Data Communications & Computer Networks: A Business User’s Approach, Ninth Edition by Jill West


Data Communications & Computer Networks: A Business User’s Approach, Ninth Edition

Jill West & Curt M. White

Data Communication and Computer Networks


Chapter 1

Introduction to Data Communications and Computer Networks 1

1-1: The Language of Computer

Networking 3

Remember this… 4

Self-check 4

1-2: The Big Picture of Networks 5

Remember this… 6

Self-check 6

1-3: Common Network Examples 6

The Desktop Computer and the Internet 6

A Laptop Computer and a Wireless Connection 8

Cellular Network 9

Other Common Network Systems 9

Sensor Networks 10

Business Mainframe Network 11

Satellite Networks 11

Cloud Networks 11

Remember this… 13

Self-check 13

1-4: Network Architectures 14

The TCP/IP Protocol Suite 14

Application Layer 16

Transport Layer 16

Network Layer 16

Data Link Layer 16

Physical Layer 17

The OSI Model 17

Logical and Physical Connections 18

The TCP/IP Protocol Suite in Action 19

Remember this… 22

Self-check 22

1-5: Cloud Computing 22

Cloud Computing Characteristics 22

Cloud Service Models 24

Remember this… 26

Self-check 26

Summary 27

Key Terms 28

Review Questions 29

Hands-On Project 1 31

Reflection Discussion 1 33

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 34

Chapter 2

Conducted and Radiated Media 37

2-1: Cabling Standards 38

Personal Area Network (PAN) Connection Standards 39

Universal Serial Bus (USB) 39

Thunderbolt 40

Lightning 41

Remember this… 41

Self-check 42

2-2: Conducted Media 42

Twisted Pair Cable 42

Types of Twisted Pair Cable 43

Unshielded and Shielded Twisted Pair 45

Coaxial Cable 47

Fiber-Optic Cable 48

Cable Connectors 51

Twisted Pair Cable Connectors 51

Coaxial Connectors 51

Fiber Connectors 52

Summary of Wired LAN Technologies 53

Remember this… 54

Self-check 54

2-3: Radiated Media on LANs 54

Wi-Fi 55

Wireless LAN Standards 57

Bluetooth 58

Zigbee 59

Other Wireless Technologies in a LAN Environment 60

Infrared (IR) 60

Ultra-Wideband (UWB) 61

Near-Field Communication (NFC) 61

Summary of Wireless LAN Technologies 62

Remember this… 62

Self-check 63

2-4: Media Selection Criteria 63

Cost 63

Speed 64

Expandability and Distance 64

Environment 65

Security 65

Remember this… 65

Self-check 65

Summary 66

Key Terms 67

Review Questions 68

Hands-On Project 2 70

Reflection Discussion 2 71

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 72

Chapter 3

Fundamentals of Data and Signals 74

3-1: Data and Signals 75

Analog vs. Digital 75

Analog Data and Signals 76

Digital Data and Signals 77

Fundamentals of Signals 79

Remember this… 83

Self-check 83

3-2: Converting Data into Signals 83

Transmitting Analog Data with Analog Signals 83

Transmitting Digital Data with Square-Wave Digital

Signals: Digital Encoding Schemes 84

Nonreturn to Zero Digital Encoding Schemes 84

Manchester Code Digital Encoding Schemes 85

4B/5B Digital Encoding Scheme 86

Transmitting Digital Data with Discrete

Analog Signals 88

Amplitude Shift Keying 88

Frequency Shift Keying 89

Phase Shift Keying 89

Transmitting Analog Data with Digital Signals 92

Pulse Code Modulation 92

Delta Modulation 94

Remember this… 96

Self-check 97

3-3: Characters and Codes 97


Unicode 97

Remember this… 99

Self-check 99

Summary 100

Key Terms 101

Review Questions 101

Hands-On Project 3 103

Reflection Discussion 3 105

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 106

Chapter 4

Frames and Errors 108

4-1: Data Link Frames 108

Data Link Responsibilities 109

Frame Components 109

Remember this… 110

Self-check 111

4-2: Noise and Errors 111

Gaussian Noise 111

Impulse Noise 112

Crosstalk 113

Echo 113

Jitter 114

Attenuation 114

Error Prevention 114

Remember this… 115

Self-check 116

4-3: Error Detection 116

Parity Checks 116

Simple Parity 116

Longitudinal Parity 117

Arithmetic Checksum 118

Cyclic Redundancy Check 120

Remember this… 121

Self-check 122

4-4: Error Control 122

Toss the Frame or Packet 122

Return the Message 122

Stop-and-Wait Error Control 122

Sliding Window Error Control 123

Correct the Error 126

Remember this… 129

Self-check 129

Summary 130

Key Terms 131

Review Questions 132

Hands-On Project 4 134

Reflection Discussion 4 138

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 139

Chapter 5

Wired and Wireless Local Area Networks 141

5-1: Using LANs 142

Putting LANs to Work 143

Advantages and Disadvantages of LANs 144

Remember this… 145

Self-check 145

5-2: Evolution of LAN Technologies 145

Bus Topology 145

Star-Wired Bus Topology 147

Contention-Based Protocols 148

Star Topology 149

Remember this… 150

Self-check 150

5-3: Switches 151

MAC (Medium Access Control) Addresses 151

Virtual LANs 154

Link Aggregation 155

Spanning Tree Algorithm 156

Quality of Service 157

Remember this… 158

Self-check 158

5-4: Wired LANs 158

Ethernet Standards 158

Wired Ethernet Frame Format 160

Remember this… 162

Self-check 163

5-5: Wireless LANs 163

Wireless CSMA/CA 163

CSMA/CA Frame Format 164

Remember this… 166

Self-check 166

Summary 166

Key Terms 168

Review Questions 168

Hands-On Project 5 170

Reflection Discussion 5 173

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 174

Chapter 6

Network Systems and Software 175

6-1: Network Servers and Software 175

RAID Configurations 176

Storage Types 178

Utilities 179

Software Licensing Models 180

Remember this… 182

Self-check 182

6-2: Server Operating Systems 183

Unix 183

Linux 183

Microsoft Windows Server 184

Remember this… 187

Self-check 187

6-3: Network Devices 187

Command Modes 187

Configuring with Commands 188

Remember this… 189

Self-check 189

6-4: Virtualization 190

Hypervisors 190

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtualization 191

Virtualizing Network Devices 192

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) 193

Remember this… 194

Self-check 194

6-5: Cloud Computing 194

Popular Cloud Platforms 194

Service Categories 196

Pricing Strategies 197

Cloud Storage 198

Cloud-Native Storage 198

Storage Optimization 199

Cloud-Native Computing 200

Containerization 202

Serverless Computing 203

Remember this… 203

Self-check 204

Summary 204

Key Terms 206

Review Questions 206

Hands-On Project 6 208

Reflection Discussion 6 212

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 213

Chapter 7

The Internet 215

7-1: Internet Protocol (IP) 216

IP Packets 217

Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) 218

IPv4 Addresses 219

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) 221

IPv6 Addresses 223

Remember this… 223

Self-check 223

7-2: Locating a Resource on the

Internet 223

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 224

Domain Name System (DNS) 225

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 225

Network Address Translation (NAT) 226

Remember this… 228

Self-check 228

7-3: Protocols of the Internet 229

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 229

TCP Segment Format 229

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 230

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 231

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 231

Remember this… 233

Self-check 233

7-4: Internet Services 233

Email 233

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 234

Intranets and Extranets 236

Remote Login 236

Telnet 236

Secure Remote Login Protocols 237

Voice over IP (VoIP) 238

Media Streaming 240

The Internet of Things (IoT) 240

Data Analytics 242

Remember this… 243

Self-check 243

Summary 244

Key Terms 245

Review Questions 246

Hands-On Project 7 248

Reflection Discussion 7 251

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 253

Chapter 8

Risk, Security, and Compliance 255

8-1: Network Security Risks 256

Common Vulnerabilities and Attack Types 256

Compromise Users 256

Compromise Software 256

Compromise Availability 256

Compromise Accounts 257

Other Attack Strategies 257

Risk and Security Assessments 259

Risk Response 261

Security Policies 261

Incident Response 261

Remember this… 262

Self-check 262

8-2: Network Security Technologies 262

Physical Security 263

Prevention Methods 263

Detection Methods 263

Anti-Malware 264

Proxy Server 264

Access Control Lists (ACLs) 265

Firewalls 265

Firewall Effectiveness 265

Firewall Functionality in the Cloud 266

Firewall Limitations 267

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems 267

Remember this… 268

Self-check 269

8-3: Data Security Technologies 269

CIA Triad 269

Data Security Regulations and Compliance 270

Encryption 271

Monoalphabetic Substitution-Based Ciphers 272

Polyalphabetic Substitution-Based Ciphers 272

Transposition-Based Ciphers 273

DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES

(Advanced Encryption Standard) 274

Public Key Cryptography 275

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 275

Technologies That Use Encryption 278

Digital Signatures 278

Tunneling Protocols 278

Remember this… 279

Self-check 279

8-4: IAM (Identity and Access

Management) 279

Access Rights 280

Authentication 280

Hashing 281

Blockchain 284

Single Sign-On (SSO) and Federated Identity

Management (FIM) 284

Authorization 285

Accounting 285

Remember this… 286

Self-check 287

8-5: Wireless Security 288

Securing Wireless LANs 288

Spread Spectrum Technology 288

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum 288

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 290

Remember this… 290

Self-check 290

Summary 291

Key Terms 293

Review Questions 294

Hands-On Project 8 295

Reflection Discussion 8 300

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 301

Chapter 9

Wide Area Networks 303

9-1: Networks That Connect LANs 304

Campus Area Networks (CANs) 304

Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) 304

WAN Topology 305

Remember this… 306

Self-check 306

9-2: Routing 306

Best Paths 307

Dynamic Versus Static Routing 308

Routing Protocols 309

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 309

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) 311

Intermediate System to Intermediate

System (IS-IS) 311

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing

Protocol (EIGRP) 311

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 311

Remember this… 312

Self-check 312

9-3: Multiplexing 312

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) 313

Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing 313

Statistical Time Division Multiplexing 314

Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) 315

Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) 316

Wi-Fi Multiplexing 316

Cellular Network Multiplexing 318

Global System for Mobile

Communications (GSM) 318

Code Division Multiplexing (CDM) 318

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

(OFDM) 319

Remember this… 319

Self-check 320

9-4: Compression 320

Lossless Compression 320

Run-Length Encoding 321

Lempel-Ziv Technique 321

Lossy Compression 322

MP3 (MPEG [Moving Picture Experts

Group] Audio Layer-3) 322

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 322

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) 325

Remember this… 325

Self-check 326

Summary 326

Key Terms 328

Review Questions 329

Hands-On Project 9 330

Reflection Discussion 9 334

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 335

Chapter 10

Connecting Networks and Resources 336

10-1: Small Business and

Consumer-Grade WAN Services 337

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 337

DSL Basics 337

DSL Formats 339

Cable Modems 339

Fiber Internet 341

Satellite 342

Cellular Networks 344

Remember this… 346

Self-check 347

10-2: Enterprise-Grade WAN Services 347

Legacy WAN Technologies 347

MPLS 348

Ethernet 349

Virtual Private Network (VPN) 351

Cloud Connectivity 354

Remember this… 355

Self-check 355

10-3: WAN Virtualization 355

Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) 356

Software-Defined Branch (SD-Branch) 357

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) 358

Remember this… 358

Self-check 358

10-4: Cloud-Supported Technologies 359

Digital Marketing 359

Remote Workers 360

Edge Computing 361

Remember this… 362

Self-check 362

Summary 363

Key Terms 365

Review Questions 365

Hands-On Project 10 367

Reflection Discussion 10 369

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 370

Chapter 11

Network Design and Management 372

11-1: Planning for Changes 373

Project Management 373

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) 374

Change Management 376

Remember this… 378

Self-check 378

11-2: Analyzing Design 378

Network Modeling 378

Wide Area Connectivity Map 379

Metropolitan Area Connectivity Map 379

Local Area Connectivity Map 379

Gap Analysis 381

Feasibility Studies 381

Capacity Planning 382

Testing Environments 383

Remember this… 384

Self-check 385

11-3: Network Monitoring and

Management 385

Network Monitoring Tools 385

Monitoring Network Hardware 385

Monitoring Network Traffic 386

Alerts and Logs 387

Syslog 387

Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMP) 388

NetFlow 389

Creating a Baseline 390

Remember this… 392

Self-check 393

11-4: Cloud Deployment and

Management 393

Cloud Migration 393

Migration Phases 394

Migration Strategies 395

Cloud Provisioning and Configuration

Management 396

Automation 396

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 398

Automation and Orchestration Tools 399

Cloud Monitoring and Optimization 401

Remember this… 403

Self-check 403

Summary 404

Key Terms 406

Review Questions 406

Hands-On Project 11 408

Reflection Discussion 11 411

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 412

Chapter 12

Business Principles in IT 414

12-1: People Resources 415

Network Administrator Skills and Certifications 415

Professional Development 416

Training Users 418

Policies and Procedures 419

Remember this… 420

Self-check 420

12-2: Vendor Relations 420

Vendor Services 421

Support Plans 421

Time to Market 422

Managed Services 422

Vendor Lock-In 422

Vendor Documentation 423

Request for Information (RFI) 423

Statement of Work (SOW) 423

Service Level Agreement (SLA) 423

Project Evaluations 424

Remember this… 425

Self-check 425

12-3: Financial Aspects of Cloud 426

CapEx vs. OpEx 426

Tracking Cloud Expenses 427

Cloud Cost Optimization 428

Instance Pricing Options 429

Data Replication Cost vs. Benefit 430

Licensing in the Cloud 430

Remember this… 431

Self-check 432

12-4: Continuity and Recovery 432

Business Continuity 432

Disaster Recovery 433

MTBF and MTTR 433

Backups 435

RTO and RPO 437

Remember this… 438

Self-check 439

Summary 439

Key Terms 441

Review Questions 442

Hands-On Project 12 443

Reflection Discussion 12 446

Solutions to Self-Check Questions 447

Appendix A

CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002 Certification Exam Objectives 449

Domain 1.0 Cloud Concepts—24%

of Exam 450

Domain 2.0 Business Principles of

Cloud Environments—28% of Exam 451

Domain 3.0 Management and

Technical Operations—26% of Exam 453

Domain 4.0 Governance, Risk,

Compliance, and Security for the

Cloud—22% of Exam 454

Glossary 457

Index 478

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