Multinational Business Finance, Sixteenth Edition PDF by David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill and Michael H. Moffett


Multinational Business Finance, Sixteenth Edition

David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill and Michael H. Moffett

Multinational Business Finance


PART 1 Global Financial Environment 23

Chapter 1 Multinational Financial Management: Opportunities and Challenges 24

1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace 25

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 1.1 Exchange Rate Quotations 28

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 1.2 Why Don’t African Countries Undervalue Their Currencies? 32

1.2 The Theory of Comparative Advantage 32

1.3 What Is Different About International Financial Management? 34

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 1.3 Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Sustainability 36

1.4 The Globalization Process 36

Summary Points 40

MINI-CASE: Global Fintech 40

Questions 43

Problems 44


2 International Monetary System 49

2.1 History of the International Monetary System 50

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 2.1 The “Gold Bloc”—The Last Stand of Gold Standard 52

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 2.2 Britain Leaves the Gold Standard: Press Notice (Excerpts of

September 19, 1931) 53

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 2.3 Hammering out an Agreement at Bretton Woods 54

2.2 Fixed versus Flexible Exchange Rates 60

2.3 The Impossible Trinity 61

2.4 A Single Currency for Europe: The Euro 63

2.5 Internationalization of the Chinese RMB 66

2.6 Emerging Markets and Regime Choices 69

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 2.4 Nigeria Fights Currency Exchange Innovation 73

Summary Points 74

MINI-CASE: The Promise of the Digital Yuan 74

Questions 77

Problems 78

Chapter 3 The Balance of Payments 81

3.1 Fundamentals of BOP Accounting 82

3.2 The Accounts of the Balance of Payments 84

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 3.1 Inward Foreign Direct Investment in the Year of COVID 88

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 3.2 A Country’s Net International Investment Position (NIIP) 89

3.3 BOP Impacts on Key Macroeconomic Rates 92

3.4 Trade Balances and Exchange Rates 94

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 3.3 Do Trade Flows No Longer Follow the Theory? 96

3.5 Capital Mobility 96

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 3.4 Chinese Regulatory Bureaucracy as a Capital Control 101

Summary Points 102

MINI-CASE: Global Remittances—Contributions of the Invisible 103

Questions 107

Problems 108

Chapter 4 Financial Goals, Corporate Governance, and the Market

for Corporate Control 111

4.1 Business Ownership 112

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 4.1 Historical Origins of the Modern Corporation 115

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 4.2 Structural Ownership Differences Across the World 116

4.2 The Corporate Objective? 117

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 4.3 Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics: The Four Ps 121

4.3 Corporate Governance 125

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 4.4 Italian Cross-Shareholding and the End of the Salatto Buono 127

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 4.5 Volkswagen’s Governance and Diesel Gate 130

4.4 The Market for Corporate Control 131

Summary Points 135

MINI-CASE: Toshiba’s Failing Corporate Governance 136

Questions 140

Problems 140

PART 2 Foreign Exchange Theory and Markets 145

Chapter 5 The Foreign Exchange Market 146

5.1 Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market 146

5.2 Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market 147

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 5.1 The Twilight Hour in Global FX Trading 148

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 5.2 Bankhaus Herstatt and Herstatt Risk 150

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 5.3 Black Wednesday: The 1992 Sterling Crisis 155

5.3 Transactions in the Foreign Exchange Market 156

5.4 Foreign Exchange Rates and Quotations 161

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 5.4 The Rocketing Swiss Franc 169

Summary Points 170

MINI-CASE: Iceland: A Small Country in a Global Crisis 171

Questions 175

Problems 176

Chapter 6 International Parity Conditions 180

6.1 Prices and Exchange Rates 181

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 6.1 Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: Uber Fare as the Basis for Exchange Rate Parity 183

6.2 Interest Rates and Exchange Rates 187

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 6.2 Are Foreign Capital Inflow and Interest Rate Directly Related? 189

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 6.3 Global Money Market Interest Rates, 1986–2021 192

6.3 Forward Rate as an Unbiased Predictor of the Future Spot Rate 197

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 6.4 Hungarian Mortgage 198

6.4 Prices, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates in Equilibrium 199

Summary Points 201

MINI-CASE: Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese Yen Carry Trade 201

Questions 204

Problems 205

APPENDIX: An Algebraic Primer to International Parity Conditions 211

Chapter 7 Foreign Currency Derivatives: Futures and Options 214

7.1 Foreign Currency Futures 215

7.2 Foreign Currency Options 217

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 7.1 Currency Options and Lufthansa 223

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 7.2 Exotic Options: Caveat Emptor 225

7.3 Option Pricing and Valuation 226

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 7.3 The New Zealand Kiwi and Andrew Krieger 227

7.4 Currency Option Pricing Sensitivity 228

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 7.4 GM and Fiat’s Put Option 234

Summary Points 234

MINI-CASE: The Ups and Downs of Volatility 235

Questions 239

Problems 240

APPENDIX: Currency Option Pricing Theory 243

Chapter 8 Interest Rate Risk and Swaps 245

8.1 Interest Rate Foundations 246

8.2 The Cost of Debt 248

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 8.1 You Will Be a Millionaire in Indonesia: The Impact of South Asian Currency Crisis 251

8.3 Interest Rate Risk 254

8.4 Interest Rate Futures and Forward Rate Agreements 257

8.5 Interest Rate Swaps 258

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 8.2 Procter & Gamble and Bankers Trust 266

Summary Points 267

MINI-CASE: Replacing LIBOR 267



Problems 274

Chapter 9 Foreign Exchange Rate Determination and Intervention 279

9.1 Exchange Rate Determination: The Theoretical Thread 280

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 9.1 Technical Analysis of the Japanese Yen-U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate

(January 2011–February 2014) 283

9.2 Currency Market Intervention 284

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 9.2 Coordinated Intervention: The Lost Decade of Japan 287

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 9.3 Rules of Thumb for Effective Intervention 289

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 9.4 The European Monetary System’s “Snake in a Tunnel” 291

9.3 Disequilibrium: Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets 291

9.4 Currency Forecasting in Practice 296

Summary Points 301

MINI-CASE: Is China a Currency Manipulator? 301

Questions 304

Problems 305

PART 3 Foreign Exchange Exposure 311

Chapter 10 Transaction Exposure 312

10.1 Types of Foreign Exchange Exposure 312

10.2 Why Hedge? 314

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 10.1 Hedging and the Samsung Group 316

10.3 Transaction Exposure 316

10.4 Transaction Exposure Management 318

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 10.2 Forward Rates and the Cost of Hedging 325

10.5 Transaction Exposure Management in Practice 327

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 10.3 Why Intra-Company Hedging Makes Sense 329

Summary Points 331

MINI-CASE: GraysonChung’s FX Exposure 331

Questions 336

Problems 337

APPENDIX A: Complex Option Hedges 343

APPENDIX B: The Optimal Hedge Ratio and Hedge Effectiveness 351

Chapter 11 Translation Exposure 353

11.1 Overview of Translation 354

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 11.1 Functional Currency and Management Performance 357

11.2 Translation Methods 357

11.3 Aidan Corporation’s Translation Exposure 360

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 11.2 Value of a Foreign Subsidiary: Tata Motors and Jaguar Land Rover 364

11.4 Managing Translation Exposure 364

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 11.3 Foreign Currency Hedge Accounting 366

Summary Points 370

MINI-CASE: Electrolux of Sweden’s Currency Management 370

Questions 375

Problems 376

Chapter 12 Operating Exposure 378

12.1 A Multinational’s Operating Exposure 378

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 12.1 Operating Exposure: 381

12.2 Measuring Operating Exposure 382

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 12.2 The Misunderstood Equation 383

12.3 Strategic Management of Operating Exposure 383


FINANCE IN PRACTICE 12.3 The United Kingdom and Europe: Trans-Channel Currency Shifts 385

12.4 Proactive Management of Operating Exposure 386

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 12.4 Hedging Hogs: Risk Sharing at Harley-Davidson 388

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 12.5 Do Fixed Exchange Rates Increase Corporate Currency

Risk in Emerging Markets? 391

Summary Points 392

MINI-CASE: Brexit and Rolls-Royce 392

Questions 397

Problems 397

APPENDIX: Measuring Operating Exposure: Aidan Turkey 402

PART 4 Financing the Global Firm 407

Chapter 13 Global Cost and Availability of Capital 408

13.1 Financial Globalization and Strategy 408

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 13.1 Brexit and the Cost of Capital 410

13.2 International Portfolio Theory and Diversification 411

13.3 The Role of International Portfolio Investors 418

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 13.2 Emerging Market Growth Companies—IPOs and

Corporate Governance 419

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 13.3 Culture, Religion, Law, and Financial Behavior 422

13.4 The Cost of Capital for MNEs Compared to Domestic Firms 423

13.5 Illustrative Case: Novo Industri A/S (Novo) 426

Summary Points 430

MINI-CASE: The Recapitalization of Saudi Aramco 431

Questions 436

Problems 436

Chapter 14 Funding the Multinational Firm 441

14.1 Designing a Strategy to Source Capital Globally 442

14.2 Optimal Financial Structure 443

14.3 Raising Equity Globally 446

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 14.1 Saudi Aramco’s IPO Valuation 448

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 14.2 Global Equity Listings 450

14.4 Depositary Receipts 450

14.5 Private Placement 455

14.6 Raising Debt Globally 456

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 14.3 Islamic Finance 458

14.7 Financing Foreign Subsidiaries 459

Summary Points 463

MINI-CASE: Cemex’s Debt Dilemma 463

Questions 470

Problems 470

Chapter 15 Multinational Tax Management 474

15.1 Tax Principles and Practices 475

15.2 Multinational Tax Management 482

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 15.1 Profit Repatriation and Policies 484

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 15.2 HP’s Offshore Cash and Staggered Loan Program 492

15.3 Global Tax Competitiveness 493

15.4 U.S. Tax Law Change in 2017–2018 494

Summary Points 497

MINI-CASE: The Google Tax 498



Problems 502

Chapter 16 International Trade Finance 505

16.1 The Trade Relationship 505

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 16.1 Trade Finance Gains and Losses from the Global Pandemic 510

16.2 Key Documents 510

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 16.2 Florence—The Birthplace of Trade Financing 513

16.3 Government Programs to Help Finance Exports 517

16.4 Trade Financing Alternatives 519

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 16.3 Factoring in Practice 520

16.5 Forfaiting 522

Summary Points 524

MINI-CASE: Crosswell International and Brazil 525

Questions 528

Problems 528

PART 5 Foreign Investments and Investment Analysis 531

Chapter 17 Foreign Direct Investment and Political Risk 532

17.1 The Foreign Direct Investment Decision 532

17.2 Structural Choices for Foreign Market Entry 533

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 17.1 Joint Venture to Wholly Owned Subsidiary 538

17.3 Political Risk: Definition and Classification 539

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 17.2 The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Debt-Trap Diplomacy 540

17.4 Financial Impacts of Political Risk 542

17.5 Political Risk Mitigation 546

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 17.3 Selective Examples of Expropriation and Nationalization across the Globe 547

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 17.4 U.S. Financial Sanctions on Iran 549

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 17.5 Structuring Incentives in Foreign Direct Investments 552

Summary Points 553

MINI-CASE: Argentina and the Vulture Funds 553

Questions 558

Chapter 18 Multinational Capital Budgeting and Cross-Border Acquisitions 560

18.1 Complexities of Budgeting for a Foreign Project 561

18.2 Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia 564

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 18.1 Regulatory Strategy Towards Capital Controls 574

18.3 Real Option Analysis 576

18.4 Project Financing 577

18.5 Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions 578

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 18.2 Values Change: GE Appliances and Electrolux 580

GLOBAL FINANCE IN PRACTICE 18.3 Statoil of Norway’s Acquisition of Esso of Sweden 584

Summary Points 584

MINI-CASE: Mittal’s Hostile Acquisition of Arcelor 585

Questions 590

Problems 591

Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter Problems A-1

Glossary G-1

Index I-1

Appendix: Currencies of the World I-16

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