Our Sexuality, Enhanced Fourteenth Edition PDF by Robert Crooks, Karla Baur and Laura Widman


Our Sexuality, Enhanced Fourteenth Edition

Robert Crooks, Karla Baur and Laura Widman

Our Sexuality


Chapter 1

Perspectives on Sexuality 1

Sexual Intelligence 2

A Psychosocial Orientation 3

Diversity in Human Sexuality 4

Let’s Talk About It A Child–Parent Sex Talk 6

Our Cultural Legacy: Sex for Procreation and Rigid

Gender Roles 8

Sex for Procreation 8

Rigid Gender Roles in Sexuality 9

Sexuality in the Western World: A Historical

Perspective 11

Judaic and Christian Traditions 11

Sex as Sinful 12

Eve Versus Mary 12

A Sex-Positive Shift 13

The Victorian Era 13

Sexuality & Diversity Slavery’s Assault on Sexuality and Gender Roles 14

Sexuality & Diversity Islamic Traditions 15

The Beginning of the 20th Century 16

After World War II 17

The Media and Sexuality 19

Traditional Media 20

New Media and Sexuality 23

Sexuality: Where the Personal Is Political 25

Summary 26

Chapter 2

Sex Research: Methods

and Challenges 27

The Goals of Sexology 29

Nonexperimental Research Methods 30

Qualitative Studies 30

Surveys 32

Sex and Politics Sex Research Under Siege 35

Direct Observation 36

The Experimental Method 38

Important Considerations in Sex Research 39

Choosing the Sample 39

Technologies in Sex Research 41

Problems of Sex Research 43

Ethical Guidelines for Human Sex Research 45

Evaluating Research: Some Questions to Ask 46

Summary 46

Chapter 3

Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology 49

The Vulva 50

The Mons Veneris 51

The Labia Majora 52

The Labia Minora 52

Genital Alteration 52

Your Sexual Health Female Genital

Self-Exam 53

The Clitoris 55

Sexuality & Diversity Female Genital Cutting:

Torture or Tradition? 56

The Vestibule 57

The Urethral Opening 57

The Introitus and the Hymen 57

The Perineum 58

Underlying Structures 58

Internal Structures 59

The Vagina 60

Your Sexual Health Kegel Exercises 62

The Cervix 64

The Uterus 64

The Fallopian Tubes 64

The Ovaries 65

Menstruation 65

Attitudes About Menstruation 65

Menarche 66

Menstrual Physiology 67

The Menstrual Cycle 68

Sexual Activity and the Menstrual Cycle 70

Menstrual Cycle Problems 70

Menopause 73

Hormone Therapy 74

Gynecological Health Concerns 75

Urinary Tract Infections 76

Vaginal Infections 76

The Pap Smear 77

Surgical Removal of the Uterus and Ovaries 77

The Breasts 78

Breast Self-Exam 80

Breast Cancer Screening 80

Breast Lumps 81

Your Sexual Health How to Examine Your Breasts 82

Breast Cancer 82

Summary 85

Chapter 4

Male Sexual Anatomy

and Physiology 87

Sexual Anatomy 88

The Penis 88

Sexuality & Diversity Male Genital Modification:

Cultural Beliefs and Practices 90

Strengthening Musculature Around the Penis 91

The Scrotum 91

The Testes 93

The Vas Deferens 94

Your Sexual Health Male Genital Self-Examination 95

The Seminal Vesicles 96

The Prostate Gland 96

The Cowper’s Glands 97

Semen 97

Sexual Functions 97

Erection 98

Ejaculation 98

Concerns About Sexual Functioning 100

Penis Size 100

Sexuality & Diversity Koro: The Genital Retraction

Syndrome 102

Circumcision 103

Sex and Politics “Intactivists” Attempt to Criminalize

Infant Circumcision in San Francisco 104

Genital Health Concerns 105

The Penis: Health-Care Issues 105

Penile Cancer 106

Testicular Cancer 107

Diseases of the Prostate 107

Summary 109

Chapter 5

Gender Identity 111

Sex and Gender 112

Gender Identity Formation 113

Biological Sex Process: Typical Prenatal

Differentiation 114

Differences in Sexual Development 120

Sex-Chromosome Variations 121

Variations Affecting Prenatal Hormonal

Processes 123

Treatment Strategies for People with

Differences in Sexual Development: Debate

and Controversy 124

The Interactional Model of Gender Development 126

Gender Identity: A Spectrum 127

Transgender Variations: Evolving Terminology 127

Let’s Talk About It Respectful Communication

with a Trans Person 128

Transitioning 129

Acceptance and Civil Rights 132

Social-Learning Influences on Gender Identity 133

Gender Roles 133

Sexuality & Diversity Racial/Ethnic Variations in

Gender Roles 134

How Do We Learn Gender Roles? 136

Gender-Role Expectations: Their Impact on Our

Sexuality 140

Summary 143

Chapter 6

Sexual Arousal

and Response 145

The Brain and Sexual Arousal 146

Sexuality & Diversity Cultural Variations in Sexual

Arousal 147

Spotlight on Research Monitoring Brain Function

During Sexual Arousal with Functional Magnetic

Resonance Imaging 149

The Senses and Sexual Arousal 150

Touch 150

Vision 151

Smell 151

Taste 152

Hearing 152

Aphrodisiacs and Anaphrodisiacs in Sexual

Arousal 153

Aphrodisiacs: Do They Work? 153

Anaphrodisiacs 156

The Role of Hormones 157

Sex Hormones in the Sexual Behavior of Men 157

Sex Hormones in the Sexual Behavior

of Women 159

Oxytocin in Sexual Behavior 160

Sexual Response 160

Kaplan’s Three-Stage Model 160

Bancroft and Janssen’s Dual Control

Model of Sexual Response 161

Masters and Johnson’s Four-Phase Model 161

The Grafenberg Spot 165

Gender Differences in Sexual Response 167

Greater Variability in Female Response 167

Spotlight on Research Gender Differences

in Sex Drive 168

Multiple Orgasms 168

Aging and the Sexual Response Cycle 169

Sexual Response Cycle of Older Women 169

Sexual Response Cycle of Older Men 170

Summary 171

Chapter 7

Love and Communication

in Intimate Relationships 173

What Is Love? 174

Types of Love in Intimate Relationships 175

Passionate Love 175

Companionate Love 175

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love 176

Chapman’s Five Love Languages 178

Falling in Love: Why and With Whom? 179

The Chemistry of Love 179

Falling for Whom? 180

Proximity 180

Similarity 180

Reciprocity 181

Physical Attractiveness 181

How Has the Internet Changed Whom

We Fall in Love With? 182

Love and Styles of Attachment 183

Attachment Styles 183

Adult Intimate Relationships as an

Attachment Process 185

Is It Possible to Make People Fall in Love? 186

Issues in Loving Relationships 186

What Is the Relationship Between

Love and Sex? 187

Jealousy in Relationships 189

Maintaining Relationship Satisfaction 190

Ingredients in a Lasting Love Relationship 190

Let’s Talk About It Coping With Jealousy, the

Green-Eyed Monster 191

Sexual Variety: An Important Ingredient 193

The Importance of Sexual Communication 193

Let’s Talk About It Consent for Everyone! 194

Talking: Getting Started 195

Talking About Talking 195

Reading and Discussing 195

Sharing Sexual Histories 195

Listening and Feedback 195

Be an Active Listener 196

Maintain Eye Contact 196

Provide Feedback 196

Support Your Partner’s Communication Efforts 196

Express Unconditional Positive Regard 197

Discover Your Partner’s Needs 197

Ask Questions 197

Self-Disclosure 198

Discussing Sexual Preferences 199

Giving Permission 200

Learning to Make Requests 200

Taking Responsibility for Our Own Pleasure 200

Making Requests Specific 200

Expressing and Receiving Complaints 201

Constructive Strategies for Expressing Complaints 201

Let’s Talk About It The Benefits of Affectionate

Communication 202

Receiving Complaints 205

Saying No 206

A Three-Step Approach to Saying No 206

Nonverbal Sexual Communication 206

Facial Expressions 207

Interpersonal Distance 207

Touching 207

Sounds 208

Communication Patterns in Successful

and Unsuccessful Relationships 208

Constructive Communication Tactics 209

Destructive Communication Tactics 209

Summary 211

Chapter 8

Sexual Behaviors 213

Celibacy 214

Erotic Dreams and Fantasy 215

Erotic Dreams 215

Erotic Fantasy 216

Similarities and Differences in Sexual Fantasy

by Gender and Sexual Identity 218

Fantasies: Help or Hindrance? 218

Masturbation 219

Perspectives on Masturbation 219

Purposes of Masturbation 221

Self-Pleasuring Techniques 223

Sexual Expression: The Importance of Context 225

The Context of Sexual Expression 225

Frequency of Partner Sexual Activity 225

Kissing and Touching 226

Kissing 226

Touching 227

Oral–Genital Stimulation 229

Sexuality & Diversity Oral Sex Experiences

Among Americans 231

Anal Sex Play and Penetration 232

Vaginal Intercourse 233

Kink 235

Intercourse the Tantric Way 236

Summary 237

Chapter 9

Sexual Identity 239

A Continuum of Sexual Orientations 240

Sexual Fluidity 241

Asexuality 242

Bisexuality 243

Homosexuality 245

What Determines Sexual Orientation? 245

Shifting Societal Attitudes 247

Spotlight on Research Where Does Straight

End and Gay Begin? 247

Sexuality & Diversity A Cross-Cultural Perspective

on Homosexuality 248

Judeo-Christian Attitudes Toward Homosexuality 249

From Sin to Sickness 249

Homophobia 250

The Gay Rights Movement 252

The Stonewall Incident and Beyond 253

Decriminalization of Private Sexual Behavior 253

Antidiscrimination 254

Equal Rights: Legal Marriage for Same-Sex

Couples 254

LGBTQ+ Representation in the Media 256

Coming Out 256

Let’s Talk About It Guidelines for Coming Out 260

LGBTQ+ Relationships in Context 261

Summary 264

Chapter 10

Contraception 266

Historical and Social Perspectives 267

Contraception in the United States 267

Contraception as a Contemporary Issue 268

Sex and Politics The Power of Pro-Life

Anti-Contraception Politics 270

The Importance of Access to Contraception 270

Contraception as a Global Issue 273

Choosing a Birth Control Method 274

Your Sexual Health Which Common

Reversible Contraceptive Method Is Best

for You? 279

Outercourse 279

Hormone-Based Contraceptives 280

Oral Contraceptives 280

The Vaginal Ring and the Transdermal Patch 281

Injected Contraceptives 282

Contraceptive Implant 282

Barrier and Spermicide Methods 283

Condoms 283

Let’s Talk About It Don’t Go Inside Without

Your Rubbers On 285

Vaginal Spermicides 287

Cervical Barrier Devices 288

Intrauterine Devices 289

How the IUD Works 290

Emergency Contraception 291

Fertility Awareness Methods 292

Calendar Method 293

Standard Days Method 293

Mucus Method 294

Basal Body Temperature Method 294

Symptothermal Method 295

Sterilization 295

Female Sterilization 295

Male Sterilization 297

Less Reliable Methods 298

Withdrawal 298

Lactational Amenorrhea Method 298

Douching 298

New Directions in Contraception 299

New Directions for Male Contraceptives 299

New Directions for Female Contraceptives 299

Summary 300

Chapter 11

Conceiving Children: Process

and Choice 302

Parenthood as an Option 303

Becoming Pregnant 304

Enhancing the Possibility of Conception 304

Sexuality & Diversity Preselecting a Baby’s Sex:

Technology and Cross-Cultural Issues 304

Infertility 305

Pregnancy Detection 311

Spontaneous and Elective Abortion 312

Miscarriage and Stillbirth 312

Elective Abortion 312

Sex and Politics From Roe v. Wade to the Overturning

of Roe v. Wade 314

The Experience of Pregnancy 319

Sexual Interaction During Pregnancy 319

A Healthy Pregnancy 320

Fetal Development 320

Prenatal Care 322

Your Sexual Health Folic Acid and Fetal

Development 323

Risks to Fetal Development 323

Pregnancy After Age 35 325

Fatherhood After Age 45 326

Childbirth 326

Contemporary Childbirth 327

Stages of Childbirth 327

After Childbirth 329

Breast-Feeding 329

Sexual Interaction After Childbirth 331

Summary 332

Chapter 12

Sexuality During

Childhood and

Adolescence 334

Sexual Behavior During Infancy and Childhood 335

Infant Sexuality 335

Childhood Sexuality 336

Physical Changes of Adolescence 339

Sexual Behavior During Adolescence 341

Masturbation 342

Relationships and Partnered Sexual

Activity 342

Sexual Intercourse 343

Sex and Politics Antigay Harassment/Bullying

of Adolescents 346

Online Sexual Exploration 348

Adolescent Pregnancy 349

Consequences of Adolescent Pregnancy 349

Use of Contraceptives 350

Strategies for Reducing Adolescent Pregnancy 351

Sex Education 353

Answering Children’s Questions About Sex 353

Initiating Conversations When Children

Do Not Ask Questions 354

School-Based Sex Education 355

Sex and Politics Political Battle Over Sex

Education 356

Summary 357

Chapter 13

Sexuality and the

Adult Years 359

Single Living 360

Singles and the Internet 361

Cohabitation 362

Marriage 363

Marriage in Current Collectivist and

Individualist Cultures 364

Same-Sex Marriage 365

Interracial Marriage 365

Polygamy, Polygyny, and Polyandry 366

Sex and Politics Marriage in Crisis 367

Sexuality & Diversity Where Women Choose 368

Marriage in the United States 369

Changing Expectations and Marital

Patterns 370

Predicting Marital Satisfaction 371

Your Sexual Health Know Your Partner 372

Sexual Behavior and Satisfaction in

Marriage 372

Nonmonogamy 373

Consensual Nonmonogamy 373

Nonconsensual Extramarital Relationships 376

Divorce 378

Explaining the High Divorce Rate 379

Adjusting to Divorce or Breakup of

Long-Term Relationships 380

Sexuality and Aging 380

The Double Standard and Aging 381

Sexual Activity in Later Years 382

Widowhood 384

Summary 385

Chapter 14

Sexual Challenges

and Solutions 386

Your Sexual Health Index of Sexual Satisfaction 389

Specific Sexual Challenges 389

Desire-Phase and Excitement-Phase Challenges 390

Orgasm-Phase Challenges 392

Dyspareunia 394

Sexual Addiction: Fact, Fiction, or Misnomer? 395

Origins of Sexual Challenges 396

Relationship Factors 397

Cultural Influences 397

Individual Factors 399

Good Health Habits = Good Sexual Functioning 402

Basics of Sexual Enhancement and

Sex Therapy 405

Self-Awareness 405

Communication 406

Sensate Focus 406

Sexuality & Diversity How Modern Sex Therapy

Can Clash with Cultural Values 407

Specific Suggestions for Women 408

Specific Suggestions for Men 410

Treating Female Sexual Interest/Arousal

Disorder and Male Hypoactive Sexual

Desire Disorder 414

Seeking Professional Assistance 416

Summary 417

Chapter 15

Sexually Transmitted

Infections 419

Let’s Talk About It Telling a Partner 423

Bacterial Infections 423

Chlamydia Infection 423

Gonorrhea 425

Nongonococcal Urethritis 427

Syphilis 427

Viral Infections 430

Herpes 430

Human Papilloma Virus 433

Viral Hepatitis 436

Common Vaginal Infections 437

Bacterial Vaginosis 438

Candidiasis 439

Trichomoniasis 440

Ectoparasitic Infections 440

Pubic Lice 441

Scabies 441

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 442

Incidence 443

Sexuality & Diversity AIDS in Africa: Death and

Hope on a Ravaged Continent 445

HIV Transmission 446

Spotlight on Research Circumcision as a Strategy

for Preventing HIV Infection 447

HIV Symptoms and Complications 447

HIV Antibody Tests 448

Development of AIDS 448

Treatment of HIV/AIDS 449

Prevention of HIV/AIDS 451

Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections 453

Your Sexual Health The Only Way to Determine

the STI Status of Yourself or Your Partner Is to

Get Tested 454

Summary 456

Chapter 16

Atypical Sexual Behavior 459

What Constitutes Atypical Sexual Behavior? 460

What Characterizes the Eight Most Common

Paraphilic Disorders? 462

Fetishism 462

Transvestic Disorder 463

Sexual Sadism and Sexual Masochism 465

Exhibitionism 467

Voyeurism 468

Frotteurism 469

Pedophilia 470

What Factors Contribute to the Development

of Paraphilias? 471

Summary 472

Chapter 17

Sexual Violence 473

Sexual Assault and Rape 474

What Is Sexual Consent? 475

The #MeToo Movement 475

Prevalence of Sexual Assault and Rape 476

False Beliefs About Rape 478

Factors Associated With Rape 479

Your Sexual Health Preventing and Coping

With Sexual Assault 484

Wartime Sexual Violence 486

The Aftermath of Sexual Assault 486

Sexuality & Diversity Punishing Women Who

Have Been Raped 487

Let’s Talk About It Helping a Partner or Friend

Recover From Sexual Assault 488

Sexual Assault of Men 489

Sexual Harassment 490

Varieties and Incidence of Sexual Harassment

on the Job 492

Cyberstalking 495

Sexual Harassment in Academic Settings 495

Sexual Abuse of Children 497

Characteristics of People Who Sexually

Abuse Children 498

Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse 498

Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse 500

Pedophiles Online 501

Effects of Child Sexual Abuse 502

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse 503

When the Child Tells 505

Summary 506

Chapter 18

Sex for Sale 508

Pornography 509

To Each Their Own 509

Erotica 511

Child Pornography 511

Variations in Straight, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender

Pornography 512

Access and Prevalence of Pornography Use 513

History of Pornography Access 514

Freedom of Speech Versus Censorship 515

Sex and Politics Pornography as Social Criticism 517

Online Sexually Explicit Materials and Censorship 519

The “Pornification” of U.S. Culture 520

Is Pornography Helpful? 520

Is Pornography Harmful? 521

Sex Work 522

History of Sex Work 523

The Legal Status of Sex Work 523

Sex and Politics FOSTA-SESTA: The Politics

of Sex Work 525

Adult Sex Workers 526

The Internet and Sex Work 528

Adolescents in Sex Work 529

The Personal Costs of Sex Work 529

Customers of Sex Workers 530

Glorification of Pimps in the United States 531

Worldwide Sex Trafficking 531

Summary 533

Glossary G-1

References R-1

Subject Index S-1

Name Index N-1

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