Distribution Planning and Control: Managing in the Era of Supply Chain Management, Third Edition by David Frederick Ross


Distribution Planning and Control: Managing in the Era of Supply Chain Management, Third Edition

David Frederick Ross


Distribution Planning and Control






Introduction to Supply Chain Management / 3

1.1 Defining Logistics and Supply Chain

Management / 4

1.1.1 Defining Logistics / 5

1.1.2 Detailed Logistics Activities / 7

1.1.3 Detailed Logistics Performance

Measurements / 8

1.1.4 Defining Supply Chain Management / 9

1.2 The Evolution of Supply Chain Management / 15

1.2.1 Stage 1: Basic Logistics / 15

1.2.2 Stage 2: Total Cost Management / 17

1.2.3 Stage 3: Integrated Logistics Management / 17

1.2.4 Stage 4: Supply Chain Management / 18

1.2.5 Summary / 19

1.3 Supply Chain Structures / 19

1.3.1 Basic Supply Chain Structures / 20

1.3.2 Basic Supply Chain Strategies / 21

1.3.3 The SCOR® Supply Chain Framework / 22

1.3.4 Lean Supply Chain Model / 26

1.3.5 Adaptive, Demand-Driven Supply Chain

Model / 29

1.3.6 Components of Adaptive Supply Chain Management / 29

1.3.7 Demand-Driven Supply Network (DDSN) / 31

1.4 Supply Chain Maturity Model / 34

1.5 Trends in Supply Chain Management / 36

1.6 Goals of Today’s Supply Chains / 38

1.7 Summary / 39

Discussion Questions / 42

References / 43

The Distribution Management Environment / 45

2.1 Defining the Disribution Function / 46

2.2 Revisiting the Supply Chain / 47

2.2.1 Basic Supply Chain Distribution Formats / 49

2.2.2 Alternative Distribution Channel Formats / 50

2.3 Role of Distribution Channels / 58

2.3.1 Channel Service Outputs / 60

2.3.2 Other Functions of Distribution Channels / 61

2.4 Distribution Channel Transaction Flows / 64

2.5 Distribution Channel Inventory Flows / 68

2.5.1 Substituting Information for Inventory / 72

2.5.2 Reverse Logistics / 73

2.5.3 Sustainability / 75

2.6 Summary / 77

Discussion Questions / 79

References / 80



Crafting Business and Supply Chain Strategies / 83

3.1 Defining Business Strategy / 84

3.1.1 Scanning the External and Internal Business Environments / 84

3.1.2 Defining the Enterprise Vision, Mission, and Goals / 91

3.2 Crafting the Supply Chain Strategy / 99

3.2.1 Defining Supply Chain Strategy / 99

3.2.2 Stages of Supply Chain Strategy / 102

3.2.3 Supply Chain Strategy Performance Attributes / 104

3.2.4 Process Drivers of Supply Chain Performance / 105

3.2.5 Applying the Supply Chain Strategy Matrix / 113

3.3 Achieving Strategic Supply Chain “Fit” / 114

3.3.1 Concept of Supply Chain Strategic Fit / 114

3.3.2 Supply Chain Strategy Performance Metrics / 116

3.3.3 Balanced Scorecard Approach / 119

3.4 Supply Chain Strategy and Risk Management / 121

3.4.1 Defining Supply Chain Risk Management / 122

3.4.2 Managing Supply Chain Risk Resiliency / 128

3.4.3 SCRM Maturity Model / 132

3.4.4 Effect of Supply Chain Management on Resiliency / 134

3.5 Summary / 135

Discussion Questions / 138

References / 139

Designing Channel Networks / 141

4.1 Defining Channel Networks / 142

4.1.1 Exploring Channel Systems / 143

4.1.2 Basic Channel Networking Structures / 144

4.2 Network Configuration: Definitions / 146

4.2.1 Reasons for Channel Networks / 147

4.2.2 Network Channel Design Considerations / 148

4.3 Channel Network Design Process / 149

4.3.1 Map Channel Strategy / 149

4.3.2 Segment Marketplace / 155

4.3.3 Channel Positioning / 157

4.4 Channel Selection / 165

4.4.1 Facility Selection Issues / 167

4.4.2 Methods for Locating Channel Network Facilities / 168

4.5 Channel Implementation / 176

4.5.1 Selection of Channel Partners / 176

4.5.2 Role of Channel Power / 177

4.5.3 Managing Channel Conflict / 179

4.5.4 Achieving Strategic Channel Collaboration / 182

4.6 Summary / 185

Discussion Questions / 187

Problems / 187

References / 190

Forecasting in the Supply Chain Environment / 191

5.1 Forecasting: An Overview / 192

5.1.1 Elements of Forecasting / 193

5.1.2 Forecasting Levels / 196

5.2 Forecasting Techniques / 200

5.2.1 Qualitative Techniques / 201

5.2.2 Quantitative Intrinsic Techniques / 204

5.2.3 Basic Quantitative Forecasting Techniques / 204

5.3 Time-Series Analysis / 209

5.3.1 Basics of Time-Series Analysis / 209

5.3.2 Decomposition of a Time Series / 211

5.4 Associative (Correaltion) Forecasting / 222

5.4.1 Simple Associative Model / 223

5.4.2 Correlation Coefficient for Regression / 224

5.4.3 Multiple Variable Associative Forecast / 225

5.5 Alternative Forecasting Methods / 226

5.6 Managing Forecast Performance / 230

5.6.1 Measures of Forecast Error / 231

5.6.2 Why Forecasts Fail / 236

5.7 Summary / 238

Discussion Questions / 239

Problems / 239

Case Study / 242

References / 244

Demand Management / 245

6.1 Defining Demand Management / 246

6.1.1 Demand Management Definitions / 247

6.1.2 Components of Demand Management / 247

6.1.3 Formulating Demand Strategies / 248

6.2 Creating the Demand Plan / 250

6.2.1 Demand Planning / 250

6.2.2 Planning Demand / 251

6.2.3 Marketing Plan / 258

6.2.4 Sales Plan / 262

6.2.5 Developing the Demand Forecast / 265

6.3 Creating the Supply Plan / 270

6.3.1 Elements of Production Planning / 271

6.3.2 Resource Planning / 276

6.3.3 Inventory and Distribution Planning / 280

6.4 Balancing the Demand and Supply Plans / 283

6.4.1 S&OP: A Balancing Act / 284

6.4.2 S&OP Foundations / 286

6.4.3 Working with S&OP Planning Grids / 288

6.5 Monthly S&OP Process / 291

6.5.1 Step 1: Data Gathering / 292

6.5.2 Step 2: Demand Planning / 293

6.5.3 Step 3: Supply Planning / 293

6.5.4 Step 4: Pre-Executive S&OP Meeting / 295

6.5.5 Step 5: Executive S&OP Meeting / 296

6.5.6 Benefits of the S&OP Process / 298

6.6 Summary / 298

Discussion Questions / 301

Problems / 301

Case Study / 303

References / 306



Managing Supply Chain Inventories / 309

7.1 Inventory Management Basics / 310

7.1.1 The Magnitude of Inventory / 312

7.1.2 Inventory Management Objectives / 312

7.1.3 How Does Inventory Provide Value? / 313

7.1.4 The Purpose of Inventory / 315

7.1.5 The Role of Inventory Management / 316

7.1.6 Classes of Inventory / 317

7.1.7 Function of Inventory / 318

7.1.8 Types of Supply Chain Inventory / 320

7.2 Components of Inventory Decisions / 322

7.2.1 Cycle Inventory / 322

7.2.2 Safety Inventory / 323

7.2.3 Seasonal Inventory / 324

7.2.4 Surplus and Obsolete Inventory / 325

7.3 Inventory Costs / 326

7.3.1 Elements of Inventory Cost / 326

7.3.2 Inventory Valuation / 332

7.4 Inventory Control / 335

7.4.1 Transaction Management / 336

7.4.2 ABC Analysis / 337

7.4.3 Periodic Physical Inventory and Cycle Counting / 340

7.5 Performance Measurement / 342

7.5.1 Customer Service / 342

7.5.2 Financial Statements and Inventory / 344

7.5.3 Inventory Turns and Ratios / 346

7.6 Summary / 349

7.6.1 Supplement: Inventory Valuation Methods / 350

Discussion Questions / 354

Problems / 354

References / 356

Statistical Inventory Management / 357

8.1 Statistical Inventory Replenishment Concepts / 358

8.1.1 Understanding the Demand Driver / 358

8.1.2 Concept of Stock Replenishment / 360

8.1.3 Replenishment Review Interval / 362

8.1.4 Basic Terms of Statistical Inventory Replenishment / 364

8.2 Inventory Replenishment Techniques / 365

8.2.1 Visual Review System / 365

8.2.2 Two-Bin System / 366

8.2.3 Periodic Review / 367

8.2.4 Reorder Point / 367

8.2.5 Time-Phased Order Point (TPOP) / 367

8.2.6 Lean Inventory Systems / 368

8.3 Reorder Point Systems / 368

8.3.1 Reorder Point Basics / 368

8.3.2 Min/Max and Periodic Review / 379

8.4 Order Quantity Techniques / 382

8.4.1 The Economic Order Quantity / 383

8.4.2 Replenishment by Item Class / 392

8.5 Lean Inventory Management / 394

8.5.1 Lean and Supply Chain Management / 395

8.5.2 The Lean Inventory Replenishment Pull System / 397

8.6 Summary / 401

Discussion Questions / 402

Problems / 402

References / 405

Replenishment in a Multi-echelon Channel Environment / 407

9.1 Distribution Channel Basics / 408

9.1.1 Coupled Deployment “Push” Systems / 410

9.1.2 Independent Deployment “Pull” Systems / 414

9.1.3 Which to Choose: Order Points or DRP? / 418

9.2 The Basics of DRP / 423

9.2.1 Introduction to the DRP Grid / 423

9.2.2 DRP Order Policies and Safety Stock / 429

9.3 The DRP Calculation / 432

9.3.1 Basic Data Elements / 432

9.3.2 Bucketless DRP / 433

9.3.3 DRP Regeneration Frequency / 434

9.4 DRP in a Multi-echelon Environment / 435

9.4.1 DRP Planning Process / 436

9.5 Stocking Multi-echelon Supply Channels / 438

9.5.1 Bullwhip Effect / 439

9.5.2 Adjusting Channel Imbalances / 446

9.6 Supply Chain Capacity Planning / 449

9.6.1 Financial Estimating / 450

9.6.2 Transportation Planning / 451

9.6.3 Warehouse Space Planning / 453

9.6.4 Labor and Equipment Capacity / 455

9.7 Summary / 455

Discussion Questions / 457

Problems / 457

Case Study / 460

References / 463


Customer Management / 467

10.1 The Revolution in CustomerManagement / 468

10.1.1 Understanding Today’s Customer / 469

10.1.2 Defining the Customer / 470

10.1.3 Understanding Customer Wants and Needs / 473

10.1.4 Marketing To Today’s Customer / 474

10.1.5 Creating Lifetime Customers / 476

10.1.6 Dimensions of Customer Values / 477

10.1.7 Creating the Customer-Centric Organization / 484

10.2 Customer Relationship Management / 486

10.2.1 Defining Customer Relationship Management (CRM) / 486

10.2.2 Components of CRM / 488

10.2.3 The Range of CRM Application Functions / 489

10.3 Customer Order Management / 499

10.3.1 Charting Customer Order Management Attributes / 500

10.3.2 Order Management Process / 503

10.3.3 The Order Management Cycle / 505

10.3.4 The Perfect Order / 508

10.3.5 Aligning Order and Fulfillment Supply Channels / 509

10.4 Customer Service Management / 511

10.4.1 Defining Customer Service Management / 511

10.4.2 Elements of Effective Service Management / 513

10.5 Summary / 525

Discussion Questions / 527

References / 528

Procurement and Supplier Management / 531

11.1 Defining the Procurement Function / 532

11.1.1 Defining Purchasing / 533

11.1.2 Categories of Purchasing / 533

11.1.3 Purchasing Responsibilities / 534

11.1.4 Objectives of Purchasing / 536

11.1.5 The Purchasing Organization / 538

11.2 Anatomy of Purchasing Strategy / 544

11.2.1 Role of Strategic Sourcing / 552

11.3 Supplier Relationship Management / 553

11.3.1 Supplier Relationship Types / 553

11.3.2 Advent of Supplier Relationship Management / 555

11.3.3 Advantages of Supplier Relationship Management / 557

11.3.4 Implementing Supplier Relationship Management / 558

11.4 Managing the Sourcing Process / 560

11.4.1 Sourcing Process Steps / 562

11.5 Purchase Order Management / 576

11.5.1 Purchase Processing Cycle / 577

11.6 Supplier and Procurement Performance Measurement / 584

11.6.1 Supplier Performance Measurement / 584

11.6.2 Purchasing Organization Performance Measurements / 587

11.7 Impact of e-Commerce on Procurement / 590

11.7.1 The Array of B2B e-Commerce Functions / 590

11.7.2 Structure of the B2B e-Commerce Marketplace / 597

11.7.3 Benefits of B2B e-Commerce / 598

11.8 Summary / 599

Discussion Questions / 601

Problems / 601

Case Study / 602

References / 604

Warehouse Management / 605

12.1 Defining Warehouse Management / 606

12.1.1 The Magnitude of Warehousing / 607

12.1.2 Warehousing Functions / 608

12.2 Types of Warehouse / 613

12.2.1 The Four Warehouse Types / 613

12.2.2 Specialized Warehouse Services / 617

12.3 Developing Warehouse Strategies / 619

12.3.1 Strategic Overview / 619

12.3.2 Developing the Warehouse Strategic Plan / 621

12.3.3 The Outsourcing Decision / 624

12.4 Warehouse Management Process / 626

12.4.1 Establishing Warehouse Standards / 627

12.4.2 Receiving and Stocking / 629

12.4.3 Order Picking and Shipping / 631

12.4.4 Performance Measurement / 636

12.5 Warehouse Design and Layout / 639

12.5.1 Warehouse Design and Layout Objectives / 640

12.5.2 Sizing the Warehouse / 641

12.5.3 Warehouse Layout / 644

12.6 Warehouse Storage Equipment / 650

12.6.1 Types of Storage Systems / 651

12.6.2 Stocking Inventory in Warehouse Locations / 657

12.6.3 The Cross-Docking Warehouse / 661

12.7 Warehouse Materials Handling Equipment / 662

12.7.1 Dock Door Equipment / 662

12.7.2 Mobile Materials Handling Equipment / 665

12.7.3 Packaging and Unitization / 669

12.7.4 Warehouse Automation / 672

12.8 Warehouse Management and Environmental Sustainability / 677

12.9 Today’s Warehouse Challenges / 679

12.10 Summary / 680

Discussion Questions / 682

Problems / 682

Case Study / 683

References / 685

Transportation Management / 687

13.1 Defining Transportation Management / 689

13.1.1 The Magnitude of Transportation / 689

13.1.2 The Principles of Transportation / 690

13.1.3 Transportation Services / 692

13.1.4 Transportation Participants / 694

13.1.5 Relationship of Transportation to Other Business

Functions / 695

13.1.6 Transportation Performance Characteristics / 697

13.2 Types of Transportation / 698

13.2.1 Forms of Transportation / 699

13.3 Modes of Transportation / 701

13.3.1 Motor Transport / 701

13.3.2 Railroad Transport / 703

13.3.3 Air Transport / 705

13.3.4 Water Transport / 706

13.3.5 Pipelines / 708

13.3.6 Transportation Mode Summary / 709

13.3.7 Intermodal Transportation / 709

13.4 Transportation Management Functions / 711

13.4.1 The Role of Transportation Administration / 713

13.5 Issues Confronting Transportation / 737

13.5.1 Transportation Infrastructure Issues / 738

13.5.2 Transportation Risk Management / 741

13.5.3 Transportation Management Technologies / 743

13.5.4 Transportation Management Systems (TMS) / 743

13.5.5 Yard Management Systems / 746

13.5.6 Routing, Scheduling, and Event Management Systems / 747

13.5.7 Driver-Focused Technologies / 748

13.6 Transportation Management LSPs / 749

13.6.1 Types of Transportation LSPs / 749

13.6.2 Range of Transportation LSP Services / 751

13.6.3 Working with LSPs / 751

13.7 Summary / 753

Discussion Questions / 756

Problems / 756

Case Study / 757

References / 759



International Distribution / 763

14.1 Globalization of the World Economy / 765

14.1.1 Trends Accelerating Globalization / 766

14.1.2 Barriers to Globalization / 770

14.1.3 Summary / 773

14.2 Globalization Strategies / 774

14.2.1 Global Strategy Development / 775

14.2.2 Strategy Development Summary / 778

14.3 Channel Strategies / 779

14.3.1 Exporting / 780

14.3.2 Licensing / 783

14.3.3 Joint Ventures / 784

14.3.4 Direct Ownership / 785

14.3.5 Other Methods of Entry / 785

14.4 Managing Global Trade Networks / 787

14.4.1 Establishing Global Distribution Channels / 787

14.4.2 Global Marketing Issues / 792

14.4.3 Global Trade Management (GTM) Systems / 803

14.5 International Purchasing / 806

14.5.1 Overview / 806

14.5.2 Advantages of International Sourcing / 807

14.5.3 Countertrade Purchasing / 808

14.5.4 International Purchasing Management Process / 809

14.6 International Transportation and Warehousing / 814

14.6.1 International Transportation: Opening Issues / 814

14.6.2 Surface Transportation / 815

14.6.3 Ocean Transport / 817

14.6.4 International Air Transport / 819

14.6.5 International Warehousing / 819

14.7 Summary / 821

Discussion Questions / 824

References / 825

Information Technology and Supply Chain Management / 827

15.1 Foundations of Information Technology / 829

15.1.1 Information Technology Concepts / 830

15.2 Technology Architecture Basics / 833

15.2.1 Enterprise Technology Architecture / 833

15.2.2 Enterprise Business Architecture / 835

15.2.3 Inter-enterprise Business Architecture / 837

15.3 Information System Foundations / 840

15.3.1 The Five Basic Functions of Information Systems / 840

15.3.2 Principles of System Management / 842

15.3.3 Objectives of Information Technology

in the Supply Chain / 843

15.4 Supply Chain Management Business Technologies: Foundations / 844

15.4.1 Identifying Core SCM Business Technologies / 845

15.4.2 Advanced SCM Business Technologies / 848

15.4.3 Networking SCM Business Technologies / 849

15.4.4 SCM Business System Maturity Model / 854

15.5 Standard SCM Business Systems / 856

15.5.1 Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) / 856

15.5.2 Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems / 859

15.5.3 Evaluating Information Technology Solutions / 861

15.5.4 SCM Business Technology Configuration Choices / 863

15.6 Advent of SCM Internet Technologies / 864

15.6.1 Defining Internet Business / 865

15.6.2 Evolution of Internet Business / 866

15.6.3 Impact of Internet Business on the Supply Chain / 869

15.7 SCM Technology Implementation Issues / 871

15.7.1 SCM Technology Benefits and Risks / 871

15.7.2 Managing the Implementation Project / 873

15.8 Summary / 882

Discussion Questions / 884

References / 885

INDEX / 887

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