Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach by Frank H. Netter


Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach

Frank H. Netter

Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy



General Anatomy • Plates 1–3

1 Body Planes and Terms of Relationship

2 Body Parts: Anterior View of Female

3 Body Parts: Posterior View of Male

Systematic Anatomy • Plates 4–21

4 Overview of Nervous System

5 Dermatomes of Upper and Lower Limbs

6 Sympathetic Nervous System: Schema

7 Parasympathetic Nervous System: Schema

8 Overview of Skeletal System

9 Types of Synovial Joints

10 Overview of Muscular System

11 Segmental Motor Nerve Function

12 Cross Section of Skin

13 Overview of Cardiovascular System

14 Major Arteries and Pulse Points

15 Major Systemic Veins of Cardiovascular System

16 Overview of Lymph Vessels and Lymphoid Organs

17 Overview of Respiratory System

18 Overview of Digestive System

19 Overview of Urinary System

20 Overview of Reproductive System

21 Overview of Endocrine System

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 1–BP 13

BP 1 Pilosebaceous Apparatus

BP 2 Major Body Cavities

BP 3 Neurons and Synapses

BP 4 Features of a Typical Peripheral Nerve

BP 5 Sites of Visceral Referred Pain

BP 6 Sympathetic Nervous System: General Topography

BP 7 Parasympathetic Nervous System: General Topography

BP 8 Cholinergic and Adrenergic Synapses: Schema

BP 9 Architecture of Bone

BP 10 Muscle Structure

BP 11 Joints: Connective Tissues and Articular Cartilage

BP 12 Cardiovascular System: Composition of Blood

BP 13 Arterial Wall

SECTION 2 HEAD AND NECK • Plates 22–177

Surface Anatomy • Plates 22–24

22 Surface Anatomy of Head and Neck

23 Cutaneous Nerves of Head and Neck

24 Superficial Arteries and Veins of Face and Scalp

Bones and Joints • Plates 25–47

25 Skull: Anterior View

26 Skull: Radiographs

27 Skull: Lateral View

28 Skull: Lateral Radiograph

29 Cranium: Median Section

30 Calvaria

31 Cranial Base: Inferior View

32 Cranial Base: Superior View

33 Foramina and Canals of Cranial Base: Inferior View

34 Foramina and Canals of Cranial Base: Superior View

35 Cranium of Newborn

36 Bony Framework of Head and Neck

37 Nasal Skeleton and Paranasal Sinuses

38 Cranium: Posterior and Lateral Views

39 Mandible

40 Teeth

41 Tooth

42 Temporomandibular Joint

43 Cervical Vertebrae: Atlas and Axis

44 Cervical Vertebrae

45 Cervical Part of Spinal Column

46 External Craniocervical Ligaments

47 Internal Craniocervical Ligaments

Neck • Plates 48–58

48 Muscles of Facial Expression: Lateral View

49 Muscles of Neck: Anterior View

50 Superficial Veins of Neck

51 Fascial Layers of Neck

52 Cervical Fasciae

53 Infrahyoid and Suprahyoid Muscles

54 Muscles of Neck: Lateral View

55 Anterior and Lateral Cervical Muscles

56 Nerves of Neck

57 Nerves of Neck and Cervical Plexus

58 Carotid Arteries

Nose • Plates 59–82

59 Skeleton of Nose

60 Muscles, Nerves, and Arteries of Face

61 Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity

62 Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity of Cranium

63 Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity (Nasal Septum)

64 Nerves of Nasal Cavity

65 Vasculature of Nasal Cavity

66 Nerves of Nasal Cavity: Bony Nasal Septum Turned Up

67 Paranasal Sinuses: Paramedian Views

68 Paranasal Sinuses: Changes with Age

69 Paranasal Sinuses: Coronal and Transverse Sections

70 Salivary Glands

71 Facial Nerve Branches and Parotid Gland

72 Muscles of Mastication: Masseter and Temporalis Muscle

73 Muscles of Mastication: Pterygoid Muscles

74 Maxillary Artery

75 Temporal and Infratemporal Fossae

76 Superficial Temporal and Maxillary Arteries

77 Mandibular Nerve (CN V3)

78 Infratemporal Fossa

79 Ophthalmic and Maxillary Nerves

80 Autonomic Innervation of Nasal Cavity

81 Nerves and Arteries of Midface

82 Orientation of Nerves and Vessels of Cranial Base

Mouth • Plates 83–90

83 Inspection of Oral Cavity

84 Afferent Innervation of Oral Cavity and Tongue

85 Roof of Oral Cavity

86 Tongue and Salivary Glands: Sections

87 Suprahyoid Muscles

88 Tongue

89 Dorsum of Tongue

90 Fauces

Pharynx • Plates 91–102

91 Posterior View of Pharynx: Nerves and Vessels

92 Muscles of Pharynx: Partially Opened Posterior View

93 Pharynx: Opened Posterior View

94 Pharyngoesophageal Junction

95 Pharynx: Medial View

96 Muscles of Pharynx: Medial View

97 Muscles of Pharynx: Lateral View

98 Nerves of Oral and Pharyngeal Regions

99 Arteries of Head and Neck

100 Veins of Head and Neck

101 Lymph Nodes of Head and Neck

102 Lymph Nodes of Pharynx and Tongue

Larynx and Endocrine Glands • Plates 103–109

103 Thyroid Gland: Anterior View

104 Thyroid Gland: Posterior View

105 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

106 Cartilages of Larynx

107 Intrinsic Muscles of Larynx

108 Nerves and Coronal Section of Larynx

109 Action of Intrinsic Muscles of Larynx

Eye • Plates 110–120

110 Eyelids

111 Lacrimal Apparatus

112 Extrinsic Eye Muscles

113 Nerves of Orbit

114 Superior and Anterior Views of Orbit

115 Arteries and Veins of Orbit and Eyelids

116 Eyeball: Transverse Section

117 Anterior and Posterior Chambers of Eyeball

118 Lens and Supporting Structures

119 Intrinsic Arteries and Veins of Eye

120 Vascular Supply of Eye

Ear • Plates 121–126

121 Ear and Course of Sound in Cochlea

122 External Ear and Tympanic Cavity

123 Tympanic Cavity

124 Bony and Membranous Labyrinths

125 Bony and Membranous Labyrinths: Schema and Section

126 Orientation of Labyrinths in Cranium

Brain and Meninges • Plates 127–142

127 Meninges and Diploic Veins

128 Meningeal Arteries

129 Meninges and Superficial Cerebral Veins

130 Dural Venous Sinuses: Sagittal Section

131 Dural Venous Sinuses: Cranial Base

132 Brain: Lateral Views

133 Brain: Medial Views

134 Brain: Inferior View

135 Ventricles of Brain

136 Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid

137 Basal Nuclei

138 Thalamus and Related Structures

139 Hippocampus and Fornix

140 Brain Stem

141 Ventricles and Cerebellum

142 Cerebellum

Cranial and Cervical Nerves • Plates 143–162

143 Cranial Nerve Nuclei in Brain Stem: Schema (Posterior View)

144 Cranial Nerve Nuclei in Brain Stem: Schema (Medial View)

145 Cranial Nerves: Schema of Motor and Sensory Distribution

146 Olfactory Nerve (CN I) and Olfactory Pathways: Schema

147 Optic Nerve (CN II) and Visual Pathway: Schema

148 Oculomotor (CN III), Trochlear (CN IV), and Abducens (CN VI)

Nerves: Schema

149 Trigeminal Nerve (CN V): Schema

150 Facial Nerve (CN VII): Schema

151 Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII): Schema

152 Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX): Schema

153 Vagus Nerve (CN X): Schema

154 Accessory Nerve (CN XI): Schema

155 Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII): Schema

156 Cervical Plexus: Schema

157 Autonomic Nerves in Neck

158 Autonomic Nerves in Head

159 Ciliary Ganglion: Schema

160 Pterygopalatine and Submandibular Ganglia: Schema

161 Otic Ganglion: Schema

162 Taste Pathways: Schema

Cerebral Vasculature • Plates 163–175

163 Arteries to Brain and Meninges

164 Internal Carotid Artery in Petrous Part of Temporal Bone

165 Arteries to Brain: Schema

166 Arteries of Brain: Inferior Views

167 Cerebral Arterial Circle (of Willis)

168 Arteries of Brain: Frontal View and Section

169 Arteries of Brain: Lateral and Medial Views

170 Arteries of Brain: Branches of Vertebral and Basilar Arteries

171 Veins of Posterior Cranial Fossa

172 Deep Veins of Brain

173 Subependymal Veins of Brain

174 Hypothalamus and Hypophysis

175 Vasculature of Hypothalamus and Hypophysis

Regional Imaging • Plates 176–177

176 Cranial Imaging (MRA and MRV)

177 Cranial Imaging (MRI)

Structures with High Clinical Significance • Tables 2.1–2.4

Cranial Nerves • Tables 2.5–2.8

Branches of Cervical Plexus • Table 2.9

Muscles • Tables 2.10–2.14

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 14–BP 32

BP 14 Somatosensory System: Trunk and Limbs

BP 15 Pyramidal System

BP 16 3D Skull Reconstruction CTs

BP 17 Degenerative Changes in Cervical Vertebrae

BP 18 Atlantooccipital Junction

BP 19 Muscles of Facial Expression: Anterior View

BP 20 Musculature of Face

BP 21 Arteries of Nasal Cavity: Bony Nasal Septum Turned Up

BP 22 Nose and Maxillary Sinus: Transverse Section

BP 23 Paranasal Sinuses

BP 24 Subclavian Artery

BP 25 Opening of Mandible

BP 26 Afferent Innervation of Oral Cavity and Pharynx

BP 27 Fasciae of Orbit and Eyeball

BP 28 Tympanic Cavity: Medial and Lateral Views

BP 29 Anatomy of Pediatric Ear

BP 30 Auditory Tube (Eustachian)

BP 31 Cranial Imaging (MRV and MRA)

BP 32 Axial and Coronal MRIs of Brain

SECTION 3 BACK • Plates 178–201

Surface Anatomy • Plate 178

178 Surface Anatomy of Back

Vertebral Column • Plates 179–185

179 Vertebral Column

180 Thoracic Vertebrae

181 Lumbar Vertebrae

182 Vertebrae: Radiograph and MRI

183 Sacrum and Coccyx

184 Ligaments of Vertebral Column: Lumbosacral Region

185 Joints of Vertebral Column: Lumbar Region

Spinal Cord • Plates 186–194

186 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

187 Spinal Nerve Roots and Vertebrae

188 Dermatomes

189 Spinal Meninges and Nerve Roots

190 Spinal Nerve, Roots, and Rami

191 Arteries of Spinal Cord: Schema

192 Arteries of Spinal Cord: Intrinsic Distribution

193 Veins of Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column

194 Veins of Vertebral Column: Vertebral Veins

Muscles and Nerves • Plates 195–199

195 Muscles of Back: Superficial Layer

196 Muscles of Back: Intermediate Layer

197 Muscles of Back: Deep Layer

198 Nerves of Back

199 Nerves of Back of Neck


Anatomy • Plates 200–201

200 Lumbar Region of Back: Cross Section

201 Typical Thoracic Spinal Nerve

Structures with High Clinical Significance • Table 3.1

Muscles • Tables 3.2–3.4

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 33–BP 40

BP 33 Ligaments of Vertebral Column

BP 34 Cervical Spine: Radiographs

BP 35 Cervical Spine: MRI and Radiograph

BP 36 Thoracolumbar Spine: Lateral Radiograph

BP 37 Lumbar Vertebrae: Radiographs

BP 38 Lumbar Spine: MRIs

BP 39 Vertebral Veins: Detail Showing Venous Communications

BP 40 Spinal Cord Cross Sections: Fiber Tracts

SECTION 4 THORAX • Plates 202–266

Surface Anatomy • Plate 202

202 Surface Anatomy of Thorax

Thoracic Skeleton • Plates 203–204

203 Bony Framework of Thorax

204 Ribs and Associated Joints

Mammary Glands • Plates 205–208

205 Mammary Glands

206 Arteries of Breast

207 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Breast

208 Lymphatic Drainage of Breast

Thoracic Wall and Diaphragm • Plates 209–216

209 Anterior Thoracic Wall: Superficial Dissection

210 Anterior Thoracic Wall: Deeper Dissection

211 Anterior Thoracic Wall: Internal View

212 Intercostal Nerves and Arteries

213 Veins of Thoracic Wall

214 Phrenic Nerve and Relationship to Pericardium

215 Diaphragm: Thoracic Surface

216 Diaphragm: Abdominal Surface

Lungs, Trachea and Bronchi • Plates 217–230

217 Lungs in Thorax: Anterior View

218 Lungs in Thorax: Posterior View

219 Lungs in Situ: Anterior View

220 Great Vessels of Mediastinum

221 Lungs: Medial Views

222 Bronchial Arteries and Veins

223 Bronchopulmonary Segments: Anterior and Posterior Views

224 Bronchopulmonary Segments: Medial and Lateral Views

225 Trachea and Major Bronchi

226 Bronchi and Intrapulmonary Airways

227 Intrapulmonary Blood Circulation: Schema

228 Lymph Vessels of Thorax and Pulmonary and Mediastinal

Lymph Nodes

229 Autonomic Nerves of Thorax

230 Innervation of Tracheobronchial Tree: Schema

Heart • Plates 231–250

231 Heart in Situ

232 Heart: Anterior Exposure

233 Heart and Precordial Areas of Auscultation

234 Heart: Radiographs and CT Angiogram

235 Heart: Base and Diaphragmatic Surface

236 Pericardial Sac and Pericardial Cavity

237 Mediastinum: Cross Section

238 Thorax: Coronal Section of Heart and Ascending Aorta

239 Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins

240 Coronary Arteries: Imaging

241 Right Atrium and Ventricle

242 Left Atrium and Ventricle

243 Valvular Complex of Heart

244 Valvular Complex of Heart (Continued)

245 Atria, Ventricles, and Interventricular Septum

246 Heart Valves

247 Prenatal and Postnatal Circulation

248 Conducting System of Heart

249 Nerves of Thorax

250 Innervation of Heart: Schema

Mediastinum • Plates 251–261

251 Mediastinum: Right Lateral View

252 Mediastinum: Left Lateral View

253 Phrenic Nerve

254 Esophagus in Situ

255 Esophagus: Constrictions and Relations

256 Musculature of Esophagus

257 Esophagogastric Junction

258 Arteries of Esophagus

259 Veins of Esophagus

260 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Esophagus

261 Nerves of Esophagus


Anatomy • Plates 262–266

262 Thorax: Axial CT Images

263 Cross Section of Thorax at T3 Vertebral Level

264 Cross Section of Thorax at T3/T4 Disc Level

265 Cross Section of Thorax at T4/T5 Disc Level

266 Cross Section of Thorax at T7 Vertebral Level

Structures with High Clinical Significance • Tables 4.1–4.3

Muscles • Table 4.4

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 41–BP 52

BP 41 Cervical Ribs and Related Variations

BP 42 Muscle Attachments of Ribs

BP 43 Muscles of Respiration

BP 44 Intrapulmonary Airways: Schema

BP 45 Anatomy of Ventilation and Respiration

BP 46 Coronary Arteries: Right Anterolateral Views with


BP 47 Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins: Variations

BP 48 Intrinsic Nerves and Variations in Nerves of Esophagus

BP 49 Arteries of Esophagus: Variations

BP 50 Thorax: Coronal Section

BP 51 Thorax: Coronal CTs

BP 52 Innervation of Blood Vessels: Schema

SECTION 5 ABDOMEN • Plates 267–351

Surface Anatomy • Plate 267

267 Surface Anatomy of Abdomen

Abdominal Wall • Plates 268–287

268 Bony Framework of Abdomen

269 Regions and Planes of Abdomen

270 Anterior Abdominal Wall: Superficial Dissection

271 Anterior Abdominal Wall: Intermediate Dissection

272 Anterior Abdominal Wall: Deep Dissection

273 Rectus Sheath: Cross Section

274 Anterior Abdominal Wall: Internal View

275 Posterolateral Abdominal Wall

276 Arteries of Anterior Abdominal Wall

277 Veins of Anterior Abdominal Wall

278 Nerves of Anterior Abdominal Wall

279 Intercostal Nerves

280 Inguinal Region: Dissections

281 Inguinal Canal and Spermatic Cord

282 Femoral Sheath and Inguinal Canal

283 Posterior Abdominal Wall: Internal View

284 Arteries of Posterior Abdominal Wall

285 Veins of Posterior Abdominal Wall

286 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Posterior Abdominal


287 Nerves of Posterior Abdominal Wall

Peritoneal Cavity • Plates 288–293

288 Greater Omentum and Abdominal Viscera

289 Mesenteries and Suspensory Muscle of Duodenum

290 Mesocolons and Root of Mesentery

291 Omental Bursa: Stomach Reflected

292 Omental Bursa: Cross Section

293 Peritoneum of Posterior Abdominal Wall

Stomach and Intestines • Plates 294–301

294 Stomach in Situ

295 Mucosa of Stomach

296 Duodenum in Situ

297 Mucosa and Musculature of Small Intestine

298 Ileocecal Junction

299 Cecum and Ileal Orifice

300 Vermiform Appendix

301 Mucosa and Musculature of Large Intestine

Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas and Spleen • Plates 302–307

302 Surfaces and Bed of Liver

303 Liver in Situ: Vascular and Duct Systems

304 Liver Structure: Schema

305 Gallbladder, Extrahepatic Bile Ducts, and Pancreatic Duct

306 Pancreas in Situ

307 Spleen

Visceral Vasculature • Plates 308–318

308 Arteries of Stomach, Liver, and Spleen

309 Celiac Trunk and Branches

310 Arteries of Liver, Pancreas, Duodenum, and Spleen

311 Celiac Arteriogram and CT Angiogram

312 Arteries of Duodenum and Head of Pancreas

313 Arteries of Small Intestine

314 Arteries of Large Intestine

315 Veins of Stomach, Duodenum, Pancreas, and Spleen

316 Veins of Small Intestine

317 Veins of Large Intestine

318 Hepatic Portal Vein, Tributaries, and Portacaval Anastomoses

Visceral Nerves and Plexuses • Plates 319–329

319 Autonomic Nerves and Ganglia of Abdomen

320 Autonomic Innervation of Stomach and Duodenum

321 Autonomic Innervation of Stomach and Duodenum


322 Autonomic Innervation of Small Intestine

323 Autonomic Innervation of Large Intestine

324 Autonomic Innervation of Intestine: Schema

325 Autonomic Innervation of Esophagus, Stomach, and

Duodenum: Schema

326 Autonomic Reflex Pathways: Schema

327 Enteric Plexuses of Intestine

328 Autonomic Innervation of Liver: Schema

329 Autonomic Innervation of Pancreas: Schema

Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands • Plates 330–343

330 Kidneys in Situ: Anterior Views

331 Kidneys in Situ: Posterior Views

332 Suprarenal Glands

333 Gross Structure of Kidney

334 Intrarenal Arteries and Renal Segments

335 Ureters in Abdomen and Pelvis

336 Arteries of Ureters and Urinary Bladder

337 Renal Fascia

338 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Kidneys and Urinary


339 Autonomic Nerves of Kidneys, Ureters, and Urinary Bladder

340 Autonomic Innervation of Kidneys and Abdominal Part of

Ureters: Schema

341 Autonomic Nerves of Suprarenal Glands: Dissection and


342 Arteries and Veins of Suprarenal Glands in Situ

343 Abdominal Wall and Viscera: Paramedian Section

Lymphatics • Plates 344

344 Lymphatic Drainage of Abdomen and Pelvis: Schema

Regional Imaging • Plates 345–346

345 Abdominal Scans: Axial CT Images

346 Abdominal Scans: Axial CT Images (Continued)


Anatomy • Plates 347–351

347 Cross Section at T10 Vertebral Level, Through

Esophagogastric Junction

348 Cross Section at T12 Vertebral Level, Inferior to Xiphoid


349 Cross Section at T12/L1 Disc Level

350 Cross Section at L1/L2 Disc Level

351 Cross Section at L3/L4 Disc Level

Structures with High Clinical Significance • Tables 5.1–5.3

Muscles • Table 5.4

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 53–BP 83

BP 53 Inguinal and Femoral Regions

BP 54 Indirect Inguinal Hernia

BP 55 Variations in Position and Contour of Stomach in Relation to

Body Habitus

BP 56 Layers of Duodenal Wall

BP 57 CT and MRCP Showing Appendix, Gallbladder, and Ducts;

Nerve Branches of Hepatic Artery

BP 58 Topography of Liver

BP 59 Variations in Form of Liver

BP 60 Sigmoid Colon: Variations in Position

BP 61 Variations in Arterial Supply to Cecum and Posterior

Peritoneal Attachment of Cecum

BP 62 Variations in Pancreatic Duct

BP 63 Variations in Cystic, Hepatic, and Pancreatic Ducts

BP 64 Variations in Cystic Arteries

BP 65 Variations in Hepatic Arteries

BP 66 Variations and Anomalies of Hepatic Portal Vein

BP 67 Variations in Celiac Trunk

BP 68 Variations in Colic Arteries

BP 69 Variations in Colic Arteries (Continued)

BP 70 Variations in Renal Artery and Vein

BP 71 Histology of Renal Corpuscle

BP 72 Nephron and Collecting Tubule: Schema

BP 73 Blood Vessels in Parenchyma of Kidney: Schema

BP 74 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Stomach

BP 75 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Pancreas

BP 76 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Small Intestine

BP 77 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Large Intestine

BP 78 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Liver

BP 79 Schematic Cross Section of Abdomen at T12 Vertebral Level

BP 80 Transverse Section of Abdomen: L5 Vertebral Level, Near

Transtubercular Plane

BP 81 Transverse Section of Abdomen: S1 Vertebral Level, Anterior

Superior Iliac Spine

BP 82 Axial CT Image of Upper Abdomen

BP 83 Arterial Variations and Collateral Supply of Liver and


SECTION 6 PELVIS • Plates 352–421

Surface Anatomy • Plate 352

352 Surface Anatomy of Pelvis

Bony Pelvis • Plates 353–357

353 Bony Framework of Pelvis

354 Male and Female Pelvis: Radiographs

355 Sex Differences of Bony Pelvis: Measurements

356 Ligaments of Bony Pelvis

357 Ligaments of Hip Bone

Pelvic Diaphragm and Viscera • Plates 358–368

358 Pelvic Diaphragm: Female

359 Pelvic Diaphragm (Female): Medial and Superior Views

360 Pelvic Diaphragm (Female): Inferior Views

361 Pelvic Diaphragm (Male): Superior View

362 Pelvic Diaphragm (Male): Inferior View

363 Pelvic Cavity: Female

364 Pelvic Viscera and Perineum: Female

365 Female Internal Genital Organs

366 Endopelvic Fascia

367 Pelvic Cavity: Male

368 Pelvic Viscera and Perineum: Male

Urinary Bladder • Plates 369–371

369 Urinary Bladder: Orientation and Supports

370 Female Urethral Sphincters

371 Urinary Bladder: Female and Male

Female Internal Genitalia • Plates 372–376

372 Uterus, Vagina, and Supporting Structures

373 Uterus: Fascial Ligaments

374 Uterus and Adnexa

375 Pelvic Viscera: Female

376 Pelvic Ligaments

Female Perineum and External Genitalia • Plates 377–380

377 Female Perineum and External Genitalia

378 Female Perineum (Superficial Dissection)

379 Female Perineum (Deeper Dissection)

380 Female Perineal Spaces

Male Perineum and External Genitalia • Plates 381–388

381 Male Perineum and External Genitalia (Superficial Dissection)

382 Male Perineum and External Genitalia (Deeper Dissection)

383 Penis

384 Male Perineal Spaces

385 Prostate and Seminal Gland

386 Urethra

387 Descent of Testis

388 Scrotum and Contents

Homologies of Male and Female Genitalia • Plates 389–390

389 Homologues of External Genitalia

390 Homologues of Internal Genitalia

Male Internal Genitalia • Plates 391–392

391 Testes

392 Testis, Epididymis, and Ductus Deferens

Rectum and Anal Canal • Plates 393–399

393 Rectum in Situ: Female and Male

394 Ischioanal Fossae

395 Rectum and Anal Canal

396 Anorectal Musculature

397 External Anal Sphincter: Perineal Views

398 Perineal and Pelvic Extraperitoneal Spaces: Actual and


399 Pelvic Scans: Sagittal T2-Weighted


Vasculature • Plates 400–410

400 Arteries of Rectum and Anal Canal: Male Posterior View

401 Veins of Rectum and Anal Canal: Female Anterior View

402 Arteries and Veins of Pelvic Viscera: Female Anterior View

403 Arteries and Veins of Testis: Anterior View

404 Arteries of Pelvis: Female

405 Arteries and Veins of Pelvis: Male

406 Arteries and Veins of Perineum and Uterus

407 Arteries and Veins of Perineum: Male

408 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Pelvis and Genitalia: Female

409 Inguinal Nodes and Lymph Vessels of Perineum: Female

410 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Pelvis and Genitalia: Male

Nerves of Perineum and Pelvic Viscera • Plates 411–419

411 Nerves of External Genitalia: Male

412 Nerves of Pelvic Viscera: Male

413 Nerves of Perineum: Male

414 Nerves of Pelvic Viscera: Female

415 Nerves of Perineum and External Genitalia: Female

416 Neuropathways in Parturition

417 Innervation of Female Reproductive Organs: Schema

418 Innervation of Male Reproductive Organs: Schema

419 Innervation of Urinary Bladder and Lower Ureter: Schema


Anatomy • Plates 420–421

420 Male Pelvis: Cross Section of Bladder‒Prostate Junction

421 Female Pelvis: Cross Section of Vagina and Urethra

Structures with High Clinical Significance • Tables 6.1–6.3

Muscles • Table 6.4

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 84–BP 95

BP 84 Fasciae of Pelvis and Perineum: Male and Female

BP 85 Cystourethrograms: Male and Female

BP 86 Female Urethra

BP 87 Genetics of Reproduction

BP 88 Menstrual Cycle

BP 89 Uterine Development

BP 90 Ovary, Oocytes, and Follicles

BP 91 Variations in Hymen

BP 92 Cross Section of Pelvis Through Prostate

BP 93 Arteries and Veins of Pelvis: Male (Featuring Prostate)

BP 94 Cross Section of Lower Pelvis

BP 95 Endocrine Glands, Hormones, and Puberty

SECTION 7 UPPER LIMB • Plates 422–490

Surface Anatomy • Plates 422–426

422 Surface Anatomy of Upper Limb

423 Cutaneous Innervation of Upper Limb

424 Superficial Veins of Proximal Upper Limb

425 Superficial Veins of Forearm and Hand

426 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Upper Limb

Shoulder and Axilla • Plates 427–439

427 Humerus and Scapula

428 Muscle Attachment Sites of Humerus, Scapula, and Clavicle

429 Clavicle and Sternoclavicular Joint

430 Shoulder: Anteroposterior Radiograph

431 Joints of Shoulder

432 Muscles of Shoulder

433 Axilla: Posterior Wall

434 Rotator Cuff Muscles

435 Pectoral, Clavipectoral, and Axillary Fasciae

436 Shoulder Region

437 Axillary Artery and Anastomoses Around Scapula

438 Axilla: Anterior View

439 Brachial Plexus: Schema

Arm • Plates 440–445

440 Muscles of Arm: Anterior Compartment

441 Muscles of Arm: Posterior Compartment

442 Brachial Artery in Situ

443 Arteries of Upper Limb

444 Veins of Upper Limb

445 Arm: Serial Cross Sections

Elbow and Forearm • Plates 446–461

446 Bones of Elbow

447 Elbow: Radiographs

448 Ligaments of Elbow

449 Bones of Forearm

450 Muscles of Forearm: Pronators and Supinator

451 Muscles of Forearm: Extensors of Wrist and Digits

452 Muscles of Forearm: Flexors of Wrist

453 Muscles of Forearm: Flexors of Digits

454 Muscles of Forearm: Superficial Part of Posterior


455 Muscles of Forearm: Deep Part of Posterior Compartment

456 Muscles of Forearm: Superficial Part of Anterior


457 Muscles of Forearm: Anterior Compartment

458 Muscles of Forearm: Deep Part of Anterior Compartment

459 Attachments of Muscles of Forearm: Anterior View

460 Attachments of Muscles of Forearm: Posterior View

461 Forearm: Serial Cross Sections

Wrist and Hand • Plates 462–481

462 Carpal Bones

463 Movements of Wrist

464 Ligaments of Wrist: Anterior View

465 Ligaments of Wrist: Posterior View

466 Bones of Hand

467 Wrist and Hand: Radiographs

468 Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Ligaments

469 Wrist and Hand: Superficial Palmar Dissections

470 Wrist and Hand: Deeper Palmar Dissections

471 Lumbrical Muscles, Midpalmar and Thenar Spaces, and

Tendon Sheaths

472 Flexor Tendons, Arteries, and Nerves at Wrist

473 Spaces and Tendon Sheaths of Hand

474 Flexor and Extensor Tendons in Fingers

475 Muscles of Hand

476 Arteries of Hand: Palmar Views

477 Wrist and Hand: Superficial Lateral Dissection

478 Wrist and Hand: Superficial Dorsal Dissection

479 Nerves and Arteries of Dorsal Hand and Wrist

480 Extensor Tendons at Wrist

481 Fingers

Nerves and Vasculature • Plates 482–489

482 Cutaneous Innervation of Wrist and Hand

483 Arteries and Nerves of Upper Limb: Anterior View

484 Nerves of Upper Limb

485 Musculocutaneous Nerve

486 Median Nerve

487 Ulnar Nerve

488 Radial Nerve in Arm and Nerves of Posterior Shoulder

489 Radial Nerve in Forearm and Hand

Regional Imaging • Plate 490

490 Shoulder MRI and CT

Structures with High Clinical Significance • Tables 7.1–7.2

Nerves of Brachial Plexus • Tables 7.3–7.4

Muscles • Tables 7.5–7.8

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 96–BP 102

BP 96 Arteries of Arm and Proximal Forearm

BP 97 Arteries of Forearm and Hand

BP 98 Ligaments of Wrist: Posterior and Anterior Views

BP 99 Flexor and Extensor Zones of Hand

BP 100 Cross Sections Through Metacarpal and Distal Carpal Bones

BP 101 Cross Section of Hand: Axial View

BP 102 Cross Section of Hand: Axial View (Continued)

SECTION 8 LOWER LIMB • Plates 491–556

Surface Anatomy • Plates 491–494

491 Surface Anatomy of Lower Limb

492 Superficial Veins of Lower Limb: Anterior View

493 Superficial Veins of Lower Limb: Posterior View

494 Lymph Vessels and Lymph Nodes of Lower Limb

Hip, Buttock, and Thigh • Plates 495–515

495 Hip Bone

496 Hip Joint

497 Hip Joint: Anteroposterior Radiograph

498 Attachments of Muscles of Hip and Thigh: Anterior View

499 Attachments of Muscles of Hip and Thigh: Posterior View

500 Femur

501 Muscles of Hip and Thigh: Lateral View

502 Muscles of Thigh: Anterior Compartment

503 Muscles of Thigh: Medial Compartment

504 Muscles of Hip and Thigh: Posterior Views

505 Psoas and Ilacus Muscle

506 Lumbosacral Plexuses

507 Lumbar Plexus

508 Sacral and Coccygeal Plexuses

509 Arteries of Thigh: Anterior Views

510 Arteries of Thigh: Anterior View of Deeper Dissection

511 Arteries of Thigh: Posterior View

512 Nerves of Buttock

513 Hip Bursae: Posterior and Anterolateral Views

514 Arteries of Femoral Head and Neck

515 Thigh: Serial Cross Sections

Knee • Plates 516–523

516 Knee: Medial and Lateral Views

517 Knee: Anterior Views

518 Knee: Interior Views

519 Knee: Cruciate and Collateral Ligaments

520 Knee: Anteroposterior Radiograph and Posterior View

521 Knee: Posterior and Sagittal Views

522 Arteries of Lower Limb

523 Veins of Lower Limb

Leg • Plates 524–534

524 Tibia and Fibula: Anterior and Posterior Views

525 Tibia and Fibula: Additional Views and Cross Section

526 Attachments of Muscles of Leg

527 Muscles of Leg: Superficial Part of Posterior Compartment

528 Muscles of Leg: Superficial Part of Posterior Compartment

(Partial Dissection)

529 Muscles of Leg: Deep Part of Posterior Compartment

530 Muscles of Leg: Lateral Compartment

531 Muscles of Leg: Anterior Compartment

532 Muscles of Leg: Anterior Compartment (Continued)

533 Veins of Leg

534 Leg: Cross Sections and Compartments

Ankle and Foot • Plates 535–549

535 Bones of Foot: Superior and Inferior Views

536 Bones of Foot: Lateral View

537 Calcaneus

538 Ligaments of Ankle and Foot

539 Ligaments of Foot: Plantar View

540 Tendon Sheaths of Ankle

541 Muscles of Dorsum of Foot: Superficial Dissection

542 Muscles of Dorsum of Foot: Deep Dissection

543 Sole of Foot: Superficial Dissection

544 Muscles of Sole of Foot: First Layer

545 Muscles of Sole of Foot: Second Layer

546 Muscles of Sole of Foot: Third Layer

547 Interosseous Muscles and Deep Arteries of Foot

548 Interosseous Muscles of Foot

549 Cross Section of Foot

Nerves • Plates 550–554

550 Femoral Nerve and Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve

551 Obturator Nerve

552 Sciatic Nerve and Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve

553 Tibial Nerve

554 Common Fibular Nerve

Regional Imaging • Plates 555–556

555 Hip: MRI and 3D CT

556 Ankle: Radiographs

Structures with High Clinical Significance • Tables 8.1–8.2

Nerves of Lumbosacral Plexus • Tables 8.3–8.4

Muscles • Tables 8.5–8.8

Electronic Bonus Plates • Plates BP 103–BP 112

BP 103 Arteries of Knee and Foot

BP 104 Cross-Sectional

Anatomy of Hip: Axial View

BP 105 Arteries of Thigh and Knee

BP 106 Leg: Serial Cross Sections

BP 107 Osteology of Knee

BP 108 Knee Radiograph: Lateral View

BP 109 Foot: Nerves and Arteries

BP 110 Cross-Sectional

Anatomy of Ankle and Foot

BP 111 Cross-Sectional

Anatomy of Foot

BP 112 Anatomy of Toenail



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