Experience Human Development, 15th Edition PDF by Diane E. Papalia and Gabriela Martorell


Experience Human Development, 15th Edition

Diane E. Papalia and Gabriela Martorell

Experience Human Development


About the Authors v

Preface l

About Human Development

chapter 1

The Study of Human

Development 2

Human Development: An Evolving Field 3

Studying the Life Span 3

Basic Concepts in Human Development 4

Domains of Development 4

Periods of the Life Span 5

Influences on Development 8

Heredity, Environment, and Maturation 8

Contexts of Development 9

Normative and Nonnormative Influences 16

Timing of Influences 16

The Life-Span Developmental Approach 17

summary and key terms 18

Research in Action Intersectionality and Inequity in

Human Development 13

Window on the World The World within Our

Borders: Immigration 15

chapter 2

Theory and Research 20

Basic Theoretical Issues 21

Issue 1: Is Development Active or Reactive? 21

Issue 2: Is Development Continuous or

Discontinuous? 22

Theoretical Perspectives 23

Perspective 1: Psychoanalytic 23

Perspective 2: Learning 26

Perspective 3: Cognitive 29

Perspective 4: Contextual 31

Perspective 5: Evolutionary/Sociobiological 32

Research Methods 33

Quantitative and Qualitative Research 33

Sampling 34

Forms of Data Collection 34

Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative

Research 36

Basic Research Designs 36

Developmental Research Designs 40

Research Issues 42

Diversity in Research 42

The Open Science Movement and the

Reproducibility Crisis 42

Research Ethics 44

summary and key terms 44

Window on the World Cross-Cultural

Research 37

Research in Action Broadening the

Narrative: Diversity in Psychological

Research 43


Danie Nel Photography/Shutterstock

chapter 3

Forming a New Life 46

Conceiving New Life 47

Cultural Beliefs About Conception 47

Fertilization 47

Assisted Reproductive Technologies 49

Multiple Births 49

Mechanisms of Heredity 50

The Genetic Code 50

Sex Determination 51

Patterns of Genetic Transmission 52

Genetic and Chromosomal Abnormalities 54

Genetic Counseling and Testing 58

Studying the Influences of Heredity and

Environment 59

Measuring Heritability 59

How Heredity and the Environment Work Together 60

Characteristics Influenced by Heredity and

Environment 62

Prenatal Development 64

Cultural Beliefs about Prenatal Development 65

Stages of Prenatal Development 65

Environmental Influences: Maternal Factors 70

Environmental Influences: Paternal Factors 78

Monitoring and Promoting Prenatal

Development 78

summary and key terms 81

Research in Action Indigenous Motherhood 48

Window on the World Prenatal Care

around the World 80

chapter 4

Birth and Physical Development

during the First Three Years 84

Childbirth, Culture, and Change 85

The Birth Process 87

Stages of Childbirth 88

Electronic Fetal Monitoring 88

Vaginal versus Cesarean Delivery 89

Medicated versus Nonmedicated Delivery 89

Childbirth and the COVID-19 Pandemic 90

The Newborn Baby 91

Size and Appearance 91

Body Systems 91

Medical and Behavioral Assessment 92

States of Arousal 93

Complications of Childbirth 95

Low Birth Weight 95

Postmaturity 99

Stillbirth 99

Survival and Health 99

Infant Mortality 99

Immunization for Better Health 104

Early Physical Development 105

Principles of Development 105

Physical Growth 106

Nutrition 106

Building the Brain 109

Early Sensory Capacities 114

Motor Development 116

Milestones of Motor Development 116

Motor Development and Perception 117

Theories of Motor Development 118

Ethnic and Cultural Influences on Motor Development 120

summary and key terms 121

Window on the World Where to Lay You Down to

Sleep? Sleep Customs across the World 95

Research in Action Should I Stay or Should I Go:

Disparities in the Use of Parental Leave 103

chapter 5

Cognitive Development during

the First Three Years 124

Studying Cognitive Development 125

Behaviorist Approach 125

Classical and Operant Conditioning 125

Research Applications 126

Psychometric Approach 127

Testing Infants and Toddlers 127

Assessing the Early Home Environment 127

Early Intervention 129

Piagetian Approach 130

Substages of the Sensorimotor Stage 130

Object Concept 132

Imitation 132

Symbolic Development 133

Evaluating Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage 135

Information-Processing Approach 136

Habituation 136

Tools of Infant Research 137

Perceptual and Attentional Processes 137

Cross-Modal Transfer 138

Information Processing as a Predictor of Intelligence 138

Information Processing and Piagetian Abilities 139

Evaluating Information-Processing Research 142

Cognitive Neuroscience Approach 142

Social-Contextual Approach 143

Language Development 145

Classic Theories of Language Acquisition: The Nature-

Nurture Debate 145

Sequence of Early Language Development 146

Variations in Language Development 151

Characteristics of Early Speech 153

Influences on Early Language Development 153

summary and key terms 157

Research in Action Strength versus Deficit:

Contextualizing Research in Language Development 152

Window on the World Literacy and Language 156

chapter 6

Psychosocial Development

during the First Three Years 160

Foundations of Psychosocial Development 161

Early Emotional Development 161

Temperament 165

Early Social Experiences: The Family 167

Gender 169

Developmental Issues in Infancy 171

Developing Trust 171

Developing Attachments 171

Mutual Regulation 175

Social Referencing 176

Developmental Issues in Toddlerhood 177

The Emerging Sense of Self 177

Development of Autonomy 179

Moral Development and Socialization 179

Relationships with Other Children 182

Siblings 182

Peers 183

Children of Working Parents 184

Effects of Maternal Employment 184

Early Child Care 184

Child Maltreatment 185

Maltreatment in Infancy and Toddlerhood 186

Long-Term Effects of Maltreatment 187

summary and key terms 188

Research in Action Cultural Considerations in the

Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder 178

Window on the World The Terrible Twos Might Not

Be That Bad 180

Early Childhood

Kali9/E+/Getty Images

chapter 7

Physical and Cognitive Development

in Early Childhood 190


Aspects of Physical Development 191

Bodily Growth and Change 191

Sleep 191

Brain Development 194

Motor Skills 194

Health and Safety 196

Obesity and Overweight 196

Undernutrition 198

Food Allergies 198

Oral Health 199

Deaths and Accidental Injuries 199

Environmental Influences 201


Piagetian Approach 203

Advances of Preoperational Thought 204

Immature Aspects of Preoperational Thought 206

Theory of Mind 207

Memory 212

Basic Processes and Capacities 212

Metamemory 213

Executive Functioning 213

Childhood Memories 214

Intelligence 215

Psychometric Measures of Intelligence 215

Influences on Measured Intelligence 215

Testing and Teaching Based on Vygotsky’s Theory 217

Language Development 218

Vocabulary 218

Grammar and Syntax 218

Pragmatics and Social Speech 219

Private Speech 219

Speech and Language Delays 220

Emergent Literacy 220

Early Childhood Education 221

Cultural Variations in Early Education 221

Preschool 221

Kindergarten 223

summary and key terms 223

Research in Action Health Risks of Screen Time

During COVID-19 197

Window on the World The First 5 Years 200

chapter 8

Psychosocial Development in Early

Childhood 226

The Developing Self 227

The Self-Concept and Cognitive Development 227

Self-Esteem 230

Regulating Emotions 231

Understanding Emotions 232

Erikson: Initiative versus Guilt 232

Gender 233

Sex Differences 233

Perspectives on Gender Development 234

Play 241

Cognitive Levels of Play 242

The Social Dimension of Play 242

Gender and Play 243

Culture and Play 244

Parenting 245

Forms of Discipline 245

Parenting Styles 248

Relationships with Other Children 250

Sibling Relationships 250

The Only Child 250

Playmates and Friends 251

summary and key terms 253

Research in Action Lights, Camera, Representation:

BIPOC Children’s Exposure to Violent Digital Media 228

Window on the World Age Segregation versus

Mixed-Age Play 252

Middle Childhood

Maria Moroz/Shutterstock

chapter 9

Physical and Cognitive Development

in Middle Childhood 256


Aspects of Physical Development 257

Height and Weight 257

Dental Health 257

Nutrition 258

Sleep 259

Brain Development 259

Motor Development and Physical Activity 261

Physical Health 263

Overweight 263

Chronic Medical Conditions 264

Accidental Injuries 266


Piagetian Approach: Cognition 267

Cognitive Advances 267

Information-Processing Approach: Planning,

Attention, and Memory 271

Executive Functioning 271

Selective Attention 272

Working Memory 272

Mnemonics 273

Metamemory 273

Psychometric Approach: Intelligence 274

Measuring Intelligence 274

The IQ Controversy 275

Influences on Intelligence 275

Is There More Than One Intelligence? 276

Language and Literacy 279

Vocabulary, Grammar, and Syntax 279

Pragmatics 279

Second-Language Learning 280

Literacy 280

The Child in School 281

Influences on School Achievement 281

Educating Children with Special Needs 285

Children with Learning Problems 285

Gifted Children 287

summary and key terms 289

Window on the World Cultural Conceptions of

Intelligence 277

Research in Action Compounding Disadvantage:

Educational Access in the Age of COVID-19 285

chapter 10

Psychosocial Development in

Middle Childhood 292

The Developing Self 293

Self-Concept Development 293

Industry versus Inferiority 293

Emotional Development 294

The Child in the Family 295

Family Atmosphere 295

Family Structure 299

Sibling Relationships 306

The Child in the Peer Group 306

Peer Groups 306

Popularity 307

Friendship 309

Aggression and Bullying 309

Mental Health 313

Common Emotional Problems 313

Treatment Techniques 315

Resilience 316

summary and key terms 317

Window on the World Bullying across the World 311

Research in Action “The Talk”: Racial Socialization in

African American Families 297


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chapter 11

Physical and Cognitive

Development in Adolescence 320

Adolescence 321

Adolescence as a Social Construction 321


Puberty 321

Hormonal Changes in Puberty 321

Puberty and Sexual Maturity 322

Pubertal Timing 324

The Adolescent Brain 327

Physical and Mental Health 328

Physical Activity 329

Sleep 329

Nutrition and Eating Disorders 330

Drug Use 334

Depression 336

Death in Adolescence 337


Aspects of Cognitive Maturation 339

Piaget’s Stage of Formal Operations 339

Immature Aspects of Adolescent Thought 340

Language Development 341

Moral Development and Prosocial Behavior 342

Educational and Vocational Issues 345

Academic Achievement 345

Dropping Out of High School 348

Preparing for Higher Education or Vocations 348

summary and key terms 350

Window on the World Culture and Cognition 340

Research in Action Who Are You? Puberty and

LGBTQ+ Identity Development 324

chapter 12

Psychosocial Development in

Adolescence 352

The Search for Identity 353

Identity versus Identity Confusion 353

Identity Status 353

Gender Differences in Identity Formation 354

Identity Development in Sexual-Minority Youth 354

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Identity Formation 355

Cultural Differences in Identity Formation 356

Sexuality 357

Sexual Orientation 357

Sexual Behavior 358

Sexually Transmitted Infections 360

Teen Pregnancy 363

Other Risks of Adolescence 366

Relationships with Family, Peers, and Adult

Society 366

The Myth of Adolescent Rebellion 367

Adolescents and Parents 367

Sibling Relationships 371

Peer Relationships 371

Antisocial Behavior and Juvenile Delinquency 376

Biological Influences 376

Environmental Influences 377

Preventing and Treating Delinquency 378

summary and key terms 379

Research in Action LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Sex

Education 365

Window on the World Culture and Discretionary

Emerging and Young Adulthood

Six_Characters/E+/Getty Images

chapter 13

Physical and Cognitive

Development in Emerging and

Young Adulthood 382

Emerging Adulthood 383


Health and Fitness 384

Health Status 384

Genetic Influences on Health 385

Behavioral Influences on Health 386

Indirect Influences on Health 391

Mental Health Problems 394

Sexual Issues 395

Sexual Behavior and Attitudes 395

Sexually Transmitted Infections 396

Menstrual Disorders 396


Perspectives on Adult Cognition 397

Piagetian Approaches 397

Triarchic Theory of Intelligence 398

Emotional Intelligence 399

Moral Reasoning 400

The Three Ethics 400

Education and Work 401

College 401

Entering the World of Work 404

summary and key terms 405

Research in Action Hidden Disability: Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Young Adults 385

Window on the World Internet Addiction 389

chapter 14

Psychosocial Development in

Emerging and Young Adulthood 408

Developmental Tasks of Emerging Adulthood 409

Paths to Adulthood 409

Identity Development 410

Personality Development: Four Views 412

Normative-Stage Models 412

Timing-of-Events Model 413

Trait Models 414

Typological Models 415

Relationships in Emerging Adulthood 415

Relationships with Parents 416

Friendship 417

Love 418

Marital and Nonmarital Lifestyles 420

Single Life 420

Nonheterosexual Relationships 421

Cohabitation 422

Marriage 423

Parenthood 427

Cultural and Contextual Influences 427

Relationship Dynamics 429

When Marriage Ends 430

Divorce 430

Remarriage and Stepparenthood 432

summary and key terms 432

Research in Action Interracial Dating 419

Window on the World Popular Wedding Traditions

across Cultures 424

Middle Adulthood


chapter 15

Physical and Cognitive Development

in Middle Adulthood 434

Middle Age: A Social Construct 435


Physical Changes 436

Sensory Functioning 436

Physical Fitness 437

The Brain at Midlife 437

Structural and Systemic Changes 438

Sexuality and Reproductive Functioning 439

Physical and Mental Health 443

Physical Health at Midlife 443

Behavioral Influences on Health 444

Socioeconomic Status and Health 445

Race/Ethnicity and Health 445

Gender and Health 446

Mental Health at Midlife 449


Cognitive Development at Midlife 451

Cognitive Performance 451

Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence 453

The Distinctiveness of Adult Cognition 453

Expertise 453

Integrative Thought 454

Creativity 455

Creativity and Age 455

Work and Education 456

Work and Retirement 456

Work and Cognitive Development 457

Adult Education 457

summary and key terms 459

Window on the World Cultural Differences in

Menopause 441

Research in Action Hard Times: Financial Stress at

Midlife 458

chapter 16

Psychosocial Development in

Middle Adulthood 462

Theoretical Models of Change at Midlife 463

Normative-Stage Models 463

Trait Models 465

Timing of Events Models 466

Issues and Themes at Midlife 467

The Midlife Crisis? 467

Identity Development 468

Positive Mental Health at Midlife 471

Relationships at Midlife 474

Theories of Social Contact 474

Relationships and Well-Being 475

Consensual Relationships 476

Marriage 476

Cohabitation 479

Divorce 479

Friendships 481

Relationships with Maturing Children 481

Adolescent Children 481

The Empty Nest 482

Adult Children 483

Voluntary Childlessness 483

Other Kinship Ties 484

Aging Parents 484

Siblings 487

Grandparenthood 487

summary and key terms 490

Research in Action Body Image and Well-Being at

Midlife 470

Window on the World The Global Sandwich

Generation 485

Late Adulthood


chapter 17

Physical and Cognitive Development

in Late Adulthood 492

Old Age Today 493

The Graying of the Population 493

Conceptualization of Aging 495


Longevity and Aging 496

Correlates of Life Expectancy 496

Theories of Aging 498

Extending the Human Life Span 500

Physical Changes 502

Organic and Systemic Changes 502

The Aging Brain 503

Sensory and Psychomotor Functioning 503

Sleep 507

Sexual Functioning 507

Physical and Mental Health 508

Health Status 508

Chronic Conditions and Disabilities 509

Lifestyle Influences on Health and Longevity 511

Mental and Behavioral Problems 511


Cognitive Changes 516

Intelligence and Processing Abilities 516

Memory 518

Wisdom 521

summary and key terms 522

Window on the World Elder Care Worldwide 495

Research in Action The Psychological Consequences

of Hearing Loss 505

chapter 18

Psychosocial Development in Late

Adulthood 524

Personality Development in Late Adulthood 525

Ego Integrity versus Despair 525

Personality Traits in Old Age 525

Well-Being in Late Adulthood 527

Well-Being in Sexual Minorities 528

The Effect of Religion and Spirituality on Well-Being 528

Coping and Mental Health 529

Models of Successful Aging 530

Practical and Social Issues Related to Aging 533

Work and Retirement 533

Financial Concerns 535

Living Arrangements 536

Elder Abuse 540

Personal Relationships in Late Life 541

Theories of Social Contact and Support 541

Relationships and Health 542

The Multigenerational Family 542

Marital and Long-Term Relationships 543

Marriage 543

Widowhood 545

Divorce and Remarriage 545

Nonmarital Lifestyles and Relationships 546

Single Life 546

Cohabitation 547

Friendships 547

Nonmarital Kinship Ties 548

Relationships with Adult Children 548

Relationships with Siblings 549

summary and key terms 550

Window on the World Aging Stereotypes

Worldwide 534

Research in Action Technology and Aging in

Place 537

The End of Life

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chapter 19

Dealing with Death and

Bereavement 552

The Meaning of Death and Dying 553

The Cultural Context 553

The Mortality Revolution 553

Facing Death and Loss 555

Factors Preceding Death 555

Confronting One’s Own Death 557

Patterns of Grieving 558

Responses to Death across the Life Span 559

Significant Losses 563

Surviving a Spouse 563

Losing a Parent in Adulthood 564

Losing a Child 564

Mourning a Miscarriage 565

Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues 565

Suicide 566

Hastening Death 567

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life and

Death 571

Life Review 571

Development: A Lifelong Process 572

summary and key terms 572

Window on the World Cultural Variations in Funeral

Customs 554

Research in Action Cultural Influences on Children’s

Understanding of Death 560

McGraw Hill Psychology APA

Documentation Style Guide

Glossary G-1

Bibliography B-1

Name Index I-1

Subject Index I-28

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