Career Achievement Growing Your Goals, 4th Edition PDF by Karine B Blackett


Career Achievement Growing Your Goals, Fourth Edition

By Karine B. Blackett

Career Achievement Growing Your Goals, 4th Edition

Table of Contents:


You and Your Career: Finding and

Cultivating a Great Match! 2

Chapter 1 Jump-Start Your Career 4

The Difference between a Job and a Career 6

Managing Your Career 11

The Importance of Effective Goal Setting 13

Writing Down Your Goals 15

Attitude and Self-Talk 19

Affirmations 21

SMART Goals and Stretch Goals 21

Achieving Your Goals 24

Career Hacks 27

Your Career Mission Statement 28

Creating a Portfolio 30

Chapter Summary 32

Skill/Term Check 32

Key Terms 33

Chapter 2 Skills and Interests—Your Career Assets 34

Your Values, Interests, and Personality 36

What Do You Value? 36

Your Unique Personality 41

Soft Skills and Adaptive Skills 42

Hard Skills and Transferable Skills 44

Job-Specific Skills 45

Achievements, Accomplishments, Honors, and Awards 46

Your Brand Identity 49

Identify Your Skills Gap 50

Match Your Degree to Goals and Possibilities 52

Chapter Summary 54

Skill/Term Check 54

Key Terms 54

Chapter 3 Where Are the Jobs?

Maximize Your Career Options 55

Rethinking Unemployment 56

Labor Market Trends and the Changing Employment Landscape 57

New Landscape of Employment Trends 57

Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Occupational Employment

and Wage Statistics 65

Working Poor Statistics 65

Using Sources to Find Employment Opportunities 69

Targeted Job Search 70

Chapter Summary 78

Skill/Term Check 78

Key Terms 78


Marketing Tools: Promoting Your Skills 80

Chapter 4 Networking—It’s Always Who You Know 82

The Importance of Networking 84

The Hidden Job Market 85

Where Companies Look for Employees 86

Mentors 90

Keep Your Commitments 91

The Power of the Invisible Network 91

Networking Opportunities 93

Leverage Your Career through Networking 95

Social Media in Your Job Search 99

Your Social Media Presence 100

Case Study: Utilizing Social Media 101

Warm and Cold Contacts 102

Break Out of Your Comfort Zone 104

Specific Tools to Enhance Networking Results 106

Networking Business Card (NBC) 106

The Power of a Professional Handshake 114

How to Work a Room 115

Informational Interview 116

Organizing Your Contacts 117

Chapter Summary 118

Skill/Term Check 119

Key Terms 119

Chapter 5 Professional Resumes the Easy Way 120

The Importance of a Professional Resume 123

The First Cut 125

How to Get Your Resume Through AI/ATS (Applicant Tracking System) 125

Types of Resumes 126

Chronological Resume 126

Presentation Overview 127

Functional or Skills Resume 130

Combination, Hybrid, or Custom Resume 130

Scannable, Plain Text, E-Resume, or Online Resume 130

Fonts for All Resumes 132

What to Include in Your Resume 133

The Skills FormulaTM 137

Quantifying Skills 138

The Skills Formula 138

Formatting, Saving, and Sending Your Resume 140

Target the Job 140

Visual Impact 140

Maintain Integrity 140

Resume Formats 141

Resume Challenges 141

Portfolios: Putting It All Together 143

Delivering Your Resume 144

Chapter Summary 155

Skill/Term Check 155

Key Terms 155

Winning Resumes: Real Student Examples for Resumes and References 156

Chapter 6 Professional Cover Letters and Applications 176

Creating Professional Cover Letters 178

Cover Letter Workshop 178

Putting It All Together 183

Student Sample Cover Letters 183

Writing an Effective Cover Letter 190

Completing an Error-Free Application 195

Application Guidelines 195

The Master Application 197

Challenging Questions 197

Chapter Summary 206

Skill/Term Check 206

Key Terms 207


Moving Forward: Interview, Follow-Up, and

Managing Change 208

Chapter 7 Successful Interviews 210

The Seven Interview Steps 212

Seven Steps to a Stellar Interview 212

Types of Interviews 218

Standard or Traditional Interviews 218

Competency-Based/Behavioral Interview 219

Lunch or Dinner Interview 219

Nondirective or Work Sample Interview 220

Panel or Group Interview 220

Phone Interview 221

Screening or Prescreening Interview 223

Second Interview 224

Stress Interview 224

Structured Interview 225

Technical Interview 225

Understanding and Answering Interview Questions 226

Standard or Traditional Interview Questions 226

Competency-Based/Behavioral-Based Interview

Questions 228

Illegal Questions 232

Answering Illegal Questions 234

Creating Your Professional Image 238

Professional Attire Guide 238

Self-Worth in Interviewing 240

Project Confidence 241

Conduct a Mock Interview 242

Log of Contacts Expanded 244

Chapter Summary 247

Skill/Term Check 247

Key Terms 248

Chapter 8 Follow-Up and Negotiation 249

The Two-Step Follow-Up Procedure 251

The Interview Is Not Over until the Thank-You Note Is Sent 251

Two Thank-You Notes Are Better than One 251

Thank-You Notes When You Are Turned Down 256

Applying the Art of Successful Negotiation 257

Key Negotiation Questions to Ask 259

Other Questions to Consider 260

Making a Sound Career Decision 262

Negotiation Student Success Story 263

How to Diplomatically Ask for What You Want 265

Get the Offer in Writing 266

Job Offer Acceptance Letter 266

“Don’t Sell the Farm” Yet 266

Juggling Offers 266

How to Turn Down an Offer Successfully 267

Make a Decision—Then Make It a Right Decision 269

Negotiate Once You Have the Job 270

Asking for a Raise 270

Turn the Performance Evaluation into a Negotiation

Opportunity 271

Managing Obstacles and Frustrations 272

Job Search Rejection Tips 272

Get Support 273

Roadblocks, Side Trips, and Detours 274

Chapter Summary 276

Skill/Term Check 276

Key Terms 276

Chapter 9 Step Up Your Career 277

Making a Professional Impression 279

Fit into the Company Culture 279

Have a Positive Attitude 280

Project Professionalism 280

Smile and Shake Hands 280

Take Initiative 280

Show Confidence 280

Be an Active Listener 280

Use Names 280

Remember Your Netiquette 280

How to Advance in the Workplace 281

Meet and Exceed Expectations 282

Power over Your Schedule 283

Navigate Office Politics 285

Moving Forward through Performance Appraisals 285

If Your Employer Doesn’t Use Performance Reviews 286

Managing and Advancing a Small Business: The Basics 287

Managing Job Changes, Stress, and Life Balance 287

Tips and Tools for Moving Forward No Matter What 287

Job Loss Triage 289

Priority Plan of Action 289

Employees Don’t Quit Jobs; They Quit Bosses 295

Bully Bosses 295

Workplace Burnout 297

Career-Life Balance 298

Tips to get through Hard Times 299

Lifelong Learning and Goal Setting 300

Career Management Plan: Taking Goal Setting to the Next Level 300

Expand Your Toolbox 301

Professional Growth and Lifelong Learning 303

Mentors 304

Chapter Summary 306

Skill/Term Check 306

Key Terms 306

Appendix A 307

Appendix B 312

Glossary 330

References 333

Index 335

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