Health Assessment and Physical Examination, 4th Edition PDF by Pauline Calleja, Karen Theobald, Theresa Harvey and Mary Ellen Zator Estes


Health Assessment and Physical Examination, 4th Edition

By Pauline Calleja, Karen Theobald, Theresa Harvey and Mary Ellen Zator Estes

Health Assessment and Physical Examination, 4th Edition


Guide to the text xiii

Guide to the online resources xvii

Preface to this edition xix

Acknowledgements xxi

About the authors xxiii


Laying The Foundation 1

01 The nursing role in health assessment

and physical examination 2

Background 2

Critical thinking and clinical reasoning 3

Applying standards for critical thinking 4

Components of critical thinking and clinical reasoning 5

Critical thinking and the nursing process 6

Critical thinking, cultural considerations for

healthcare practice 8

Culture 8

Defining cultural competence and cultural safety 8

Cultural competence 9

Cultural safety 10

Assessment: Taking the patient’s health history 11

Planning for physical examination 12

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 12

Physical examination findings 12

Diagnostic and laboratory data 12

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 13

Putting it all together 13

Prioritisation for consumer acuity 14

Evidence-based practice 15

Clinical (or critical) pathways 15

Chapter resources 15

02 The health consumer interview approaches

incorporating developmental considerations 17

Background 17

The consumer interview 18

The nurse 18

The consumer 18

The nurse’s role in assessing a consumer’s spiritual needs 20

General approach to planning for the health assessment

interview 21

Considerations for interviewing 22

Stages of the interview process 24

Factors affecting communication 25

Effective communication techniques 27

Using open-ended questions 27

Using closed questions 28

Facilitating 28

Using silence 28

Grouping communication techniques 28

Communication: Techniques to avoid 34

Requesting an explanation 34

Probing 34

Offering false reassurance 35

Giving approval 36

Defending 36

Advising 36

Questioning techniques which may be problematic 37

Interviewing the consumer with special needs 39

The consumer with impaired hearing 39

The consumer with impaired vision 39

The consumer with impaired speech or aphasia 40

The consumer with a low literacy level 40

The consumer who is culturally or linguistically diverse 41

The consumer who has a low level of understanding 41

The consumer who is emotional and upset 42

Behaviour that may be sexually inappropriate or

threatening 42

The consumer who is under the influence of

alcohol or drugs 43

Developmental theories 43

Transitional developmental theories 44

Ages and stages developmental theories 44

Developmental stages, tasks and life events 44

Developmental tasks of infants (birth to 1 year) 45

Developmental tasks of toddlers (1 to 3 years) 47

Developmental tasks of preschoolers (3 to 6 years) 49

Developmental tasks of school-age children

(6 to 12 years) 50

Developmental tasks of adolescents (12 to 18 years) 51

Developmental tasks of young adults (18 to 30 years) 52

Developmental tasks of early middle adulthood

(30 to 50 years) 52

Developmental tasks of late middle adulthood

(50 to 70 years) 53

Developmental tasks of late adulthood (70 years to death) 54

Developmental assessment tools 54

Chapter resources 56

03 The complete health history including documentation 58

Background 58

Types of health history 59

Preparing for the health history 59

General approach to the health history 60

Identifying information 61

Today’s date 61

Demographic data 61

The complete health history assessment tool 61

Source and reliability of information 62

Consumer profile 63

Reason for seeking health care and chief complaint 63

Present health and history of the present illness 63

Past health history 66

Family health history 72

Social history 72

Health maintenance and education activities 82

Review of systems 86

Concluding the health history 87

Supportive equipment 87

Documentation 87

Chapter resources 90

04 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

peoples’ health 93

Background 94

Introduction to culturally safe and responsive practice 94

Cultural safety 94

Cultural responsiveness 96

Strengths-based communication 96

Diversity and identity 97

History 100

Truth-telling 100

Barriers to access: health care 103

Strength in partnerships 105

Respect 106

Holistic health 107

Connection and belonging to family, kinships

and communities 108

Connection and belonging to Country 109

Reflexivity 109

Communication in clinical practice for health

assessment and physical examination 112

Shared decision making 113

Dadirri: deep listening 114

Yarning: cultural communication 114

Keeping track of culturally safe practice 115

Chapter resources 118


Physical Examination 121

05 Physical examination techniques 122

Background 122

Considerations prior to commencing physical

examination 123

Standard precautions 123

Transmission-based precautions 127

Legal considerations 128

Physical examination techniques 129

General approach to physical examination 129

Inspection 132

Palpation 132

Percussion 134

Auscultation 136

Equipment 138

Chapter resources 140

06 Examination requirements for

every consumer 142

Background 142

Planning for physical examination 143

Environment 143

Equipment 143

Implementation: Conducting the general survey 144

Examination of physical status 144

Examination of psychological status 147

Examination of vital signs 152

General approach to vital signs assessment 152

Respiration 153

Pulse 154

Temperature 158

Blood pressure 161

Oxygen saturation (SpO2) 167

Pain 171

Perception of pain 171

Source of pain 171

Types of pain 173

Variables affecting pain 173

Effects of pain on the body 174

Pain assessment 174

Pain management 176

Chapter resources 177

07 Mental status and neurological techniques 179

Background 179

Anatomy and physiology 181

Macrostructure 181

Meninges 181

Central nervous system 182

Blood supply 186

Peripheral nervous system 186

Reflexes 189

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s

health history 189

Person-centred health education 195

Planning for physical examination 195

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical examination 196

Environment 196

Equipment 196

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 196

General approach to neurological assessment 197

Examination of mental status 199

Sensory examination 215

Examination of cranial nerves 216

Examination of motor system 223

Examination of cerebellar function (coordination

and gait) 223

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 225

Case study 1: The consumer with delirium 226

Case study 2: The consumer with early onset dementia 230

Case study 3: The consumer with depression and anxiety 233

Chapter resources 236

08 Integumentary 240

Background 240

Anatomy and physiology 241

Skin 241

Hair 244

Nails 244

Function of skin 245

Function of hair 245

Function of nails 245

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 246

Person-centred health education 250

Planning for physical examination 251

Environment 251

Equipment 251

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 252

General approach to examination of the skin 252

Examination of the skin 252

Examination of the hair 277

Examination of the nails 280

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 283

Case study: The consumer with herpes zoster 284

Chapter resources 288

09 Head, neck and regional lymph nodes 290

Background 290

Anatomy and physiology 291

Skull 291

Face 291

Neck 291

Thyroid 292

Lymph nodes 293

Blood supply 293

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 294

Person-centred health education 297

Planning for physical examination 298

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical assessment 299

Environment 299

Equipment 299

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 299

General approach to examination of head, neck and

regional lymph nodes 300

Examination of the head 300

Examination of the scalp 301

Examination of the face 301

Examination of the mandible 304

Examination of the neck 304

Examination of regional lymphatics: the thyroid gland 306

Examination of regional lymphatics: the lymph nodes 309

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 311

Case study: The consumer with hyperthyroidism,

Graves’ disease 311

Chapter resources 315

10 Eyes 317

Background 317

Leading eye health related concerns 318

Anatomy and physiology 319

External structures 319

Internal structures 320

Visual pathway 322

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 322

Person-centred health education 325

Planning for physical examination 326

Environment 326

Equipment 326

Implementation: Conducting the physical

examination 326

General approach to examination of the eyes 327

Examination of visual acuity 327

Examination of visual fields 330

Examination of external eye and lacrimal apparatus 331

Examination of extraocular muscle function 333

Examination of anterior segment structures 336

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 342

Case study: The consumer with senile cataract 342

Chapter resources 346

11 Ears, nose, mouth and throat 349

Background 349

Anatomy and physiology 351

Ear 351

Nose 352

Sinuses 353

Mouth and throat 353

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 356

Person-centred health education 361

Planning for physical examination 362

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical examination 362

Environment 362

Equipment 362

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 363

General approach to examination of the ears,

nose and sinuses, mouth and throat 363

Examination of the ear 364

Examination of the nose 371

Examination of the sinuses 373

Examination of the mouth and throat 375

Examination of breath 375

Examination of the lips 375

Examination of the tongue 376

Examination of buccal mucosa 378

Examination of the gums 380

Examination of the teeth 381

Examination of the palate 381

Examination of the throat 382

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 383

Case study: The consumer with acute rhinosinusitis 384

Chapter resources 389

12 Breasts and regional nodes 391

Background 391

Anatomy and physiology 392

Breasts 393

Regional nodes 395

Breast development 395

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 396

Person-centred health education 399

Planning for physical examination 400

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical examination 400

Environment 401

Equipment 401

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 401

General approach to examination of female breasts and

regional nodes 401

Examination of female breasts and regional nodes 402

Diagnostic techniques 413

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 414

Case study: The consumer with fibrocystic

breast changes 415

Chapter resources 418

13 Respiratory 421

Background 421

Anatomy 422

Thorax 422

Sternum 422

Ribs 423

Intercostal spaces 424

Lungs 424

Pleura 427

Mediastinum 427

Bronchi 427

Alveoli 428

Diaphragm and muscles of respiration 428

Physiology 429

Ventilation 429

External respiration 429

Internal respiration 430

Control of breathing 430

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 430

Person-centred health education 434

Planning for physical examination 436

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical assessment 436

Environment 436

Equipment 436

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 438

General approach to respiratory assessment 439

Examination of the respiratory system 439

Examination of respirations 444

Assessing consumers with respiratory

supportive equipment 467

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 468

Case study: The consumer with COVID-19 (moderate

disease with deterioration) 469

Chapter resources 473

14 Cardiovascular 476

Background 476

Anatomy and physiology 479

Heart 479

Coronary circulation 480

Cardiac cycle 482

Conduction system of the heart 483

Blood vessels 483

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 491

Calculating target heart rate zone 495

Person-centred health education 496

Planning for physical examination 498

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical examination 498

Environment 498

Equipment 499

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 499

General approach to heart assessment 500

Examination of the precordium 500

General approach to blood vessels examination 511

Examination of the blood vessels 512

Examination of the venous system 517

Examination of the arterial system 518

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 520

Case study: The consumer with hypertension 521

Chapter resources 526

15 Gastrointestinal 529

Background 529

Abdomen and nutrition assessment 530

Nutrients 530

Nutrition through the life cycle 536

Cultural differences 536

Anatomy and physiology 536

Abdominal cavity 536

Abdominal viscera (organs) 538

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 542

Person-centred health education 548

Planning for physical examination 550

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical assessment 550

Environment 550

Equipment 550

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 550

General approach to abdomen and nutrition assessment 551

Examination of nutrition and abdomen 552

Examination of the abdomen 556

Examining consumers with abdominal tubes and drains 567

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 568

Case study: The consumer with inflammatory

bowel disease 568

Chapter resources 572

16 Musculoskeletal 575

Background 575

Anatomy and physiology 577

Bones 577

Muscles 578

Tendons 579

Cartilage 579

Ligaments 579

Bursae 579

Joints 579

Assessment: Taking the patient’s health history 581

Person-centred health education 585

Planning for physical examination 586

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical assessment 586

Environment 586

Equipment 587

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 587

General approach to the musculoskeletal

system assessment 588

Examination of the musculoskeletal system 589

Examination of joints 599

Assessing consumers with musculoskeletal supportive equipment 632

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 633

Case study: The consumer with musculoskeletal

pain related to osteoarthritis 634

Chapter resources 638

17 Genitourinary and reproductive genitalia 641

Background 641

Female genitalia 641

Male genitalia 642

Urinary system 643

Anatomy and physiology 644

Female 644

The female reproductive cycle 647

Male reproductive system 650

Sexual development 652

Spermatogenesis 652

Male sexual function 652

Anatomy and physiology of the urinary system 654

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 654

Person-centred health education 663

Planning for physical examination 665

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical assessment 665

Environment 665

Equipment 665

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination of

the female 666

General approach to female genitalia assessment 667

Examination of the bladder 668

Examination of the external genitalia 669

Collecting specimens for cytological smears and cultures 680

Classifications 682

Culture specimens 682

Examination of the vaginal wall 683

Bimanual examination 684

Rectovaginal examination 686

Examining consumers with urinary diversions 687

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination

of the male 688

General approach to examination of the male genitalia 688

Examination of the bladder 689

Examination of the male genitalia 689

Examining consumers with urinary diversions 702

Evaluation of health assessment and physical examination findings 702

Case study 1: The consumer with endometriosis 703

Case study 2: The male patient – emergency

department presentation, renal calculi 707

Chapter resources 711

18 Anus, rectum and prostate 714

Background 714

Anatomy and physiology 716

Rectum 716

Anus 716

Prostate 717

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 718

Person-centred health education 722

Planning for physical examination 723

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical examination 723

Environment 723

Equipment 723

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 723

General approach to assessment of the anus, rectum

and prostate 724

Examination of the anus, rectum and prostate 724

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 730

Case study: The consumer with haemorrhoids and

rectal bleeding 730

Chapter resources 733


Specific Lifespan Populations 737

19 The pregnant woman 738

Background 738

Anatomy and physiology 741

Skin and hair 741

Head and neck 741

Eyes, ears, nose, mouth and throat 741

Breasts 742

Thorax and lungs 742

Heart and blood vessels 742

Abdomen 744

Urinary system 745

Musculoskeletal system 746

Neurological system 747

Female genitalia 747

Anus and rectum 748

Haematological system 748

Endocrine system 748

Assessment: Taking the woman’s health history 748

Person-centred health education 753

Planning for physical examination 754

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical assessment 754

Environment 754

Equipment 755

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 755

General approach to examination of the pregnant woman 756

Examination of the pregnant woman 756

Examination of the anus, perineum and rectum 768

Assessment of the haematological system 768

Examination of the endocrine system 768

Nutritional assessment 768

Psychosocial assessment 768

Subsequent or return antenatal visits 772

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 773

Case study: The pregnant woman 773

Chapter resources 776

20 The paediatric consumer 779

Background 779

Physical growth 781

Anatomy and physiology 783

Structural and physiological variations 783

Growth and development 788

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 789

Person-centred health education 794

Planning for physical examination 795

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical examination 795

Environment 796

Equipment 796

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 796

General approach to paediatric physical examination 797

Developmental assessment 798

Paediatric pain assessment 802

Physical examination 802

Vital signs 804

Physical growth 805

Skin 808

Hair 810

Head 811

Eyes 813

Ears 815

Nose 817

Mouth and throat 818

Neck 820

Breasts 821

Thorax and lungs 821

Heart and blood vessels 822

Abdomen 826

Musculoskeletal system 827

Neurological system 830

Female genitalia 834

Male genitalia 835

Anus 837

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 838

Case study: The paediatric consumer with acute tonsillitis 838

Chapter resources 842

21 The older adult 845

Background 845

Key health challenges for older adults 846

Anatomy and physiology 847

Structural and physiological variations 847

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 858

Interview of the older adult 858

Special assessments 859

Planning for physical examination 862

Evaluating subjective data to focus physical examination 862

Environment 862

Equipment 863

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 863

General approach to older adult assessment 864

Physical examination 865

Vital signs 866

Height and weight 867

Skin 867

Hair 867

Nails 868

Head and neck 868

Eyes 868

Ears 870

Nose 871

Mouth and throat 871

Breasts 871

Thorax and lungs 872

Heart and blood vessels 872

Abdomen 872

Musculoskeletal system 872

Mental status and neurological techniques 874

Female genitalia 875

Male genitalia 876

Anus, rectum and prostate 876

Evaluation of health assessment and physical

examination findings 877

Case study: The older adult 877

Chapter resources 883


Putting It All Together 887

22 Health assessment and physical examination

in context 888

Background 888

Legal considerations 889

Ethical considerations 889

Approach to comprehensive health assessment and

physical examination 890

Assessment: Taking the consumer’s health history 890

Approach to physical examination 890

Implementation: Conducting the physical examination 891

General appearance 891

Measurements and vital signs 892

Mental status and neurological assessment 892

Skin 892

Head and face 892

Eyes 893

Ears 893

Nose and sinuses 893

Mouth and throat 893

Neck 893

Jugular veins 894

Back, posterior and lateral thoraxes 894

Anterior thorax 894

Heart 894

Female and male breasts 895

Abdomen 895

Inguinal area 895

Musculoskeletal system 895

Upper extremities 895

Lower extremities 895

Female genitourinary, reproductive, anus and rectum 896

Male genitourinary, reproductive, anus, rectum and prostate 896

Laboratory and diagnostic data 896

The process of pulling it together 897

Technology and documentation 897

Case study (comprehensive): The consumer with

unstable angina 897

Case study (focused): The consumer with a Colles

fracture 903

Conclusion 905

Chapter resources 906

Appendix: Functional assessments 907

Answers to review questions 909

Glossary 910

Index 923

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