Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, 18th Edition By Joseph P. Cannon, William D. Perreault Jr. and E. Jerome McCarthy


Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, 18th Edition

Joseph P. Cannon, William D. Perreault Jr. and E. Jerome McCarthy

Essentials of Marketing_ A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach



Marketing’s Value to Consumers, Firms, and Society 2

Marketing—What’s It All About? 4

Marketing Is Important to You 6

How Should We Define Marketing? 7

Macro-Marketing 10

The Role of Marketing in Economic Systems 13

Marketing’s Role Has Changed a Lot over the Years 16

What Does the Marketing Concept Mean? 17

The Marketing Concept and Customer Value 20

The Marketing Concept, Social Responsibility, and Marketing Ethics 24

Learning Objective Review 29

Key Terms 30

Questions and Problems 30

Suggested Cases 31

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 31


Marketing Strategy Planning 32

The Management Job in Marketing 34

What Is a Marketing Strategy? 35

Selecting a Market-Oriented Strategy Is Target

Marketing 36

Developing Marketing Mixes for Target

Markets 37

The Marketing Plan Guides Implementation and

Control 42

Recognizing Customer Lifetime Value and

Customer Equity 45

What Are Attractive Opportunities? 48

Marketing Strategy Planning Process Highlights

Opportunities 49

Types of Opportunities to Pursue 54

International Opportunities Should Be

Considered 55

Learning Objective Review 57

Key Terms 58

Questions and Problems 58

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 59

Suggested Cases 59

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 59


Evaluating Opportunities in the

Changing Market Environment 60

The Market Environment 63

Objectives Should Set Firm’s Course 64

Company Resources May Limit Search for

Opportunities 66

Analyzing Competitors and the Competitive

Environment 67

The Economic Environment 71

The Technological Environment 72

The Political Environment 75

The Legal Environment 76

The Cultural and Social Environment 77

Screening Criteria Narrow Down Strategies 85

Learning Objectives Review 89

Key Terms 90

Questions and Problems 90

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 91

Suggested Cases 91

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 91


Focusing Marketing Strategy with

Segmentation and Positioning 92

Search for Opportunities Can Begin

by Understanding Markets 94

Naming Product-Markets and Generic

Markets 97

Market Segmentation Defines Possible Target

Markets 100

Target Marketers Aim at Specific Targets 104

What Dimensions Are Used to Segment

Markets? 107

A Best Practice Approach to Segmenting

Product-Markets 110

More Sophisticated Techniques May Help

in Segmenting and Targeting 115

Differentiation and Positioning Take the

Customer Point of View 117

Learning Objectives Review 121

Key Terms 122

Questions and Problems 122

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 123

Suggested Cases 123

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 123


Final Consumers and Their Buying

Behavior 124

Consumer Behavior: Why Do They Buy What

They Buy? 126

Economic Needs Affect Most Buying

Decisions 128

Psychological Influences within an Individual 130

Social Influences Affect Consumer Behavior 139

Culture, Ethnicity, and Consumer Behavior 142

Individuals Are Affected by the Purchase

Situation 145

The Consumer Decision Process 147

Learning Objectives Review 152

Key Terms 153

Questions and Problems 153

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 154

Suggested Cases 154

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 154


Business and Organizational

Customers and Their Buying

Behavior 156

Business and Organizational Customers—A Big

Opportunity 158

Organizational Customers Are Different 160

A Model of Business and Organizational

Buying 166

Step 1: Defining the Problem 167

Step 2: The Decision-Making Process 168

Step 3: Managing Buyer–Seller Relationships in

Business Markets 172

Manufacturers Are Important Customers 177

Producers of Services—Smaller and More

Spread Out 179

Retailers and Wholesalers Buy for Their

Customers 180

The Government Market 182

Learning Objectives Review 183

Key Terms 184

Questions and Problems 184

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 185

Suggested Cases 185

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 185


Improving Decisions with Marketing

Information 186

Effective Marketing Requires Good

Information 188

Changes Are Under Way in Marketing

Information Systems 190

The Scientific Method and Marketing

Research 198

Five-Step Approach to Marketing Research 199

Step 1: Defining the Problem 200

Step 2: Analyzing the Situation 201

Step 3: Getting Problem-Specific Data 205

Step 4: Interpreting the Data 213

Step 5: Solving the Problem 216

Learning Objectives Review 217

Key Terms 217

Questions and Problems 217

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 218

Suggested Cases 218

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 218


Elements of Product Planning for

Goods and Services 220

The Product Area Involves Many Strategy

Decisions 222

What Is a Product? 223

Differences between Goods and Services 226

Technology and Intelligent Agents Add Value to

Products 229

Branding Is a Strategy Decision 232

Achieving Brand Familiarity 234

Branding Decisions: What Kind? Who

Brands? 238

Packaging Promotes, Protects, and

Enhances 241

Product Classes Help Plan Marketing

Strategies 243

Consumer Product Classes 244

Business Products Are Different 247

Business Product Classes—How They Are

Defined 247

Learning Objectives Review 250

Key Terms 251

Questions and Problems 251

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 252

Suggested Cases 252

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 252


Product Management and

New-Product Development 254

Innovation and Market Changes Create

Opportunities 256

Managing Products over Their Life Cycles 257

Product Life Cycles Vary in Length 261

Planning for Different Stages of the Product Life

Cycle 263

New-Product Planning 267

An Organized New-Product Development

Process Is Critical 269

New-Product Development: A Total Company

Effort 278

Need for Product Managers 280

Managing Product Quality 281

Learning Objectives Review 284

Key Terms 284

Questions and Problems 284

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 285

Suggested Cases 285

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 285



Place and Development of Channel

Systems 286

Marketing Strategy Planning Decisions for

Place 288

Place Decisions Are Guided by “Ideal” Place

Objectives 289

Channel System May Be Direct or Indirect 291

Channel Specialists May Reduce Discrepancies

and Separations 296

Channel Relationships Must Be Managed 300

Vertical Marketing Systems Focus on Final

Customers 304

The Best Channel System Should

Achieve Ideal Market Exposure 305

Multichannel Distribution and Reverse

Channels 308

Entering International Markets 312

Learning Objectives Review 314

Key Terms 315

Questions and Problems 315

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 316

Suggested Cases 316

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 316


Distribution Customer Service and

Logistics 318

Physical Distribution Gets It to Customers 320

Physical Distribution Customer Service 321

Physical Distribution Concept Focuses on the

Whole Distribution System 325

Coordinating Logistics Activities among

Firms 327

The Transporting Function Adds Value to a

Marketing Strategy 330

Which Transporting Alternative Is Best? 332

The Storing Function and Marketing

Strategy 335

Specialized Storing Facilities May Be

Required 337

The Distribution Center—A Different Kind of

Warehouse 338

Disaster Relief—Logistics Saves Lives 339

Learning Objectives Review 341

Key Terms 341

Questions and Problems 341

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 342

Suggested Cases 342

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 343



Retailers, Wholesalers, and Their

Strategy Planning 344

Retailers and Wholesalers Plan Their Own

Strategies 346

The Nature of Retailing 348

Planning a Retailer’s Strategy 349

Single- and Limited-Line Retailers

Specialize in Similar Products 352

Evolution of Mass-Merchandising Retailers 355

Retailing and the Internet 359

Why Retailers Evolve and Change 365

Differences in Retailing in Different Nations 368

Wholesalers Add Value in Different Ways 369

Merchant Wholesalers Are the Most

Numerous 370

Agents Are Strong on Selling 373

Learning Objectives Review 375

Key Terms 375

Questions and Problems 376

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 376

Suggested Cases 377

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 377


Promotion—Introduction to

Integrated Marketing

Communications 378

Promotion Communicates to Target Markets 380

Several Promotion Methods Are Available 382

Someone Must Plan, Integrate, and Manage

the Promotion Blend 383

Which Methods to Use Depends on Promotion

Objectives 385

Promotion Requires Effective

Communication 389

When Customers Initiate the Communication

Process 394

How Typical Promotion Plans Are Blended and

Integrated 397

Adoption Processes Can Guide Promotion

Planning 400

Promotion Blends Vary over the Product Life

Cycle 402

Setting the Promotion Budget 404

Learning Objectives Review 406

Key Terms 407

Questions and Problems 407

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 408

Suggested Cases 408

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 408



Personal Selling and Customer

Service 410

The Importance and Role of Personal Selling 412

What Kinds of Personal Selling Are Needed? 415

Order Getters Develop New Business

Relationships 415

Order Takers Nurture Relationships

to Keep the Business Coming 417

Supporting Sales Force Informs and Promotes in

the Channel 418

Customer Service Promotes the Next

Purchase 419

The Right Structure Helps Assign

Responsibility 422

Information Technology Provides Tools to Do the

Job 425

Sound Selection and Training to Build a Sales

Force 428

Compensating and Motivating Salespeople 430

Personal Selling Techniques—Prospecting and

Presenting 433

Real Sales Jobs 437

Learning Objectives Review 439

Key Terms 440

Questions and Problems 440

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 441

Suggested Cases 441

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 441


Advertising and Sales

Promotion 442

Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Marketing

Strategy Planning 444

Advertising Is Big Business 446

Advertising Objectives Are a Strategy

Decision 448

Objectives Determine the Kinds of Advertising

Needed 449

Choosing the “Best” Medium—How to Deliver

the Message 452

Digital and Mobile Advertising 456

Planning the “Best” Message—What to

Communicate 462

Measuring Advertising Effectiveness Is Not

Easy 466

Avoid Unfair Advertising 467

Sales Promotion—Do Something Different to

Stimulate Change 469

Managing Sales Promotion 473

Learning Objectives Review 474

Key Terms 475

Questions and Problems 475

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 476

Suggested Cases 476

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 476



Publicity: Promotion Using Earned

Media, Owned Media, and Social

Media 478

Publicity, the Promotion Blend, and

Marketing Strategy Planning 481

Paid, Earned, and Owned Media 482

Customers Obtain Information from Search,

Pass-Along, and Experience 486

Create Owned Media Content Your Customers

Can Use 489

Earned Media from Public Relations and the

Press 495

Earned Media from Customer Advocacy 497

Social Media Differs from Traditional Media 499

Major Social Media Platforms 501

Strategy Planning for Social Media 509

Software to Manage, Measure, and Automate

Online Media 513

Learning Objectives Review 516

Key Terms 516

Questions and Problems 516

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 517

Suggested Cases 517

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 517


Pricing Objectives and Policies 518

Price Has Many Strategy Dimensions 520

Objectives Should Guide Strategy Planning for

Price 524

Profit-Oriented Objectives 524

Sales-Oriented Objectives 526

Status Quo–Oriented Objectives 527

Most Firms Set Specific Pricing Policies—To

Reach Objectives 528

Price Flexibility Policies 528

Price-Level Policies and the Product Life

Cycle 532

Discount Policies—Reductions from List

Prices 534

Allowance Policies—Off List Prices 536

Pricing Policies for Price Reductions,

Financing, and Transportation 537

Pricing Policies Combine to Impact Customer

Value 542

Legality of Pricing Policies 545

Learning Objectives Review 548

Key Terms 549

Questions and Problems 549

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 550

Suggested Cases 550

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 550



Price Setting in the Business

World 552

Price Setting Is a Key Strategy Decision 554

Some Firms Just Use Markups 555

Average-Cost Pricing Is Common and Can Be

Dangerous 559

Marketing Managers Must Consider Various

Kinds of Costs 560

Break-Even Analysis Can Evaluate Possible

Prices 563

Marginal Analysis Considers Both Costs and

Demand 566

Additional Demand-Oriented Approaches for

Setting Prices 568

Pricing a Full Line 575

Learning Objectives Review 577

Key Terms 577

Questions and Problems 578

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 578

Suggested Cases 579

Marketing Analytics: Data to Knowledge 579


Appraisal, Review, and Reflection of

Marketing in the 21st Century 580

Appraisal, Review, and Reflection 582

How Should Marketing Be Evaluated? 583

Can Consumer Satisfaction Be Measured? 585

Micro-Marketing Often Does Cost Too Much 586

Macro-Marketing Does Not Cost Too Much 588

Marketing Strategy Planning Process

Requires Logic and Creativity 591

The Marketing Plan Brings All the Details

Together 594

Reflecting on the Future of Marketing: Is

Marketing Evil? 597

Reflecting on the Future of Marketing: Is

Marketing Good? 600

Learning Objectives Review 607

Key Terms 608

Questions and Problems 608

Marketing Planning for Hillside Veterinary Clinic 609

Suggested Cases 609



Bonus Chapter 1: Implementing

and Controlling Marketing Plans:

Metrics and Analysis 611



Bonus Chapter 2: Managing

Marketing’s Link with

Other Functional Areas 612


Economics Fundamentals 613


Marketing Arithmetic 614


Career Planning in Marketing 615


Hillside Veterinary Clinic Marketing

Plan 616

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