Generative AI with LangChain: Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT, and other LLMs by Ben Auffarth


Generative AI with LangChain: Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT, and other LLMs

Ben Auffarth

Generative AI with LangChain

Table of Contents

Preface xv

Chapter 1: What Is Generative AI? 1

Introducing generative AI ………………. 2

What are generative models? • 4

Why now? • 8

Understanding LLMs ……………………. 11

What is a GPT? • 13

Other LLMs • 16

Major players • 18

How do GPT models work? • 20

Pre-training • 23

Tokenization • 24

Scaling • 25

Conditioning • 26

How to try out these models • 27

What are text-to-image models? ……. 27

What can AI do in other domains? …. 33

Summary …………………………………… 34

Questions …………………………………… 35

Chapter 2: LangChain for LLM Apps 37

Going beyond stochastic parrots ……. 38

What are the limitations of LLMs? • 38

How can we mitigate LLM limitations? • 42

What is an LLM app? • 43

What is LangChain? …………………….. 46

Exploring key components of LangChain ………………………… 50

What are chains? • 50

What are agents? • 52

What is memory? • 54

What are tools? • 55

How does LangChain work? ………….. 57

Comparing LangChain with other frameworks ………………… 60

Summary …………………………………… 61

Questions …………………………………… 62

Chapter 3: Getting Started with LangChain 65

How to set up the dependencies for this book …………………… 65

pip • 67

Poetry • 68

Conda • 68

Docker • 68

Exploring API model integrations ….. 69

Fake LLM • 72

OpenAI • 73

Hugging Face • 75

Google Cloud Platform • 77

Jina AI • 80

Replicate • 82

Others • 84

Azure • 84

Anthropic • 85

Exploring local models ………………… 85

Hugging Face Transformers • 86

llama.cpp • 87

GPT4All • 88

Building an application for customer service ……………………. 89

Summary …………………………………… 96

Questions …………………………………… 96

Chapter 4: Building Capable Assistants 99

Mitigating hallucinations through fact-checking ……………. 100

Summarizing information ………….. 103

Basic prompting • 103

Prompt templates • 104

Chain of density • 105

Map-Reduce pipelines • 107

Monitoring token usage • 109

Extracting information from documents ………………………… 112

Answering questions with tools ……. 116

Information retrieval with tools • 116

Building a visual interface • 118

Exploring reasoning strategies ……… 121

Summary ………………………………….. 129

Questions …………………………………. 130

Chapter 5: Building a Chatbot like ChatGPT 131

What is a chatbot? ………………………. 132

Understanding retrieval and vectors ………………………………. 134

Embeddings • 135

Vector storage • 139

Vector indexing • 140

Vector libraries • 141

Vector databases • 143

Loading and retrieving in LangChain …………………………….. 148

Document loaders • 149

Retrievers in LangChain • 150

kNN retriever • 151

PubMed retriever • 152

Custom retrievers • 153

Implementing a chatbot ……………… 153

Document loader • 154

Vector storage • 155

Memory • 160

Conversation buffers • 161

Remembering conversation summaries • 164

Storing knowledge graphs • 164

Combining several memory mechanisms • 165

Long-term persistence • 166

Moderating responses …………………. 167

Summary …………………………………. 170

Questions ………………………………….. 171

Chapter 6: Developing Software with Generative AI 173

Software development and AI ………. 174

Code LLMs • 175

Writing code with LLMs ……………… 179

StarCoder • 179

StarChat • 184

Llama 2 • 186

Small local model • 187

Automating software development ……………………………….. 189

Summary …………………………………. 201

Questions …………………………………. 201

Chapter 7: LLMs for Data Science 203

The impact of generative models on data science ……………. 204

Automated data science ……………… 207

Data collection • 209

Visualization and EDA • 210

Preprocessing and feature extraction • 210

AutoML • 211

Using agents to answer data science questions ………………… 213

Data exploration with LLMs ………… 217

Summary …………………………………. 222

Questions …………………………………. 223

Chapter 8: Customizing LLMs and Their Output 225

Conditioning LLMs ……………………. 226

Methods for conditioning • 227

Reinforcement learning with human feedback • 228

Low-rank adaptation • 229

Inference-time conditioning • 230

Fine-tuning ………………………………. 232

Setup for fine-tuning • 233

Open-source models • 236

Commercial models • 241

Prompt engineering …………………… 242

Prompt techniques • 244

Zero-shot prompting • 246

Few-shot learning • 246

Chain-of-thought prompting • 248

Self-consistency • 249

Tree-of-thought • 251

Summary …………………………………. 255

Questions …………………………………. 255

Chapter 9: Generative AI in Production 257

How to get LLM apps ready for production …………………….. 258

Terminology • 260

How to evaluate LLM apps …………… 261

Comparing two outputs • 264

Comparing against criteria • 265

String and semantic comparisons • 267

Running evaluations against datasets • 268

How to deploy LLM apps …………….. 273

FastAPI web server • 276

Ray • 280

How to observe LLM apps …………… 284

Tracking responses • 287

Observability tools • 289

LangSmith • 291

PromptWatch • 294

Summary …………………………………. 295

Questions …………………………………. 296

Chapter 10: The Future of Generative Models 299

The current state of generative AI ………………………………… 300

Challenges • 302

Trends in model development • 304

Big Tech vs. small enterprises • 307

Artificial General Intelligence • 309

Economic consequences …………….. 310

Creative industries and advertising • 313

Education • 315

Law • 315

Manufacturing • 316

Medicine • 316

Military • 316

Societal implications ………………….. 317

Misinformation and cybersecurity • 318

Regulations and implementation challenges • 319

The road ahead ………………………….. 321

Other Books You May Enjoy 325

Index 329

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