MKTG, 14th Edition, Principles of Marketing by Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair and Carl McDaniel


MKTG, 14th Edition, Principles of Marketing

Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair and Carl McDaniel


MKTG Principles of Marketing


Part 1 The World of Marketing

1 An Overview of Marketing 1

1-1 What Is Marketing? 2

1-2 The Four Marketing Management

Philosophies 3

1-3 The Differences Between Sales and Market

Orientations 5

1-4 Why Study Marketing? 11

2 Strategic Planning for Competitive

Advantage 13

2-1 The Nature of Strategic Planning 14

2-2 Strategic Business Units 14

2-3 Strategic Alternatives 15

2-4 The Marketing Plan 19

2-5 Elements of a Marketing Plan 20

3 Ethics and Social Responsibility 29

3-1 Determinants of a Civil Society 30

3-2 The Concept of Ethical Behavior 31

3-3 Ethical Behavior in Business 32

3-4 Corporate Social Responsibility 36

3-5 Arguments For and Against Social

Responsibility 38

3-6 Cause-Related Marketing 41

4 The Marketing Environment 43

4-1 The External Marketing Environment 44

4-2 Social Factors 46

4-3 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Marketing 48

4-4 Economic Factors 49

4-5 Technology and Innovation 51

4-6 Political and Legal Factors 52

4-7 Competitive Factors 56

4-8 Environmentalism 57

5 Developing a Global Vision 59

5-1 Rewards of Global Marketing and the Shifting

Global Business Landscape 60

5-2 Multinational Firms 62

5-3 External Environment Faced By Global

Marketers 64

5-4 Global Entry Methods 74

5-5 The Global Marketing Mix 78

5-6 The Impact of the Internet on Global

Marketing 83

Part 2 Analyzing Market


6 Consumer Decision Making 84

6-1 The Importance of Understanding Consumer

Behavior 85

6-2 The Traditional Consumer Decision-Making

Process 86

6-3 Postpurchase Behavior 91

6-4 Types of Consumer Buying Decisions and

Consumer Involvement 92

6-5 Reconceptualizing the Consumer Decision-

Making Process 95

6-6 Cultural Influences on Consumer Buying

Decisions 98

6-7 Social Influences on Consumer Buying

Decisions 101

6-8 Individual Influences on Consumer Buying

Decisions 104

6-9 Psychological Influences on Consumer Buying

Decisions 106

7 Business Marketing 110

7-1 What Is Business Marketing? 111

7-2 Trends in B-to-B Internet Marketing 111

7-3 Relationship Marketing and Strategic

Alliances 113

7-4 Major Categories of Business Customers 115

7-5 The North American Industry Classification

System 116

7-6 Business Versus Consumer Markets 117

7-7 Types of Business Products 119

7-8 Business Buying Behavior 121

8 Segmenting and Targeting Markets 125

8-1 Markets and Market Segmentation 126

8-2 Criteria for Successful Segmentation 126

8-3 Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets 127

8-4 Bases for Segmenting Business Markets 134

8-5 Steps in Segmenting a Market 135

8-6 Strategies for Selecting Target Markets 136

8-7 CRM as a Targeting Tool 138

8-8 Positioning 139

9 Marketing Research 142

9-1 The Role of Marketing Research 143

9-2 Steps in a Marketing Research Project 144

9-3 The Profound Impact of the Internet and Smart

Devices on Marketing Research 156

9-4 The Growing Importance of Mobile

Research 159

9-5 Scanner-Based Research 159

9-6 When Should Marketing Research Be

Conducted? 160

Part 3 Product Decisions

10 Product Concepts 162

10-1 What Is a Product? 163

10-2 Product Items, Lines, and Mixes 164

10-3 Branding 167

10-4 Packaging 172

10-5 Global Issues in Branding and Packaging 175

10-6 Product Warranties 176

11 Developing and Managing Products 177

11-1 The Importance of New Products 178

11-2 The New-Product Development Process 179

11-3 Why Some Products Succeed and Others

Fail 184

11-4 Global Issues in New-Product

Development 185

11-5 The Spread of New Products 185

11-6 Product Life Cycles 187

12 Services and Nonprofit Organization

Marketing 191

12-1 The Difference Between Services and

Goods 192

12-2 Service Quality 193

12-3 Marketing Mixes for Services 195

12-4 Relationship Marketing in Services 199

12-5 Internal Marketing in Service Firms 199

12-6 Nonprofit Organization Marketing 200

Part 4 Distribution Decisions

13 Supply Chain Management and

Marketing Channels 204

13-1 Supply Chains and Supply Chain

Management 205

13-2 Supply Chain Integration 207

13-3 The Key Processes of Supply Chain

Management 209

13-4 Sustainable Supply Chain Management 213

13-5 The Digitalization of the Supply Chain 214

13-6 Marketing Channels and Channel

Intermediaries 217

13-7 Channel Structures 220

13-8 Omnichannel Versus Multichannel

Marketing 227

14 Retailing 228

14-1 The Importance of Retailing 229

14-2 Types of Retailers and Retail Operations 229

14-3 The Rise of Nonstore Retailing 233

14-4 Retail Operations Models 236

14-5 Executing a Retail Marketing Strategy 237

14-6 Retailing Decisions for Services 243

14-7 Addressing Retail Product and Service

Failures 243

14-8 Retailer and Retail Customer Trends and

Advancements 244

Part 5 Promotion and

Communication Strategies

15 Marketing Communications 248

15-1 The Role of Promotion in the Marketing

Mix 249

15-2 Marketing Communication 249

15-3 The Goals of Promotion 253

15-4 The Promotional Mix 254

15-5 Promotional Goals and the AIDA Concept 259

15-6 Integrated Marketing Communications 260

15-7 Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix 261

16 Advertising, Public Relations, and

Sales Promotion 266

16-1 The Effects of Advertising 267

16-2 Major Types of Advertising 268

16-3 Creative Decisions in Advertising 270

16-4 Media Decisions in Advertising 273

16-5 Public Relations 279

16-6 Sales Promotion 282

17 Personal Selling and Sales

Management 287

17-1 The Sales Environment and Personal Selling 288

17-2 Social Media’s Impact on Selling 289

17-3 Relationship Selling 290

17-4 Steps in the Selling Process 290

17-5 Sales Management 297

17-6 Customer Relationship Management and the

Sales Process 300

18 Social Media and Marketing 306

18-1 What Are Social Media? 307

18-2 Creating and Leveraging a Social Media

Campaign 310

18-3 Evaluation and Measurement of

Social Media 312

18-4 Social Behavior of Consumers 313

18-5 Social Media Tools: Consumer- and

Corporate-Generated Content 314

18-6 Social Media and Mobile Technology 320

18-7 The Social Media Plan 321

Part 6 Pricing Decisions

19 Pricing Concepts 323

19-1 The Importance of Price 324

19-2 Pricing Objectives 324

19-3 The Demand Determinant of Price 326

19-4 Dynamic Pricing Concepts 328

19-5 The Cost Determinant of Price 329

19-6 Other Determinants of Price 331

19-7 How to Set a Price on a Product 334

19-8 Tactics for Fine-Tuning the Base Price 336

19-9 The Legality of Price Strategy 342

Marketing Analytics Appendix 344

Glossary 351

Endnotes 364

Index 384

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