Biological Psychology, 13th Edition PDF by James W. Kalat


Biological Psychology, 13th Edition

James W. Kalat

Biological Psychology



Overview and Major

Issues 3

The Biological Approach to

Behavior 4

The Field of Biological Psychology 5

Three Main Points to Remember

from This Book 6

Biological Explanations of Behavior 6

Career Opportunities 8

The Use of Animals in Research 9

Degrees of Opposition 11

IN CLOSING: Your Brain and Your Experience 12

Chapter 1

Nerve Cells

and Nerve

Impulses 17

Module 1.1

The Cells of the Nervous System 18

Neurons and Glia 18

Santiago Ramón y Cajal, a Pioneer

of Neuroscience 18

The Structures of an Animal Cell 19

The Structure of a Neuron 19

Variations among Neurons 21

Glia 21

The Blood–Brain Barrier 23

Why We Need a Blood–Brain Barrier 23

How the Blood–Brain Barrier Works 24

Nourishment of Vertebrate Neurons 25

IN CLOSING: Neurons 25

Module 1.2

The Nerve Impulse 28

The Resting Potential of the Neuron 28

Forces Acting on Sodium and Potassium Ions 29

Why a Resting Potential? 31

The Action Potential 31

The All-or-None Law 32

The Molecular Basis of the Action Potential 32

Propagation of the Action Potential 33

The Myelin Sheath and Saltatory Conduction 35

The Refractory Period 36

Local Neurons 36

IN CLOSING: Neurons and Messages 37

Chapter 2

Synapses 41

Module 2.1

The Concept of the

Synapse 42

Properties of Synapses 42

Speed of a Reflex and Delayed Transmission

at the Synapse 43

Temporal Summation 43

Spatial Summation 43

Inhibitory Synapses 45

Relationship among EPSP, IPSP, and Action

Potentials 46

IN CLOSING: The Neuron as Decision Maker 47

Module 2.2

Chemical Events at the Synapse 50

The Discovery of Chemical Transmission at Synapses 50

The Sequence of Chemical Events at a Synapse 51

Types of Neurotransmitters 52

Synthesis of Transmitters 52

Storage of Transmitters 53

Release and Diffusion of Transmitters 53

Activating Receptors of the Postsynaptic Cell 54

Inactivation and Reuptake of Neurotransmitters 57

Negative Feedback from the Postsynaptic Cell 57

Electrical Synapses 59

Hormones 59

IN CLOSING: Neurotransmitters and Behavior 62

Chapter 3


and Research

Methods 67

Module 3.1

Structure of the Vertebrate Nervous

System 68

Terminology to Describe the Nervous

System 68

The Spinal Cord 70

The Autonomic Nervous System 71

The Hindbrain 72

The Midbrain 73

The Forebrain 74

Thalamus 76

Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 77

Basal Ganglia 77

Basal Forebrain 78

Hippocampus 79

The Ventricles 79

IN CLOSING: Learning Neuroan atomy 80

Module 3.2

The Cerebral Cortex 82

Organization of the Cerebral Cortex 82

The Occipital Lobe 84

The Parietal Lobe 84

The Temporal Lobe 85

The Frontal Lobe 85

The Rise and Fall of Prefrontal

Lobotomies 86

Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex 87

How Do the Parts Work Together? 87

IN CLOSING: Functions of the Cerebral Cortex 89

Module 3.3

Research Methods 91

Effects of Brain Damage 91

Effects of Brain Stimulation 92

Recording Brain Activity 93

Correlating Brain Anatomy with

Behavior 96

IN CLOSING: Research Methods and Progress 99

Chapter 4

Genetics, Evolution,


and Plasticity 103

Module 4.1

Genetics and Evolution of Behavior 104

Mendelian Genetics 104

Sex-Linked and Sex-Limited Genes 106

Genetic Changes 107

Epigenetics 107

Heredity and Environment 108

Environmental Modification 109

How Genes Influence Behavior 110

The Evolution of Behavior 110

Common Misunderstandings about Evolution 110

Evolutionary Psychology 112

IN CLOSING: Genes and Behavior 114

Module 4.2

Development of the Brain 117

Maturation of the Vertebrate Brain 117

Growth and Development of Neurons 118

New Neurons Later in Life 119

Pathfinding by Axons 119

Chemical Pathfinding by Axons 119

Competition among Axons as a General

Principle 121

Determinants of Neuronal Survival 122

The Vulnerable Developing Brain 123

Differentiation of the Cortex 124

Fine-Tuning by Experience 125

Experience and Dendritic Branching 125

Effects of Special Experiences 127

Brain Development and Behavioral Development 131

Adolescence 131

Old Age 132

IN CLOSING: Brain Development 132

Module 4.3

Plasticity after Brain Damage 136

Brain Damage and Short-Term Recovery 136

Reducing the Harm from a Stroke 136

Later Mechanisms of Recovery 138

Increased Brain Stimulation 138

Regrowth of Axons 138

Axon Sprouting 139

Denervation Supersensitivity 139

Reorganized Sensory Representations

and the Phantom Limb 140

Learned Adjustments in Behavior 141

IN CLOSING: Brain Damage and Recovery 142

Chapter 5

Vision 147

Module 5.1

Visual Coding 148

General Principles

of Perception 148

The Eye and Its Connections to the Brain 149

Route within the Retina 149

Fovea and Periphery of the Retina 149

Visual Receptors: Rods and Cones 152

Color Vision 153

The Trichromatic (Young-Helmholtz) Theory 154

The Opponent-Process Theory 155

The Retinex Theory 156

Color Vision Deficiency 158

IN CLOSING: Visual Receptors 159

Module 5.2

How the Brain Processes Visual

Information 162

An Overview of the Mammalian Visual System 162

Processing in the Retina 163

Further Processing 164

The Primary Visual Cortex 166

Simple and Complex Receptive Fields 167

The Columnar Organization of the Visual Cortex 168

Are Visual Cortex Cells Feature Detectors? 169

Development of the Visual Cortex 170

Deprived Experience in One Eye 171

Deprived Experience in Both Eyes 171

Uncorrelated Stimulation in the Two Eyes 171

Early Exposure to a Limited

Array of Patterns 172

Impaired Infant Vision

and Long-Term Consequences 173

IN CLOSING: Understanding Vision by Understanding

the Wiring Diagram 174

Module 5.3

Parallel Processing in the

Visual Cortex 177

The Ventral and Dorsal Paths 177

Detailed Analysis of Shape 178

The Inferior Temporal Cortex 178

Recognizing Faces 179

Motion Perception 181

The Middle Temporal Cortex 181

Motion Blindness 182

IN CLOSING: Aspects of Vision 183

Chapter 6

Other Sensory

Systems 187

Module 6.1

Audition 188

Sound and the Ear 188

Physics and Psychology of Sound 188

Structures of the Ear 189

Pitch Perception 190

The Auditory Cortex 191

Sound Localization 193

Individual Differences 195

Deafness 195

Hearing, Attention, and Old Age 196

IN CLOSING: Functions of Hearing 196

Module 6.2

The Mechanical Senses 199

Vestibular Sensation 199

Somatosensation 199

Somatosensory Receptors 200

Tickle 201

Somatosensation in the Central

Nervous System 202

Pain 203

Stimuli and Spinal Cord Paths 203

Emotional Pain 204

Ways of Relieving Pain 205

Sensitization of Pain 207

Itch 208

IN CLOSING: The Mechanical Senses 208

Module 6.3

The Chemical Senses 211

Taste 211

Taste Receptors 211

How Many Kinds of Taste Receptors? 211

Mechanisms of Taste Receptors 213

Taste Coding in the Brain 214

Variations in Taste Sensitivity 214

Olfaction 216

Olfactory Receptors 217

Implications for Coding 218

Messages to the Brain 219

Individual Differences 219

Pheromones 220

Synesthesia 220

IN CLOSING: Senses as Ways of Knowing the World 221

Chapter 7

Movement 225

Module 7.1

The Control of

Movement 226

Muscles and Their Movements 226

Fast and Slow Muscles 226

Muscle Control by Proprioceptors 228

Units of Movement 230

Voluntary and Involuntary Movements 230

Movements Varying in Sensitivity to Feedback 230

Sequences of Behaviors 230

IN CLOSING: Categories of Movement 231

Module 7.2

Brain Mechanisms of Movement 233

The Cerebral Cortex 233

Planning a Movement 235

Inhibiting a Movement 236

Mirror Neurons 236

Connections from the Brain to the Spinal Cord 238

The Cerebellum 239

Functions Other than Movement 240

Cellular Organization 241

The Basal Ganglia 241

Brain Areas and Motor Learning 244

Conscious Decisions and Movement 244

IN CLOSING: Movement Control and Cognition 246

Module 7.3

Movement Disorders 249

Parkinson’s Disease 249

Causes 250

L-Dopa Treatment 250

Other Therapies 250

Huntington’s Disease 251

Heredity and Presymptomatic Testing 252

IN CLOSING: Movement Disorders Affect More

than Movement 254

Chapter 8

Wakefulness and

Sleep 257

Module 8.1

Rhythms of Waking

and Sleeping 258

Endogenous Rhythms 258

Setting and Resetting the Biological Clock 259

Jet Lag 261

Shift Work 261

Morning People and Evening People 261

Mechanisms of the Biological Clock 262

The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) 263

How Light Resets the SCN 264

The Biochemistry of the Circadian Rhythm 264

Melatonin 265

IN CLOSING: Sleep–Wake Cycles 266

Module 8.2

Stages of Sleep and Brain Mechanisms 268

Sleep and Other Interruptions of Consciousness 268

The Stages of Sleep 268

Paradoxical or REM Sleep 269

Brain Mechanisms of Wakefulness, Arousal,

and Sleep 271

Brain Structures of Arousal and Attention 271

Sleep and the Inhibition of Brain Activity 273

Brain Activity in REM Sleep 274

Sleep Disorders 274

Sleep Apnea 276

Narcolepsy 276

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder 277

REM Behavior Disorder 277

Night Terrors and Sleepwalking 277

IN CLOSING: Stages of Sleep 278

Module 8.3

Why Sleep? Why REM? Why

Dreams? 280

Functions of Sleep 280

Sleep and Energy Conservation 280

Analogous to Sleep: Hibernation 280

Species Differences in Sleep 281

Sleep and Memory 283

Functions of REM Sleep 283

Biological Perspectives on Dreaming 284

The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis 284

The Neurocognitive Hypothesis 285

IN CLOSING: Our Limited Self-Understanding 285

Chapter 9


Regulation 289

Module 9.1


Regulation 290

Homeostasis and Allostasis 291

Controlling Body Temperature 292

Surviving in Extreme Cold 293

The Advantages of Constant High Body

Temperature 293

Brain Mechanisms 294

Fever 295

IN CLOSING: Combining Physiological and Behavioral

Mechanisms 296

Module 9.2

Thirst 298

Mechanisms of Water Regulation 298

Osmotic Thirst 298

Hypovolemic Thirst and Sodium-Specific Hunger 300

IN CLOSING: The Psychology and Biology of Thirst 301

Module 9.3

Hunger 303

Digestion and Food Selection 303

Consumption of Dairy Products 304

Food Selection and Behavior 304

Short- and Long-Term Regulation of Feeding 305

Oral Factors 305

The Stomach and Intestines 306

Glucose, Insulin, and Glucagon 306

Leptin 308

Brain Mechanisms 309

The Arcuate Nucleus and Paraventricular

Hypothalamus 309

The Lateral Hypothalamus 311

Medial Areas of the Hypothalamus 312

Eating Disorders 313

Genetics and Body Weight 314

Weight Loss Techniques 314

Bulimia Nervosa 315

Anorexia Nervosa 316

IN CLOSING: The Multiple Controls of Hunger 317

Chapter 10


Behaviors 321

Module 10.1

Sex and Hormones 322

Organizing Effects of Sex Hormones 324

Sex Differences in the Brain 325

Sex Differences in Play 327

Activating Effects of Sex Hormones 328

Males 328

Females 329

Effects of Sex Hormones on Nonsexual

Characteristics 331

Parental Behavior 332

IN CLOSING: Reproductive Behaviors

and Motivations 334

Module 10.2

Variations in Sexual Behavior 337

Evolutionary Interpretations of Mating Behavior 337

Interest in Multiple Mates 337

What Men and Women Seek in a Mate 338

Differences in Jealousy 338

Evolved or Learned? 338

Gender Identity and Gender-Differentiated

Behaviors 338

Intersexes 339

Interests and Preferences of Girls with CAH 340

Testicular Feminization 340

Issues of Gender Assignment and Rearing 340

Discrepancies of Sexual Appearance 341

Sexual Orientation 342

Behavioral and Anatomical Differences 342

Genetics 342

An Evolutionary Question 343

Prenatal Influences 344

Brain Anatomy 344

IN CLOSING: We Are Not All the Same 346

Chapter 11


Behaviors 351

Module 11.1

What Is Emotion? 352

Emotions and Autonomic Arousal 352

Is Physiological Arousal Necessary for Emotional

Feelings? 353

Is Physiological Arousal Sufficient for

Emotions? 354

Is Emotion a Useful Concept? 354

Do People Have a Few Basic Emotions? 356

The Functions of Emotion 357

Emotions and Moral Decisions 358

IN CLOSING: Emotions and the Nervous System 360

Module 11.2

Attack and Escape Behaviors 362

Attack Behaviors 362

Heredity and Environment in Violence 363

Hormonal Effects 363

Serotonin Synapses and Aggressive Behavior 364

Testosterone, Serotonin, and Cortisol 365

Fear and Anxiety 365

Role of the Amygdala in Rodents 366

Studies of the Amygdala in Monkeys 367

Response of the Human Amygdala to Visual

Stimuli 367

Individual Differences in Amygdala Response and

Anxiety 368

Damage to the Human Amygdala 369

Anxiety Disorders 371

Relief from Anxiety 372

Pharmacological Relief 372

Alcohol and Anxiety 373

IN CLOSING: Doing Something about Emotions 373

Module 11.3

Stress and Health 376

Stress and the General Adaptation Syndrome 376

Stress and the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Cortex

Axis 377

The Immune System 377

Effects of Stress on the Immune System 378

Coping with Stress 379

IN CLOSING: Emotions and Body Reactions 380

Chapter 12


Memory, and

Intelligence 383

Module 12.1

Learning, Memory, and Memory Loss 384

Localized Representations of Memory 384

Lashley’s Search for the Engram 384

The Modern Search for the Engram 386

Types of Memory 387

Short-Term and Long-Term Memory 387

Our Changing Views of Consolidation 388

Working Memory 389

Memory Loss 389

Korsakoff’s Syndrome 390

Alzheimer’s Disease 390

Infant Amnesia 392

IN CLOSING: Memory and Forgetting 392

Module 12.2

The Hippocampus and the Striatum 395

Memory Loss after Damage to the Hippocampus 395

Theories of the Function of the Hippocampus 398

Navigation 399

The Striatum 401

Other Brain Areas and Memory 402

IN CLOSING: Brain Damage and Memory 403

Module 12.3

Storing Information in the Nervous

System 405

Blind Alleys and Abandoned Mines 405

Learning and the Hebbian Synapse 406

Single-Cell Mechanisms of Invertebrate Behavior

Change 407

Aplysia as an Experimental Animal 407

Habituation in Aplysia 407

Sensitization in Aplysia 407

Long-Term Potentiation in Vertebrates 408

Biochemical Mechanisms 408

Improving Memory 412

IN CLOSING: The Physiology of Memory 413

Module 12.4

Intelligence 415

Brain Size and Intelligence 415

Comparing Species 415

Human Data 416

Genetics and Intelligence 417

Brain Evolution 418

IN CLOSING: Why Are We So Intelligent? 419

Chapter 13


Functions 423

Module 13.1

Lateralization and

Language 424

The Left and Right Hemispheres 424

Anatomical Differences between the

Hemispheres 425

Visual and Auditory Connections to

the Hemispheres 425

The Corpus Callosum and the Split-Brain Operation 426

Split Hemispheres: Competition

and Cooperation 428

The Right Hemisphere 429

Avoiding Overstatements 429

Evolution of Language 430

Chimpanzees 430

Bonobos 430

Nonprimates 431

How Did Humans Evolve Language? 432

Is Language a By-Product of Intelligence? 432

Language as a Specialization 433

A Sensitive Period for Language Learning 434

Brain Damage and Language 434

Broca’s Aphasia (Nonfluent Aphasia) 434

Wernicke’s Aphasia (Fluent Aphasia) 436

Dyslexia 437

IN CLOSING: Language and the Brain 438

Module 13.2

Conscious and Unconscious

Processes 441

The Mind–Brain Relationship 441

Consciousness of a Stimulus 442

Experiments Using Masking 442

Experiments Using Binocular Rivalry 443

The Fate of an Unattended Stimulus 444

Consciousness as a Threshold

Phenomenon 445

The Timing of Consciousness 445

Conscious and Unconscious People 446

Attention 446

Brain Areas Controlling Attention 446

Spatial Neglect 447

IN CLOSING: Attending to Attention and Being

Conscious of Consciousness 449

Module 13.3

Making Decisions and Social

Neuroscience 452

Perceptual Decisions 452

Decisions Based on Values 453

The Biology of Love 454

Empathy and Altruism 455

IN CLOSING: Biology of Decisions

and Social Behavior 456

Chapter 14


Disorders 459

Module 14.1

Substance Abuse 460

Drug Mechanisms 460

Predispositions 460

Genetic Influences 460

Environmental Influences 461

Behavioral Predictors of Abuse 461

Synaptic Mechanisms 462

The Role of Dopamine 462

Cravings 464

Tolerance and Withdrawal 464

Treatments 465

Medications to Combat Alcohol Abuse 465

Medications to Combat Opiate Abuse 465

IN CLOSING: The Psychology and Biology

of Substance Abuse 466

Module 14.2

Mood Disorders 468

Major Depressive Disorder 468

Genetics 469

Abnormalities of Hemispheric Dominance 470

Antidepressant Drugs 470

Types of Antidepressants 470

How Are Antidepressants Effective? 471

How Effective Are Antidepressants? 472

Alternatives to Antidepressant Drugs 473

Exercise and Diet 474

Bipolar Disorder 476

Treatments 476

IN CLOSING: The Biology of Mood Swings 477

Module 14.3

Schizophrenia 480

Diagnosis 480

Differential Diagnosis of Schizophrenia 481

Demographic Data 481

Genetics 482

Family Studies 482

Adopted Children Who Develop Schizophrenia 482

Efforts to Locate a Gene 483

The Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis 483

Prenatal and Neonatal Environment 484

Mild Brain Abnormalities 484

Long-Term Course 485

Early Development and Later Psychopathology 485

Treatments 486

Antipsychotic Drugs and Dopamine 486

Second-Generation Antipsychotic Drugs 487

Role of Glutamate 488

IN CLOSING: Many Remaining Mysteries 489

Module 14.4

Autism Spectrum Disorders 492

Symptoms and Characteristics 492

Genetics and Other Causes 493

Treatments 494

IN CLOSING: Development and Disorders 494

Appendix A

Brief, Basic Chemistry 496

Appendix B

Society for Neuroscience Policies on the Use of Animals

and Human Subjects in Research 502

References 504

Name Index 567

Subject Index/Glossary 589

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