Strategy: An International Perspective, 7th Edition PDF by Bob de Wit


Strategy: An International Perspective, 7th Edition

By Bob de Wit

Strategy: An International Perspective, 7th Edition


List of exhibits xii

Acknowledgements xiv

Preface xvi

Teaching & Learning Support Resources xxii


Strategy 1

1 Introduction 2

The nature of strategy 2

Identifying the strategy issues 3

Structuring the strategy debates 10

Managing strategy paradoxes 16

Developing an international perspective 19

Introduction to the readings 24

Reading 1.1 Complexity: The nature of real world problems 25

by Richard Mason and Ian Mitroff

Reading 1.2 Managing strategic contradictions 32

by Wendy K. Smith and Michael L. Tushman

Reading 1.3 Cultural constraints in management theories 42

by Geert Hofstede

References 49

2 Strategizing_55

Introduction 55

The issue of strategic reasoning 56

The paradox of logic and intuition 61

Perspectives on strategizing 65

Managing the paradox of logic and intuition 72

Strategic thinking in international perspective 73

Introduction to the readings 76

Reading 2.1 Explicating dynamic capabilities: The nature and 77

microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance

by David J. Teece

Reading 2.2 Exploring intuition and its role in managerial decision making 91

by Erik Dane and Michael G. Pratt

Reading 2.3 Psychological foundations of dynamic capabilities: 108

Reflexion and reflection in strategic management

by Gerard P. Hodgkinson and Mark P. Healey

References 118

3 Missioning and Visioning_131

Introduction 131

The issue of organizational purpose 138

The paradox of profitability and responsibility 139

Perspectives on missioning and visioning 143

Managing the paradox of profitability and responsibility 148

Missioning and visioning in international

perspective 150

Introduction to the readings 152

Reading 3.1 The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits 154

by Milton Friedman

Reading 3.2 Stockholders and stakeholders: A new perspective on 157

corporate governance

by Edward Freeman and David Reed

Reading 3.3 Creating shared value: How to reinvent capitalism and unleash

a wave of innovation and growth 163

by Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer

References 175



4 Business Level Strategy_182

Introduction 182

The issue of competitive advantage 182

The paradox of markets and resources 196

Perspectives on business level strategy 200

Managing the paradox of markets and resources 206

Business level strategy in international perspective 208

Introduction to the readings 209

Reading 4.1 Strategy from the outside in 211

by George S. Day and Christine Moorman

Reading 4.2 Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage 218

by Jay Barney

Reading 4.3 Dynamic capabilities: An exploration of how 226

firms renew their resource base

by Véronique Ambrosini, Cliff Bowman and Nardine Collier

References 238

5 Corporate Level Strategy_242

Introduction 242

The issue of corporate configuration 242

The paradox of responsiveness and synergy 247

Perspectives on corporate level strategy 254

Managing the paradox of responsiveness and synergy 260

Corporate level strategy in international perspective 262

Introduction to the readings 264

Reading 5.1 Strategy and the business portfolio 265

by Barry Hedley

Reading 5.2 The core competence of the corporation 272

by C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel

Reading 5.3 Seeking synergies 280

by Andrew Campbell and Michael Goold

References 293

6 Network Level Strategy_295

Introduction 295

The issue of inter-organizational relationships 295

The paradox of competition and cooperation 304

Perspectives on network level strategy 308

Managing the paradox of competition and cooperation 314

Network level strategy in international perspective 316

Introduction to the readings 319

Reading 6.1 Collaborate with your competitors – and win 320

by Gary Hamel, Yves Doz and C.K. Prahalad

Reading 6.2 Creating a strategic centre to manage a web of partners 325

by Gianni Lorenzoni and Charles Baden-Fuller

Reading 6.3 Coevolution in business ecosystems 334

by James F. Moore

References 339


Strategy process 343

7 Strategy Formation 345

Introduction 345

The issue of realized strategy 345

The paradox of deliberateness and emergence 350

Perspectives on strategy formation 356

Managing the paradox of deliberateness and emergence 363

Strategy formation in international perspective 365

Introduction to the readings 367

Reading 7.1 Managing the strategy process 368

by Balaji Chakravarthy and Peter Lorange

Reading 7.2 Logical incrementalism 372

by James Quinn

Reading 7.3 Environmental uncertainty, foresight 379

and strategic decision making: An integrated study

by Riccardo Vecchiato

References 393

8 Strategic Change 399

Introduction 399

The issue of strategic alignment 399

The paradox of revolution and evolution 406

Perspectives on strategic change 411

Managing the paradox of revolution and evolution 416

Strategic change in international perspective 417

Introduction to the readings 420

Reading 8.1 Reengineering work: Don’t automate, obliterate 422

by Michael Hammer

Reading 8.2 Building learning organizations 428

by Peter Senge

Reading 8.3 Ambidextrous organizations: Managing 436

evolutionary and revolutionary change

by Michael L. Tushman and Charles A. O’Reilly III

References 445

9 Strategic Innovation 448

Introduction 448

The issue of strategic renewal 448

The paradox of exploitation and exploration 455

Perspectives on strategic innovation 460

Managing the paradox of exploitation and exploration 463

Strategic innovation in international perspective 466

Introduction to the readings 469

Reading 9.1 Six Sigma: Definition and underlying theory 470

by Roger G. Schroeder, Kevin Linderman,

Charles Liedtke and Adrian S.Choo

Reading 9.2 The innovator’s dilemma 485

by Clayton M. Christensen

Reading 9.3 Exploitation, exploration, and process management: 493

The productivity dilemma revisited

by Mary J. Benner and Michael L. Tushman

References 507


Strategy Context 515

10 The Industry Context 517

Introduction 517

The issue of industry development 518

The paradox of compliance and choice 525

Perspectives on the industry context 529

Managing the paradox of compliance and choice 535

The industry context in international perspective 536

Introduction to the readings 538

Reading 10.1 Industry evolution 539

by Michael E. Porter

Reading 10.2 Blue ocean strategy 545

by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne

Reading 10.3 How industries change 553

by Anita M. McGahan

References 561

11 The Organizational Context 563

Introduction 563

The issue of organizational development 564

The paradox of control and chaos 567

Perspectives on the organizational context 571

Managing the paradox of control and chaos 577

The organizational context in international perspective 579

Introduction to the readings 581

Reading 11.1 Defining leadership and explicating the process 582

by Richard M. Cyert

Reading 11.2 Strategy as order emerging from chaos 586

By Ralph Stacey

Reading 11.3 Structured networks: Towards the well-designed matrix 592

by Michael Goold and Andrew Campbell

References 601

12 The International Context_605

Introduction 605

The issue of international configuration 606

The paradox of globalization and localization 613

Perspectives on the international context 619

Managing the paradox of globalization and localization 625

The international context in international perspective 627

Introduction to the readings 630

Reading 12.1 The globalization of markets 631

by Theodore Levitt

Reading 12.2 The myth of globalization 636

by Susan Douglas and Yoram Wind

Reading 12.3 Clusters and the new economics of competition 644

Michael E. Porter

References 652


Cases 655

1 Zara: Fast fashion in the digital age 656

By Vanessa Burbano, Bennett Chiles and Dan J. Wang

2 Bitcoin: A disruptive innovation or a bubble set to burst? 678

By Geeta Singh and Syeda Maseeha Qumer

3 ‘Compassion vs competitiveness’ dilemma at Novo Nordisk 690

By Debapratim Purkayastha

4’s business model and its evolution 704

By Syeda Maseeha Qumer and Debapratim Purkayastha

5 Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google 722

By Syeda Maseeha Qumer and Debapratim Purkayastha

6 Renault-Nissan alliance: Will further integration create more synergies? 738

By Wiboon Kittilaksanawong and Caroline Palecki

7 Time for a change at The Change Foundation 749

By Alexander Smith

8 Federated Co-Operatives Limited: Change management 761

By Dionne Pohler

9 Netflix, Inc. 769

By Professor Frank T. Rothaermel and Austin Guenther

10 Tesla Motors’ business model configuration 784

By Dipl. Kfm. Erwin Hettich and Prof. Dr. Günter Müller-Stewens

11 Ricardo Semler: A revolutionary model of leadership 806

By Professor William W. Maddux with Roderick I. Swaab, Betania Tanure and Elin Williams

12 Huayi Brothers: Strategic transformation 815

By Professors Jie Li and Jean-Louis Schaan

Index 827

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