MGMT4 with MindTap, 4th Edition PDF by Chuck Williams, Alan McWilliams, Rob Lawrence and Wahed Waheduzzaman


MGMT4 with MindTap, 4th Edition

By Chuck Williams, Alan McWilliams, Rob Lawrence and Wahed Waheduzzaman

MGMT4 with MindTap, 4th Edition PDF by Chuck Williams, Alan McWilliams, Rob Lawrence and Wahed Waheduzzaman


II Management 2
Management is …
Management functions
Kinds of managers
Top managers
Middle managers
First-line managers
Team leaders
Managerial roles
Interpersonal roles
Informational ro les
Decisional roles
What companies look for in managers
Mistakes managers make
The transition to management: the first year
Competitive advantage through people
II History of management 19
The origins of management
Management ideas and practice throughout history
Why we need managers today
Scientific management
Father of scientific management: Frederick W. Taylor
Motion studies: Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Charts: Henry Gantt
Bureaucratic and administrative management
Bureaucratic management: Max Weber
Administrative management: Henri Fayol
Human relations management 27
Constructive conflict: Mary Parker Follett 27
Hawthorne Studies: Elton Mayo 29
Cooperation and acceptance of authority: Chester Barnard 31
Operations, information, systems and
contingency management
Operations management
Informat ion management
Systems management
Contingency management
II Organisational environments and cultures 35
Changing environments
Environmental change
Environmental complexity
Resource scarcity
Environmental uncertainty
General environment
Technological component
Sociocultural component
Pol itical/legal component
Specific environment
Customer component
Competitor component
Supplier component
Industry regulation component
Advocacy groups
Making sense of changing environments 46
Environmental scanning 46
Interpreting environmental factors 47
Acting on threats and opportunities 4 7
Organisational cultures: creation, success and change 49
Creation and maintenance of organisational cu ltures 49
Successful organisational cultures 50
Changing organisational cultures 51 II Ethics and social responsibility 54
Workplace deviance 55
Regulators and regulations 57
Who, what and why? 57
Determining the punishment 57
Influences on ethical decision making 59 Ethics training 64
Ethical intensity of the decision 59 Ethica l climate 65
Moral development 60 To whom are organisations socially responsible? 67
Principles of ethical decision making 61
For what are organisations socially responsible? 69
Practical steps to ethical decision making 63
Selecting and hiring ethical employees 63 Responses to demands for social responsibility 70
Codes of ethics 63 Social responsibility and economic performance 71
PART TWO: PLANNING 74 a Planning and decision making 75
Benefits and pitfalls of planning
Benefits of planning
Planning pitfalls
How to make a plan that works
Setting goals
Developing commitment to goals
Developing effective action plans
Tracking progress
Maintaining flexibility
Planning from top to bottom
Starting at the top
Bending in the middle
Finishing at the bottom
Steps and limits to rational decision making
Define the problem
Identify decision criteria
Weight the criteria
Generate alternative courses of action
Evaluate each alternative
Compute the optimal decision
Limits to rational decision making
Using groups to improve decision making
Advantages and pitfalls of group decision making
Structu red confl ict
Nominal group technique
Delphi technique
Electronic brainstorming
II Organisational strategy 93
What is strategy?
Sustainable competitive advantage
Strategy-making process
Assessing the need for strategic change
Situational analysis
Choosing strategic alternat ives
Corporate-level strategies
Portfolio strategy
Grand strategy
Industry-level strategies
Positioning st rategies
Adaptive strategies
Five industry forces
Firm-level strategies
Direct competition
Strategic moves of direct competition
II Innovation and change 111
The difference between change and innovation
Why innovation matters
Technology cycles
Innovation streams
Managing innovation
Managing sources of innovation
Experiential approach: managing innovation during
discontinuous change
Compression approach: managing innovation during
incremental change
Organisational decline: the risk of not changing
Managing change
Managing resistance to change
What not to do when leading change
Change tools and techniques
II Global management 128
Global business, trade rules and trade agreements
The impact of global business
Trade agreements
Consumers, trade barriers and trade agreements
Consistency or adaptation?
Forms of global business
Cooperative cont racts
Strategic alliances
Wholly owned affiliates (build or buy)
Global new ventures
Finding the best business climate
Growing markets
Choosing an office or manufacturing location
Minimising political risk
Becoming aware of cultural differences
Preparing for an international assignment
Language and cross-cultural training
Spouse, family and dual-career issues
a Designing adaptive organisations 151
Departmentalisation 153
Funct ional departmentalisation 153
Product departmentalisation 154
Customer departmentalisation 155
Geographic departmentalisation 156
Matrix departmentalisation 157
Organisational authority 159
Chain of command 159
Line versus staff authority 159
Delegation of authority 159
Degree of centrali sation 160
Job design 161
Job specialisation 161
Job rotation, enlargement
and enrichment 162
Job characteristics model 162
Intra-organisational processes 165
Reengineering 165
Empowerment 167
Inter-organisational processes 167
Modular organisations 168
Virtual organisations 169 m Managing teams 171
The good and bad of using teams 172
The advantages of teams 172
The disadvantages of teams 173
When to use teams 174
Kinds of teams 175
Autonomy – the key dimension 175
Special kinds of teams 176
Work team characteristics 178
Team norms 178
Team cohesiveness 179
Team size 179
Team conflict 180
Stages of team development 181
Enhancing work team effectiveness 182
Setting team goals and priorities 182
Selecting people for teamwork 183
Team training 185
Team compensation and recognition 186
m Managing people: human resource
management 187
Employment legislation
Employment laws
Employment discrimination
Job analysis and recruiting
Internal recruiting
External recruiting
Application forms and resumes
References and background checks
Selection tests
Determining training needs
Training methods
Evaluating tra ining
Performance appraisal
Accurately measuring job performance
Sharing performance feedback
Compensation and remuneration
Compensation decisions
Terminating employees
Employee turnover
Anti-discrimination legislation and diversity
Age discrimination
Disability discrimination
Racia l discrimination
Sex discrimination
Sexual orientation discrimination
Workplace bullying
Diversity makes good business sense
Surface-level diversity
Deep-level diversity
Managing diversity
Diversity paradigms
Diversity principles
PART FOUR: LEADING 221 m Motivation 222
Basics of motivation
Effort and performance
Need satisfaction
Extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
Motivating with the basics
Equity theory
Components of equity theory
How people react to perceived inequity
Motivating with equity theory
Expectancy theory
Components of expectancy theory
Motivating w ith expectancy theory
Reinforcement theory
Components of reinforcement theory
Schedules for delivering reinforcement
Motivating w ith reinforcement theory
Goal-setting theory
Components of goa l-setting theory
Motivating with goal-setting theory
Motivating with the integrated model
m Leadership 240
Leaders versus managers
Who leaders are and what leaders do
Leadership traits
Leadership behaviour
Putting leaders in the right situation:
Fiedler’s contingency theory
Leadership style: least-preferred
Situational favourableness
Matching leadership styles
to situations
Adapting leader behaviour: path-goal theory
Leadership styles
Subordinate and environmenta l contingencies
Adapting leader behaviour: normative decision theory 251
Decision styles 251
Decision quality and acceptance 252
Problem: change to casual wear? 252
Visionary leadership 254
Charismatic leadership 254
Transformational leadership 256
m Managing communication 258
Perception and communication problems
Basic perception process
Perception problems
Perceptions of others
Kinds of communication
The communication process
Formal communication channels
Informal communicat ion channels
Coaching and counselling: one-on-one
Non-verbal communication
Managing one-on-one communication
Choosing the right communication medium
Giving feedback
Managing organisation-wide communication
Improving transmission: getting the message out
Improving reception: hearing what others
feel and think
PART FIVE: CONTROLLING 277 m Control 278 m Managing information 294
The control process 279 Strategic importance of informat ion 296
Standards 279 First-mover advantage 296
Comparison to standards 280 Sustaining a competitive advantage 296
Corrective action 280 Characteristics and costs of useful information 297
Dynamic, cybernetic process 281 Accurate information 297
Feedback, concurrent and Complete information 298
feed-forward control 281 Relevant information 298
Control isn’t always worthwhile Timely information 298
or possible 281 Acquisit ion costs 298
Control methods 283 Processing costs 298
Bureaucratic control 283 Storage costs 298
Objective control 283 Retrieval costs 299
Normative control 284 Communication costs 299
Concertive control 285 Capturing, processing and protecting information 300
Self-control 285 Capturing information 300
What to control 286 Processing information 301
The balanced scorecard 286 Protecting information 303
The financial perspective: controlling budgets, Accessing and sharing information and knowledge 307
cash flows and economic value added 287 Internal access and sharing 307
The customer perspective: controlling customer External access and sharing 308
defections 289 Sharing knowledge and expertise 309
ID Managing service and manufacturing
operations 311
Why productivity matters
Kinds of productivity
Quality-related characteristics for
products and services
ISO 9000 and 14000
Baldrige National Quality Award and the
Australian Business Excellence Framework
Total quality management
Service operations
The service-profit chain
Service recovery and empowerment
Manufacturing operations
Amount of processing in manufacturing
Flexibility of manufacturing operations
Types of inventory
Measuring inventory
Costs of maintaining an inventory
Managing inventory
Tear-Out Cards
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