BUSN: Introduction to Business, 12th Edition PDF by Marce Kelly and Chuck Williams


BUSN: Introduction to Business, 12th Edition

Marce Kelly and Chuck Williams

BUSN_ Introduction to Business


Part 1

The Business Environment

1 Business Now: Change Is the

Only Constant 2

1-1 Business Now: Moving at Breakneck Speed 2

1-2 The History of Business: Putting It All in Context 5

1-3 Nonprofits and the Economy: The Business

of Doing Good 6

1-4 Factors of Production: The Basic Building Blocks 6

1-5 The Business Environment: The Context for Success 7

1-6 Business and You: Making It Personal 15

2 Economics: The Framework

for Business 18

2-1 Economics: Navigating a Crisis 18

2-2 Economics and the Great Recession 20

2-3 Managing the Economy Through Fiscal

and Monetary Policy 22

2-4 Capitalism: The Free Market System 27

2-5 Planned Economies: Socialism and Communism 31

2-6 Mixed Economies: The Story of the Future 32

2-7 Evaluating Economic Performance: What’s Working? 34

3 The World Marketplace:

Business without Borders 40

3-1 A Dramatic Change 40

3-2 The Global Marketplace: A Huge Business

Opportunity 41

3-3 Key Reasons for International Trade 44

3-4 Global Trade: Taking Measure 45

3-5 Seizing the Opportunity: Strategies for Reaching

Global Markets 46

3-6 Barriers to International Trade 49

3-7 Free Trade: The Movement Gains Momentum 54

4 Business Ethics and Social

Responsibility: Doing Well by

Doing Good 60

4-1 Ethics and Social Responsibility: A Close

Relationship 60

4-2 Business Ethics: Not an Oxymoron 63

4-3 Ethics: Multiple Touchpoints 64

4-4 Defining Social Responsibility: Making the World a

Better Place 67

4-5 Ethics and Social Responsibility in the Global Arena:

A House of Mirrors? 74

4-6 Monitoring Ethics and Social Responsibility:

Who Is Minding the Store? 75

5 Business Communication:

Creating and Delivering

Messages That Matter 78

5-1 Excellent Communication Skills: Your Invisible

Advantage 78

5-2 Nonverbal Communication: Beyond the Words 80

5-3 Choose the Right Channel: A Rich Array of Options 82

5-4 Pick The Right Words: Is That Car Pre-Loved or Just

Plain Used?! 84

5-5 Write High-Impact Messages: Breaking Through

the Clutter 86

5-6 Deliver Successful Verbal Presentations:

Hook ’Em and Reel ’Em In! 89

Part 2

Creating a Business

6 Business Formation: Choosing

the Form that Fits 94

6-1 Business Ownership Options: The Big Four 94

6-2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole

Proprietorships 98

6-3 Partnerships: Can Two Heads (and Bankrolls) be

Better Than One? 99

6-4 Corporations: The Advantages and Disadvantages

of Being an Artificial Person 102

6-5 The Limited Liability Company: The New Kid

on the Block 109

6-6 Franchising: Proven Methods for a Price 111

7 Small Business and


Economic Rocket Fuel 118

7-1 Launching a New Venture: What’s in It for Me? 118

7-2 The Entrepreneur: A Distinctive Profile 121

7-3 Finding the Money: Funding Options for Small

Businesses 123

7-4 Opportunities and Threats for Small Business:

A Two-Sided Coin 126

7-5 Launch Options: Reviewing the Pros and Cons 128

7-6 Small Business and the Economy: An Outsized

Impact 130

Part 3

Financing a Business

8 Accounting: Decision Making

by the Numbers 134

8-1 Accounting: Who Needs it—and Who Does it? 134

8-2 Financial Accounting: Intended for Those on the

Outside Looking in 137

8-3 Financial Statements: Read All About Us 139

8-4 Interpreting Financial Statements: Digging

Beneath the Surface 145

8-5 Budgeting: Planning for Accountability 149

8-6 Inside Intelligence: The Role of Managerial

Accounting 152

9 Finance: Acquiring and

Using Funds to Maximize

Value 156

9-1 What Motivates Financial Decisions? 156

9-2 Identifying Financial Needs: Evaluation

and Planning 160

9-3 Finding Funds: What Are the Options? 164

9-4 Leverage and Capital Structure: How Much Debt Is

too Much Debt? 168

9-5 Acquiring and Managing Current Assets 172

9-6 Capital Budgeting: In it for the Long Haul 175

10 Financial Markets: Allocating

Financial Resources 178

10-1 The Role of Financial Markets and Their Key

Players 178

10-2 Regulating Financial Markets to Protect Investors

and Improve Stability 182

10-3 Investing in Financial Securities: What Are the

Options? 184

10-4 Issuing and Trading Securities: The Primary and

Secondary Markets 190

10-5 Personal Investing 193

10-6 Keeping Tabs on the Market 196

Part 4

Marketing a Business

11 Marketing: Building Profitable

Customer Connections 200

11-1 Marketing: Getting Value by Giving Value 200

11-2 The Customer: Front and Center 204

11-3 Marketing Strategy: Where Are You Going, and How

Will You Get There? 205

11-4 Customer Behavior: Decisions, Decisions,

Decisions! 212

11-5 Marketing Research: So, What Do They Really

Think? 213

11-6 Social Responsibility and Technology: A Major

Marketing Shift 215

12 Product and Promotion:

Creating and Communicating

Value 218

12-1 Product: It’s Probably More Than You Thought 218

12-2 Product Differentiation and Planning:

A Meaningful Difference 222

12-3 Innovation and the Product Life Cycle: Nuts, Bolts,

and a Spark of Brilliance 226

12-4 Promotion: Influencing Consumer Decisions 230

12-5 A Meaningful Message: Finding the Big Idea 231

12-6 The Promotional Mix: Communicating

the Big Idea 232

13 Distribution and Pricing:

Right Product, Right Person,

Right Place, Right Price 244

13-1 Distribution: Getting Your Product to

Your Customer 244

13-2 Wholesalers: Sorting Out the Options 247

13-3 Retailers: The Consumer Connection 248

13-4 Physical Distribution: Planes, Trains, and Much,

Much More 251

13-5 Pricing Objectives and Strategies: A High-Stakes

Game 253

13-6 Pricing in Practice: A Real-World Approach 255

Part 5

Managing a Business

14 Management, Motivation, and

Leadership: Bringing Business

to Life 260

14-1 Bringing Resources to Life 260

14-2 Motivation: Lighting the Fire 264

14-3 Planning: Figuring Out Where to Go and How

to Get There 267

14-4 Organizing: Fitting Together the Puzzle Pieces 271

14-5 Leadership: Directing and Inspiring 274

14-6 Controlling: Making Sure It All Works 275

15 Human Resource Management: Building a

Top-Quality Workforce 278

15-1 Human Resource Management: Bringing Business

to Life 278

15-2 Human Resource Management Challenges:

Major Hurdles 280

15-3 Human Resources Managers: Corporate Black

Sheep? 282

15-4 Human Resource Planning: Drawing the Map 283

15-5 Legal Issues: Hr and the Long Arm of the Law 292

15-6 Diversity in Contemporary Business 294

16 Managing Information

and Technology: Finding New

Ways to Learn and Link 296

16-1 Information Technology: Explosive Change 296

16-2 Cloud Computing: The Sky’s the Limit! 302

16-3 Information Technology and Decision Making:

A Crucial Aid 304

16-4 Information Technology and the World

of E-Commerce 307

16-5 Challenges and Concerns Arising from New

Technologies 312

17 Operations Management:

Putting It All Together 320

17-1 Operations Management: Producing Value

in a Changing Environment 320

17-2 What Do Operations Managers Do? 325

17-3 Implications of a Service-Based Economy:

Responding to Different Challenges 331

17-4 The Technology of Operations 333

17-5 Focus on Quality 334

17-6 The Move to Be Lean and Green: Cutting Cost and

Cutting Waste 339

Personal Finance Appendix 342

Endnotes 357

Glossary 383

Index 394

Online Only:

Appendix 1: Labor Unions and

Collective Bargaining

Appendix 2: Business Law

Chapter Review Cards

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