Physical Metallurgy Principles, Fifth Edition by Reza Abbaschian, Lara Abbaschian


Physical Metallurgy Principles, Fifth Edition

Reza Abbaschian, Lara Abbaschian

Physical Metallurgy Principles


Preface xix

About the Authors xxi

Digital Resources xxii

Chapter 1 The Structure of Metals 1

1.1 The Structure of Metals 2

1.2 Unit Cells 2

1.3 The Body-Centered Cubic Structure (BCC) 4

1.4 Coordination Number of the Body-Centered

Cubic Lattice 4

1.5 The Face-Centered Cubic Lattice (FCC) 5

1.6 The Unit Cell of the Hexagonal Closed-Packed (HCP) Lattice 6

1.7 Comparison of the Face-Centered Cubic and Close-Packed Hexagonal Structures 7

1.8 Coordination Number of the Systems of Closest Packing 8

1.9 Anisotropy 8

1.10 Textures or Preferred Orientations 9

1.11 Miller Indices 10

Direction Indices in the Cubic Lattice 11

Cubic Indices for Planes 12

Miller Indices for Hexagonal Crystals 14

1.12 Crystal Structures of the Metallic Elements 15

1.13 The Stereographic Projection 16

1.14 Directions that Lie in a Plane 18

1.15 Planes of a Zone 18

1.16 The Wulff Net 20

Rotation About an Axis in the Line of Sight 21

Rotation About the North–South Axis of the Wulff Net 21

1.17 Standard Projections 23

1.18 The Standard Stereographic Triangle for Cubic Crystals 24

Problems 27

References 30

Chapter 2 Characterization Techniques 31

2.1 The Bragg Law 32

2.2 Laue Techniques 36

2.3 The Rotating-Crystal Method 38

2.4 The Debye-Scherrer or Powder Method 38

2.5 The X-Ray Diffractometer 42

2.6 The Transmission Electron Microscope 43

2.7 Interactions between the Electrons in an Electron Beam and

a Metallic Specimen 49

2.8 Elastic Scattering 49

2.9 Inelastic Scattering 49

2.10 Electron Spectrum 51

2.11 The Scanning Electron Microscope 51

2.12 Topographic Contrast 53

2.13 The Picture Element Size 56

2.14 The Depth of Focus 57

2.15 Microanalysis of Specimens 58

2.16 Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis 58

2.17 The Characteristic X-Rays 59

2.18 Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) 61

2.19 The Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) 63

Problems 64

References 65

Chapter 3 Crystal Binding 66

3.1 The Internal Energy of a Crystal 66

3.2 Ionic Crystals 67

3.3 The Born Theory of Ionic Crystals 68

3.4 Van Der Waals Crystals 72

3.5 Dipoles 72

3.6 Inert Cases 74

3.7 Induced Dipoles 74

3.8 The Lattice Energy of an Inert-Gas Solid 76

3.9 The Debye Frequency 76

3.10 The Zero-Point Energy 78

3.11 Dipole-Quadrupole and Quadrupole-Quadrupole Terms 79

3.12 Molecular Crystals 80

3.13 Refinements to the Born Theory of Ionic Crystals 80

3.14 Covalent and Metallic Bonding 81

Problems 84

References 85

Chapter 4 Introduction to Dislocations 86

4.1 The Discrepancy Between the Theoretical and Observed Yield Stresses

of Crystals 86

4.2 Dislocations 89

4.3 The Burgers Vector 97

4.4 Vector Notation for Dislocations 100

4.5 Dislocations in the Face-Centered Cubic Lattice 101

4.6 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Stacking Faults in Face-Centered Cubic Metals 105

4.7 Extended Dislocations in Hexagonal Metals 106

4.8 Climb of Edge Dislocations 107

4.9 Dislocation Intersections 108

4.10 The Stress Field of a Screw Dislocation 111

4.11 The Stress Field of an Edge Dislocation 112

4.12 The Force on a Dislocation 115

4.13 The Strain Energy of a Screw Dislocation 118

4.14 The Strain Energy of an Edge Dislocation 119

Problems 119

References 122

Chapter 5 Dislocations and Plastic Deformation 123

5.1 The Frank-Read Source 124

5.2 Nucleation of Dislocations 125

5.3 Bend Gliding 128

5.4 Rotational Slip 130

5.5 Slip Planes and Slip Directions 133

5.6 Slip Systems 134

5.7 Critical Resolved Shear Stress 134

5.8 Slip on Equivalent Slip Systems 138

5.9 The Dislocation Density 138

5.10 Slip Systems in Different Crystal Forms 138

Face-Centered Cubic Metals 138

Hexagonal Metals 140

Easy Glide in Hexagonal Metals 142

Body-Centered Cubic Crystals 142

5.11 Cross-Slip 143

5.12 Slip Bands 145

5.13 Double Cross-Slip 145

5.14 Extended Dislocations and Cross-Slip 147

5.15 Crystal Structure Rotation during Tensile and Compressive Deformation 149

5.16 The Notation for the Slip Systems in the Deformation of fcc Crystals 151

5.17 Work Hardening 153

5.18 Considere’s Criterion 155

5.19 The Relation Between Dislocation Density and the Stress 156

5.20 Taylor’s Relation 157

5.21 The Orowan Equation 158

Problems 159

References 161

Chapter 6 Elements of Grain Boundaries 163

6.1 Grain Boundaries 163

6.2 Dislocation Model of a Small-Angle Grain Boundary 164

6.3 The Five Degrees of Freedom of a Grain Boundary 167

6.4 The Stress Field of a Grain Boundary 168

6.5 Grain-Boundary Energy 169

6.6 Low-Energy Dislocation Structures, LEDS 172

6.7 Dynamic Recovery 177

6.8 Surface Tension of the Grain Boundary 179

6.9 Boundaries between Crystals of Different Phases 180

6.10 The Grain Size 183

6.11 The Effect of Grain Boundaries on Mechanical

Properties: Hall-Petch Relation 185

6.12 Grain Size Effects in Nanocrystalline Materials 187

6.13 Coincidence Site Boundaries 190

6.14 The Density of Coincidence Sites 191

6.15 The Ranganathan Relations 191

6.16 Examples Involving Twist Boundaries 192

6.17 Tilt Boundaries 194

Problems 197

References 198

Chapter 7 Vacancies and Thermodynamics 200

7.1 Thermal Behavior of Metals 200

7.2 Internal Energy 202

7.3 Entropy 202

7.4 Spontaneous Reactions 203

7.5 Gibbs Free Energy 203

7.6 Statistical Mechanical Definition of Entropy 205

7.7 Vacancies 209

7.8 Vacancy Motion 215

7.9 Interstitial Atoms and Divacancies 217

Problems 220

References 222

Chapter 8 Annealing 223

8.1 Stored Energy of Cold Work 223

8.2 The Relationship of Free Energy to Strain Energy 225

8.3 The Release of Stored Energy 225

8.4 Recovery 227

8.5 Recovery in Single Crystals 228

8.6 Polygonization 231

8.7 Dislocation Movements in Polygonization 232

8.8 Recovery Processes at High and Low Temperatures 236

8.9 Recrystallization 236

8.10 The Effect of Time and Temperature on Recrystallization 237

8.11 Recrystallization Temperature 239

8.12 The Effect of Strain on Recrystallization 239

8.13 The Rate of Nucleation and the Rate of Nucleus Growth 240

8.14 Formation of Nuclei 241

8.15 Driving Force for Recrystallization 243

8.16 The Recrystallized Grain Size 243

8.17 Other Variables in Recrystallization 245

8.18 Purity of the Metal 245

8.19 Initial Grain Size 247

8.20 Grain Growth 247

8.21 Geometrical Coalescence 249

8.22 Three-Dimensional Changes in Grain Geometry 251

8.23 The Grain Growth Law 252

8.24 Impurity Atoms in Solid Solution 256

8.25 Impurities in the Form of Inclusions 256

8.26 The Free-Surface Effects 259

8.27 The Limiting Grain Size 260

8.28 Preferred Orientation 261

8.29 Secondary Recrystallization 262

8.30 Strain-Induced Boundary Migration 263

Problems 264

References 265

Chapter 9 Solid Solutions 267

9.1 Solid Solutions 267

9.2 Intermediate Phases 268

9.3 Interstitial Solid Solutions 269

9.4 Solubility of Carbon in Body-Centered Cubic Iron 269

9.5 Substitutional Solid Solutions and the Hume-Rothery Rules 273

9.6 Interaction of Dislocations and Solute Atoms 274

9.7 Dislocation Atmospheres 274

9.8 The Formation of a Dislocation Atmosphere 275

9.9 The Evaluation of A 277

9.10 The Drag of Atmospheres on Moving Dislocations 277

9.11 The Sharp Yield Point and Luders Bands 279

9.12 The Theory of the Sharp Yield Point 281

9.13 Strain Aging 282

9.14 The Cottrell-Bilby Theory of Strain Aging 283

9.15 Dynamic Strain Aging 287

Problems 291

References 292

Chapter 10 Phases 293

10.1 Basic Definitions 293

10.2 The Physical Nature of Phase Mixtures 295

10.3 Thermodynamics of Solutions 295

10.4 Equilibrium between Two Phases 298

10.5 The Number of Phases in an Alloy System 299

One-Component Systems 299

Two-Component Systems 304

Ideal Solutions 304

Nonideal Solutions 305

10.6 Two-Component Systems Containing Two Phases 308

10.7 Graphical Determinations of Partial-Molar Free Energies 310

10.8 Two-Component Systems with Three Phases in Equilibrium 312

10.9 The Gibbs Phase Rule 313

10.10 Ternary Systems 315

Problems 316

References 317

Chapter 11 Binary Phase Diagrams 318

11.1 Phase Diagrams 318

11.2 Isomorphous Alloy Systems 319

11.3 The Lever Rule 320

11.4 Equilibrium Heating or Cooling of an Isomorphous Alloy 323

11.5 The Isomorphous Alloy System from the Point of View of Free Energy 325

11.6 Maxima and Minima 327

11.7 Superlattices 329

11.8 Miscibility Gaps 333

11.9 Eutectic Systems 334

11.10 The Microstructures of Eutectic Systems 335

11.11 The Peritectic Transformation 340

11.12 Monotectics 343

11.13 Other Three-Phase Reactions 347

11.14 Intermediate Phases 348

11.15 The Copper-Zinc Phase Diagram 350

11.16 Ternary Phase Diagrams 353

Problems 356

References 357

Chapter 12 Diffusion in Substitutional Solid Solutions 358

12.1 Diffusion in an Ideal Solution 359

12.2 The Kirkendall Effect 362

12.3 Pore Formation 366

12.4 Darken’s Equations 367

12.5 Fick’s Second Law 371

12.6 The Matano Method 373

12.7 Determination of the Intrinsic Diffusivities 377

12.8 Self-Diffusion in Pure Metals 378

12.9 Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient 380

12.10 Chemical Diffusion at Low-Solute Concentration 383

12.11 The Study of Chemical Diffusion Using Radioactive Tracers 384

12.12 Diffusion along Grain Boundaries and Free Surfaces 388

12.13 Fick’s First Law in Terms of a Mobility and an Effective Force 391

12.14 Diffusion in Non-Isomorphic Alloy Systems 392

Problems 397

References 399

Chapter 13 Interstitial Diffusion 400

13.1 Measurement of Interstitial Diffusivities 401

13.2 The Snoek Effect 402

13.3 Experimental Determination of the Relaxation Time 409

13.4 Experimental Data 415

13.5 Anelastic Measurements at Constant Strain 416

Problems 417

References 418

Chapter 14 Solidification of Metals 419

14.1 The Liquid Phase 420

14.2 Nucleation 423

14.3 Metallic Glasses 425

14.4 Atomic Movement at S/L Interface 431

14.5 The Heats of Fusion and Vaporization 432

14.6 The Nature of the Liquid-Solid Interface 434

14.7 Continuous Growth 436

14.8 Lateral Growth 438

14.9 Stable Interface Freezing 439

14.10 Dendritic Growth in Pure Metals 441

14.11 Freezing in Alloys with Planar Interface 444

14.12 The Scheil Equation 446

14.13 Dendritic Freezing in Alloys 449

14.14 Freezing of Ingots 451

14.15 The Grain Size of Castings 454

14.16 Segregation 455

14.17 Homogenization 457

14.18 Inverse Segregation 461

14.19 Porosity 462

14.20 Eutectic Freezing 466

Problems 471

References 473

Chapter 15 Nucleation and Growth Kinetics 475

15.1 Nucleation of a Liquid from the Vapor 476

15.2 The Becker-Doring Theory 483

15.3 Freezing 485

15.4 Solid-State Reactions 487

15.5 Heterogeneous Nucleation 490

15.6 Growth Kinetics 493

15.7 Diffusion Controlled Growth 496

15.8 Interference of Growing Precipitate Particles 500

15.9 Interface Controlled Growth 501

15.10 Transformations That Occur on Heating 504

15.11 Dissolution of a Precipitate 505

Problems 508

References 509

Chapter 16 Precipitation Hardening 511

16.1 The Significance of the Solvus Curve 512

16.2 The Solution Treatment 513

16.3 The Aging Treatment 514

16.4 Development of Precipitates 517

16.5 Aging of Al-Cu Alloys at Temperatures above 100°C (373 K) 519

16.6 Precipitation Sequences in Other Aluminum Alloys 522

16.7 Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Nucleation of Precipitates 523

16.8 Interphase Precipitation 525

16.9 Theories of Hardening 527

16.10 Additional Factors in Precipitation Hardening 529

Problems 531

References 532

Chapter 17 Deformation Twinning and Martensite Reactions 533

17.1 Deformation Twinning 534

17.2 Formal Crystallographic Theory of Twinning 536

17.3 Twin Boundaries 542

17.4 Twin Nucleation and Growth 543

17.5 Accommodation of the Twinning Shear 546

17.6 The Significance of Twinning in Plastic Deformation 547

17.7 The Effect of Twinning on Face-Centered Cubic Stress-Strain Curves 548

17.8 Martensite 550

17.9 The Bain Distortion 551

17.10 The Martensite Transformation in an Indium-Thallium Alloy 553

17.11 Reversibility of the Martensite Transformation 554

17.12 Athermal Transformation 554

17.13 Phenomenological Crystallographic Theory of Martensite Formation 555

17.14 Irrational Nature of the Habit Plane 561

17.15 The Iron-Nickel Martensitic Transformation 562

17.16 Isothermal Formation of Martensite 564

17.17 Stabilization 564

17.18 Nucleation of Martensite Plates 565

17.19 Growth of Martensite Plates 566

17.20 The Effect of Stress 566

17.21 The Effect of Plastic Deformation 567

17.22 Thermoelastic Martensite Transformations 567

17.23 Elastic Deformation of Thermoelastic Alloys 569

17.24 Stress-Induced Martensite (SIM) 569

17.25 The Shape-Memory Effect 571

Problems 572

References 574

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