Marine Biology, 12th Edition PDF by Peter Castro and Michael Huber


Marine Biology, Twelfth Edition

By Peter Castro and Michael Huber

Marine Biology, Twelfth Edition


About the Authors xi

Preface xii

Part One Principles of Marine Science

1 The Science of Marine Biology 1

1.1 The Science of Marine Biology 2

The History of Marine Biology 2

Marine Biology Today 6

1.2 The Scientific Method 8

Observation: The Currency of Science 9

Two Ways of Thinking 11

Testing Ideas 12

Limitations of the Scientific Method 17

Eye on Science: The Best Laid Plans 7

Observing the Ocean 10

John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts 16

Interactive Exploration 18

2 The Sea Floor 19

2.1 The Water Planet 19

The Geography of the Ocean Basins 20

The Structure of Planet Earth 20

2.2 The Origin and Structure of the Ocean Basins 22

Early Evidence of Continental Drift 22

Plate Tectonics 23

Earth’s Geological History 30

2.3 The Geological Provinces of the Ocean 33

Continental Margins 33

Deep-Ocean Basins 35

The Mid-Ocean Ridge and Hydrothermal Vents 36

Eye on Science: Life Below the Sea Floor 29

The Hawaiian Islands, Hot Spots, and Mantle Plumes 36

Interactive Exploration 39

3 Chemical and Physical Features of the

World Ocean 40

3.1 The Waters of the Ocean 40

The Unique Nature of Pure Water 41

Seawater 43

3.2 Ocean Circulation 48

Surface Circulation 48

Thermohaline Circulation and the Great Ocean Conveyor 52

3.3 Waves and Tides 56

Waves 56

Tides 57

Tall Ships and Surface Currents 51

Eye on Science: Larval Transport Near Hydrothermal Vents 54

Waves That Kill 58

Interactive Exploration 63

4 Fundamentals of Biology 64

4.1 The Ingredients of Life 65

The Building Blocks 65

The Fuel of Life 66

4.2 Living Machinery 69

Cells and Organelles 69

Levels of Organization 70

4.3 Challenges of Life in the Sea 72

Salinity 72

Temperature 75

Surface-to-Volume Ratio 76

4.4 Perpetuating Life 76

Modes of Reproduction 77

Reproductive Strategies 78

4.5 The Diversity of Life in the Sea 78

Natural Selection and Adaptation 78

Classifying Living Things 79

Evolutionary Perspective: From Snack to Servant: How Complex

Cells Arose 73

Eye on Science: When Fishes Stepped on Land 80

Interactive Exploration 84

Part Two The Organisms of the Sea

5 The Microbial World 85

5.1 Viruses 86

5.2 Prokaryotes 86

Bacteria 88

Archaea 89

Prokaryote Metabolism 90

5.3 Unicellular Algae 91

Diatoms 94

Dinoflagellates 95

Other Unicellular Algae 96

5.4 Protozoans: The Animal-Like Protists 97

Foraminiferans 97

Radiolarians 98

Ciliates 98

5.5 Fungi 98

Eye on Science: The Origin of Eukaryotes 90

Tiny Cells, Big Surprises 92

Evolutionary Perspective: Symbiotic Bacteria—The Essential

Guests 93

The Bay of Fire 96

Interactive Exploration 101

6 Multicellular Primary Producers: Seaweeds

and Plants 102

6.1 Multicellular Algae: The Seaweeds 102

General Structure 103

Photosynthetic Pigments 103

Types of Seaweeds 104

Life History 107

Economic Importance 109

6.2 Flowering Plants 109

Seagrasses 111

Salt-Marsh Plants 112

Mangroves 113

Economic Importance 115

Seaweeds for Gourmets 110

Eye on Science: Marine Algae as Biofuels 112

Interactive Exploration 116

7 Marine Animals Without a Backbone 117

7.1 Sponges 118

7.2 Cnidarians: Radial Symmetry 120

Types of Cnidarians 122

Biology of Cnidarians 124

7.3 Comb Jellies: Radial Symmetry Revisited 125

7.4 Bilaterally Symmetrical Worms 125

Flatworms 125

Ribbon Worms 126

Nematodes 127

Arrow Worms 127

Segmented Worms 127

7.5 Molluscs: The Successful Soft Body 130

Types of Molluscs 131

Biology of Molluscs 136

7.6 Arthropods: The Armored Achievers 137

Crustaceans 138

Biology of Crustaceans 140

Other Marine Arthropods 141

7.7 Bryozoans 141

7.8 Echinoderms: Five-Way Symmetry 141

Types of Echinoderms 142

Biology of Echinoderms 146

7.9 Hemichordates: A “Missing Link”? 146

7.10 Chordates Without a Backbone 147

Tunicates 147

The Case of the Killer Cnidarians 124

How to Discover a New Phylum 132

Eye on Science: The Complex Eyes of Mantis Shrimps 135

Interactive Exploration 151

8 Marine Fishes 152

8.1 Vertebrates: An Introduction 152

8.2 Types of Fishes 153

Jawless Fishes 154

Cartilaginous Fishes 154

Bony Fishes 157

8.3 Biology of Fishes 159

Body Shape 159

Coloration 159

Locomotion 160

Feeding 161

Digestion 162

Circulatory System 163

Respiratory System 163

Regulation of the Internal Environment 165

Nervous System and Sensory Organs 165

Behavior 167

Reproduction and Life History 171

Shark! 158

Eye on Science: Great White Shark Migrations 169

Evolutionary Perspective: A Fish Called Latimeria 172

Interactive Exploration 177

9 Marine Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals 178

9.1 Marine Reptiles 180

Sea Turtles 180

Sea Snakes 180

Other Marine Reptiles 180

Biology of Marine Reptiles 182

9.2 Seabirds 183

Penguins 183

Tubenoses 184

Pelicans and Related Seabirds 184

Gulls and Related Seabirds 185

Shorebirds 185

Biology of Seabirds 186

9.3 Marine Mammals 187

Seals, Sea Lions, and the Walrus 187

Sea Otter, Marine Otter, and Polar Bear 189

Manatees and Dugong 190

Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises 190

Biology of Marine Mammals 200

The Endangered Sea Turtles 181

Evolutionary Perspective: The Whales That Walked to Sea 193

Eye on Science: Feeding in the Blue Whale 203

How Intelligent Are Cetaceans? 205

Interactive Exploration 213

Part Three Structure and Function of Marine


10 An Introduction to Marine Ecology 214

10.1 The Organization of Communities 215

How Populations Grow 215

Ways That Species Interact 217

10.2 Major Marine Lifestyles and Environments 223

10.3 The Flow of Energy and Materials 224

Trophic Structure 224

Cycles of Essential Nutrients 230

Biodiversity: All Creatures Great and Small 219

Cleaning Associations 221

Eye on Science: Carbon Sinks and Blue Carbon 232

Interactive Exploration 236

SPECIAL REPORT: Our Changing Planet 237

Climate Change 237

The Greenhouse: Too Much of a Good Thing? 238

CO2 Through the Roof 238

What’s Happening Now? 240

What Lies Ahead? 241

So What? 241

Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem 242

Overwhelming the Nitrogen Cycle 243

The No-Zone 245

Stripping the Sea Bare 246

Disappearing Habitats 247

So What Do We Do? 248

Will There Be a Last Straw? 245

For More Information 250

11 Between the Tides 252

11.1 Rocky Shore Intertidal Communities 253

Exposure at Low Tide 253

The Power of the Sea 256

The Battle for Space 258

Vertical Zonation of Rocky Shores 261

11.2 Soft-Bottom Intertidal Communities 270

The Shifting Sediments 270

Living in the Sediment 271

Transplantation, Removal, and Caging Experiments 264

Eye on Science: Sea Star Wasting Disease 269

Interactive Exploration 275

12 Estuaries: Where Rivers Meet the Sea 276

12.1 Origins and Types of Estuaries 276

12.2 Physical Characteristics of Estuaries 278

Salinity 278

Substrate 279

Other Physical Factors 279

12.3 Estuaries as Ecosystems 279

Living in an Estuary 279

Types of Estuarine Communities 281

Feeding Interactions Among Estuarine Organisms 291

12.4 Human Impact on Estuarine Communities 291

Fiddler on the Mud 284

Eye on Science: Restoration of Salt Marshes 287

Interactive Exploration 294

13 Life on the Continental Shelf 295

13.1 Physical Characteristics of the Subtidal Environment 295

13.2 Soft-Bottom Subtidal Communities 297

Unvegetated Soft-Bottom Communities 300

Seagrass Meadows 304

Human Impact on Seagrasses 306

13.3 Hard-Bottom Subtidal Communities 307

Rocky Bottoms 307

Kelp Communities 308

Under the Polar Ice 298

Life in Mud and Sand 304

Eye on Science: Toxoplasma: From Cats to Sea Otters 314

Interactive Exploration 316

14 Coral Reefs 317

14.1 The Organisms That Build Reefs 317

Reef Corals 318

Other Reef Builders 321

Conditions for Reef Growth 322

14.2 Kinds of Coral Reefs 324

Fringing Reefs 324

Barrier Reefs 326

Atolls 328

14.3 The Ecology of Coral Reefs 331

The Trophic Structure of Coral Reefs 331

Coral Reef Communities 333

14.4 Human Impact on Coral Reefs 339

Global Warming and Ocean Acidification 339

Pollution, Overfishing, Disease, and Habitat Destruction 340

Promoting Reef Resilience 340

Coral Reproduction 323

Deep-Water Coral Communities 330

“Must Have Been Something I Ate” 338

The Kāne‘ohe Bay Story 341

Interactive Exploration 343

15 Life Near the Surface 344

15.1 The Organisms of the Epipelagic 345

The Plankton: A New Understanding 345

The Phytoplankton 346

The Zooplankton 348

The Nekton 351

15.2 Living in the Epipelagic 352

Staying Afloat 352

Predators and Their Prey 356

15.3 Epipelagic Food Webs 361

Trophic Levels and Energy Flow 361

The Microbial Loop 362

Patterns of Production 363

The El Nino–Southern Oscillation 370

Red Tides and Harmful Algal Blooms 352

Swimming Machines 358

Eye on Science: Biological Nutrient Pumps 369

Interactive Exploration 373

16 The Ocean Depths 374

16.1 The Twilight World 376

The Animals of the Mesopelagic 376

Adaptations of Midwater Animals 378

16.2 The World of Perpetual Darkness 385

The Lack of Food 386

Sex in the Deep Sea 386

Living Under Pressure 387

16.3 The Deep-Ocean Floor 388

Feeding in the Deep-Sea Benthos 388

The Nature of Life in the Deep-Sea Benthos 390

Microbes in the Deep Sea 391

16.4 Hot Springs, Cold Seeps, and Dead Bodies 392

The Chambered Nautilus 377

Biodiversity in the Deep Sea 391

Eye on Science: Alvin Reborn 392

Interactive Exploration 396

Part Four Humans and the Sea

17 Resources from the Sea 397

17.1 The Living Resources of the Sea 397

Food from the Sea 398

Marine Life as Items of Commerce and Recreation 414

17.2 Non-Living Resources from the Sea Floor 415

Oil and Gas 415

Ocean Mining 416

17.3 Non-Living Resources from Seawater 417

Energy 417

Fresh Water 418

Minerals 418

Of Fish and Seabirds, Fishers and Chickens 407

Eye on Science: Aquaculture of Bluefin Tunas 411

Take Two Sponges and Call Me in the Morning 415

Interactive Exploration 420

18 The Impact of Humans on the Marine

Environment 421

18.1 Modification and Destruction of Habitats 421

Trawling 422

18.2 Pollution 423

Eutrophication 424

Sewage 424

Oil 426

Persistent Toxic Substances 428

Plastic Waste 430

Thermal Pollution 432

18.3 Threatened and Endangered Species 432

18.4 Conserving and Enhancing the Marine Environment 436

Conservation 437

Restoration of Habitats 437

18.5 Prospects for the Future 440

Eye on Science: Microplastics in the Marine Environment 432

Biological Invasions: The Uninvited Guests 434

Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Oceans 439

Interactive Exploration 441

Appendix A Units of Measurement 442

Appendix B Selected Field Guides and Other References for

the Identification of Marine Organisms in North

America 443

Appendix C The World Ocean 444

Appendix D Major Coastal Communities and Marine Protected

Areas in North America and the Caribbean 446

Glossary 448

Index 460

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