Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib, Third Edition


Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib, Third Edition

Robert Johansson

Numerical Python

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Computing with Python ……………………………………….. 1

Environments for Computing with Python ………. 4

Python …………….. 4

Interpreter …………………………….4

IPython Console … 5

Input and Output Caching ……….6

Autocompletion and Object Introspection ………………………….. 7

Documentation ……………………..7

Interaction with the System Shell ……………8

IPython Extensions ………………..8

Jupyter ………….. 12

The Jupyter QtConsole …………13

The Jupyter Notebook ………….14

Jupyter Lab …………………………16

Cell Types ……………………………17

Editing Cells ………………………..18

Markdown Cells …………………..19

Rich Output Display ……………..20

nbconvert ……………………………24

Spyder: An Integrated Development Environment ……………………….25

Source Code Editor ……………….27

Consoles in Spyder ……………….27

Object Inspector ………………….28

Summary ………..28

Further Reading ………………28

Chapter 2: Vectors, Matrices, and Multidimensional Arrays ………………………….29

Importing the Modules …….30

The NumPy Array Object …..30

Data Types ………………………….31

Order of Array Data in Memory ……………..33

Creating Arrays ……………….34

Arrays Created from Lists and Other Array-Like Objects ……..35

Arrays Filled with Constant Values ………..36

Arrays Filled with Incremental Sequences ………………………..37

Arrays Filled with Logarithmic Sequences ………………………..37

Meshgrid Arrays ………………….37

Creating Uninitialized Arrays …38

Creating Arrays with Properties of Other Arrays …………………38

Creating Matrix Arrays ………….39

Indexing and Slicing ………..40

One-Dimensional Arrays ……….40

Multidimensional Arrays ……….41

Views …………………………………42

Fancy Indexing and Boolean-Valued Indexing ……………………43

Reshaping and Resizing …..45

Vectorized Expressions ……48

Arithmetic Operations …………..50

Elementwise Functions ………..52

Aggregate Functions ……………55

Boolean Arrays and Conditional Expressions ……………………..57

Set Operations …………………….59

Operations on Arrays ……………60

Matrix and Vector Operations ………………………61

Summary ………..65

Further Reading ………………66

Chapter 3: Symbolic Computing …………67

Importing SymPy …………….67

Symbols ………….68

Numbers …………………………….70

Expressions …….75

Manipulating Expressions …………………………..76

Simplification ………………………76

Expand ……………………………….77

Factor, Collect, and Combine …78

Apart, Together, and Cancel …..79

Substitutions ……………………….79

Numerical Evaluation ………80

Calculus ………….81

Derivatives ………………………….82

Integrals ……………………………..83

Series ………………………………..85

Limits …………………………………86

Sums and Products ……………..87

Equations ……….88

Linear Algebra …90

Summary ………..93

Further Reading ………………93

Chapter 4: Plotting and Visualization ….95

Importing Modules ………….96

Getting Started ……………….96

Interactive and Noninteractive Modes ……99

Figure …………..101

Axes ……………..102

Plot Types …………………………103

Line Properties ………………….104

Legends ……………………………108

Text Formatting and Annotations …………109

Axis Properties …………………..110

Advanced Axes Layouts ….119

Insets ……………………………….119

Subplots ……………………………120

Subplot2grid ……………………..122

GridSpec …………………………..123

Colormap Plots ……………..124

3 D Plots ………..126

Summary ………128

Further Reading …………….128

Chapter 5: Equation Solving …………….129

Importing Modules ………..130

Linear Equation Systems …………………………..130

Square Systems …………………131

Rectangular Systems ………….135

Eigenvalue Problems ……..138

Nonlinear Equations ………139

Univariate Equations …………..140

Systems of Nonlinear Equations ………….145

Summary ………149

Further Reading …………….149

Chapter 6: Optimization …………………..151

Importing Modules ………..151

Classification of Optimization Problems ………152

Univariate Optimization ….154

Unconstrained Multivariate Optimization …….156

Nonlinear Least Square Problems ………………162

Constrained Optimization ………………………….164

Linear Programming …………..168

Summary ………170

Further Reading …………….170

Chapter 7: Interpolation ………………….171

Importing Modules ………..171

Interpolation ….172

Polynomials …..173

Polynomial Interpolation …175

Spline Interpolation ……….179

Multivariate Interpolation ………………………….181

Summary ………187

Further Reading …………….187

Chapter 8: Integration …………………….189

Importing Modules ………..190

Numerical Integration Methods ………………….190

Numerical Integration with SciPy ……………….194

Tabulated Integrand ……………196

Multiple Integration ……….198

Symbolic and Arbitrary-Precision Integration ……………………………………………………..202

Line Integrals …………………….204

Integral Transforms ……….204

Summary ………207

Further Reading …………….207

Chapter 9: Ordinary Differential Equations ………………………………………………..209

Importing Modules ………..209

Ordinary Differential Equations ………………….210

Symbolic Solution to ODEs ………………………..211

Direction Fields ………………….216

Solving ODEs Using Laplace Transformations ………………….219

Numerical Methods for Solving ODEs ………….222

Numerical Integration of ODEs Using SciPy …225

Summary ………236

Further Reading …………….236

Chapter 10: Sparse Matrices and Graphs ………………………………………………….237

Importing Modules ………..237

Sparse Matrices in SciPy ………………………….238

Functions for Creating Sparse Matrices ………………………….241

Sparse Linear Algebra Functions …………244

Linear Equation Systems …….244

Graphs and Networks …………249

Summary ………255

Further Reading …………….256

Chapter 11: Partial Differential Equations …………………………………………………257

Importing Modules ………..258

Partial Differential Equations ……………………..258

Finite-Difference Methods …………………………259

Finite-Element Methods …264

Survey of FEM Libraries ……..266

Solving PDEs Using FEniCS ……………………….267

Summary ………285

Further Reading …………….285

Chapter 12: Data Processing and Analysis ………………………………………………..287

Importing Modules ………..288

Introduction to Pandas …..288

Series ………………………………288

DataFrame ………………………..290

Time Series ……………………….298

The Seaborn Graphics Library ……………………307

Summary ………312

Further Reading …………….312

Chapter 13: Statistics ……………………..315

Importing Modules ………..315

Review of Statistics and Probability ……………316

Random Numbers ………….317

Random Variables and Distributions …………..320

Hypothesis Testing ………..327

Nonparametric Methods …331

Summary ………333

Further Reading …………….334

Chapter 14: Statistical Modeling ………335

Importing Modules ………..336

Introduction to Statistical Modeling ……………336

Defining Statistical Models with Patsy ………..337

Linear Regression …………345

Example Datasets ……………….351

Discrete Regression ………352

Logistic Regression ……………353

Poisson Model …………………..357

Time Series …..360

Summary ………363

Further Reading …………….364

Chapter 15: Machine Learning …………365

Importing Modules ………..366

Brief Review of Machine Learning ……………..366

Regression ……368

Classification …376

Clustering ……..380

Summary ………384

Further Reading …………….384

Chapter 16: Bayesian Statistics ……….385

Importing Modules ………..386

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics ……………..386

Model Definition ……………388

Sampling Posterior Distributions …………393

Linear Regression ……………….396

Summary ………407

Further Reading …………….407

Chapter 17: Signal Processing …………409

Importing Modules ………..409

Spectral Analysis …………..410

Fourier Transforms …………….410

Windowing ………………………..415

Spectrogram ……………………..418

Signal Filters …421

Convolution Filters ……………..422

FIR and IIR Filters ……………….424

Summary ………428

Further Reading …………….428

Chapter 18: Data Input and Output ……429

Importing Modules ………..430

Comma-Separated Values …………………………430

HDF5 …………….434

h5py …………………………………435

PyTables …………………………..444

Pandas HDFStore ……………….447

Parquet …………449

JSON ……………451

Serialization ….454

Summary ………456

Further Reading …………….456

Chapter 19: Code Optimization …………459

Importing Modules ………..461

Numba ………….461

Cython ………….467

Summary ………475

Further Reading …………….476

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