The Legal Environment of Business, 14th Edition PDF by Roger E. Meiners, Al. H. Ringleb and Frances L. Edwards


The Legal Environment of Business, 14th Edition

Roger E. Meiners, Al. H. Ringleb and Frances L. Edwards

The Legal Environment of Business, 14th Edition


Preface xix

Chapter 1

Today’s Business Environment: Law and Ethics 1

Law and the Key Functions of the Legal System 2

Sources of Law in the United States 4

Davis v. Baugh Industrial Contractors 9

Classifications of Law 10

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 13

Issue Spotter: OK to Grease Palms? 14

Issue Spotter: Effective Ethics Codes 15

Lamson v. Crater Lake Motors 16

Chapter 2

The Court Systems 20

The Court Systems 21

Martin v. Smith 22

The Federal Courts 23

The State Courts 26

Jurisdiction 28

Schoenbeck v. Masterlink Concrete Pumping, LLC 31

Relations between the Court Systems 32

Issue Spotter: Can Your Firm Be Reached? 33

Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins 35

Venue 37

Chapter 3

Trials and Resolving Disputes 41

Basic Trial Procedures 42

McGill v. BP Exploration & Prod. 48

Clark v. Enchanted Hills Community Ass’n. 54

Alternate Dispute Resolution 57

Issue Spotter: Are There Limits on the Terms of Arbitration? 59

Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis 60

Chapter 4

The Constitution: Focus on Application to Business 66

The Commerce Clause 67

Katzenbach v. McClung 68

Hughes v. Oklahoma 71

The Taxing Power 72

ISSUE SPOTTER : Unconstitutional Business Activity? 74

Business and Free Speech 74

Consolidated Edison Company v. Public Service Commission of New York 75

Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation v. Public Service Commission of

New York 76

Other Key Parts of the Bill of Rights 78

Horne v. Department of Agriculture 81

Fourteenth Amendment 83

Adam and Eve Jonesboro, LLC v. Perrin 85

Chapter 5

Criminal Law and Business 88

Crime 89

Crime Categories 89

Crimes and Elements of Crime 90

Elonis v. United States 91

Defenses 93

Prosecution Process 93

White-Collar Crime 96

United States v. Aboshady 98

Issue Spotter: Internal Fraud 100

Bridge v. Phoenix Bond & Indemnity Co. 101

Sentencing Guidelines and Compliance 105

United States v. George 106

Pulling It Together 110

Chapter 6

Elements of Torts 111

Torts and the Legal System 112

Negligence-Based Torts 112

Squish La Fish v. Thomco Specialty Products 114

Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Company 115

ISSUE SPOTTER : Effective Liability Releases 118

Schuemann v. Menard, Inc. 119

Intentional Torts against Persons 120

Fuerschbach v. Southwest Airlines 121

ISSUE SPOTTER : Dealing with Drunks 123

Harder v. Edwards 124

Lawler v. Montblanc North America, LLC 125

ISSUE SPOTTER : Dealing with Older Adults and Their Heirs 126

Brown v. Showtime Networks, Inc. 127

ISSUE SPOTTER : Say Good Things about a Good Employee? 129

Schwarz v. St. Jude Medical, Inc. 129

Chapter 7

Business Torts and Product Liability 133

Tort Law and Business 134

Siavage v. Gandy 135

Techno Lite, Inc. v. Emcod, LLC 137

ISSUE SPOTTER : Hiring Employees from Competitors 138

Product Liability 138

MacPherson v. Buick Motor Company 139

ISSUE SPOTTER : Understanding Product Problems 141

Greenman v. Yuba Power Products 142

Parish v. Icon 145

Shih v. Starbucks Corp. 147

ISSUE SPOTTER : Cheaper Can Be More Expensive 149

Chapter 8

Real and Personal Property 154

Real Property 155

Four B Properties, LLC v. Nature Conservancy 159

Nielsen v. Gold’s Gym 164

Public Control of Real Property 164

Issue Spotter: Would Tighter Leases Help? 165

RDNT, LLC v. City of Bloomington 166

Torts against Property 167

Smith v. Kulig 168

San Diego Gas & Electric Co. v. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Bd. 169

Issue Spotter: Protecting Company Property 171

Torts against Property Owners 171

Issue Spotter: Duties to Older Customers 172

Reyes v. Brookshire Grocery Co. 172

Davis v. Hollins 174

Issue Spotter: Protecting Customers’ Kids 175

Chapter 9

Intellectual Property 178

Trademarks 179

ISSUE SPOTTER : Establishing Your Name 179

RDX Media, LLC v. IP Application Dev. LLC 181

Luxottica Grp., S.P.A. v. Airport Mini Mall, LLC 184

ISSUE SPOTTER : Knock Off the Knock-Offs? 186

Copyright 186

ISSUE SPOTTER : Fair Sharing of Educational Information? 188

Katz v. Google Inc. 189

Patents 190

Bowman v. Monsanto Co. 191

Trade Secrets 192

Walmart Inc. v. Cuker Interactive, LLC 193

United States v. Jin 195

ISSUE SPOTTER : Protecting Valuable Information 196

Chapter 10

Contracts 199

Contract Law 200

Elements of a Contract 200

Lee v. Chmielewski 204

Caley v. Gulfstream Aerospace Corp 207

Universal Truckload, Inc. v. Dalton Logistics, Inc. 208

Crowley v. Empire Fire & Marine Ins. Co. 211

Radon Constr., LLC v. Land Endeavor 0-2, Inc. 213

ISSUE SPOTTER: Liars’ Contest? 214

Deschamps v. Treasure State Trailer Court, Ltd. 215

Performance, Discharge, and Breach of Contracts 216

ISSUE SPOTTER: Do You Have to Eat the Loss? 220

Remedies 220

Derosier v. Utility Systems of America, Inc. 221

Jones v. Four Corners Rod & Gun Club 225

Pulling It Together 229

Chapter 11

Domestic and International Sales 230

Introduction to the UCC 231

Venable v. SunTrust Bank 233

Erie Ins. Co. v. Amazon.Com, Inc. 234

Forming a Sales Contract 235

Crest Ridge Construction v. New court 236

Griffith v. Clear Lakes Trout 239

Issue Spotter : Gouge the Wholesaler 241

Performance and Obligations 241

Villalobos v. Atlanta Motorsports Sales, LLC 243

Sales Warranties 243

Issue Spotter : How Much Advice Should Retailers Give? 245

Lee v. R & K Marine 246

Remedies and Damages 247

QVC, Inc. v. MJC America, Ltd. 249

International Sales 250

Issue Spotter : What Law Applies, and Where, to Your Contract? 252

VLM Food Trading International, Inc. v. Illinois Trading Company 253

Chapter 12

Business Organizations 259

Sole Proprietorships 260

Partnerships 260

Norris v. Besel 261

Limited Partnership 263

Eagles Landing Development, L.L.C. v. Eagles Landing Apartments, L.P. 264

ISSUE SPOTTER: Sisterly Love? 265

Corporations 265

Advantage Mktg. Grp. v. Keane 269

Limited Liability Companies 271

In re 1545 Ocean Avenue, LLC 272

Key Organizational Features 273

State Ex Rel. Yost v. Leonard 275

ISSUE SPOTTER: Keeping Things in Order 276

Franchises 277

ISSUE SPOTTER: The Road to Riches? 278

Dunkin’ Donuts Franchised Restaurants LLC v. Sandip, Inc. 280

Chapter 13

Negotiable Instruments, Credit, and Bankruptcy 284

Negotiable Instruments 285

Whitaker v. Wedbush Securities, Inc. 287

Credit 290

Credit with Security 292

ISSUE SPOTTER: Helping a Dream? 293

General Electric Business Financial Services v. Silverman 294

Fordyce Bank and Trust v. Bean Timberland 297

ISSUE SPOTTER: Lean on a Lien? 299

CIT Bank, N.A. v. Heirs 300

Bankruptcy 301

Tetzlaff v. Educational Credit Management Corp. 303

ISSUE SPOTTER: Credit for the Bankrupt? 304

In the Matter of Kmart Corporation 306

Pulling It Together 310

Chapter 14

Agency and the Employment Relationship 312

Agency Relationships 313

Cove Management v. AFLAC, Inc. 316

Lang v. Lions Club of Cudahy Wisconsin, Inc. 319

Beef Belt, LLC v. Campbell Burgess 321

The Essential Employment Relationship 322

France v. Southern Equipment Co. 323

Guz v. Bechtel National 326

Issue Spotter: Can You Be Too Encouraging to Employees? 329

Tort Liability for Employers and Principals 330

Issue Spotter: Use of Company Cars 331

Anderson v. Mandalay Corporation 332

Chapter 15

Employment and Labor Regulations 336

Public Policy Limits to At-Will Employment 337

Marshall v. Montaplast of North America, Inc. 337

Zambelli Fireworks Manufacturing Co. v. Wood 339

Substance Abuse 340

Issue Spotter: What Stance Should Be Taken toward Drinking

and the Office? 341

Issue Spotter: How Does an Employer Handle an Employee

Who Flunks a Drug Test? 342

Worker Health and Safety 342

Manua’s Inc. v. Scalia 343

Workers’ Compensation 345

Issue Spotter: Reducing Risks and Improving Looks 346

Long v. Superior Senior Care, Inc. 347

Family and Medical Leave 348

O’Rourke v. Tiffany & Co. 349

General Regulation of Labor Markets 350

Issue Spotter: Adapting to Modern Ways of Working 351

Issue Spotter: Hiring Documentation and Discrimination 353

Major Labor Relations Acts 353

The National Labor Relations Board 355

Unionization 356

Dolgencorp, LLC v. NLRB 358

Issue Spotter: Moves to Help Keep Unions Out 359

Collective Bargaining 360

Chapter 16

Employment Discrimination 365

Origins of Discrimination Law 366

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act 366

Bostock v. Clayton County 368

Harris v. Forklift Systems 370

Bringing a Discrimination Charge 372

Burlington Industries v. Ellerth 375

Issue Spotter: Effective Sexual Harassment Policy 376

Chaidez v. Ford Motor Co. 377

Issue Spotter: Inadvertent Discrimination? 379

Affirmative Action 381

Disability Discrimination 382

Keith v. County of Oakland 384

Issue Spotter: Accommodating Disabilities 386

Pulling It Together 390

Chapter 17

The Regulatory Process 391

Administrative Agencies 392

Administrative Law 393

Taylor v. Huerta 394

Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. 396

Enforcing Rules 397

Black Beauty Coal Company v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 399

ISSUE SPOTTER : Contest a Regulatory Order? 401

Judicial Review 401

Summers v. Earth Island Institute 403

N.M. Farm & Livestock Bureau v. United States Department of Interior 405

Controls on Agencies 406

Chapter 18

Securities Regulation 411

The Elements of Securities 412

What Is a Security? 413

Offering Securities to Investors 414

Latta v. Rainey 415

Issue Spotter: What Are You Selling? 417

Issue Spotter: Can New Start-Up Firms Issue Securities? 419

Regulation of Securities Trading 419

Securities Fraud 421

Smallen v. Western Union Co. 423

Insider Trading 425

United States v. Kosinski 426

Issue Spotter: Can You Exploit the Gossip? 427

The Investment Company Act 428

The Investment Advisers Act 429

ACAP Financial, Inc. v. United States Securities and Exchange Commission 430

Stock Market Regulation 431

Chapter 19

Consumer Protection 435

The FDA: Food and Drug Regulation 436

Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. v. Albrecht 439

ISSUE SPOTTER : How Much Can You Hype Health Supplements? 440

The FTC and Consumer Protection 441

FTC v. Consumer Defense, LLC 442

POM Wonderful, LLC v. Federal Trade Commission 445

ISSUE SPOTTER : How Aggressive Can You Be in Advertising? 447

KS Trade LLC v. International Gemological Inst., Inc. 449

Consumer Credit Protection 449

ISSUE SPOTTER : Dealing with Customer Records 456

Chuway v. National Action Financial Service 457

ISSUE SPOTTER : How Should You Handle Unpaid Accounts? 458

Chapter 20

Antitrust Law 462

Antitrust Statutes 463

United States v. Joyce 466

Monopolization 467

Horizontal Restraints of Trade 469

Todd v. Exxon Corporation 471

Issue Spotter: Share and Share Alike 473

Vertical Restraint of Trade 473

Leegin Creative Leather Products v. PSKS 475

The Robinson-Patman Act 478

Issue Spotter: Who Do You Sell What to, and for How Much? 479

Spartan Concrete Products, LLC v. Argos USVI, Corp. 479

Chapter 21

Environmental Law 484

Environmental Regulation 485

Pollution and the Common Law 485

Whalen v. Union Bag and Paper 486

Clean Air Act 487

Sierra Club v. EPA 491

Clean Water Act 492

Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center 494

Issue Spotter: Does Obeying EPA Regulations Eliminate Litigation? 495

Lost Tree Village Corporation v. United States 496

Land Pollution 497

Species Protection 501

Sierra Club v. United States DOI 503

Global Environmental Issues 504

Issue Spotter: Picking a Sweet Spot 504

Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency 505

Chapter 22

The International Legal Environment of Business 509

International Law and Business 510

U.S. Import Policy 512

Rubies Costume Co. v. United States 513

Issue Spotter: Starting an Import Business 515

Issue Spotter: Making the Deal Stick 516

Business Structures in Foreign Markets 518

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 519

United States v. Chi Ping Patrick Ho 521

International Contracts 522

Issue Spotter: Where to Produce? 528

International Dispute Resolution 528

OBB Personenverkehr AG v. Sachs 529

Pulling it Together 533

Appendix A Online Legal Research 534

Appendix B Case Analysis and Legal Sources 536

Appendix C The Constitution of the United States of America 543

Appendix D The Uniform Commercial Code (Excerpts) 556

Appendix E National Labor Relations Act (Excerpts) 574

Appendix F Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Excerpts) 579

Appendix G Americans with Disabilities Act (Excerpts) 582

Appendix H The Antitrust Statutes (Excerpts) 585

Appendix I Securities Statutes (Excerpts) 589

Glossary 593

Index 626

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