Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Eleventh Edition by Gerald Corey


Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Eleventh Edition

Gerald Corey

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy


Preface xvii

Part 1

Basic Issues in Counseling Practice

1 Introduction and Overview 1

Introduction 2

Where I Stand 3

Suggestions for Using the Book 5

Overview of the Theory Chapters 6

Introduction to the Case of Stan 9

Intake Interview With Stan 10

Overview of Some Key Themes in Stan’s Life 12

Introduction to the Case of Gwen 13

Meet Dr. Kellie Kirksey 13

Background on the Case of Gwen 13

Intake Session 14

Video on Counseling Sessions With Gwen 15

Overview of Video MindTap Program for

The Case of Gwen 15

Chapter 1 Intake Session 15

Chapter 2 Multicultural Perspectives 15

Chapter 3 Informed Consent Session 15

Chapter 4 Psychoanalytic (Psychodynamic)

Therapy 15

Chapter 5 Adlerian Therapy 15

Chapter 6 Existential Therapy 16

Chapter 7 Person-Centered Therapy 16

Chapter 8 Gestalt Therapy 16

Chapter 9 Behavior Therapy 16

Chapter 10 Cognitive Behavior Therapy 16

Chapter 11 Choice Theory/Reality Therapy 16

Chapter 12 Feminist Therapy/Social Justice 16

Chapter 13 Postmodern Approaches: Solution-

Focused Brief Therapy 17

Chapter 14 Family Systems Therapy 17

Chapter 15 Integrative Approaches 17

2 The Counselor: Person and

Professional 18

Introduction 19

The Counselor as a Therapeutic Person 19

Personal Characteristics of Effective

Counselors 20

Personal Therapy for the Counselor 22

The Counselor’s Values and the Therapeutic

Process 24

The Role of Values in Counseling 24

Can Counselors Who Self-Identify as Religious

Provide Value-Free Counseling to LGBTQ1

Clients? 25

Addressing Religious and Spiritual Values in

Counseling 26

The Role of Values in Developing Therapeutic

Goals 28

Becoming an Effective Multicultural

Counselor 28

Acquiring Competencies in Multicultural

Counseling 29

Incorporating Culture in Counseling Practice 31

Issues Faced by Beginning Therapists 32

Dealing With Anxiety 32

Being Yourself and Self-Disclosure 33

Avoiding Perfectionism 33

Being Honest About Your Limitations 34

Understanding Silence 34

Dealing With Demands From Clients 34

Dealing With Clients Who Lack Commitment 34

Tolerating Ambiguity 35

Becoming Aware of Your Countertransference 35

Developing a Sense of Humor 36

Sharing Responsibility With the Client 36

Declining to Give Advice 36

Defining Your Role as a Counselor 37

Maintaining Your Vitality as a Person

and as a Professional 37


Summary 40

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 40

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 2 41

References 41

3 Ethical Issues in Counseling

Practice 44

Introduction 45

Putting Clients’ Needs Before Your Own 45

Ethical Decision Making 46

The Role of Ethics Codes as a Catalyst for Improving

Practice 46

Some Steps in Making Ethical Decisions 47

The Right of Informed Consent 48

Dimensions of Confidentiality 49

Ethical Concerns With the Use

of Technology 49

Exceptions to Confidentiality and Privileged

Communication 50

Ethical Issues From a Multicultural

Perspective 50

Are Current Theories Adequate in Working With

Culturally Diverse Populations? 51

Is Counseling Culture-Bound? 51

Focusing on Both Individual and Environmental

Factors 52

Ethical Issues in the Assessment Process 52

The Role of Assessment and Diagnosis in

Counseling 52

Ethical Aspects of Evidence-Based

Practice 55

Managing Multiple Relationships in

Counseling Practice 56

Perspectives on Multiple Relationships 58

Becoming an Ethical Counselor 61

Summary 61

Self-Reflection and Discussion

Questions 62

Where to Go From Here 62

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 3 64

References 64

Part 2

Theories and Techniques of


4 Psychoanalytic Therapy 66

Introduction 67

Key Concepts 68

View of Human Nature 68

Structure of Personality 68

Consciousness and the Unconscious 70

Anxiety 70

Ego-Defense Mechanisms 71

Development of Personality 72

The Therapeutic Process 75

Therapeutic Goals 75

Therapist’s Function and Role 75

Client’s Experience in Therapy 76

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 78

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 81

Maintaining the Analytic Framework 81

Free Association 82

Interpretation 82

Dream Analysis 83

Analysis and Interpretation of Resistance 83

Analysis and Interpretation of Transference 84

Application to Group Counseling 85

Applying the Psychoanalytic Approach to School

Counseling 86

Jung’s Perspective on the Development of

Personality 87

Contemporary Trends: Object-Relations Theory,

Self Psychology, and Relational

Psychoanalysis 89

Summary of Stages of Development 90

Some Directions of Contemporary Psychodynamic

Therapy 92

An Expert’s Perspective on Psychoanalytic

Therapy 94

Discussion Questions Related to Dr. Blau’s

Psychoanalytic Perspective 97

Psychoanalytic Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 98

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 98

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 98

Psychoanalytic Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 99

Psychoanalytic Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 100

Summary and Evaluation 102

Summary 102

Contributions of the Classical Psychoanalytic

Approach 103

Contributions of Contemporary Psychoanalytic

Approaches 103

Limitations and Criticisms of Psychoanalytic

Approaches 105

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 106

Where to Go From Here 106

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 4 107

References 107

5 Adlerian Therapy 109

Introduction 113

Key Concepts 113

View of Human Nature 113

Goal-Directed Movement 114

Goal-Orientation and the Unity of the

Personality 115

Community Feeling and Social Interest 117

Private Logic 118

Life Tasks 120

Influences on Individual Development 120

Birth Order and Sibling Relationships 122

Culture, Race, and Ethnicity: Systemic Holism 123

The Therapeutic Process 124

Therapeutic Goals 124

Therapist’s Function and Role 125

Client’s Experience in Therapy 125

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 127

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 127

Phase 1: Establishing the Relationship 128

Phase 2: Assessing the Individual’s Psychological

Dynamics 128

Phase 3: Encourage Self-Understanding and

Insight 132

Phase 4: Adaptive Reorientation and Reeducation 133

Application for Individual Psychology 137

Application for Family Counseling 138

Application for Group Counseling 138

Applying the Adlerian Approach to School

Counseling 139

An Expert’s Perspective on Adlerian Therapy 141

Discussion Questions Related to Dr. Bitter’s Adlerian

Perspective 145

Adlerian Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 146

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 146

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 147

Adlerian Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 148

Adlerian Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 149

Summary and Evaluation 151

Summary 151

Contributions of the Adlerian Approach 152

Limitations and Criticisms of the Adlerian

Approach 153

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 153

Where to Go From Here 154

Free Podcasts for ACA Members 154

Other Resources 154

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 5 155

References 155

6 Existential Therapy 158

Introduction 161

Historical Background in Philosophy and

Existentialism 162

Key Figures in Contemporary Existential

Psychotherapy 165

Key Concepts 166

View of Human Nature 166

Proposition 1: The Capacity for Self-Awareness 167

Proposition 2: Freedom and Responsibility 168

Proposition 3: Striving for Identity and Relationship

to Others 170

Proposition 4: The Search for Meaning 172

Proposition 5: Anxiety as a Condition of Living 174

Proposition 6: Awareness of Death and

Nonbeing 175

The Therapeutic Process 175

Therapeutic Goals 175

Therapist’s Function and Role 176

Client’s Experience in Therapy 177

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 177

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 179

Phases of Existential Counseling 180

Clients Appropriate for Existential Counseling 180

Application to Brief Therapy 181

Application to Group Counseling 181

Applications of Existential Approach to School

Counseling 182

An Expert’s Perspective on Existential Therapy 183

Discussion Questions Related to Dr. Deurzen’s

Existential Perspective 186

Existential Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 186

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 186

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 187

Existential Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 188

Existential Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 189

Summary and Evaluation 191

Summary 191

Contributions of the Existential Approach 191

Limitations and Criticisms of the Existential

Approach 193

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 193

Where to Go From Here 194

Free Podcasts for ACA Members 194

Other Resources 194

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 6 196

References 196

7 Person-Centered Therapy 198

Introduction 200

Four Periods of Development of the Approach 201

Emotion-Focused Therapy 202

Existentialism and Humanism 203

Abraham Maslow’s Contributions to Humanistic

Psychology 204

Key Concepts 206

View of Human Nature 206

The Therapeutic Process 207

Therapeutic Goals 207

Therapist’s Function and Role 207

Client’s Experience in Therapy 208

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 209

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 212

Early Emphasis on Reflection of Feelings 212

Evolution of Person-Centered Methods 212

The Role of Assessment 214

Application of the Philosophy of the Person-Centered

Approach 214

Application to Crisis Intervention 215

Application to Group Counseling 215

Application of the Person-Centered Approach

With Children and Adolescents in School

Counseling 216

Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy 217

Principles of Expressive Arts Therapy 217

Creativity and Offering Stimulating Experiences 218

An Expert’s Perspective on Person-Centered

Expressive Arts 219

Discussion Questions Related to the Person-Centered

Expressive Arts Perspective 221

Person-Centered Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 222

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 222

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 222

Person-Centered Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 224

Person-Centered Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 225

Summary and Evaluation 227

Summary 227

Contributions of the Person-Centered

Approach 228

Limitations and Criticisms of the Person-Centered

Approach 229

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 230

Where to Go From Here 231

Free Podcasts for ACA Members 231

Other Resources 231

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 7 232

References 232

8 Gestalt Therapy 235

Introduction 237

Key Concepts 238

View of Human Nature 238

Some Principles of Gestalt Therapy Theory 239

Contact and Resistances to Contact 240

The Now 242

Unfinished Business 243

Energy and Blocks to Energy 244

The Therapeutic Process 244

Therapeutic Goals 244

Therapist’s Function and Role 245

Client’s Experience in Therapy 247

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 248

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 249

The Experiment in Gestalt Therapy 249

Preparing Clients for Gestalt Experiments 251

The Role of Confrontation 252

Gestalt Therapy Interventions 253

Application to Group Counseling 257

Application of the Gestalt Approach to School

Counseling 258

An Expert’s Perspective on Gestalt

Therapy 260

Discussion Questions Related to the Gestalt Therapy

Perspective 262

Gestalt Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 263

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 263

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 263

Gestalt Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 264

Gestalt Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 266

Summary and Evaluation 267

Summary 267

Contributions of Gestalt Therapy 267

Limitations and Criticisms of Gestalt Therapy 268

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 270

Where to Go From Here 270

Other Resources 270

Training Programs and Associations 270

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 8 271

References 271

9 Behavior Therapy 273

Introduction 276

Historical Background 276

Four Areas of Development 277

Key Concepts 279

Current Trend in Behavior Therapy 279

Basic Characteristics and Assumptions 279

The Therapeutic Process 280

Therapeutic Goals 280

Therapist’s Function and Role 281

Client’s Experience in Therapy 282

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 283

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 283

Applied Behavioral Analysis: Operant Conditioning

Techniques 284

Progressive Muscle Relaxation 285

Systematic Desensitization 286

In Vivo Exposure and Flooding 288

Eye Movement Desensitization and

Reprocessing 290

Social Skills Training 292

Self-Management Programs and Self-Directed

Behavior 292

Multimodal Therapy: Clinical Behavior

Therapy 294

Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Approaches 295

Application to Group Counseling 304

Applying the Behavioral Approach to School

Counseling 306

An Expert’s Perspective on Behavior

Therapy 307

Discussion Questions Related to the Behavior

Therapy Perspective 309

Behavior Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 309

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 309

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 311

Behavior Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 311

Behavior Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 313

Summary and Evaluation 314

Summary 314

Contributions of Behavior Therapy 315

Limitations and Criticisms of Behavior Therapy 316

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 318

Where to Go From Here 318

Other Resources 318

Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Approaches 319

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 9 319

References 320

10 Cognitive Behavior Therapy 323

Introduction 324

Albert Ellis’s Rational Emotive Behavior

Therapy 324

Introduction 324

Key Concepts 326

View of Emotional Disturbance 326

ABC Framework 327

The Therapeutic Process 328

Therapeutic Goals 328

Therapist’s Function and Role 328

Client’s Experience in Therapy 329

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 330

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 330

The Practice of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy 330

Applications of REBT as a Brief Therapy 334

Application of REBT to Group Counseling 334

Application of REBT to School Counseling 335

An Expert’s Perspective on Rational Emotive

Behavior Therapy 336

Discussion Questions Related to the REBT

Perspective 338

Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Therapy 340

Introduction 340

A Generic Cognitive Model 341

Basic Principles of Cognitive Therapy 343

The Client–Therapist Relationship 345

Applications of Cognitive Therapy 346

Applying Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling With

Adolescents in Schools 348

Christine Padesky and Kathleen Mooney’s

Strengths-Based Cognitive Behavior

Therapy 350

Introduction 350

Basic Principles of Strengths-Based CBT 350

The Client–Therapist Relationship 351

Applications of Strengths-Based CBT 351

An Expert’s Perspective on Cognitive Behavior

Therapy 353

Discussion Questions Related to Dr. Christine

Padesky’s Cognitive Behavior Perspective 355

Donald Meichenbaum’s Cognitive Behavior

Modification 356

Introduction 356

How Behavior Changes 357

Stress Inoculation Training 358

A Cognitive Narrative Approach to Cognitive

Behavior Therapy 360

Cognitive Behavior Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 361

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 361

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 362

Cognitive Behavior Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 364

Cognitive Behavior Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 366

Summary and Evaluation 367

Summary 367

Contributions of the Cognitive-Behavioral

Approaches 368

Limitations and Criticisms of the Cognitive-

Behavioral Approaches 370

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 372

Where to Go From Here 372

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 10 374

References 374

11 Choice Theory/Reality Therapy 377

Introduction 379

Key Concepts 380

View of Human Nature 380

Choice Theory Explanation of Behavior 382

Characteristics of Reality Therapy 382

The Therapeutic Process 384

Therapeutic Goals 384

Therapist’s Function and Role 385

Client’s Experience in Therapy 385

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 386

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 386

The Practice of Reality Therapy 386

The Counseling Environment 387

Procedures That Lead to Change 387

The “WDEP” System 388

Application to Group Counseling 393

Application of Reality Therapy to School

Counseling 394

An Expert’s Perspective on Choice Theory/

Reality Therapy 395

Discussion Questions Related to the Choice Theory/

Reality Therapy Perspective 397

Choice Theory/Reality Therapy From a

Multicultural Perspective 397

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 397

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 399

Reality Therapy Applied to the Case of Stan 400

Reality Therapy Applied to the Case of

Gwen 401

Summary and Evaluation 403

Summary 403

Contributions of Choice Theory/Reality

Therapy 403

Limitations and Criticisms of Choice Theory/Reality

Therapy 404

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 405

Where to Go From Here 405

Free Podcasts for ACA Members 405

Other Resources 406

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 11 407

References 407

12 Feminist Therapy 408

Introduction 410

History and Development 412

Key Concepts 413

Constructs of Feminist Theory 413

Feminist Perspective on Personality

Development 413

Recent Trends in Feminist Therapy 414

Principles of Feminist Therapy 415

The Therapeutic Process 417

Therapeutic Goals 417

Therapist’s Function and Role 418

Client’s Experience in Therapy 419

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 420

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 420

The Role of Assessment and Diagnosis 420

Techniques and Strategies 421

The Role of Men in Feminist Therapy 425

Application of the Feminist Approach to Group

Work 426

Feminist Social Justice Principles Applied to School

Counseling 426

An Expert’s Perspective on Feminist

Therapy 428

Discussion Questions Related to the Feminist

Therapy Perspective 432

Feminist Therapy From a Multicultural

and Social Justice Perspective 432

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 432

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 434

Feminist Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 434

Feminist Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 436

Summary and Evaluation 439

Summary 439

Contributions of Feminist Therapy and Multicultural

and Social Justice Perspectives 441

Limitations and Criticisms of Feminist

Counseling 442

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 443

Where to Go From Here 444

Other Resources 444

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 12 445

References 445

13 Postmodern Approaches 448

Some Contemporary Founders of Postmodern

Therapies 449

Introduction to Social Constructionism 449

Historical Glimpse of Social Constructionism 450

The Collaborative Language Systems Approach 451

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy 452

Introduction 452

Key Concepts 453

The Therapeutic Process 455

Applying SFBT to Group Counseling 462

Application of Solution-Focused Counseling

to School Counseling 463

An Expert’s Perspective on Solution-Focused

Brief Therapy 464

Discussion Questions Related to the Solution-

Focused Brief Therapy Perspective 467

Motivational Interviewing 468

The MI Spirit 468

Common Ground With Person-Centered

Therapy 468

The Basic Principles of Motivational

Interviewing 469

The Stages of Change 470

Common Ground With Solution-Focused Brief

Therapy 471

Application of Motivational Interviewing to School

Counseling 472

Narrative Therapy 474

Introduction 474

Key Concepts 474

The Therapeutic Process 475

Application: Therapeutic Techniques and

Procedures 478

Application of Narrative Therapy to Group

Counseling 482

An Expert’s Perspective on Narrative

Therapy 483

Discussion Questions Related to the Narrative

Therapy Perspective 487

Postmodern Approaches From a Multicultural

Perspective 487

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 487

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 488

Postmodern Approaches Applied to the Case

of Stan 489

Postmodern Approaches Applied to the Case

of Gwen 491

Summary and Evaluation 493

Summary 493

Contributions of Postmodern Approaches 494

Limitation and Criticisms of Postmodern

Approaches 496

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 496

Where to Go From Here 497

Free Podcasts for ACA Members 497

Other Resources 497

Training in Solution-Focused Therapy

Approaches 498

Training in Narrative Therapy 498

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 13 498

References 499

14 Family Systems Therapy 502

Introduction 503

The Family Systems Perspective 503

Differences Between Systemic and Individual

Approaches 504

Development of Family Systems Therapy 505

Structural-Strategic Family Therapy 507

Recent Innovations in Family Therapy 508

A Multilayered Process of Family Therapy 509

Forming a Relationship 509

Conducting an Assessment 510

Hypothesizing and Sharing Meaning 513

Facilitating Change 514

Application of Family Systems Approaches to School

Counseling 515

An Expert’s Perspective on Family Systems

Therapy 516

Discussion Questions Related to the Family Systems

Therapy Perspective 520

Family Systems Therapy From a Multicultural

Perspective 520

Strengths From a Diversity Perspective 520

Shortcomings From a Diversity Perspective 521

Family Therapy Applied to the Case

of Stan 522

Family Therapy Applied to the Case

of Gwen 525

Summary and Evaluation 527

Summary 527

Contributions of Family Systems Approaches 528

Limitations and Criticisms of Family Systems

Approaches 529

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 529

Where to Go From Here 529

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 14 530

References 530

Part 3

Integration and Application

15 An Integrative Perspective 532

Introduction 533

The Movement Toward Psychotherapy

Integration 533

Pathways Toward Psychotherapy Integration 534

Advantages of Psychotherapy Integration 536

The Challenge of Developing an Integrative

Perspective 536

Integration of Multicultural Issues in Counseling 539

Integration of Spirituality and Religion in

Counseling 540

The Therapeutic Process 542

Therapeutic Goals 542

Therapist’s Function and Role 544

Client’s Experience in Therapy 544

Relationship Between Therapist and Client 545

The Place of Techniques and Evaluation in

Counseling 547

Drawing on Techniques From Various

Approaches 547

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Counseling and

Therapy 555

Feedback-Informed Treatment 556

An Integrative Approach Applied to the Case

of Stan 557

An Integrative Approach Applied to the Case

of Gwen 560

Summary 562

Concluding Comments 563

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions 564

Where to Go From Here 564

Other Resources 564

Recommended Supplementary Readings for

Chapter 15 565

References 565

Name Index 567

Subject Index 573

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