The Little Owl: Population Dynamics, Behavior and Management of Athene noctua, Second Edition
Dries Van Nieuwenhuyse, Ronald Van Harxen, David H. Johnson
Foreword ix
Jean-Claude Génot
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xv
Executive Summary 1
1 Introduction: Framework 5
2 History and Traditions 9
3 Fossil Evidence, Taxonomy and Genetics 20
Chapter Summary 20
3.1 Fossil Evidence 21
3.2 Discovery of the Species 22
3.3 Discovery of the Subspecies 27
3.4 Morphology and Coloration 45
3.5 Morphological Descriptions 48
3.6 Geographical Distribution 73
3.7 Genetic Approach 80
3.8 Vocalizations 87
3.9 Taxonomic Discussions 88
4 Morphology and Body Characteristics 89
Chapter Summary 89
4.1 Embryonic Development 89
4.2 Owlet Development 92
4.3 Plumage 101
4.4 Molt 107
4.5 Eyes 114
4.6 Ears 118
4.7 Bill 119
4.8 Measurements 122
4.9 Voice 131
4.10 Flight 144
4.11 Digestive Organs 145
5 Distribution, Population Estimates and Trends 146
Chapter Summary 146
5.1 Distribution 148
5.2 Population Numbers 152
5.3 Densities 155
5.4 Trends 163
5.5 Overview per Country 168
6 Habitat 239
Chapter Summary 239
6.1 Natural Habitats 240
6.2 Anthropogenic Habitats 241
6.3 Habitat Preferences 244
6.4 Habitat Suitability Factors 250
6.5 Assessments at Multiple Spatial Scales 264
6.6 Multilevel Resource Selection 269
7 Diet 271
Chapter Summary 271
7.1 Hunting 271
7.2 Capturing Prey 275
7.3 Prey Caching 276
7.4 Prey Species 278
7.5 Large Prey 279
7.6 Seasonal Variation 279
7.7 Geographical Variation 281
7.8 Different Methods 283
8 Breeding Season 324
Chapter Summary 324
8.1 Pair Formation and Pair Bond 324
8.2 Life Expectancy 327
8.3 Copulations 329
8.4 Nest Sites 331
8.5 The Nest 337
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8.6 Eggs 337
8.7 Laying of Eggs 342
8.8 Laying Interval 344
8.9 Clutch Size 345
8.10 Replacement Clutches 354
8.11 Incubation 356
8.12 Hatching 358
8.13 Egg Failure 360
8.14 Prolonged Incubation 363
8.15 Number of Nestlings 364
8.16 Nest Success 368
8.17 Egg Success 371
8.18 Condition 373
8.19 Fledging Success 374
8.20 Mortality 380
8.21 Cainism 382
8.22 Lifetime Reproductive Success 382
8.23 Extra-Pair Copulation 385
9 Behavior 386
Chapter Summary 386
9.1 Body Movements 386
9.2 Locomotion 388
9.3 Roosting and Sleeping 388
9.4 Preening 390
9.5 Nest-Site Competitors 392
9.6 Enemies 395
9.7 Social Behavior 396
9.8 Territorial Behavior 397
9.9 Division of Tasks 398
9.10 Parents and Young 398
9.11 Handling Prey 400
9.12 Two Females Nesting Together 403
9.13 Behavior Towards Humans 404
10 Population Regulation 405
Chapter Summary 405
10.1 Introduction to Population Regulation 407
10.2 Environmental Limiting Factors 407
10.3 Demographic Limiting Factors 435
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11 Management and Conservation 480
Chapter Summary 480
11.1 Conservation Status and Threats 480
11.2 Conservation Strategy for the Little Owl 481
12 Research Priorities 553
12.1 Research Priorities 553
12.2 Recent Insights 553
12.3 Research Topics 555
12.4 Conclusion 562
References 563
Index 608