Employment Law for Human Resource Practice, Seventh Edition by David J. Walsh


Employment Law for Human Resource Practice, Seventh Edition

David J. Walsh

Employment Law for Human Resource Practice


Preface xvii

Acknowledgments xxiii

Introduction to Employment Law

Chapter 1 Overview of Employment Law 2

Heard at the Staff Meeting 2

U.S. Employment Law Is a Fragmented

Work in Progress 3

Sources of Employment Law 3

Constitutions 4

Statutes 4

Executive Orders 4

Regulations, Guidelines, and Administrative

Decisions 4

Common Law 5

Substantive Rights under Employment Laws 5

Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment

Opportunity 5

Freedom to Engage in Concerted Activity and

Collective Bargaining 6

Terms and Conditions of Employment That Meet

Minimum Standards 6

Protection of Fundamental Rights 6

Compensation for Certain Types of Harm 6

Warner v. United Natural Foods, Inc. 7

Determining Which Employment Laws Apply 10

Public- or Private-Sector Employment 10

Unionized or Nonunion Workplace 11

Employer Size 11

Geographic Location 13

Government Contracts 13

Industry and Occupation 13

Historical Development of U.S. Employment

Law 14

Procedures for Enforcing Employment Laws 16

What Does an Employee Decide to Do When She

Believes That Her Rights Were Violated? 16

How Long Does the Employee Have to Bring a

Case? 17

Can a Lawsuit Be Brought? By Whom? 19

Class-Action Lawsuits 20

Is There an Administrative Prerequisite to a

Lawsuit? 21

Must the Employee Exhaust Internal Dispute

Resolution Mechanisms Before Proceeding? 22

Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements 24

OTO, L.L.C. v. Kho 25

Remedies for Violations of Employment Laws 32

EEOC v. AutoZone 33

The Role of Managers in Legal Compliance 39

Key Terms 40

Chapter Summary 40

Practical Advice Summary 41

Chapter Questions 41

Chapter 2 The Employment Relationship 43

The Importance of Determining Whether

an Employment Relationship Exists 44

Who Is an Employee? 45

Independent Contractors 46

Acosta v. Off Duty Police Services, Inc. 50

The ABC Test and the Employment Status of “Gig Workers” 56

People v. Uber Technologies, Inc. 59

Using Independent Contractors 65

Temporary Workers 66

Students and Interns 66

Volunteers 70

Partners 71

Other Issues Concerning Employee Status 73

Who Is the Employer? 73

Agency 74

Integrated Enterprise 74

Joint Employers 76

Salinas v. Commercial Interiors 76

Key Terms 84

Chapter Summary 84

Practical Advice Summary 85

Chapter Questions 86

Chapter 3 Overview of Employment Discrimination 90

The Continuing Reality of Employment

Discrimination 90

The Concept of Employment Discrimination 93

Protected Classes 95

Types of Discrimination 96

Disparate Treatment: A Closer Look 100

Types of Disparate Treatment Cases 100

Pretext: Indirect Method of Analyzing Disparate

Treatment Cases 102

Jones v. Oklahoma City Public Schools 109

Direct Method of Analyzing Disparate Treatment

Cases 111

Robertson v. Riverstone Communities, LLC. 112

Subordinate Bias Theory of Liability 118

Disparate Impact: A Closer Look 119

Analyzing Disparate Impact Cases 121

Retaliation: A Closer Look 123

Analyzing Retaliation Cases 123

Strothers v. City of Laurel 125

Robertson v. Wisconsin Department of Health

Services 134

Key Terms 140

Chapter Summary 140

Practical Advice Summary 142

Chapter Questions 142

The Hiring Process

Chapter 4 Recruitment 146

Recruitment Methods 147

Want Ads and Job Announcements 147

Employment Agencies 148

Nepotism and Word-of-Mouth Recruiting 149

Enlisting Day Laborers 151

Proving Discrimination in Recruitment: Statistical

Evidence 152

NAACP v. North Hudson Regional Fire &

Rescue 154

Affirmative Action 157

Reasonable Self-Analysis 159

Reasonable Basis for Affirmative Action 160

Reasonable Affirmative Actions 160

Recruiting Foreign Nationals for U.S.

Employment 162

Visa Programs 162

Labor Trafficking 165

Application Process 168

EEOC v. Target Corp. 169

Preemployment Inquiries 173

Helmuth v. Troy University 177

No-Poaching Agreements 186

Statements by Employers 187

Spears v. Amazon.com. KYDC LLC 188

Statements by Employees 193

Key Terms 195

Chapter Summary 195

Practical Advice Summary 197

Chapter Questions 199

Chapter 5 Background Checks, References, and Verifying Employment Eligibility 202

Background Checks 202

Employer Responsibility for Employee

Wrongdoing 203

Negligent Hiring 204

Hammer v. Lee Memorial Health System 209

Doe v. Yum! Brands, Inc. 211

Privacy Rights and Background Checks 216

Criminal Records 217

Credit Reports 222

Fair Credit Reporting Act 222

References 226

Defamation 226

Moraes v. White 228

Negligent Referral 237

Verifying Employment Eligibility 238

The Immigration Reform and Control Act 239

Key Terms 243

Chapter Summary 243

Practical Advice Summary 244

Chapter Questions 246

Chapter 6 Employment Tests 249

Drug Tests 249

Drug-Testing Procedures 253

Use of Drug Test Results 255

Medical Examinations 257

Limitations on the Use of Medical Examinations

under the ADA 258

EEOC v. McLeod Health, Inc. 261

Genetic Tests 265

Polygraphs and Honesty Tests 267

Scored Tests of Ability 268

Examining Test Items 269

Examining Test Results 271

Establishing That Tests Are Job-Related and

Consistent with Business Necessity 272

United States EEOC v. Stan Koch & Sons

Trucking 273

Determining Appropriate Cutoff Levels for Test

Scores 282

Bauer v. Lynch 283

Accommodating Disabled Persons in Testing 289

Key Terms 289

Chapter Summary 290

Practical Advice Summary 290

Chapter Questions 292

Chapter 7 Hiring and Promotion Decisions 295

Facially Discriminatory Policies/Practices: BFOQ

Defense 295

Grounds for Recognizing BFOQs 297

Ambat v. City & County of San Francisco 300

Sex-Plus Cases 306

Affirmative Action Preferences 306

The Legality of Affirmative Action Preferences

under Title VII 307

The Legality of Affirmative Action under

the U.S. Constitution 308

Weight and Appearance 310

Sex Stereotyping 314

Lewis v. Heartland Inns of America 315

Discrimination against Caregivers 319

Subjective Criteria 320

Interviews 324

Hilde v. City of Eveleth 326

Offering and Accepting Employment 330

Promotions 331

Glass Ceilings 335

Key Terms 337

Chapter Summary 337

Practical Advice Summary 339

Chapter Questions 341

Managing a Diverse Workforce

Chapter 8 Harassment 346

Harassment as a Form of Discrimination 346

Because of Sex 347

Parker v. Reema Consulting Services 348

Recognizing Harassment 354

Which Behaviors Constitute Harassment? 354

Harassment That Results in Tangible

Employment Actions 355

Hostile Environment Harassment 357

Gerald v. University of Puerto Rico 359

Are the Harassing Behaviors Unwelcome? 364

Liability for Harassment 366

Harassment by Top Officials, Managers, and

Supervisors 367

Wyatt v. Nissan North America, Inc. 368

Harassment by Coworkers or Third Parties 380

Eliminating Harassment 383

Harassment Policies and Complaint

Procedures 383

Responding to Reports of Harassment 386

Investigating Reports of Harassment 388

Key Terms 392

Chapter Summary 392

Practical Advice Summary 393

Chapter Questions 395

Chapter 9 Reasonably Accommodating Disability and Religion 399

Reasonable Accommodation of Disability 400

Disability 401

Hostettler v. College of Wooster 408

Reasonable Accommodation 414

The Process of Reasonably Accommodating

Disability 415

What Makes an Accommodation

Reasonable? 418

Fisher v. Nissan North America, Inc. 419

Bilinsky v. American Airlines 426

When Does an Accommodation Impose Undue

Hardship? 432

Reasonable Accommodation of Religion 433

Religion 433

Failure to Reasonably Accommodate Religion 435

Davis v. Fort Bend County 439

Religious Advocacy and Religious

Harassment 445

Religious Organization Exemption 447

Key Terms 451

Chapter Summary 451

Practical Advice Summary 452

Chapter Questions 454

Chapter 10 Work–Life Conflicts and Other Diversity Issues 459

Leave Policies under the Family and Medical Leave

Act 461

Who Is Entitled to FMLA Leave? 461

What Are FMLA Qualifying Events? 463

What Must Employees Do to Obtain Leave? 466

Ramji v. Hospital Housekeeping Systems, L.L.C. 467

What Does the FMLA Require Employers to

Provide? 474

How Should Employers Respond to Requests for

FMLA Leave? 479

Leave Policies under the Pregnancy Discrimination

Act 479

Durham v. Rural Metro Corp. 480

Leave to Perform Civic Duties 486

Leave for Military Service 486

Huhmann v. Fed. Express Corp. 489

Language Requirements and National Origin

Discrimination 493

English Fluency and Accents 494

English-Only Rules 496

Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and

Gender Identity 497

Sexual Orientation 497

Protection under Federal Law 498

Bostock v. Clayton County 499

Gender Identity 507

Key Terms 508

Chapter Summary 508

Practical Advice Summary 509

Chapter Questions 511

Pay, Benefits, Terms and Conditions of Employment

Chapter 11 Wages, Hours, and Pay Equity 516

Wage and Hour Standards: Fair Labor Standards

Act 518

Minimum Wage 519

Overtime Pay 520

Determining Compliance with Wage and Hour

Standards 522

Compensation Received 522

Compensable Time 523

Peterson v. Nelnet Diversified Solutions, LLC 529

Exemptions from FLSA Requirements 537

White-Collar Exemptions 537

Hobbs v. Evo, Inc. 542

Other Wage Laws 550

What about Farmworkers? 551

Limitations on Work Hours 552

Discrimination in Pay: Equal Pay Act 554

Proving Pay Discrimination under the Equal Pay

Act 555

Equal Work 555

Factors Other Than Sex 557

Riser v. QEP Energy 559

Title VII 563

Salary History 564

Pay Secrecy Policies 564

Key Terms 565

Chapter Summary 565

Practical Advice Summary 566

Chapter Questions 568

Chapter 12 Benefits 571

Which Benefits Must Employers Provide? 571

What Does ERISA Require? 572

Inform Employees about Their Benefits 573

Deliver on Promised Benefits 575

Garner v. Central States 576

Provide Claims and Appeals Procedures 579

Manage Plans Wisely and in Employees’

Interests—Fiduciary Duties 580

Refrain from Interference or Retaliation 581

Pensions 582

Vesting and Participation 582

Types of Pension Plans 584

Hughes v. Northwestern University 590

Health Insurance 593

Health Insurance Reform 593

Maintaining Coverage: COBRA 598

Randolph v. East Baton Rouge Parish School

System 599

Retiree Health Benefits 602

Discrimination and Benefits 603

Wellness Programs 604

Key Terms 606

Chapter Summary 607

Practical Advice Summary 608

Chapter Questions 611

Chapter 13 Unions and Collective Bargaining 613

The Idea of Collective Bargaining 614

The National Labor Relations

Act (NLRA) 615

Employee Rights under the NLRA 616

NLRB v. Maine Coast Regional Health

Facilities 619

Unfair Labor Practices 629

Union Organizing and Representation

Elections 633

Union Organizing Campaigns 633

Employer Responses to Union Organizing 636

AutoNation, Inc. v. NLRB 639

Representation Election Procedures 648

Bargaining 652

Duty to Bargain in Good Faith 653

NLRB v. Whitesell Corp. 655

What Happens When Parties Cannot Reach

Agreement? 659

Labor Agreements 665

Enforcing Labor Agreements: Grievance Procedures

and Arbitration 666

Key Terms 668

Chapter Summary 668

Practical Advice Summary 670

Chapter Questions 672

Chapter 14 Occupational Safety and Health 676

The Occupational Safety and Health Act 676

How Safe Is “Safe Enough”? 677

Southern Hens, Inc. v. OSHRC 679

F & H Coatings, LLC v. Acosta 690

How Is the OSH Act Enforced? 696

Recording and Reporting Requirements 701

Mine Safety and Health Act 702

Preventing Occupational Injuries and

Illnesses 704

Workers’ Compensation 707

Exclusive Remedy 709

Arising Out of and In the Course of

Employment 711

“Arising Out of Employment” 714

Intercontinental Hotels Group. v. Utah Labor

Commission 715

Tripp v. Scott Emergency Communication

Center 720

Responding to Workplace Injuries 726

Key Terms 727

Chapter Summary 727

Practical Advice Summary 728

Chapter Questions 730

Chapter 15 Privacy on the Job 733

Overview of Workplace Privacy Protections 734

Constitutional Protection 734

United States v. Shelton 735

Common Law Protection 740

Martin v. Mooney 742

Statutory Protection of Privacy 746

Handling Records and Employee Information 747

Personnel Records 747

Medical Information 748

Monitoring and Surveillance

of Employees 752

Video Surveillance 754

Koeppel v. Speirs 755

Electronic Communications 760

Ehling v. Monmouth-Ocean Hospital Service

Corp. 765

Dittman v. UPMC 772

Investigation of Employee Conduct 776

Searches 776

Interviews and Interrogations 778

Polygraphs 781

Acting on Results of Investigations 781

Key Terms 783

Chapter Summary 783

Practical Advice Summary 785

Chapter Questions 786

Chapter 16 Terminating Individual Employees 790

Constructive Discharge 791

Employment at Will with Exceptions 794

Impermissible Grounds for Termination 795

Breach of an Implied Contract 796

Reynolds v. Gentry Financial Corp. 799

Retaliation for an Act Supporting

Public Policy 806

Meehan v. Medical Information Technology,

Inc. 810

Whistleblower Protection Statutes 816

Rhinehimer v. U.S. Bancorp Invs., Inc. 818

Discriminatory Termination 828

Just Cause/Due Process 831

Unionized Employees 831

Public Employees 835

Civil Service and Tenure Laws 836

Constitutional Protections 837

Moser v. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police

Department 845

Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment

Act 850

Performance Appraisals 852

Handling Terminations 854

Key Terms 858

Chapter Summary 858

Practical Advice Summary 860

Chapter Questions 862

Chapter 17 Downsizing and Post-Termination Issues 867

Downsizing 867

The Decision to Downsize 868

Informing Employees Prior to Downsizing:

The WARN Act 873

Varela v. AE Liquidation, Inc. (In re AE Liquidation,

Inc.) 876

Selecting Employees for Downsizing 884

Barnett v. PA Consulting Group 887

Early Retirement Incentives 895

Effects of Bankruptcy on Employee

Rights 898

Post-Termination Issues 899

Unemployment Insurance 899

Restrictive Covenants 903

CNG Financial Corp. v. Brichler 905

Denson v. Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. 919

A Concluding Thought 924

Key Terms 925

Chapter Summary 925

Practical Advice Summary 926

Chapter Questions 928

Glossary 931

Case Index 947

Subject Index 956

Part 5

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