Psychology Fourteenth Edition PDF by Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, Samuel R. Sommers and Lisa M. Shin


Psychology, Fourteenth Edition

Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, Samuel R. Sommers and Lisa M. Shin



About This Course xii

Content Highlights xv

About the Authors xvii

Authors’ Acknowledgments xviii

Learning Outcomes and Assessment xix

1 What Is Psychology? 1

1.1 Psychology, Pseudoscience, and the Perils of Common Sense 2

1.1.A What Psychology Is 3

1.1.B What Psychology Is Not 4

1.2 Thinking Critically About Psychology 5

1.2.A What Is Critical Thinking? 5

1.2.B Critical Thinking Steps 6

1.3 A History of Psychology: From the Armchair to the Laboratory 10

1.3.A The Forerunners of Modern Psychology 10

1.3.B The Birth of Modern Psychology 11

Revisiting the Classics: Sigmund Freud 13

1.4 Psychological Science Perspectives 14

1.4.A Pillars of Modern Psychology 14

1.4.B Gender, Race, and Diversity in Psychology 17

Taking Psychology with You: Using Psychology to Study Psychology 19

1.5 What Psychologists Do 20

1.5.A Psychological Research 20

1.5.B Psychological Practice 21

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: That’s Just

Fake News! 24

2 How Psychologists Do Research 27

2.1 What Makes Psychological Research Scientific? 29

2.1.A Precision and Reliance on Empirical

Evidence 29

2.1.B Skepticism 30

2.1.C Willingness to Make “Risky Predictions” 31

2.1.D Transparency 32

Replication Check 32

Taking Psychology with You: Distinguishing

Real Science From Fake Science 33

2.2 Descriptive Studies: Establishing the Facts 34

2.2.A Finding a Sample 34

Revisiting the Classics: Convenience Sampling 35

2.2.B Case Studies 35

2.2.C Observational Studies 37

2.2.D Tests 38

2.2.E Surveys 40

2.2.F Cross-Cultural Studies 40

2.3 Correlational Studies: Looking for Relationships 41

2.3.A Measuring Correlations 42

2.3.B Cautions About Correlations 43

2.4 Experiments: Hunting for Causes 45

2.4.A Experimental Variables 45

2.4.B Experimental and Control Conditions 46

2.4.C Advantages and Limitations of Experiments 47

2.5 Evaluating the Findings 49

2.5.A Describing the Data 49

2.5.B Inferential Statistics 50

2.5.C Interpreting the Findings 52

2.6 Keeping the Enterprise Ethical 55

2.6.A The Ethics of Studying Humans 55

2.6.B The Ethics of Studying Animals 56

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Clever Hans

the Horse Was a Math Whiz 57

3 Genes, Evolution, and Environment 62

3.1 Unlocking the Secrets of Genes 64

3.1.A The Human Genome 64

3.1.B Epigenetics 65

3.2 The Genetics of Similarity 66

3.2.A Evolution and Natural Selection 66

3.2.B Innate Human Characteristics 69

3.3 Our Human Heritage: Courtship and Mating 70

3.3.A Evolution and Sexual Strategies 71

3.3.B Thinking Critically About the Evolutionary View 72

3.4 The Genetics of Difference 75

3.4.A The Meaning of Heritability 75

3.4.B Computing Heritability 76

Taking Psychology with You: Should You Have

Genetic Testing? 77

3.5 Our Human Diversity: The Case of Intelligence 78

3.5.A Genes and Individual Differences 78

Replication Check 79

3.5.B The Question of Group Differences 80

3.5.C The Environment and Intelligence 82

Revisiting the Classics: Lewis Terman and

“The Termites” 83

3.5.D Beyond Nature Versus Nurture 84

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Astronaut Twins

No Longer Genetically Identical After Space Trip 84

4 The Brain and the Nervous System 89

4.1 The Nervous System: A Basic Blueprint 91

4.1.A The Central Nervous System 92

4.1.B The Peripheral Nervous System 92

4.2 Communication in the Nervous System 94

4.2.A Types of Cells 94

4.2.B The Structure of the Neuron 95

4.2.C Neurogenesis: The Birth of Neurons 96

4.2.D How Neurons Communicate 97

4.2.E Chemical Messengers in the Nervous System 98

4.3 Mapping the Brain 101

4.3.A Manipulating the Brain and Observing Behavior 101

4.3.B Manipulating Behavior and Observing the Brain 102

4.4 A Tour Through the Brain 105

4.4.A The Brain Stem and Cerebellum 106

4.4.B The Thalamus 106

4.4.C The Hypothalamus and the Pituitary Gland 107

4.4.D The Amygdala 107

4.4.E The Hippocampus 108

4.4.F The Cerebrum 108

4.4.G The Cerebral Cortex 108

4.5 The Two Hemispheres of the Brain 112

4.5.A Split Brains: A House Divided 112

Revisiting the Classics: Split-Brain Patient Studies 114

4.5.B The Two Hemispheres: Allies or Opponents? 116

Replication Check 117

4.6 The Flexible Brain 117

4.6.A Experience and the Brain 117

4.6.B Culture and the Brain 118

4.6.C Sex Differences in the Brain? 119

Taking Psychology with You: Thinking Twice About

Tinkering With the Brain 122

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Computer-Based

Brain Training Games Will Keep Your Brain Young 123

5 Sensation and Perception 127

5.1 Our Sensational Senses 129

5.1.A The Riddle of Separate Sensations 129

5.1.B Measuring the Senses 130

Replication Check 132

5.1.C Sensory Adaptation 133

Revisiting the Classics: Early Sensory Deprivation

Studies 134

5.1.D Sensing Without Perceiving 135

5.2 Vision 135

5.2.A What We See 136

5.2.B An Eye on the World 136

5.2.C Why the Visual System Is Not a Camera 138

5.2.D How We See Colors 139

5.2.E Constructing the Visual World 140

Replication Check 146

5.3 Hearing 147

5.3.A What We Hear 147

5.3.B An Ear on the World 148

5.3.C Constructing the Auditory World 149

5.4 Other Senses 151

5.4.A Taste: Savory Sensations 151

5.4.B Smell: The Sense of Scents 153

5.4.C Senses of the Skin 155

5.4.D The Mystery of Pain 155

Taking Psychology with You: Why Perception Can

Be More Than Meets the Eye 157

5.4.E The Environment Within 158

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: People Can

Smell Fear 159

6 Consciousness and Sleep 163

6.1 Biological Rhythms: The Tides of Experience 165

6.1.A Circadian Rhythms 165

6.1.B Moods and Long-Term Rhythms 167

6.2 The Rhythms of Sleep 169

6.2.A The Realms of Sleep 169

Replication Check 171

6.2.B Why We Sleep 171

Revisiting the Classics: Extreme Sleep Deprivation

Studies 173

Taking Psychology with You: Improving the Quality

(and Quantity) of Your Sleep 175

6.3 Exploring the Dream World 175

6.3.A Explanations of Dreaming 176

6.3.B Evaluating Dream Theories 179

6.4 The Riddle of Hypnosis 180

6.4.A The Nature of Hypnosis 180

6.4.B Theories of Hypnosis 181

Replication Check 183

6.5 Consciousness-Altering Drugs 185

6.5.A Classifying Drugs 185

6.5.B The Physiology of Drug Effects 188

6.5.C The Psychology of Drug Effects 189

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: When You’re

Stumped by a Problem, You Should “Sleep on It” 190

7 Learning 194

7.1 Classical Conditioning 196

7.1.A New Reflexes From Old 196

7.1.B Principles of Classical Conditioning 197

7.1.C What Is Actually Learned in Classical

Conditioning? 199

7.2 Classical Conditioning in Real Life 200

7.2.A Learning to Like 200

7.2.B Learning to Fear 201

Revisiting the Classics: Little Albert 202

Replication Check 204

7.2.C Accounting for Taste 204

7.2.D Reacting to Medical Treatments 205

Replication Check 206

7.3 Operant Conditioning 206

7.3.A The Birth of Radical Behaviorism 207

7.3.B The Consequences of Behavior 208

7.4 Principles of Operant Conditioning 211

7.4.A The Importance of Responses 211

7.4.B Skinner: The Man and the Myth 214

7.5 Operant Conditioning in Real Life 215

Taking Psychology with You: Changing Your Behavior 216

7.5.A The Pros and Cons of Punishment 216

7.5.B The Problems With Reward 218

7.6 Learning and the Mind 220

7.6.A Latent Learning 220

7.6.B Social-Cognitive Learning Theories 221

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Kids Who Play

Violent Video Games Learn to Be More Violent 224

8 Memory 228

8.1 In Pursuit of Memory 230

8.1.A Measuring Memory 230

Replication Check 232

8.1.B Models of Memory 232

8.2 The Three-Box Model of Memory 233

8.2.A The Sensory Register: Fleeting Impressions 233

8.2.B Working Memory: Memory’s Notepad 234

Revisiting the Classics: The Magical Number 7 (± 2) 236

8.2.C Long-Term Memory: Memory’s Storage

System 236

Replication Check 239

8.3 The Biology of Memory 239

8.3.A Changes in Neurons and Synapses 239

8.3.B Where Memories Are Made 240

8.3.C Hormones, Emotion, and Memory 242

8.4 How We Remember 245

8.4.A Encoding, Rehearsal, and Retrieval 245

Taking Psychology with You: Making Memory Work

for You 248

8.5 Why We Forget 249

8.5.A Mechanisms of Forgetting 249

8.5.B Childhood Amnesia: The Missing Years 252

8.5.C The Repression Controversy 253

8.6 Reconstructing the Past 255

8.6.A The Manufacture of Memory 255

8.6.B The Conditions of Confabulation 256

Replication Check 258

8.6.C The Eyewitness on Trial 258

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: This Herbal

Supplement Has Been Clinically Proven to

Boost Memory 259

9 Thinking and Intelligence 263

9.1 Thought: Using What We Know 265

9.1.A The Elements of Cognition 265

9.1.B How Conscious Is Thought? 267

9.1.C Reasoning Rationally 268

9.2 Barriers to Reasoning Rationally 270

9.2.A Exaggerating the Improbable 270

Replication Check 271

9.2.B Avoiding Loss 271

Replication Check 272

9.2.C Biases and Mental Sets 273

Revisiting the Classics: Pygmalion in the Classroom 275

9.2.D Overcoming Our Cognitive Biases 276

9.3 Measuring Intelligence 276

9.3.A Measuring the Invisible 277

9.3.B The IQ Test 278

9.3.C Elements of Intelligence 281

9.3.D Motivation, Hard Work, and Intellectual Success 283

Taking Psychology with You: Bolstering Your

Focus and Creativity 284

9.4 Animal Minds 285

9.4.A Animal Intelligence 285

9.4.B Animals and Language 287

9.4.C Thinking About the Thinking of Animals 288

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Different

People Have Different Learning Styles 290

10 The Major Motives: Food, Love, Sex,

and Work 294

10.1 Motivation and the Hungry Animal 296

10.1.A Defining Motivation 296

Revisiting the Classics: Maslow’s Hierarchy

of Needs 297

10.1.B The Biology of Weight 298

10.1.C Environmental Influences on Weight 300

10.1.D The Body as Battleground: Eating Disorders 301

Replication Check 302

10.2 The Social Animal: Motives to Love 303

10.2.A The Biology of Love 303

10.2.B The Psychology of Love 304

10.2.C Gender, Culture, and Love 307

10.3 The Erotic Animal: Motives for Sex 308

10.3.A The Biology of Desire 308

Replication Check 310

10.3.B Biology and Sexual Orientation 310

10.3.C The Psychology of Desire 312

10.3.D Gender, Culture, and Sex 314

10.4 The Competent Animal: Motives to Achieve 316

10.4.A The Effects of Motivation on Work 317

10.4.B The Effects of Work on Motivation 319

10.4.C The Pursuit of Happiness 322

Taking Psychology with You: Rethinking Motivation

in the Modern Era 323

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: More College

Students Than Ever Are “Hooking Up” for Casual Sex 324

11 Emotion, Stress, and Health 328

11.1 The Nature of Emotion 330

11.1.A Emotion and the Face 330

Replication Check 333

11.1.B Emotion and the Brain 334

11.1.C Emotion and the Mind 337

Revisiting the Classics: Schachter & Singer (1962) 337

11.2 Emotion and Culture 339

11.2.A How Culture Shapes Emotions 340

11.2.B Communicating Emotions 341

11.2.C Gender and Emotion 342

11.3 The Nature of Stress 343

11.3.A Stress and the Body 344

11.3.B Stress and the Mind 347

11.4 Stress and Emotion 349

11.4.A Hostility and Depression: Do They Hurt? 349

Replication Check 349

11.4.B Positive Emotions: Do They Help? 350

11.4.C Emotional Inhibition and Expression 350

11.5 Coping With Stress 353

11.5.A Solving the Problem 354

11.5.B Rethinking the Problem 354

11.5.C Drawing on Social Support 355

Taking Psychology with You: How Much Control

Do We Have Over Our Emotions and Our Health? 356

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Emotional Support

Animals Reduce Psychological Distress 358

12 Development Over the Lifespan 362

12.1 From Conception Through the First Year 364

12.1.A Prenatal Development 364

12.1.B The Infant’s World 365

Replication Check 367

12.1.C Attachment 368

Revisiting the Classics: Ainsworth’s Strange Situation 369

12.2 Cognitive Development 371

12.2.A Thinking 371

12.2.B Language 375

Replication Check 377

12.3 Moral Development 379

12.3.A Stages of Morality 379

12.3.B Getting Children to Be Good 381

12.4 Gender Development 383

12.4.A Gender Identity 384

12.4.B Influences on Gender Development 386

12.5 Adolescence 389

12.5.A The Physiology of Adolescence 389

12.5.B The Psychology of Adolescence 391

12.6 Adulthood 392

12.6.A Stages and Ages 392

12.6.B The Transitions of Life 394

12.6.C Old Age 395

Taking Psychology with You: Remember That

Development Lasts a Lifetime 397

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: The Marshmallow

Test Predicts Success Later in Life 399

13 Social Psychology 403

13.1 Social Beliefs 405

13.1.A Attributions 405

Replication Check 406

13.1.B Attitudes 408

13.1.C Cognitive Dissonance 409

13.1.D Persuasion or “Brainwashing”? Suicide

Bombers, Cults, and Conspiracy Theorists 410

13.2 Social Forces 411

13.2.A Rules and Roles 412

13.2.B The Power of Situations 414

Replication Check 416

Revisiting the Classics: The Stanford Prison

Experiment 416

13.2.C Why People Obey 417

13.3 Individuals in Groups 419

13.3.A Conformity 419

13.3.B Groupthink 421

13.3.C The Bystander Effect 422

13.3.D Altruism and Dissent 424

Taking Psychology with You: Becoming a More

Conscientious and Engaged Social Being 425

13.4 Us Versus Them: Group Identity and Conflict 426

13.4.A Social Identity 426

13.4.B In-Groups and Out-Groups 427

13.4.C Stereotypes 428

13.5 Prejudice 429

13.5.A The Origins of Prejudice 430

13.5.B Measuring Prejudice 431

13.5.C Reducing Conflict and Prejudice 435

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Police Treat Black

and White Civilians Differently 436

14 Theories of Personality 441

14.1 Psychodynamic Theories of Personality 443

14.1.A Freud and Psychoanalysis 443

14.1.B Other Psychodynamic Approaches 446

14.1.C Evaluating Psychodynamic Theories 447

14.2 The Modern Study of Personality 448

14.2.A Popular Personality Tests 449

Revisiting the Classics: The Myers–Briggs

Type Indicator (MBTI) 450

14.2.B Core Personality Traits 450

Replication Check 453

14.3 Genetic Influences on Personality 454

14.3.A Heredity and Temperament 454

14.3.B Heredity and Traits 455

Replication Check 456

14.4 Environmental Influences on Personality 457

14.4.A Situations and Social Learning 457

14.4.B Parental Influence—and Its Limits 459

14.4.C The Power of Peers 460

14.5 Cultural Influences on Personality 461

14.5.A Culture, Values, and Traits 461

14.5.B Evaluating Cultural Approaches 463

14.6 The Inner Experience 464

14.6.A Humanist Approaches 464

14.6.B Narrative Approaches 466

14.6.C Evaluating Humanist and Narrative

Approaches 466

Taking Psychology with You: Thinking Scientifically

About Personality 467

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Young People

Today Are More Narcissistic Than Ever 468

15 Psychological Disorders 473

15.1 Diagnosing Mental Disorders 475

15.1.A Dilemmas of Definition 475

15.1.B Dilemmas of Diagnosis 476

Revisiting the Classics: Rosenhan (1973) 480

15.1.C Psychological Assessment 481

15.2 Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 484

15.2.A Depression 484

Replication Check 484

15.2.B Bipolar Disorder 485

15.2.C Origins of Depression 485

Replication Check 486

15.3 Anxiety Disorders 488

15.3.A Anxiety and Panic 488

15.3.B Fears and Phobias 489

15.4 Trauma and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorders 490

15.4.A Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 491

Replication Check 491

15.4.B Obsessions and Compulsions 492

15.5 Personality Disorders 493

15.5.A Borderline Personality Disorder 493

15.5.B Antisocial Personality Disorder 494

15.5.C Psychopathy: Myths and Evidence 495

15.6 Addictive Disorders 497

15.6.A Biology and Addiction 498

15.6.B Learning, Culture, and Addiction 499

15.7 Dissociative Identity Disorder 502

15.7.A A Controversial Diagnosis 502

15.7.B Thinking Critically About DID 503

15.8 Schizophrenia 504

15.8.A Symptoms of Schizophrenia 504

Taking Psychology with You: Thinking More

Clearly About Mental Disorders 506

15.8.B Origins of Schizophrenia 506

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Smartphone

Use Can Become an Addiction 509

16 Approaches to Treatment and

Therapy 513

16.1 Biological Treatments for Mental Disorders 514

16.1.A The Question of Medication 514

16.1.B Direct Brain Intervention 520

Revisiting the Classics: Electroconvulsive Therapy

(ECT) 521

16.2 Major Schools of Psychotherapy 524

16.2.A Psychodynamic Therapy 524

16.2.B Behavior and Cognitive Therapy 524

Replication Check 527

16.2.C Humanist and Existential Therapy 528

16.2.D Family and Couples Therapy 529

16.3 Evaluating Psychotherapy 530

16.3.A The Scientist–Practitioner Gap 531

16.3.B When Therapy Helps 532

16.3.C When Interventions Harm 535

16.3.D Culture and Psychotherapy 537

Taking Psychology with You: Becoming a Smart

Consumer of Psychological Treatments 538

Epilogue: Taking This Text With You 539

Critical Thinking Illustrated: Claim: Learning About

Psychological Methods and Findings Can Make

You a More Effective Person 540

Glossary 543

References 551

Name Index 605

Subject Index 619

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