Business Law Today, Comprehensive Edition, Text & Cases 13th Edition by Roger LeRoy Miller


Business Law Today, Comprehensive Edition, Text & Cases 13th Edition

Roger LeRoy Miller

Business Law Today, Comprehensive


Unit 1 The Legal Environment of Business 1

Chapter 1

Law and Legal Reasoning 2

Business Activities and the Legal Environment 3

Sources of American Law 4

The Common Law 8

■■ Managerial Strategy: The Power of Precedent 10

■■ Landmark in the Law: Equitable Maxims 15

Classifications of Law 15

Appendix to Chapter 1 21

Finding and Analyzing the Law 21

Finding Statutory and Administrative Law 21

Finding Case Law 22

Exhibit 1A–1 The National Reporter System—Regional/Federal 23

Reading and Understanding Case Law 24

Exhibit 1A–2 How to Read Citations 25

Exhibit 1A–3 A Sample Court Case 28

■■ Business Law Analysis: Case Briefing and IRAC Legal Reasoning 32

Chapter 2

Constitutional Law 34

The Constitutional Powers of Government 35

Case 2.1: Classy Cycles, Inc. v. Panama City Beach 36

■■ Landmark in the Law: Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) 38

Classic Case 2.2: Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 39

Business and the Bill of Rights 41

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Social

Media and the Constitution 43

Spotlight on Beer Labels: Case 2.3: Bad Frog Brewery,

Inc. v. New York State Liquor Authority 46

■■ Business Law Analysis: Determining When Public

Religious Displays Violate the Establishment Clause 48

Due Process and Equal Protection 50

Privacy Rights 52

■■ Cybersecurity and the Law: Should Apple Help

Law Enforcement? 52

Chapter 3

Ethics in Business 59

Ethics and the Role of Business 60

■■ Business Web Log: Bogus Bank and Credit Card

Accounts at Wells Fargo Bank 61

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Should

Employees Have a “Right of Disconnecting”? 63

Case 3.1: Al-Dabagh v. Case Western Reserve University 65

Ethical Principles and Philosophies 66

■■ Managerial Strategy: The Stakeholder Capitalism Movement 71

Sources of Ethical Issues in Business Decisions 71

Case 3.2: Watson Laboratories, Inc. v. State of Mississippi 72

Making Ethical Business Decisions 75

■■ Business Law Analysis: Applying the IDDR Framework 79

Business Ethics on a Global Level 80

Appendix to Chapter 3 87

Costco Code of Ethics 87

Chapter 4

Courts and Alternative

Dispute Resolution 88

The Judiciary’s Role in American Government 89

■■ Landmark in the Law: Marbury v. Madison (1803) 89

Basic Judicial Requirements 90

Spotlight on Gucci: Case 4.1: Gucci America, Inc. v. Wang Huoqing 95

The State and Federal Court Systems 97

Case 4.2: Oxford Tower Apartments, LP v. Frenchie’s Hair Boutique 98

Following a State Court Case 101

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment:

Using Social Media for Service of Process 103

Case 4.3: Klipsch Group, Inc. v. ePRO E-Commerce Limited 107

Courts Online 111

Alternative Dispute Resolution 112

■■ Business Web Log: Samsung and Forced Arbitration 115

Chapter 5

Tort Law 123

The Basis of Tort Law 123

Intentional Torts against Persons 125

■■ Business Law Analysis: Analyzing Intentional Infliction

of Emotional Distress Claims 127

Case 5.1: Sky v. Van Der Westhuizen 129

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Revenge

Porn and Invasion of Privacy 132

Intentional Torts against Property 136

Negligence 138

Case 5.2: Bogenberger v. Pi Kappa Alpha Corporation, Inc. 139

■■ Landmark in the Law: Palsgraf v. Long Island

Railroad Co. (1928) 143

Spotlight on the Seattle Mariners: Case 5.3: Taylor v. Baseball

Club of Seattle, L.P. 144

Strict Liability 145

Chapter 6

Product Liability 151

Product Liability Claims 151

■■ Business Web Log: Johnson & Johnson Faces Continuing

Lawsuits Over Its Talcum Powder 152

■■ Landmark in the Law: MacPherson v. Buick

Motor Co. (1916) 153

Case 6.1: Primal Vantage Co. v. O’Bryan 154

Strict Product Liability 155

■■ Cybersecurity and the Law: The Internet of Things 157

■■ Business Law Analysis: How State Legislation

Can Limit Recovery for Design Defects 158

Case 6.2: Stange v. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 160

■■ Managerial Strategy: When Is a Warning Legally

Bulletproof? 161

Defenses to Product Liability 163

Spotlight on Injuries from Vaccinations: Case 6.3:

Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, LLC

Chapter 7

Intellectual Property Rights 171

Trademarks 172

■■ Managerial Strategy: Trademarks and Service Marks 172

Classic Case 7.1: Coca-Cola Co. v. Koke Co. of America 173

■■ Business Web Log: Amazon Faces Fake Products 178

Patents 180

■■ Business Law Analysis: The Impact of Patent Time Limits 181

Copyrights 183

Case 7.2: LEGO A/S v. ZURU Inc. 185

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment:

Beyoncé, Sampling, and a $20 Million Lawsuit 188

Case 7.3: Oracle USA, Inc. v. Rimini Street, Inc. 189

Trade Secrets 190

International Protections 191

Chapter 8

Internet Law, Social Media,

and Privacy 197

Internet Law 198

Spotlight on Internet Porn: Case 8.1: Hasbro,

Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd. 202

Copyrights in Digital Information 203

■■ Landmark in the Law: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act 203

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Riot

Games, Inc., Protects Its Online Video Game Copyrights 204

Case 8.2: BMG Rights Management (US), LLC v. Cox

Communications, Inc. 206

Social Media 207

Online Defamation 210

■■ Business Law Analysis: Immunity of ISPs

under the Communications Decency Act 211

Privacy 212

Case 8.3: Campbell v. Facebook, Inc. 212

Chapter 9

Criminal Law and Cyber Crime 220

Civil Law and Criminal Law 220

Criminal Liability 223

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Should

Bitcoin Be Illegal? 223

Case 9.1: United States v. Crabtree 224

■■ Managerial Strategy: The Criminalization of

American Business 226

Types of Crimes 228

Spotlight on White-Collar Crime: Case 9.2: People v. Sisuphan 230

Unit 2 Contracts and E-Contracts 249

Chapter 10

Nature and Classification 250

An Overview of Contract Law 250

Elements of a Contract 252

Case 10.1: Credible Behavioral Health, Inc. v. Johnson 253

Types of Contracts 254

Case 10.2: Boswell v. Panera Bread Co. 256

Quasi Contracts 259

■■ Business Law Analysis: Deciding If a Court

Would Impose a Quasi Contract 260

Interpretation of Contracts 261

Spotlight on Columbia Pictures: Case 10.3: Wagner v.

Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. 262

Chapter 11

Agreement 269

Offer 269

Classic Case 11.1: Lucy v. Zehmer 270

Spotlight on Case 11.2: Basis Technology

Corp. v., Inc. 273

■■ Business Law Analysis: Offers of a Reward 275

Acceptance 277

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment:

Can Your E-Mails Create a Valid Contract? 278

E-Contracts 280

Case 11.3: Bailey v. Kentucky Lottery Corp. 283

The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act 286

Chapter 12

Consideration 293

Elements of Consideration 293

■■ Landmark in the Law: Hamer v. Sidway (1891) 294

Case 12.1: Cincinnati Reds, L.L.C. v. Testa 295

Agreements That Lack Consideration 297

Case 12.2: Baugh v. Columbia Heart Clinic, P.A. 298

Settlement of Claims 300

Spotlight on Nike: Case 12.3: Already, LLC v. Nike, Inc. 301

Promissory Estoppel 302

Chapter 13

Capacity and Legality 307

Contractual Capacity 307

Spotlight on KFC: Case 13.1: PAK Foods Houston, LLC v. Garcia 308

Legality 311

■■ Business Law Analysis: Determining If a Contract with an

Unlicensed Party Is Enforceable 313

Case 13.2: Kennedy v. Shave Barber Co. 315

■■ Managerial Strategy: Creating Liability Waivers

That Are Not Unconscionable 318

Case 13.3: Holmes v. Multimedia KSDK, Inc. 318

The Effect of Illegality 319

Chapter 14

Voluntary Consent 326

Mistakes 326

Fraudulent Misrepresentation 329

Case 14.1: McCullough v. Allstate Property and Casualty

Insurance Co. 330

Case 14.2: Cronkelton v. Guaranteed Construction Services, LLC 333

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: The Problem

of “Contract Cheating” 334

Case 14.3: Adeli v. Silverstar Automotive, Inc. 335

Undue Influence and Duress 336

Chapter 15

The Statute of Frauds—

Writing Requirement 340

The Writing Requirement 340

Case 15.1: Sloop v. Kiker 341

Exceptions to the Statute of Frauds 345

Sufficiency of the Writing 347

Case 15.2: Moore v. Bearkat Energy Partners, LLC 348

The Parol Evidence Rule 348

Case 15.3: Habel v. Estate of Capelli 349

Chapter 16

Performance and Discharge 356

Conditions of Performance 356

Discharge by Performance 358

■■ Business Law Analysis: Determining When a Breach

Is Material 360

Case 16.1: Chalk Supply LLC v. Ribbe Real

Estate LLC 361

Discharge by Agreement 362

Case 16.2: DWB, LLC v. D&T Pure Trust 364

Discharge by Operation of Law 365

Case 16.3: Hampton Road Bankshares, Inc. v. Harvard 366

Chapter 17

Breach and Remedies 372

Damages 373

■■ Cybersecurity and the Law: Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. 374

Case 17.1: HDAV Outdoor, LLC v. Red Square Holdings, LLC 376

■■ Landmark in the Law: Hadley v. Baxendale (1854) 377

Spotlight on Liquidated Damages: Case 17.2: Kent State

University v. Ford 379

Equitable Remedies 380

■■ Business Law Analysis: Enforceability of Liquidated

Damages Provisions 381

Case 17.3: Cipriano Square Plaza Corp. v. Munawar 381

Recovery Based on Quasi Contract 385

Contract Provisions Limiting Remedies 386

Chapter 18

Third Party Rights 393

Assignments 393

Case 18.1: JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. v. McNeill 395

Delegations 398

Case 18.2: Mirandette v. Nelnet, Inc. 400

Third Party Beneficiaries 401

Case 18.3: Bozzio v. EMI Group, Ltd. 401

Unit 3 Commercial Transactions 409

Chapter 19


The Formation of Sales and Lease

Contracts 410

■■ Landmark in the Law: The Uniform Commercial Code 411

The Scope of Articles 2 and 2A 411

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment:

Taxing Web Purchases 413

The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts 415

Case 19.1: Toll Processing Services, LLC v. Kastalon, Inc. 416

Case 19.2: Cadillac Rubber & Plastics, Inc. v. Tubular Metal

Systems, LLC 420

■■ Business Law Analysis: Additional Terms between Merchants 422

Classic Case 19.3: Jones v. Star Credit Corp. 427

Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 427

Chapter 20

Title and Risk of Loss 434

Identification 435

Case 20.1: BMW Group, LLC v. Castle Oil Corp. 436

Passage of Title 437

■■ Managerial Strategy: Commercial Use of Drones 438

Spotlight on Andy Warhol: Case 20.2: Lindholm v. Brant 440

Risk of Loss 442

Case 20.3: Total Quality Logistics, LLC v. Balance Transportation, LLC 443

Insurable Interest 446

Chapter 21

Performance and Breach of

Sales and Lease Contracts 450

Obligations of the Seller or Lessor 451

Case 21.1: All the Way Towing, LLC v. Bucks County

International, Inc. 453

Obligations of the Buyer or Lessee 456

Remedies of the Seller or Lessor 459

Remedies of the Buyer or Lessee 461

Spotlight on Baseball Cards: Case 21.2: Fitl v. Strek 466

Warranties 467

Classic Case 21.3: Webster v. Blue Ship Tea Room, Inc. 471

■■ Business Law Analysis: Implied Warranties 473

Chapter 22

Negotiable Instruments 481

Formation of Negotiable Instruments 482

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Pay with Your

Smartphone 484

Case 22.1: OneWest Bank, FSB v. Nunez 488

■■ Business Law Analysis: Deciding If an Instrument

Is Negotiable 490

Case 22.2: Collins Asset Group, LLC v. Alialy 491

Transfer of Instruments 493

Holder in Due Course (HDC) 495

Case 22.3: Jarrell v. Conerly 498

Signature and Warranty Liability 500

Defenses, Limitations, and Discharge 505

Chapter 23

International and Space Law 513

International Law 513

Case 23.1: Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran 517

■■ Business Law Analysis: Sovereign Immunity Claims 519

Doing Business Internationally 519

Regulation of Specific Business Activities 522

Case 23.2: Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co.,

Ltd. v. International Trade Commission 523

U.S. Laws in a Global Context 525

Spotlight on International Torts: Case 23.3:

Daimler AG v. Bauman 526

Space Law 528

■■ Cybersecurity and the Law: Safe Satellites 529

Chapter 24

Banking 535

Checks and the Bank-Customer Relationship 536

The Bank’s Duty to Honor Checks 538

Case 24.1: Legg v. West Bank 539

Case 24.2: Horton v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. 542

The Bank’s Duty to Accept Deposits 545

■■ Landmark in the Law: Check Clearing for the 21st Century

Act (Check 21) 546

Electronic Fund Transfers 548

Case 24.3: Binns v. Truist Bank 550

Banking in the Digital Age 551

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Open Banking 552

Chapter 25

Security Interests and Creditors’

Rights 558

Creating and Perfecting a Security Interest 558

Spotlight on Wedding Rings: Case 25.1: Royal Jewelers,

Inc. v. Light 560

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment”

Secured Transactions Online 562

■■ Business Law Analysis: Perfecting a Security Interest 564

Scope of a Security Interest 567

Priorities, Rights, and Duties 569

Case 25.2: Lewis v. Chris Carbine, Inc. 570

Default 573

Case 25.3: SunTrust Bank v. Monroe 575

Other Laws Assisting Creditors 577

Chapter 26

Bankruptcy 588

The Bankruptcy Code 588

■■ Business Web Log: Online Competition, Bankruptcy,

and the “Retail Apocalypse” 589

■■ Landmark in the Law: The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention

and Consumer Protection Act 590

Chapter 7—Liquidation 591

■■ Business Law Analysis: Violations of the Automatic Stay 595

Case 26.1: In re Anderson 600

Case 26.2: In re Dykes 603

Chapter 11—Reorganization 605

Bankruptcy Relief under Chapter 13 and Chapter 12 607

Case 26.3: In re Chamberlain 609

Unit 4 Agency and Employment Law 615

Chapter 27

Agency Relationships in Business 616

Agency Law 617

Formation of an Agency 620

Duties of Agents and Principals 622

Spotlight on Taser International: Case 27.1: Taser International,

Inc. v. Ward 624

Agent’s Authority 626

Case 27.2: Dearborn West Village Condominium

Association v. Makki 628

Liability in Agency Relationships 630

■■ Business Law Analysis: Liability of Disclosed Principals 631

■■ Landmark in the Law: The Doctrine of Respondeat

Superior 634

Case 27.3: Simon v. Farm Bureau Insurance Co. 635

Termination of an Agency 636

Chapter 28

Employment, Immigration,

and Labor Law 644

Employment at Will 645

Wages, Hours, and Leave 646

Case 28.1: Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro 648

Health, Safety, Income Security, and Privacy 650

Case 28.2: Packers Sanitation Services, Inc. v. Occupational Safety

and Health Review Commission 652

■■ Business Law Analysis: Workers’ Compensation Claims 653

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Social

Media in the Workplace Come of Age 657

Immigration Law 658

Labor Law 660

■■ Managerial Strategy: Union Organizing Using a Company’s

E-Mail System 664

Case 28.3: Contemporary Cars, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board 665

Chapter 29

Employment Discrimination 672

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 673

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Hiring

Discrimination Based on Social Media Posts 677

Case 29.1: Young v. United Parcel Service, Inc. 678

■■ Business Law Analysis: Retaliation Claims 682

Case 29.2: Franchina v. City of Providence 683

Discrimination Based on Age,

Disability, or Military Status 685

Case 29.3: Kassa v. Synovus Financial Corp. 689

Defenses to Employment Discrimination 691

Affirmative Action 693

Unit 5 Business Organizations 699

Chapter 30

Sole Proprietorships and

Franchises 700

Sole Proprietorships 701

Case 30.1: Port Orchard Airport, Inc. v. Wagner 701

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment:

“Doing Business As” a Sole Proprietor 703

Franchises 704

The Franchise Contract 706

■■ Cybersecurity and the Law: Brinker

International, Inc. 708

Franchise Termination 709

Case 30.2: S&P Brake Supply, Inc. v. Daimler Trucks North

America, LLC 709

Spotlight on Holiday Inns: Case 30.3: Holiday Inn Franchising,

Inc. v. Hotel Associates, Inc. 711

Chapter 31

All Forms of Partnership 716

Basic Partnership Concepts 717

Case 31.1: Harun v. Rashid 718

Formation and Operation 720

Classic Case 31.2: Meinhard v. Salmon 723

Dissociation and Termination 726

Case 31.3: Guenther v. Ryerson 729

Limited Liability Partnerships 730

Limited Partnerships 731

Chapter 32

Limited Liability Companies

and Special Business Forms 739

The Limited Liability Company 739

■■ Landmark in the Law: Limited Liability Company

(LLC) Statutes 740

Case 32.1: Nesset, Inc. v. Jones 743

LLC Operation and Management 744

■■ Managerial Strategy: Can a Person Who Is Not a

Member of a Protected Class Sue for

Discrimination? 745

Case 32.2: Schaefer v. Orth 746

Dissociation and Dissolution

of an LLC 747

Case 32.3: Reese v. Newman 748

■■ Business Law Analysis: When Will a Court Order the

Dissolution of an LLC? 749

Special Business Forms 750

Chapter 33

Corporate Formation

and Financing 756

Nature and Classification 756

Case 33.1: Wulf v. Bravo Brio Restaurant Group, Inc. 758

Case 33.2: Pantano v. Newark Museum 760

Case 33.3: Greenfield v. Mandalay Shores Community

Association 763

Formation and Powers 764

Piercing the Corporate Veil 768

■■ Cybersecurity and the Law: The CLOUD Act 768

Corporate Financing 770

■■ Business Law Analysis: Piercing the Corporate Veil 770

Chapter 34

Corporate Directors,

Officers, and Shareholders 777

Directors and Officers 777

Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Officers 780

Case 34.1: Oliveira v. Sugarman 781

Classic Case 34.2: Guth v. Loft, Inc. 783

Shareholders 785

Rights of Shareholders 788

Case 34.3: Robinson v. Langenbach 791

Chapter 35

Corporate Mergers,

Takeovers, and Termination 796

Merger, Consolidation, and Share Exchange 796

Purchase of Assets 800

Case 35.1: McElrath v. Kalanick 800

Case 35.2: Heavenly Hana, LLC v. Hotel Union &

Hotel Industry of Hawaii Pension Plan 802

Takeovers 803

Corporate Termination 805

Major Business Forms Compared 806

Investor Protection, Insider Trading,

and Corporate Governance 812

Securities Act of 1933 813

Case 36.1: Securities and Exchange Commission v. Scoville 813

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Investment

Crowdfunding—Regulations and Restrictions 817

■■ Landmark in the Law: Changes to Regulation

A: “Reg A+” 818

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 821

Classic Case 36.2: Securities and Exchange

Commission v. Texas Gulf Sulphur Co. 822

Case 36.3: Singer v. Reali 827

State Securities Laws 829

Corporate Governance 830

Unit 6 Government Regulation 839

Chapter 37

Administrative Law 840

Practical Significance 840

Agency Creation and Powers 843

Case 37.1: Simmons v. Smith 845

The Administrative Process 846

Case 37.2: Edwin Taylor Corp. v. U.S. Department

of Labor 851

Judicial Deference to Agency Decisions 852

Case 37.3: Olivares v. Transportation Security

Administration 853

Public Accountability 854

Chapter 38

Antitrust Law

and Promoting Competition 860

The Sherman Antitrust Act 861

■■ Landmark in the Law: The Sherman

Antitrust Act 861

Case 38.1: United States v. Vega-Martínez 863

Section 1 of the Sherman Act 863

Section 2 of the Sherman Act 867

The Clayton Act 870

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Big

Tech’s Monopoly Problem 870

Case 38.2: Candelore v. Tinder, Inc. 872

Enforcement and Exemptions 875

Unit 6 Government Regulation 839

Case 38.3: TransWeb, LLC v. 3M Innovative Properties Co. 876

U.S. Antitrust Laws in the Global Context 877

Chapter 39

Consumer and Environmental Law 883

Advertising, Marketing, Sales, and Labeling 884

Case 39.1: POM Wonderful, LLC v. Federal Trade Commission 885

Case 39.2: Haywood v. Massage Envy Franchising, LLC 888

Protection of Health and Safety 891

Credit Protection 894

Case 39.3: Manuel v. Merchants and Professional Bureau, Inc. 898

Protecting the Environment 898

Air and Water Pollution 900

Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Waste 904

Chapter 40

Liability of Accountants

and Other Professionals 911

Potential Liability to Clients 912

Case 40.1: Suarez v. Fernandez 916

Potential Liability to Third Parties 917

Liability of Accountants under Federal Laws 919

Case 40.2: Laccetti v. Securities and Exchange Commission 921

Potential Criminal Liability 925

Confidentiality and Privilege 926

Case 40.3: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Schultz 926

Unit 7 Property and Its Protection 933

Chapter 41

Personal Property and Bailments 934

Personal Property versus Real Property 934

Acquiring Ownership of Personal Property 936

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: The

Exploding World of Digital Property 936

■■ Business Law Analysis: Effective Gift of a Brokerage Account 938

Classic Case 41.1: In re Estate of Piper 939

Mislaid, Lost, and Abandoned Property 941

Case 41.2: Zephier v. Agate 943

Bailments 943

Case 41.3: Zissu v. IH2 Property Illinois, L.P. 948

Chapter 42

Real Property and

Landlord-Tenant Law 956

The Nature of Real Property 956

Ownership Interests and Leases 958

Case 42.1: In the Matter of the Estate of Nelson 959

Transfer of Ownership 964

Spotlight on Sales of Haunted Houses: Case 42.2:

Stambovsky v. Ackley 965

■■ Business Law Analysis: When Possession of Property Is

Not “Adverse” 969

Case 42.3: A2 Creative Group, LLC v. Anderson 969

Landlord-Tenant Relationships 972

Chapter 43

Insurance, Wills, and Trusts 980

Insurance 980

Case 43.1: Breeden v. Buchanan 983

Wills 988

Case 43.2: In the Matter of the Estate of Thorn 992

In the Matter of the Estate of Thorn 992

■■ Adapting the Law to the Online Environment: Online

Asset Estate Planning 995

Trusts 997

Case 43.3: Dowdy v. Dowdy 999


A How to Brief Cases and Analyze Case Problems A–1

B The Constitution of the United States A–3

C The Uniform Commercial Code A–3

D Answers to the Issue Spotters A–4

E Sample Answers for Business Case Problems

with Sample Answer A–11

Glossary G–1

Table of Cases TC–1

Index I–1

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