25

Defining globalisation 26

The causes of globalisation 28

The impact of globalisation 30

Conclusions 38

Summary propositions 39

General discussion topics 39

Theory into practice 39

Further reading 40

References 41

3 HRM around the world 42

Global HRM: similarities 43

Global HRM: differences 45

Explaining global diversity in HRM practice 51

Is greater divergence a possibility? 58

Summary propositions 59

General discussion topics 59

Theory into practice 59

Further reading 60

References 61

4 Strategic human resource management 63

Strategic HRM 64

The relationship between business strategy and HR strategy 67

Theoretical perspectives of strategic HRM 69

Summary propositions 81

General discussion topics 82

Theory into practice 82

Further reading 83

Web link 83

References 84

5 Workforce planning, analytics and AI 87

The contribution and feasibility of workforce planning 89

The scope of workforce planning 93

Analysing the environment 94

Forecasting future HR needs 96

Analysing the current situation and

projecting forward 98

Reconciliation, decisions and plans 101

Workforce analytics and AI (artificial intelligence) 103

Summary propositions 109

General discussion topics 109

Theory into practice 110

Further reading 110

References 111

6 Employability: the basic skills 113

6.a. Being effective with people 114

Summary propositions 119

General discussion topics 120

Putting it into practice 120

6.b. Using and interpreting

basic analytics 121

Summary propositions 128

General discussion topics 129

Putting it into practice 129

6.c. Effective writing 129

Summary propositions 133

General discussion topics 133

Putting it into practice 133

6.d. Presentation 133

Summary propositions 137

General discussion topics 137

Putting it into practice 138

Further reading 138

References 139

Part 2 Resourcing: getting people in the right places to do the right things 140

7 Organisational agility and flexibility 142

Organisation design 143

Organisation structures 145

Employer flexibility 149

Employee flexibility 155

Summary propositions 158

General discussion topics 159

Theory into practice 159

Further reading 160

References 161

8 Recruitment 164

Determining requirements 166

Rational versus processual approaches

to recruitment 169

Internal recruitment 172

External recruitment 173

Recruitment advertising 178

Evaluation of recruitment activity 180

Summary propositions 181

General discussion topics 181

Theory into practice 182

Further reading 182

References 183

9 Selection methods

and decisions 186

Rational versus processual

approaches to selection 187

Selection criteria 188

Shortlisting 189

Selection methods 192

Advanced methods of selection 196

Final selection decision making 203

Validation of selection procedures 203

Summary propositions 204

General discussion topics 204

Theory into practice 204

Further reading 206

References 206

10 Employability: skills

in resourcing 208

10.a. Determining the vacancy 209

Summary propositions 210

Putting it into practice 210

10.b. Job and competency analysis 211

Summary propositions 215

Putting it into practice 215

10.c. The selection interview 215

Summary propositions 225

General discussion topics 226

Putting it into practice 226

Further reading 227

Reference 227

Part 3 Performance: success

through individual and

collective achievement 228

11 Employee performance

management 230

Performance management or

performance appraisal? 231

Theoretical bases of performance

management 234

Performance management across

national contexts 235

Stages in a performance management

system 235

Performance management: does it

improve performance? 243

Summary propositions 245

General discussion topics 245

Theory into practice 246

Further reading 246

References 247

12 Leadership 250

Leadership and management 252

What are the traits of (effective) leaders? 253

What is the ‘best way to lead’?

Leadership styles and behaviours 254

Do leaders need different styles for

different situations? 256

Transformational leadership: do

we really need heroes? 258

Followership 262

Summary propositions 264

General discussion topics 264

Theory into practice 264

Further reading 265

References 266

13 Managing attendance and absence 269

The national context 270

Impact on the organisation 273

Process and causes of absence

and attendance 274

Managing for appropriate attendance 276

Summary propositions 283

General discussion topics 284

Theory into practice 284

Further reading 285

References 285

14 Engagement and retention 287

Defining engagement 288

The benefits of employee engagement 290

Employee retention 292

The impact of labour turnover 292

Analysing labour turnover 294

Engagement and retention strategies 296

Summary propositions 301

General discussion topics 301

Theory into practice 301

Further reading 303

References 303

15 Employability: skills in

performance 306

15.a. The appraisal interview 307

Summary propositions 313

General discussion topics 314

Putting it into practice 314

15.b. Designing questionnaires 315

Putting it into practice 318

Further reading 318

References 319

Part 4 Development 320

16 Organisational change and

development 322

The nature of change and the role of

planned change 323

How can organisations be responsive

to change? 325

Addressing the employee experience

of change 327

Reconceptualising change 333

Organisational development as a

specific approach to change 334

The evolution and future of OD 337

Summary of the HR role in change 338

Summary propositions 338

General discussion topics 339

Theory into practice 339

Further reading 340

References 341

17 The context of employee

learning and development 344

The UK national picture and strategy 346

UK skills policy and framework 348

The learning context 355

Summary propositions 363

General discussion topics 363

Case study 364

Further reading 365

References 365

18 Learning and development 367

Identifying learning and

development needs 368

Methods of learning and development: Part 1 370

Methods of learning and development:

Part 2 Focus on digital learning technologies 382

Evaluation of training and development 386

Summary propositions 387

General discussion topics 388

Theory into practice 388

Further reading 389

References 390

19 Talent and career development 392

What is talent? 393

Identification of talent 395

Strategic talent and career

development 398

Promotion and succession planning 401

Developing talent and careers 402

How organisations evaluate talent management 407

Summary propositions 409

General discussion topics 409

Theory into practice 409

Further reading 410

References 411

20 Employability: skills in learning and development 414

20.a. Teaching and learning 415

Summary propositions 417

Putting it into practice 417

20.b. Coaching 418

Summary propositions 422

General discussion topics 422

Putting it into practice 423

Further reading 423

References 424

Part 5 Employee relations 426

21 Employee voice 428

Terminology 430

Information sharing 431

Team briefing 432

Quality circles 433

Attitude surveys 434

Suggestion schemes 434

Consultation 435

Co-determination 437

Summary propositions 439

General discussion topics 439

Theory into practice 439

Further reading 441

References 441

22 The legal framework of work 444

A regulatory revolution 445

The contract of employment 446

Discrimination law 449

Unfair dismissal law 453

Health and safety law 460

Family-friendly employment law 462

Is employment law a benefit or a burden for businesses? 463

Summary propositions 465

General discussion topics 466

Theory into practice 466

Further reading 468

References 468

Legal cases 469

23 Diversity and inclusion 470

How ‘equal’ is the workforce? 471

Different approaches to equality 477

Implications for organisations 483

Summary propositions 485

General discussion topics 485

Theory into practice 486

Further reading 486

References 487

24 Employability: skills in employee relations 490

24.a. Mediation 491

Summary propositions 493

General discussion topics 493

24.b. The disciplinary or grievance interview 493

Summary propositions 501

General discussion topics 501

Putting it into practice 501

Further reading 502

References 503

Part 6 Reward: the contract for payment 504

25 Total reward and setting pay 506

Introducing reward management 507

Total reward 508

The elements of payment 511

Setting base pay 513

The importance of equity 518

Regulatory restrictions 519

Minimum wages 520

Equal pay law 520

Unlawful deductions 520

International diversity in reward

management 520

Summary propositions 522

General discussion topics 523

Theory into practice 523

Further reading 525

References 525

26 Incentives 527

Basic choices 528

The extent to which incentives are paid 531

Payment by results (PBR) schemes 532

Performance-related pay (PRP) 533

Skills-based pay 538

Profit sharing 540

Summary propositions 542

General discussion topics 542

Theory into practice 542

Further reading 544

References 545

27 Pensions and benefits 547

Pensions 549

Occupational pensions

and HRM 554

Sick pay 556

Company cars 557

Flexible benefits 558

Summary propositions 560

General discussion topics 561

Theory into practice 561

Further reading 562

References 562

28 Employability: skills in reward 564

28.a. Negotiation 565

Summary propositions 569

General discussion topics 570

Putting it into practice 570

28.b. How to reward employees working overseas

for the dislocation of their domestic and social arrangements 571

Summary propositions 572

General discussion topics 573

Putting it into practice 573

Further reading 574

Part 7 Contemporary issues 576

29 HRM and business ethics 578

What do we mean by ethics? 579

Early management concern with ethics 581

Business ethics today 581

Ethics and HRM 583

Ethics across national boundaries 585

Some current and developing

ethical dilemmas 586

Summary propositions 589

General discussion topics 590

Theory into practice 590

Further reading 591

References 592

30 Managing the human resource function 593

The HR function: purpose, roles and competencies 594

Structure of the HR function 597

HR strategic contribution 599

HR delivery approaches 602

HR shared services 603

Outsourcing HR 605

The role of line managers in HR 607

Critique of the changes in the

HR function 609

Summary propositions 611

General discussion topics 611

Theory into practice 612

Further reading 612

References 612

31 HR in small and medium-sized enterprises 616

Introduction 617

What do we know about working in SMEs? 618

The SME context 619

How strategic is HR in SMEs? 624

What does this mean for HR practice in SMEs? 626

Summary propositions 627

General discussion topics 628

Theory into practice 628

Further reading 629

References 629

32 Health and well-being 632

The nature of health and well-being 633

Health and well-being initiatives 635

‘Good work’ and well-being: job design and job quality 638

The business case for health and well-being 642

Criticisms of health and well-being initiatives 643

Summary propositions 645

General discussion topics 646

Theory into practice 646

Further reading 647

References 647

33 Managing the international workforce 650

Structuring international organisations 652

Managing expatriates 657

HRM issues in international organisations 662

Summary propositions 665

General discussion topics 666

Theory into practice 666

Further reading 668

References 668

34 The future of work 669

Long-term labour market trends 671

Technology and jobs 676

Conclusions 683

Summary propositions 684

General discussion topics 685

Theory into practice 685

Further reading 686

References 687

35 Advanced HR skills 688

35.a. Chairing meetings 689

Summary propositions 691

Putting it into practice 692

35.b. Presentation at tribunal 692

Putting it into practice 695

35.c. Dealing with bullying and harassment at work 696

Summary propositions 700

General discussion topics 700

Putting it into practice 700

35.d. Using consultants 701

Summary propositions 703

General discussion topics 703

References and Further reading 704

Index 705

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